“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

I used to own such a firearm, but I was banned and put on the federal "prohibited persons" list by the government.

Thankfully you don’t get a say on the matter, in the time you made your little post there... multiple ar15 sporting rifles were just sold... lol

As a "prohibited person" I have lost the privilege to own such a weapon without risking fines and 10 years' imprisonment. They would impose consecutive 10-year sentences for each round of ammunition in my possession. That's 500 years in federal prison for a 50-round box of ammo, never mind the gun. Reloading equipment is considered "paraphernalia" and that's an aggravating factor in the crime. I would also be charged with a felony for "associating" with anyone who owns or uses firearms, so I cannot even legally join the NRA or similar organization.

No, I am not a "convicted felon," and I have not been convicted of a domestic violence-related misdemeanor, or renounced my U.S. citizenship, or been dishonorably dischaged from the military, or any of that stuff.

The government just arbitrarily decided to have me adjudicated as a mental defective, (yes, note the indefinite article to that legal term,) and ban me for life without recourse from possessing a firearm, or working at any sort of employment for which a background check is required.

You have recourse, it's called the courts. Unless of course you really are mentally defective.

Really, I can carry a loaded gun in my vehicle without a permit, I can carry a gun on my person, concealed or open, with a permit which I have. So tell me child, what is there to grumble about? The only whiny little bitch I see around here is you.


So can I. What's your point. I can do so not by the grace of God bu by the grace of the "State". Other states don't give that grace. You spend all your time harping about the Feds. But you seem to want to get in other states faces. If you want to change things in the other states, move there and make a difference there. I have made a difference here.

All States have agreed to the 2nd, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" do you not understand? The feds are there to protect our rights, not try to find ways to limit or eliminate them.

BTW, why haven't you answered my question about the defensive uses of guns saving lives? Using your logic, if it saves one life it's worth those folks having firearms, right?

Bullcrap ,nothing but ,8 states have banned your hamburger maker guns and multiple cities have also. You people have no clue.
AR15s are just sporting rifles, anyway those places you speak of are still plagued the country’s highest rate of violence.
Firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in middle school or grade school.

1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

So can I. What's your point. I can do so not by the grace of God bu by the grace of the "State". Other states don't give that grace. You spend all your time harping about the Feds. But you seem to want to get in other states faces. If you want to change things in the other states, move there and make a difference there. I have made a difference here.

All States have agreed to the 2nd, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" do you not understand? The feds are there to protect our rights, not try to find ways to limit or eliminate them.

BTW, why haven't you answered my question about the defensive uses of guns saving lives? Using your logic, if it saves one life it's worth those folks having firearms, right?

Bullcrap ,nothing but ,8 states have banned your hamburger maker guns and multiple cities have also. You people have no clue.
AR15s are just sporting rifles, anyway those places you speak of are still plagued the country’s highest rate of violence.
Firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in middle school or grade school.

1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

Just think how dangerous these Moon Bats think bayonet lugs and pistol grips are. Deadly weapons of the military.
Moon Bats are idiots.

There are about 500,000 bump stocks in the US.

One deranged asshole used a bump stop in a crime.

Now the stupid asshole Moon Bats want to take bump stocks away from the 499,999 that have never used them for any crime.
No....there was a depression.....and FDR used that to destroy the economy by taking over large parts of it....had FDR not meddeled with the economy, the depression would have been over much faster......

You have no idea what you are talking about.

And what caused the Depression? There was just a recession until the Uber Rich were nailed by it then it became a Depression. If you are so smart, what's the difference and why is it almost impossible to have a Depression today but we can have many recessions. We are in one right now.

The way out of a recession is not government taking over....a worse depression happened in 1920....but it didn't last because they didn't try to take over the economy...

Not-So-Great Depression

hich U.S. president ranks as America’s greatest depression fighter?

Not the fabled Franklin Delano Roosevelt, since unemployment averaged 17 percent through the New Deal period (1933-1940). What banished high unemployment was the conscription of 12 million men into the armed forces during World War II. FDR actually prolonged high unemployment: he tripled taxes; he signed laws that made it more expensive for employers to hire people, made discounting illegal, and authorized the destruction of food; and he launched costly infrastructure projects like the Tennessee Valley Authority that became a drag on states receiving TVA-subsidized electricity.

America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed the much praised Woodrow Wilson— who had brought America into World War I, built up huge federal bureaucracies, imprisoned dissenters, and incurred $25 billion of debt.

Harding inherited Wilson’s mess— in particular, a post-World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.

Harding had a much better understanding of how an economy works than FDR. As historian Robert K. Murray wrote in The Harding Era, the man who would become our 29th president “always decried high taxes, government waste, and excessive governmental interference in the private sector of the economy. In February 1920, shortly after announcing his candidacy, he advocated a cut in government expenditures and stated that government ought to ‘strike the shackles from industry… . We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation.’ “

One of Harding’s campaign slogans was “less government in business,” and it served him well. Harding embraced the advice of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon and called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress on April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and “excess” profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8 percent of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging the investment that is essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did.

Even without Harding, there was going to be no Depression. All he did was stop Federal Frivolous spending. Not a bad idea. The Nation was on a huge upswing without him anyway. Well, at least for white America anyway. WWI had ended and the Nation had to pay for it. Harding decided to get Congress to fund paying for it and not pay for the excesses. He wasn't really in office long enough to make any other difference though. He died too quick to make much of a dent. But right after that, the Frivolous Spending by the Corporations buried them in such a way that they could no longer stay afloat. Partly brought on by the reduction by Hardings getting rid of a lot of protection regulations that held them down. Teddy R. (a Republican) put many of those in place to prevent the runaway that happened anyway which started under Wilson and continued under Harding. But the real culprit was Hoover that saw a depression, caused a huge trade deficit and brought on the depression and the Crash of 1929 which destroyed many of the Uber Rich because of the trade deficit being out of control. FDR just stepped into that mess. FDR wasn't elected until 1933. The Depression belongs to Hoover and earlier Presidents. The 2 previous Presidents that actually caused the Depression were all Republicans. The recession was actually started in about 1925 but didn't become a depression until 1929 when your buddy Hoover made a huge mess of things with his tariff ideas. So don't go laying things on FDR. He was faced with an Armed Revolution by about 3 1/2 million armed hungry, cold and angry family men when he took office. The Nation was at stake right then.
FDR was nothing but a dictator, bring in unconstitutional things like income tax and socialist entitlement programs...

You blew it once again. There WAS income tax but on the top 2%. Before that, there was a tax on what was called Luxury items. Before that, there was a tax on Spirits. Since the Nation was Formed there always has been a Federal Tax of one form or another. Geez, please use that head for something other than something to hold up a hat.
Just as suspected. Every gun hater is also a commie. It's an indispensable trait. A venn diagram of gun haters and commies would be a single circle. I suppose you could also throw in gun-ignorant too.
All States have agreed to the 2nd, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" do you not understand? The feds are there to protect our rights, not try to find ways to limit or eliminate them.

BTW, why haven't you answered my question about the defensive uses of guns saving lives? Using your logic, if it saves one life it's worth those folks having firearms, right?

Bullcrap ,nothing but ,8 states have banned your hamburger maker guns and multiple cities have also. You people have no clue.
AR15s are just sporting rifles, anyway those places you speak of are still plagued the country’s highest rate of violence.
Firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in middle school or grade school.

1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

No he does, he's just trolling, repeating shit over and over and over, no matter how many times it's proven wrong. He refuses to answer honest questions because the answers won't support his trolling and propaganda.

"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100.........
110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned
.How many people are killed in Pontiacs? But say, all other automobiles get off the hook? What difference does it make?

Wouldn't it be hysterical if AR-15's were both banned and confiscated, then Iran used the 4 billion dollars Obama gave them to import millions of AK-47's.....................
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100.........
110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned
.How many people are killed in Pontiacs? But say, all other automobiles get off the hook? What difference does it make?

Wouldn't it be hysterical if AR-15's were both banned and confiscated, then Iran used the 4 billion dollars Obama gave them to import millions of AK-47's.....................
7.62x39 is some of the cheapest ammo on the market. We will all save money. :lol:
"What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?" | Extrano's Alley
Someone came by searching for “what percentage of murders committed with AR[15.”

That number varies with the year, of course, and is in decline along with other gun related murders. Using 2014 FBI number of 11,961 ‘depraved heart murders,’ 39 of 11,961 murders, or very slightly more than 3 in 1,000 murders were reported by the media to have been committed with AR-15, AK-47, and similar firearms.

On the other hand, the number wanted is the percentage of the homicide total, which includes murder, manslaughter, and “official intervention” 91 of 14,249 homicidem> victims were killed with military style semiautomatic rifles; the majority by police SWAT teams. That is a per decimal percentage of 0.00073845 or approximately 7 per 1,000 homicides, or 0.0.7 percent.

Yet in the face of this we most remember that 40100 people were killed in auto accidents last year, and 40100 families were destroyed. So why are you so concerned with the tiny percentage of people killed by AR-15 style weapons?

Start counting by 1 and stop when you get to 40100.........
110 people a day are killed in cars, how can you not want cars and vans banned
.How many people are killed in Pontiacs? But say, all other automobiles get off the hook? What difference does it make?

Wouldn't it be hysterical if AR-15's were both banned and confiscated, then Iran used the 4 billion dollars Obama gave them to import millions of AK-47's.....................
Wouldn't it be hysterical if we just didn't shoot each other?
I own a car, and knives and poison and still I refrain from abusing them. We ALL have "rights" , after all, to respect other human beings and not be abusive creeps. End the abuse of firearms by creeps that should never have gotten them. Thing is, we don't know who the creeps are. Think about it.
I own a car, and knives and poison and still I refrain from abusing them. We ALL have "rights" , after all, to respect other human beings and not be abusive creeps. End the abuse of firearms by creeps that should never have gotten them. Thing is, we don't know who the creeps are. Think about it.
So, disarming the rest of us is the answer? That is the whole point of discussing probabilities. A car wreck is much more likely. Forget the gun ban.
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Bullcrap ,nothing but ,8 states have banned your hamburger maker guns and multiple cities have also. You people have no clue.
AR15s are just sporting rifles, anyway those places you speak of are still plagued the country’s highest rate of violence.
Firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in middle school or grade school.

1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

No he does, he's just trolling, repeating shit over and over and over, no matter how many times it's proven wrong. He refuses to answer honest questions because the answers won't support his trolling and propaganda.


Your little band just likes to misinform and use that to win any and all arguments. Well, cupcakes, you are losing this argument on the legislature. In Colorado, the ability to mount those rails and the ability to thread on the silencer cannot be included in any new AR-15 sold in the State since 2013. Now, keep lying and misdirecting. The cat is out of the bag, cupcake.
AR15s are just sporting rifles, anyway those places you speak of are still plagued the country’s highest rate of violence.
Firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in middle school or grade school.

1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol

No he does, he's just trolling, repeating shit over and over and over, no matter how many times it's proven wrong. He refuses to answer honest questions because the answers won't support his trolling and propaganda.


Your little band just likes to misinform and use that to win any and all arguments. Well, cupcakes, you are losing this argument on the legislature. In Colorado, the ability to mount those rails and the ability to thread on the silencer cannot be included in any new AR-15 sold in the State since 2013. Now, keep lying and misdirecting. The cat is out of the bag, cupcake.
Things are going the other direction in most other states, sorry to disappoint.
Your little band just likes to misinform and use that to win any and all arguments. Well, cupcakes, you are losing this argument on the legislature. In Colorado, the ability to mount those rails and the ability to thread on the silencer cannot be included in any new AR-15 sold in the State since 2013. Now, keep lying and misdirecting. The cat is out of the bag, cupcake.
Colorado is stupid.

Stay in Colorado, commie. Don't spread your stupid commie disease to the rest of the nation.
So can I. What's your point. I can do so not by the grace of God bu by the grace of the "State". Other states don't give that grace. You spend all your time harping about the Feds. But you seem to want to get in other states faces. If you want to change things in the other states, move there and make a difference there. I have made a difference here.

All States have agreed to the 2nd, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" do you not understand? The feds are there to protect our rights, not try to find ways to limit or eliminate them.

BTW, why haven't you answered my question about the defensive uses of guns saving lives? Using your logic, if it saves one life it's worth those folks having firearms, right?

Bullcrap ,nothing but ,8 states have banned your hamburger maker guns and multiple cities have also. You people have no clue.
AR15s are just sporting rifles, anyway those places you speak of are still plagued the country’s highest rate of violence.
Firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in middle school or grade school.

1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle no matter what kind of lipstick you put on it...
and a gun bubba is a right wing tool , that is used and controlled because of their lack of intelligence, THey are tooled dailly by the hate party, one string puppets to the man.
All States have agreed to the 2nd, what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" do you not understand? The feds are there to protect our rights, not try to find ways to limit or eliminate them.

BTW, why haven't you answered my question about the defensive uses of guns saving lives? Using your logic, if it saves one life it's worth those folks having firearms, right?

Bullcrap ,nothing but ,8 states have banned your hamburger maker guns and multiple cities have also. You people have no clue.
AR15s are just sporting rifles, anyway those places you speak of are still plagued the country’s highest rate of violence.
Firearms have no control over people most people learn and understand that in middle school or grade school.

1. A Sporting Rifle doesn't have the need for rails to accept a M-203 Grenade Launcher. Or a Silencer or a Bayonet or a.......... Like we did in Colorado, remove the ability to mount those and then, and only then, can you call it a sporting rifle. Until then, it's an assault rifle that can also be used as a sporting rifle.

2. I already told you what we need to do to get the crime and murder level down. But, no, you won't even consider it. Your 1% that you pray to would never go for it. They moved the jobs out of those areas and didn't replace them with other jobs so the people turned to the only other way to make a living they could and that was crime and public assistance. And, no, they didn't have the option to move. They didn't have the funds to relocate and even if they did, there were no jobs waiting for them anyway. When the jobs were finally available in alternative locations, they could not afford to relocate anyway. The buildings are still there for the Factories, the work force is still there. Yes, it would have be rebuilt and retrained but that USED to be part of running a business. Not so these days. Long term investments gave way for Bottom Line short term.

Keep spewing that propaganda, the M203 in not rail mounted, neither are bayonets or noise suppressors. Lies are not your friends.

He does not even know the difference between a suppressor and a silencer...
And thinks rails make a firearm more dangerous... lol
What makes your hamburger gun so effective is velocity and yaw. The yaw, to mess up the wound,that is designed into the weapon. Kill kill kill. The inventor and designer said that the AR15 was in no way designed to use by the public, well anyway that's what his family says. This hamburger gun was designed and made to get a Military contract. With no thought of it being used by the general public
Murders murder, who cares if they use a sharpened flint or a winglaner 2200 (C) with extra special nozzles on their outer perimeters? Who cares? Let's stop that nonsense. Who needs guns, after all? We would all sleep better at night if NOBODY had guns.
No....there was a depression.....and FDR used that to destroy the economy by taking over large parts of it....had FDR not meddeled with the economy, the depression would have been over much faster......

You have no idea what you are talking about.

And what caused the Depression? There was just a recession until the Uber Rich were nailed by it then it became a Depression. If you are so smart, what's the difference and why is it almost impossible to have a Depression today but we can have many recessions. We are in one right now.

The way out of a recession is not government taking over....a worse depression happened in 1920....but it didn't last because they didn't try to take over the economy...

Not-So-Great Depression

hich U.S. president ranks as America’s greatest depression fighter?

Not the fabled Franklin Delano Roosevelt, since unemployment averaged 17 percent through the New Deal period (1933-1940). What banished high unemployment was the conscription of 12 million men into the armed forces during World War II. FDR actually prolonged high unemployment: he tripled taxes; he signed laws that made it more expensive for employers to hire people, made discounting illegal, and authorized the destruction of food; and he launched costly infrastructure projects like the Tennessee Valley Authority that became a drag on states receiving TVA-subsidized electricity.

America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed the much praised Woodrow Wilson— who had brought America into World War I, built up huge federal bureaucracies, imprisoned dissenters, and incurred $25 billion of debt.

Harding inherited Wilson’s mess— in particular, a post-World War I depression that was almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933 that FDR would later inherit. The estimated gross national product plunged 24 percent from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million to 4.9 million.

Harding had a much better understanding of how an economy works than FDR. As historian Robert K. Murray wrote in The Harding Era, the man who would become our 29th president “always decried high taxes, government waste, and excessive governmental interference in the private sector of the economy. In February 1920, shortly after announcing his candidacy, he advocated a cut in government expenditures and stated that government ought to ‘strike the shackles from industry… . We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation.’ “

One of Harding’s campaign slogans was “less government in business,” and it served him well. Harding embraced the advice of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon and called for tax cuts in his first message to Congress on April 12, 1921. The highest taxes, on corporate revenues and “excess” profits, were to be cut. Personal income taxes were to be left as is, with a top rate of 8 percent of incomes above $4,000. Harding recognized the crucial importance of encouraging the investment that is essential for growth and jobs, something that FDR never did.

Even without Harding, there was going to be no Depression. All he did was stop Federal Frivolous spending. Not a bad idea. The Nation was on a huge upswing without him anyway. Well, at least for white America anyway. WWI had ended and the Nation had to pay for it. Harding decided to get Congress to fund paying for it and not pay for the excesses. He wasn't really in office long enough to make any other difference though. He died too quick to make much of a dent. But right after that, the Frivolous Spending by the Corporations buried them in such a way that they could no longer stay afloat. Partly brought on by the reduction by Hardings getting rid of a lot of protection regulations that held them down. Teddy R. (a Republican) put many of those in place to prevent the runaway that happened anyway which started under Wilson and continued under Harding. But the real culprit was Hoover that saw a depression, caused a huge trade deficit and brought on the depression and the Crash of 1929 which destroyed many of the Uber Rich because of the trade deficit being out of control. FDR just stepped into that mess. FDR wasn't elected until 1933. The Depression belongs to Hoover and earlier Presidents. The 2 previous Presidents that actually caused the Depression were all Republicans. The recession was actually started in about 1925 but didn't become a depression until 1929 when your buddy Hoover made a huge mess of things with his tariff ideas. So don't go laying things on FDR. He was faced with an Armed Revolution by about 3 1/2 million armed hungry, cold and angry family men when he took office. The Nation was at stake right then.
FDR was nothing but a dictator, bring in unconstitutional things like income tax and socialist entitlement programs...
Couldn't be funnier coming from the party who's leader is exactly that, a dictator, a dictator of very very small minds. And the insanity is that this is what the right wants now , total control, they would sell out this country again to stay in power. WEll in fact they already have. But the hate party is done, it will be the last president ever that will be called a republican. Conservatism isn't going away but the hate party is. You can't govern this Republic from the singular basis of hatred .
The democratic party is going away?
Murders murder, who cares if they use a sharpened flint or a winglaner 2200 (C) with extra special nozzles on their outer perimeters? Who cares? Let's stop that nonsense. Who needs guns, after all? We would all sleep better at night if NOBODY had guns.
I have no problem sleeping at night with a neighbor with a gun, hell I live in minnesota. Let me describe a Gun Bubbas for you though. You know that there has been a massive increase in sales of guns , with hamburger guns right up there in sales. That is a problem when you find out that less and less households have guns every year. So who are buying all these guns to add massively to the number of guns they have, Weak minded Gun Bubbas, they think there is a commie behind every corner. that they have the right to shoot first and figure out what happened afterwards and if you don't like any one of their guns like in a forum like this, they will without hesitating threatens to kill you.
That is the person you never want living next to you, can't let you kids out to play or let your pets out to relieve themselves when the gun Bubbas is at home. You would be stupid to do otherwise. The ultra wackos, like many that you find in here, when they move in you should move out. They are dangerous , not mentally sound and think they can impress people because they own a assault weapon.

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