What Presumed elected Harris and Biden inherit


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.
To communist democrats this is all bad news. They will fix it back the way they want it.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

You do understand that taking credit for a falling unemployment rate since COVID (because your man fucked up the response) is just like saying, "yes, he fucked up the response".
Dow is largely a function of investors and markets. It is a reactionary tool. And as I recall, it was making a steady climb upwards during Obama's tenure.
The rest? Meh...these aren't accomplishments.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

You do understand that taking credit for a falling unemployment rate since COVID (because your man fucked up the response) is just like saying, "yes, he fucked up the response".
Dow is largely a function of investors and markets. It is a reactionary tool. And as I recall, it was making a steady climb upwards during Obama's tenure.
The rest? Meh...these aren't accomplishments.
A long time ago there was a saying that Democrats were better domestically. If so that ended. You are Prog Socialists! Prog Socialists! Prog Socialists! The State is the Cult. The Prog Socialists are the Party that run the state. The citizens are privileged to be in it and they are expendable. That is what you are. No matter what you say. What you retort. We will not have massive growth. There could be short time growth that is higher. Only totally new technologies that are doable in a quick and reasonably priced way could jump start us into a new era. A high tax state can not compete with the likes of China. They will be the reserve currency nation in a couple of decades. And you will have more to worry about then the politics we have here on who is better.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

Me, I'm going be holding Sleepy Joe to his word that he will promote Fracking as he promised repeatedly during the campaign at least during his Pennsylvania visits. I will also hold him to creating millions of high paying Green jobs for Deplorable Chump Americans that he promised to represent.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

Me, I'm going be holding Sleepy Joe to his word that he will promote Fracking as he promised repeatedly during the campaign at least during his Pennsylvania visits. I will also hold him to creating millions of high paying Green jobs for Deplorable Chump Americans that he promised to represent.
Those Green New deal factories should be up and running pretty quickly. All over the fruited plain. Millions and millions of jobs created. And factory jobs. Manufacturing ones at that. I guess they will come back. But his former boss said they would never come back. And he laughed as Trump was bringing them back. It was not easy to bring back what he did. But Beijing Biden will in his first year bring millions of green energy manufacturing jobs into the United States. Don't lie to us Joe. Beau is watching.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

You do understand that taking credit for a falling unemployment rate since COVID (because your man fucked up the response) is just like saying, "yes, he fucked up the response".
Dow is largely a function of investors and markets. It is a reactionary tool. And as I recall, it was making a steady climb upwards during Obama's tenure.
The rest? Meh...these aren't accomplishments.

The knee-jerk response from the incoming President following the COVID outbreak was to keep the borders open. Shortly after that, he and the Democrats are more about shutting everything down; except for protests. Trump sought a balance while still pushing to get the economy back to work.

Under Biden and the Democrats, HOW in God’s name could the unemployment rate drop at that rate after the COVID spike took UE to 14.6 percent and 7 months later, it is at 6.9 percent? This was a VP who was part of an administration that took 5 YEARS to get the UE from 9 percent down to 5 percent (2010-2015)???

What would Biden/Harris Pelosi, and Schumer done differently to get the UE down so quickly? If you are going to say that COVID Outbreak would have never gotten to the level it did under Trump, remember that this was the group that didn’t want the borders shut and were telling US it was OK to go out. Their next step was to tell everyone to stay in their basements and wait for stimulus checks.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

Biden will wreck it then blame Trump and the corrupt news media will parrot Biden's excuse 24/7.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

Gasoline is less than 3 and in some cases less than 2 because of expected weaker demand due to the recession caused by the coronavirus. It likely will go even lower as Republicans are prepared for a even deeper recession becuse thay are more worried about the deficit than helping the economy.

The unemployment rate will likely go up as the economy slows further because Senate Republicans follow the steps of Herbert Hoover.

The Dow is up because the rich and powerful are the only ones being helped per standard Republican operating procedures.
Should Harris and Biden votes be certified, the following is what they will be inheriting. Can or will they pursue policies towards these economic and global policy indicators?

* Gasoline less than $3 per gallon
* Dow 27k Above
* Mortgage Rates below 3 percent
* home values surging
* A plummeting Unemployment Rate since COVID
* 4 Year running streak - no new Wars
* North Korea in tact
* Isis under wrap

None of these outcomes are constant nor are they controlled by an administration yet an administration can and should be measured by the policies they pursue that either contribute or detract from these outcomes.

That is how I will be measuring this incoming Administration.

Gasoline is less than 3 and in some cases less than 2 because of expected weaker demand due to the recession caused by the coronavirus. It likely will go even lower as Republicans are prepared for a even deeper recession becuse thay are more worried about the deficit than helping the economy.

The unemployment rate will likely go up as the economy slows further because Senate Republicans follow the steps of Herbert Hoover.

The Dow is up because the rich and powerful are the only ones being helped per standard Republican operating procedures.

President Trump has been literally crucified over the deficit, I expect the Republicans to have learned the lesson of 2020 and to institute austerity, demanding Biden to present a balanced budget..

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