What objection can there be to solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner?

I didn't complain about taxes, that is you trying to change the subject because you have gotten to a point where you can't answer a simple question.

Why do I need to qualify for UC and another person does not? Do you not believe in unemployment for simply being unemployed?
Unemployment compensation is compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States. Any amount you earn would reduce the unemployment compensation benefit. So, why do that instead of simply get an easy job that pays at least fifteen dollars an hour if you need more money. Or, learn how to invest in markets until you can generate enough income to meet your current lifestyle goals?

That is not how unemployment works. Unemployment replaces earned income that is lost due to losing a job without cause.

Why is it okay for you not to work and get paid and I could not, even though we both lost our job? That is not equal protection under the law.
That is a lie. Somehow you think that paying thousands of people out of the tax coffers will create so much more taxes that the original workers will not pay more taxes? That is delusional.

Plus, look at the taxes on people making less. With Earned Income Credit and such, they actually pay very little in income taxes.
Not at all. It is merely your lack of understanding that is delusional. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage can generate over nine times more than can the minimum wage at 7.25 due to our system of progressive taxation. A nine to one ratio. More taxes will be generated simply because people making more will qualify for less earned income tax credit.

Absolute bullshit. Do you have link for that? Because I can prove you are lying.

2020-2021 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

That link shows the federal tax brackets. For a single person making between $9,876 and $40,125, the tax rate is 12%. $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $15,080.00. $15 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $31,200.00.

Both $7.25 and $15 pay the same tax percentage of 12%. On $7.25 and hour that comes to $1,809.60 in taxes. On $15 and hour it comes to $3,744.00.
That is NOT nine times more tax paid. Not even close.
I have the moral fortitude to work for a living and support myself. You should try it.
lol. I have done it and did not complain about taxes like right wingers tend to do.

And you didn't have the moral fortitude to continue to work. Imagine that.

And given a choice, I had rather have people complain about taxes, and keep working, than to whine about having to work, quit, and demand that others support them.
Social responsibility is called working and not asking others to support you because you are to lazy to work. That is what is socially responsibility is. Why do you want to change the rules on unemployment? Why do you now need a qualifier?
Bearing true witness to our own laws is also being socially responsible; and multiplier of two is being fiscally responsible in an at-will employment State.

You just have silly excuses for the want to be lazy.
To begin to understand Daniel's perspective on work, you just have to go back and look at some of the things he has said.

My favorite was “I only believe, fools and horses should Have to work. that is all.”. Obviously, he believes the people working to earn their own money and support themselves are fools.
That is a lie. Somehow you think that paying thousands of people out of the tax coffers will create so much more taxes that the original workers will not pay more taxes? That is delusional.

Plus, look at the taxes on people making less. With Earned Income Credit and such, they actually pay very little in income taxes.
Not at all. It is merely your lack of understanding that is delusional. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage can generate over nine times more than can the minimum wage at 7.25 due to our system of progressive taxation. A nine to one ratio. More taxes will be generated simply because people making more will qualify for less earned income tax credit.

Absolute bullshit. Do you have link for that? Because I can prove you are lying.

2020-2021 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

That link shows the federal tax brackets. For a single person making between $9,876 and $40,125, the tax rate is 12%. $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $15,080.00. $15 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $31,200.00.

Both $7.25 and $15 pay the same tax percentage of 12%. On $7.25 and hour that comes to $1,809.60 in taxes. On $15 and hour it comes to $3,744.00.
That is NOT nine times more tax paid. Not even close.

Absolute bullshit. Do you have link for that? Because I can prove you are lying.

He's right that the individual pays more in the 12% bracket but the corporation pays
less tax in the 21% bracket. Besides reducing employment, it would also reduce
net government revenues.
No, it is not the point. The natural rate of unemployment is around 4%. So 96% of the working population has a job, despite there being no requirement for an employer to hire them.

You have to make yourself attractive to the employer.
We are still talking about millions of persons. We would not need an endless war on poverty if what you claim is true. Why do we have any homeless problems or right wingers complaining about taxes if it is so easy to lift yourselves up from low wage jobs that make you complain about taxes?

Why can't the left wingers solve homelessness in their own states? Why is homelessness more prominent in left winger states?
That topic was actually covered in this thread in prior pages. First, States can't print their own money and second, red States simply change the way poverty and homelessness are counted to make it seem like they have lower numbers of homeless.

You are incorrect on how the count, the homeless issue is greater in California, Oregon and Washington. Please keep up, you just like to avoid the hard cold facts because they hurt you ideology. :itsok:
Not at all. Right wingers have no facts and merely believe they are Right, because in right wing fantasy y'all can Always be Right. You need a link. I provided a link that claims what I stated.

You and your right BS is getting old, your blanket statements are moronic at best. It doesn’t advance anything. As far as your homeless BS, 8 of the top 9 areas in homelessness are heavy blue states.
Homelessness in the US: These 9 states have the worst crises. These are numbers from the fed, not by state agencies. Spare me your BS.
Blanket statements by right wingers are worse.

Blue States tend to have better benefits. Red States simply try to criminalize poverty.

Homelessness is growing at an alarming rate locally and nationally, and many cities’ solution to the crisis is to criminalize poverty by passing constitutionally dubious laws crafted to harass the homeless. Sadly, Memphis is no exception to this. Such efforts are not only inhumane and immoral, but have been legally challenged as violations of the First, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. More to the point, these efforts are ineffective, counterproductive and fiscally irresponsible.--https://midsouthpeace.org/the-issues/homelessness-and-poverty/

More fallacy from the man of fallacy. You are clueless when it comes to the homeless.


No, they are not. But employers hire people every day. Aside from the pandemic lockdown, the employers in the US hire the overwhelming majority of the population.

In order to get a job, especially a better job, you try to curry the favor of the employer. Not being a suckup, but by doing what they need to make their business better.
Capitalism still has a natural rate of unemployment and why is there any homelessness in Right to Work States?

Changing direction yet again.

Once you win, he changes direction, that shows how clueless he really is on his fallacy of cause.
That is a lie. Somehow you think that paying thousands of people out of the tax coffers will create so much more taxes that the original workers will not pay more taxes? That is delusional.

Plus, look at the taxes on people making less. With Earned Income Credit and such, they actually pay very little in income taxes.
Not at all. It is merely your lack of understanding that is delusional. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage can generate over nine times more than can the minimum wage at 7.25 due to our system of progressive taxation. A nine to one ratio. More taxes will be generated simply because people making more will qualify for less earned income tax credit.

Absolute bullshit. Do you have link for that? Because I can prove you are lying.

2020-2021 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

That link shows the federal tax brackets. For a single person making between $9,876 and $40,125, the tax rate is 12%. $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $15,080.00. $15 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $31,200.00.

Both $7.25 and $15 pay the same tax percentage of 12%. On $7.25 and hour that comes to $1,809.60 in taxes. On $15 and hour it comes to $3,744.00.
That is NOT nine times more tax paid. Not even close.

Absolute bullshit. Do you have link for that? Because I can prove you are lying.

He's right that the individual pays more in the 12% bracket but the corporation pays
less tax in the 21% bracket. Besides reducing employment, it would also reduce
net government revenues.

Yes, the individual pays more in the 12% tax bracket. But not 9 times more, as he claimed. It is about 2 times more, like the pay rate is roughly 2 times more.
There are no rules that say you can't have other income coming in if you become unemployed. So you are wanting to add rules.
Earned income reduces the benefit amount.
We aren’t talking about earned income and you know it. We are talking passive income, like SSI, 401K and pensions. So, earned income would lower it your unemployment, however passive income does not and that is what I have, so I should get 100% of the unemployment. Funny how you only want some to get money without working but with others you show your bigotry.
Any income should should reduce the benefit amount to keep it simple; no need to encourage greed with a social policy.

So we are not equal under the law? No unemployment for the sake of being unemployed? You have no job, you get benefits, I have no job, I don't get benefits because why? Because I made better choices than you? It seems you now want to put conditions on your unemployment, where as before you claimed unemployment for simply being unemployed? Giving all unemployed UC would create a multiplier X2! Seems you are not wanting unemployment for all for simply being unemployed in a right to work state.
That is a lie. Somehow you think that paying thousands of people out of the tax coffers will create so much more taxes that the original workers will not pay more taxes? That is delusional.

Plus, look at the taxes on people making less. With Earned Income Credit and such, they actually pay very little in income taxes.
Not at all. It is merely your lack of understanding that is delusional. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage can generate over nine times more than can the minimum wage at 7.25 due to our system of progressive taxation. A nine to one ratio. More taxes will be generated simply because people making more will qualify for less earned income tax credit.

Absolute bullshit. Do you have link for that? Because I can prove you are lying.

2020-2021 Tax Brackets | Bankrate

That link shows the federal tax brackets. For a single person making between $9,876 and $40,125, the tax rate is 12%. $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $15,080.00. $15 an hour, working 40 hours a week comes to $31,200.00.

Both $7.25 and $15 pay the same tax percentage of 12%. On $7.25 and hour that comes to $1,809.60 in taxes. On $15 and hour it comes to $3,744.00.
That is NOT nine times more tax paid. Not even close.

Absolute bullshit. Do you have link for that? Because I can prove you are lying.

He's right that the individual pays more in the 12% bracket but the corporation pays
less tax in the 21% bracket. Besides reducing employment, it would also reduce
net government revenues.

Yes, the individual pays more in the 12% tax bracket. But not 9 times more, as he claimed. It is about 2 times more, like the pay rate is roughly 2 times more.


Well, 2080 hours at $7.25 is $15,080 gross.
Less $12400 for the standard deduction. $2680 AGI, taxed at 10%, $268 in Federal Income taxes.

2080 hours at $15 is $31,200 gross, less $12400 is $18,800 AGI. $9875 at 10% = $987.50
and $8925 at 12% = $1071.00 Total Federal Income taxes = $2058.50.....$1790.50 more.

1790.5 / 268 = 6.68 times more).

Which is all besides the point.

The employer has a $16,120 larger salary expense for the $15/worker, so he saves $16,120 x 21% or 3385.20, which more than wipes out the 1790.50 gain from the worker.
Are you actually pretending that the opportunity cost is not real?
I am saying that your view of a zero sum effect is not real. There is a difference.
And I am saying that you are completely ignoring the very real opportunity cost AND the fact that you would be changing the program fundamentally, so your cherished and repeated multiplier effect will simply NOT be 2.
I didn't complain about taxes, that is you trying to change the subject because you have gotten to a point where you can't answer a simple question.

Why do I need to qualify for UC and another person does not? Do you not believe in unemployment for simply being unemployed?
Unemployment compensation is compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States. Any amount you earn would reduce the unemployment compensation benefit. So, why do that instead of simply get an easy job that pays at least fifteen dollars an hour if you need more money. Or, learn how to invest in markets until you can generate enough income to meet your current lifestyle goals?
Well, I can see you're not budging from your mantra. Shame, really, since there have been some very helpful attempts at getting you to see the truth. Your first sentence is a flat out untruth and a fallacy. If you had any integrity at all you would stop repeating it.
IOW, inflation. Do it too fast and you cost a lot of jobs in a short period of time that the market cannot absorb.
Why would it matter if Labor could simply quit on an at-will basis in an at-will employment State?
Because you need a lot of tax revenue coming in to pay for the ones who refuse to work, and the more that quit, the fewer there are generating that revenue. Besides, inflation would eat up the boost from the higher payouts. In short order we would be right back where we started with you guys complaining that $15/hr isn't enough to buy weed any more.
Yes, a lot of tax money would be coming in and a lot of that taxed money would be going out and generating an already measured multiplier of two.
You won't get a lot of tax money from people making $15/hr. Why do you think you will get enough money from the people making $15/hr to pay for all the people you're going to give $15/hr to not work? Are you being deliberately dumb about this?

And, again, you won't get a multiplier of two. You need to stop saying that because it's false. You know what that means, you're dishing out FALLACIES, and you have the most of them.
No, it is not the point. The natural rate of unemployment is around 4%. So 96% of the working population has a job, despite there being no requirement for an employer to hire them.

You have to make yourself attractive to the employer.
We are still talking about millions of persons. We would not need an endless war on poverty if what you claim is true. Why do we have any homeless problems or right wingers complaining about taxes if it is so easy to lift yourselves up from low wage jobs that make you complain about taxes?

Why can't the left wingers solve homelessness in their own states? Why is homelessness more prominent in left winger states?
That topic was actually covered in this thread in prior pages. First, States can't print their own money and second, red States simply change the way poverty and homelessness are counted to make it seem like they have lower numbers of homeless.

You are incorrect on how the count, the homeless issue is greater in California, Oregon and Washington. Please keep up, you just like to avoid the hard cold facts because they hurt you ideology. :itsok:
Not at all. Right wingers have no facts and merely believe they are Right, because in right wing fantasy y'all can Always be Right. You need a link. I provided a link that claims what I stated.

You and your right BS is getting old, your blanket statements are moronic at best. It doesn’t advance anything. As far as your homeless BS, 8 of the top 9 areas in homelessness are heavy blue states.
Homelessness in the US: These 9 states have the worst crises. These are numbers from the fed, not by state agencies. Spare me your BS.
Blanket statements by right wingers are worse.

Blue States tend to have better benefits. Red States simply try to criminalize poverty.

Homelessness is growing at an alarming rate locally and nationally, and many cities’ solution to the crisis is to criminalize poverty by passing constitutionally dubious laws crafted to harass the homeless. Sadly, Memphis is no exception to this. Such efforts are not only inhumane and immoral, but have been legally challenged as violations of the First, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. More to the point, these efforts are ineffective, counterproductive and fiscally irresponsible.--https://midsouthpeace.org/the-issues/homelessness-and-poverty/
Would you please cite your source that homelessness is growing at an alarming rate? We just had a Republican president and the press loves to drag out the old homeless problem when Republicans are president, and they haven't been talking about it.
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I didn't complain about taxes, that is you trying to change the subject because you have gotten to a point where you can't answer a simple question.

Why do I need to qualify for UC and another person does not? Do you not believe in unemployment for simply being unemployed?
Unemployment compensation is compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States. Any amount you earn would reduce the unemployment compensation benefit. So, why do that instead of simply get an easy job that pays at least fifteen dollars an hour if you need more money. Or, learn how to invest in markets until you can generate enough income to meet your current lifestyle goals?
Well, I can see you're not budging from your mantra. Shame, really, since there have been some very helpful attempts at getting you to see the truth. Your first sentence is a flat out untruth and a fallacy. If you had any integrity at all you would stop repeating it.

He is just closed minded, arrogant and ignorant is his calling. Reasoning with the unreasonable is just a waste of energy. He is entertaining and his ignorant and arrogant posts do make me laugh at his inability to reason or compromise, no wonder his state assembly blows him off.
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Yes, they would be paid by lowering my net income, which I earned. You keep bouncing back and forth between what helps the poor and what helps the economy.
You miss the point that your net income would be higher even with any potential taxes taken out. And, even those on unemployment compensation pay general taxes which reduces their net income.

My net income would not be higher by taking taxes out to give to someone else who refuses to work.
Yes, it would be higher than it is now since unemployment compensation could be providing an upward pressure wages. Simply doubling the minimum wage is sufficient proof. An employee making fifteen dollars an hour simply makes more money that at the current minimum wage and need not complain about taxes.

I have not been paid minimum wage in 40 years. If you raise minimum wages, the entire country's pay does not go up by that amount.

But my taxes go up to cover the lazy asses who want to sit at home and collect my tax dollars for doing nothing.
Wages will have an upward pressure since labor will be using those metrics to consider participation in the market for labor.
Your taxes will not go up since even those on unemployment compensation will be paying taxes not just you.

That is a lie. Somehow you think that paying thousands of people out of the tax coffers will create so much more taxes that the original workers will not pay more taxes? That is delusional.

Plus, look at the taxes on people making less. With Earned Income Credit and such, they actually pay very little in income taxes.
He seems to think that paying non-working people $15/hr will generate enough tax revenue that we can afford to pay non-working people $15/hr. Perpetual motion machine, here we come!
He keeps getting himself caught on that one. Bottom line, he doesn't want anyone else applying means testing, just him.
Earned income from gainful employment usually has to be reported for unemployment compensation purposes and is current practice now.

And if people do not report their income from gainful employment, such as those who are paid cash? What happens to them in the new plan of yours?
Why would they bother working if they could be lazy, and do nothing? And, it would depend on whether or not they get caught eventually. Fraud is still illegal and only hypocritical illegals whine about less fortunate illegals.

It bothers me because I am working hard and I am separated from my family to earn the money they get handed for free.
Simply quit and go on unemployment. No one is making you work. Stop creating problems for others due to Your lack of moral fortitude. I am sure there are plenty of other people who would love to make what you make and complain less about taxes.
Dude, get it through your thick skull. You CANNOT quit and go on unemployment. Why do you persist in this fantasy?
No, they are not. But employers hire people every day. Aside from the pandemic lockdown, the employers in the US hire the overwhelming majority of the population.

In order to get a job, especially a better job, you try to curry the favor of the employer. Not being a suckup, but by doing what they need to make their business better.
Capitalism still has a natural rate of unemployment and why is there any homelessness in Right to Work States?
There will always be homelessness.

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