What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Robert Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

Republicans are desperate. They can't attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is improving.

Their attack on the administration's rule requiring insurers to cover contraception has backfired, raising hackles even among many Republican women.

Their attack on Obama for raising gas prices has elicited scorn from economists of all persuasions who know oil prices are set in global markets and that demand in the United States has actually fallen.

Their presidential ambitions are being trampled in a furious fraternal war among Republican candidates.

Their Tea Party wing wants to reopen the budget deal forged with Democrats after Republicans got bloodied by threatening to block an increase in the debt limit.

So what are Republicans to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to say.

Call for a tax cut, of course.

It doesn't matter that their new "tax reform" plan (leaked to the Wall Street Journal late Monday, to be released Tuesday morning) has as much chance of being enacted as Herman Cain has of being elected president.

It doesn't matter than the plan doesn't detail how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. Or whether an even bigger whack would have to be taken out of Medicare than Paul Ryan's original voucher plan -- which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.

It doesn't even matter that the plan would probably raise taxes on many lower-income Americans,

All that matters is the headlines.

I'd say he's grasping at straws...........can we revisit what was in the President's budget plan?? Or how about a Dem budget plan??

I don't think this guy wants to go there. It's easier to say what the thinks is wrong with someone else instead of looking at his own party's failures.

It's almost comical that the left spends more time demonizing the right than touting the success of their own party. Could it be because there aren't many successes??

They kind of ignored the scorn from the economists when they were blaming Bush for high gas prices.

People who live in glass houses.................well I think you know the rest. ;)
If that's a quote those DNC fools REALLY need to get a better proof-reader!!
...which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.
Basic grade school English and 'the smartest people in the country' can't figure it out...
I'd say he's grasping at straws...........can we revisit what was in the President's budget plan?? Or how about a Dem budget plan??

I don't think this guy wants to go there. It's easier to say what the thinks is wrong with someone else instead of looking at his own party's failures.

It's almost comical that the left spends more time demonizing the right than touting the success of their own party. Could it be because there aren't many successes??

They kind of ignored the scorn from the economists when they were blaming Bush for high gas prices.

People who live in glass houses.................well I think you know the rest. ;)

I have to agree.

Its easy for the Dems to criticize the Reps budget. They do it all the time.

Kinda looses its punch though when others find out that you don't even have a budget nor do you plan to have one. Isn't it three years and counting??

Of course its an election year and I'm sure they don't want the taxpayers to see a budget loaded with taxes and spending.
I'd say he's grasping at straws...........can we revisit what was in the President's budget plan?? Or how about a Dem budget plan??

I don't think this guy wants to go there. It's easier to say what the thinks is wrong with someone else instead of looking at his own party's failures.

It's almost comical that the left spends more time demonizing the right than touting the success of their own party. Could it be because there aren't many successes??

They kind of ignored the scorn from the economists when they were blaming Bush for high gas prices.

People who live in glass houses.................well I think you know the rest. ;)

Grasping at straws? Thats exactly the kind of shat you Repugs support, scaring the country with tales of utter collapse if we don't starve those who are not rich and give the rich tax cuts.
Robert Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

Republicans are desperate. They can't attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is improving.

Their attack on the administration's rule requiring insurers to cover contraception has backfired, raising hackles even among many Republican women.

Their attack on Obama for raising gas prices has elicited scorn from economists of all persuasions who know oil prices are set in global markets and that demand in the United States has actually fallen.

Their presidential ambitions are being trampled in a furious fraternal war among Republican candidates.

Their Tea Party wing wants to reopen the budget deal forged with Democrats after Republicans got bloodied by threatening to block an increase in the debt limit.

So what are Republicans to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to say.

Call for a tax cut, of course.

It doesn't matter that their new "tax reform" plan (leaked to the Wall Street Journal late Monday, to be released Tuesday morning) has as much chance of being enacted as Herman Cain has of being elected president.

It doesn't matter than the plan doesn't detail how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. Or whether an even bigger whack would have to be taken out of Medicare than Paul Ryan's original voucher plan -- which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.

It doesn't even matter that the plan would probably raise taxes on many lower-income Americans,

All that matters is the headlines.


Delusional, so laugh it up. I want you to laugh hard at the millions that will struggle because of dem policies. Laugh so hard it brings you to tears.

But the last laugh shall be ours, those that prepared, those that dont rely on a bankrupt government for their daily bread.
Robert Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

Republicans are desperate. They can't attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is improving.

Their attack on the administration's rule requiring insurers to cover contraception has backfired, raising hackles even among many Republican women.

Their attack on Obama for raising gas prices has elicited scorn from economists of all persuasions who know oil prices are set in global markets and that demand in the United States has actually fallen.

Their presidential ambitions are being trampled in a furious fraternal war among Republican candidates.

Their Tea Party wing wants to reopen the budget deal forged with Democrats after Republicans got bloodied by threatening to block an increase in the debt limit.

So what are Republicans to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to say.

Call for a tax cut, of course.

It doesn't matter that their new "tax reform" plan (leaked to the Wall Street Journal late Monday, to be released Tuesday morning) has as much chance of being enacted as Herman Cain has of being elected president.

It doesn't matter than the plan doesn't detail how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. Or whether an even bigger whack would have to be taken out of Medicare than Paul Ryan's original voucher plan -- which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.

It doesn't even matter that the plan would probably raise taxes on many lower-income Americans,

All that matters is the headlines.


Delusional, so laugh it up. I want you to laugh hard at the millions that will struggle because of dem policies. Laugh so hard it brings you to tears.

But the last laugh shall be ours, those that prepared, those that dont rely on a bankrupt government for their daily bread.

Dem policies your retarded dumb ass can't even name.

Delusional, so laugh it up. I want you to laugh hard at the millions that will struggle because of dem policies. Laugh so hard it brings you to tears.

But the last laugh shall be ours, those that prepared, those that dont rely on a bankrupt government for their daily bread.

Dem policies your retarded dumb ass can't even name.

You lack any cognitive ability for comprehension.

Shit years of service and you dont even know your basic weaponry.

But we can start with the fallacy of what this admin calls an energy policy.

You dont have the intelligence or insight for discussion. But go ahead, I like playing with useful idiots.
Delusional, so laugh it up. I want you to laugh hard at the millions that will struggle because of dem policies. Laugh so hard it brings you to tears.

But the last laugh shall be ours, those that prepared, those that dont rely on a bankrupt government for their daily bread.

Dem policies your retarded dumb ass can't even name.

You lack any cognitive ability for comprehension.

Shit years of service and you dont even know your basic weaponry.

But we can start with the fallacy of what this admin calls an energy policy.

You dont have the intelligence or insight for discussion. But go ahead, I like playing with useful idiots.

You still haven't named shat, your dumbass party enacted tax cuts they didn't pay for which is reponsible for part o the current mess this country is in. Obama shouldn't have extended them, but he did, that falls on him, if he's wise he'll let them expire.
You still haven't named shat, your dumbass party enacted tax cuts they didn't pay for which is reponsible for part o the current mess this country is in. Obama shouldn't have extended them, but he did, that falls on him, if he's wise he'll let them expire.
are you going to be saying SHIT and FUCK again next week?........

Delusional, so laugh it up. I want you to laugh hard at the millions that will struggle because of dem policies. Laugh so hard it brings you to tears.

But the last laugh shall be ours, those that prepared, those that dont rely on a bankrupt government for their daily bread.

Dem policies your retarded dumb ass can't even name.

How about you name some of those astounding, recession busting Dem policies so we stoopid Righties can understand. Start with the Dem budget, please. :doubt:
Dem policies your retarded dumb ass can't even name.

You lack any cognitive ability for comprehension.

Shit years of service and you dont even know your basic weaponry.

But we can start with the fallacy of what this admin calls an energy policy.

You dont have the intelligence or insight for discussion. But go ahead, I like playing with useful idiots.

You still haven't named shat, your dumbass party enacted tax cuts they didn't pay for which is reponsible for part o the current mess this country is in. Obama shouldn't have extended them, but he did, that falls on him, if he's wise he'll let them expire.

Actually I have, and as predicted you couldnt respond to the energy policy.

You will forever be a joke.

Do we have to hold your hand about very detail in that policy?
Delusional, so laugh it up. I want you to laugh hard at the millions that will struggle because of dem policies. Laugh so hard it brings you to tears.

But the last laugh shall be ours, those that prepared, those that dont rely on a bankrupt government for their daily bread.

Dem policies your retarded dumb ass can't even name.

How about you name some of those astounding, recession busting Dem policies so we stoopid Righties can understand. Start with the Dem budget, please. :doubt:

We he supports his dumb ass claims I'll support mine, then again I never made the claim you want me to support, dufus.
I like how CONZ drop a turd, then complain that the dems aren't dropping one, making them look bad.

Good luck with your new strategy of alienating old people.

This plan is as DOA as the last one. Hell, it IS the last one. Frickin Ryan was on TV the whole damn time saying it wouldn't end Medicare. Well, if you don't have to pay now and you will later, that seems to be ending Medicare to me. We can call what retirees get to make up the difference between the subsidies called for in the Ryan plan and what insurance companies will actually CHARGE them, RYANCARE.
yup...that bill for RYANCARE will probably run a couple thou a year. I mean insurance companies have to be able to make a PROFIT, right? It was stated on this very board that socialized medicine would end all those insurance jobs to the detriment of the country. I wonder, how much will seniors pay to insurance companies so the insurance companies can take out expensive ad campaigns telling seniors that this is a good deal for them? Oh and good for the country when the CEO gets a multi-million dollar annual bonuses.

It will soon become all to apparent, that Ryan don't care about retirees. He's more concerned with stuffing MORE money into the pockets of people with already bulging wallets and sticking granny with the bill.
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What does Flaylo argue when he has nothing left?

Did he ever have something?
You lack any cognitive ability for comprehension.

Shit years of service and you dont even know your basic weaponry.

But we can start with the fallacy of what this admin calls an energy policy.

You dont have the intelligence or insight for discussion. But go ahead, I like playing with useful idiots.

You still haven't named shat, your dumbass party enacted tax cuts they didn't pay for which is reponsible for part o the current mess this country is in. Obama shouldn't have extended them, but he did, that falls on him, if he's wise he'll let them expire.

Actually I have, and as predicted you couldnt respond to the energy policy.

You will forever be a joke.

Do we have to hold your hand about very detail in that policy?

No you didn't, but anyways, shut up.
You still haven't named shat, your dumbass party enacted tax cuts they didn't pay for which is reponsible for part o the current mess this country is in. Obama shouldn't have extended them, but he did, that falls on him, if he's wise he'll let them expire.

Actually I have, and as predicted you couldnt respond to the energy policy.

You will forever be a joke.

Do we have to hold your hand about very detail in that policy?

No you didn't, but anyways, shut up.

Hell no, you have been proven an idiot, And I will forever enjoy pointing that out.

Do you know anything about our energy policy or not.

We already know you dont due to your responses.

As I said I like toying with useful idiots.

The energy policy as been put on the table, now grow a pair you pussy.
Actually I have, and as predicted you couldnt respond to the energy policy.

You will forever be a joke.

Do we have to hold your hand about very detail in that policy?

No you didn't, but anyways, shut up.

Hell no, you have been proven an idiot, And I will forever enjoy pointing that out.

Do you know anything about our energy policy or not.

We already know you dont due to your responses.

As I said I like toying with useful idiots.

The energy policy as been put on the table, now grow a pair you pussy.

So energy policy drove the country into debt? Oh please STFU.

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