What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

right---ban cars.

Ban humans, humans kill, we need to end this madness.

Ban lions, tigers, whales, bears, rats, wolverines, and alligators, because they all kill other living things to survive.

Ban all elephants, cows, giraffes, buffalos, zebras, horses, rabbits and sheep, because they kill other living things, the only ones worth keeping, you know, the plants and trees etc. that purify the world from the evil carbon dioxide that the aforementioned monsters exhale.
If the guy is blaming the NRA, guns, ammo or anything else but the asshole and the asshole that raised him, he's an idiot. Grieving or not, there's no excuse to lash out at innocent people to make your political brownie points. That's part of the whole problem with the culture that feeds this crazy shit in the first place.

After every shooting the cycle is completed. Some grieving parent will lash out. Those for gun ownership will lash back. Then after a few weeks everyone simmers down and nothing changes, until the next time.

This is no different. Parents want to prevent harm to their children and will lash out when they fail. It is to be expected and I think just a tad bit of compassion is in order. Calling a grieving parent an asshole is just a tad bit over the line, in my opinion.

Sorry to say it but I think there are just people who do these things in the world and I am not sure anything could be done to stop them. Or maybe I am wrong and there are lots of them and most do get stopped. Don't know but the behavior is so aberrant that I think it a rarity.

Do you think first person shooter games such as COD play any part?

None---- I repeat--NONE of these killers were sane. Where is the call for revamping the way America deals with mental illness ?
its there, just look, that doesnt mean you can't give the father some slack for a week.
oh and to answer the stupid OP. He has every right to demand it. Free speech. That doesnt mean it will happen, but he has that right.

So shut up
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?

Relax drama queen. He just lost his kid. Give him a break.
You're right. This man is not thinking because grief is clouding his entire existence at the moment.

So, how do we excuse the hundreds, if not thousands of people who will stand on body of this man's son and demand that 100 million be punished for one mentally unstable individual?
After every shooting the cycle is completed. Some grieving parent will lash out. Those for gun ownership will lash back. Then after a few weeks everyone simmers down and nothing changes, until the next time.

This is no different. Parents want to prevent harm to their children and will lash out when they fail. It is to be expected and I think just a tad bit of compassion is in order. Calling a grieving parent an asshole is just a tad bit over the line, in my opinion.

Sorry to say it but I think there are just people who do these things in the world and I am not sure anything could be done to stop them. Or maybe I am wrong and there are lots of them and most do get stopped. Don't know but the behavior is so aberrant that I think it a rarity.

Do you think first person shooter games such as COD play any part?

None---- I repeat--NONE of these killers were sane. Where is the call for revamping the way America deals with mental illness ?
its there, just look, that doesnt mean you can't give the father some slack for a week.
No, its not there. That is the problem. If you people put as much effort into addressing the mentally ill as you do in name calling, it would be a national discussion. Instead, we'll get more BS about guns while they stand on this guys dead body.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


What’s disgusting is you making political this father’s tragedy.

What’s typical is your hasty generalization fallacy, where ‘the left’ is in no way seeking to ‘deny’ anyone his rights – that’s conservative schtick.
I have to go with paintmyhouse on this one, and it is hard, but the man is grieving I think a little bit of an allowance is in order.

The man should admit he's a horrible example of a father, raising a son like that,he's disgusting!

The father in the video was a father of a victim not the killer. If I were he I would be thinking of how I sneak a gun, or ball bat, into the killer's cell.
I guess in order to rationalize yet another mass shooting, gun nuts now have to cast negative aspersions on tears of grief. We must, if the gun nuts truly control e debate, sit down, shut up and accept mass shootings as the cost of the lust for firearms. What a pity that no gun nut can fathom a solution.
None---- I repeat--NONE of these killers were sane. Where is the call for revamping the way America deals with mental illness ?
its there, just look, that doesnt mean you can't give the father some slack for a week.
No, its not there. That is the problem. If you people put as much effort into addressing the mentally ill as you do in name calling, it would be a national discussion. Instead, we'll get more BS about guns while they stand on this guys dead body.
he asked where it was, not how loud are they.
After every shooting the cycle is completed. Some grieving parent will lash out. Those for gun ownership will lash back. Then after a few weeks everyone simmers down and nothing changes, until the next time.

This is no different. Parents want to prevent harm to their children and will lash out when they fail. It is to be expected and I think just a tad bit of compassion is in order. Calling a grieving parent an asshole is just a tad bit over the line, in my opinion.

Sorry to say it but I think there are just people who do these things in the world and I am not sure anything could be done to stop them. Or maybe I am wrong and there are lots of them and most do get stopped. Don't know but the behavior is so aberrant that I think it a rarity.

Do you think first person shooter games such as COD play any part?

None---- I repeat--NONE of these killers were sane. Where is the call for revamping the way America deals with mental illness ?

Shouted down while the mental health system got dismantled for the sake of empty budget cuts.

and that prevents liberals from discussing it ever again ?
How hard would a gun manufacturer cry if it was his kid that was shot to death?

America should find out.
I guess in order to rationalize yet another mass shooting, gun nuts now have to cast negative aspersions on tears of grief. We must, if the gun nuts truly control e debate, sit down, shut up and accept mass shootings as the cost of the lust for firearms. What a pity that no gun nut can fathom a solution.

Shouted down while the mental health system got dismantled for the sake of empty budget cuts.

and that prevents liberals from discussing it ever again ?

Mental Illness Not Usually Linked to Crime, Research Finds

because its just not that common.

How common does it have to be before someone will wise up ? These are the actions of a mentally disturbed person yet the call is always for gun control.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?


Yes, three of the victims were stabbing. It's Cindy Sheehan redux, Exploit a personal tragedy for your politics. Self victimization is what the left is all about.

Which is more likely? Keeping every one of the millions of guns in the US and outside out of the US out of the hands of one nut job? Oh, and keeping knives explosives and other weapons away as well. Or someone shooting back being able to stop him?
You forgot knitting needles.
Yarn, twine, and string.
Plastic bags.
Duct tape.
Metal picture frames.
Garbage disposals.

The list is endless. Let's ban everything!

Plastic bags, duct tape, and garbage disposals are known to suffocate babies, play a large part in abductions, and seriously injure limbs, respectively, so of course they should be banned. However, I have yet to see even one case of any of the others being used in a violent crime. Until that happens, you're just a blathering rightwing shill trying to make us leftwingers look bad and overly paranoid.

:lol: Only if they're wearing a scarf and get it caught in the disposal!

You've never heard of someone being strangled with a scarf? It happens. All things can be used for something other than their intended purpose. Ban all things!

I think I've found myself a signature.
garbage disposals are known to suffocate babies
Take that to the conspiracy theory forum, you have no proof gravity played a role in those deaths.

And before you start thinking I'm "out there", let me just say, my argument is no more ridiculous, than the argument against climate change.

Now, as far as the topic in the OP, I could care less about the 2nd amendment.
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There needs to be a mass shooting at a gun show. Someone should just toss some firecrackers into the crowd and let everyone kill each other in the confusion.
There needs to be a mass shooting at a gun show. Someone should just toss some firecrackers into the crowd and let everyone kill each other in the confusion.

Typical big city liberal elitist snob view of gun owners. Gun owners obsess about safety. I'd rather be in that room than at an Occupy Wall Street demonstration.

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