What right does he have to demand I lose my rights?

There needs to be a mass shooting at a gun show. Someone should just toss some firecrackers into the crowd and let everyone kill each other in the confusion.
They would find the asshole lib that did it and present him to the police. Probably, a little "frayed" around the edges. BTW, gun folks know firearms don't sound like firecrackers.
Take that to the conspiracy theory forum, you have no proof gravity played a role in those deaths.

And before you start thinking I'm "out there", let me just say, my argument is no more ridiculous, than the argument against climate change.

Now, as far as the topic in the OP, I could care less about the 2nd amendment.

Another illogical, false analogy. There is no correlation between an accidental fall and someone using a gun. NONE.
Gun owners obsess about more guns or someone taking away their guns. Pussies need a gun because they're pussies. They buy more guns and more ammunition as if it's ever going to make them a big man. They're never going to defend the Constitution with those guns. Right-wing moronic assholes even threatened to use their guns in Nevada against American law enforcement to defend a racist criminal from justice, which should tell you that America and the US Constitution are the furthest things from right-wing gun owners' minds.

Ever noticed how gun sales go up every time some white trash mouth-breather gurgles out the phrase, "They gon' tak yer guns!"? It's because no one is actually coming to take your guns, but they want you to think that so that you'll buy more guns.
and that prevents liberals from discussing it ever again ?

Mental Illness Not Usually Linked to Crime, Research Finds

because its just not that common.

How common does it have to be before someone will wise up ? These are the actions of a mentally disturbed person yet the call is always for gun control.

its at 7.5% according to this article. Gays account for less of the population than this.
Dont forget its partially the medias fault because we see more of this now, because of ratings.
I guess in order to rationalize yet another mass shooting, gun nuts now have to cast negative aspersions on tears of grief. We must, if the gun nuts truly control e debate, sit down, shut up and accept mass shootings as the cost of the lust for firearms. What a pity that no gun nut can fathom a solution.

In your opinion, does the NRA bear any culpability for gun violence? Is there a correlation between guns and gun violence? Could the NRA's uncompromising stance behind the gun makers in promoting assault weapons be the basis for criticism?
OP: What right does that man have to say what he says? The right of free speech. Why is your right to have a gun sacrosanct but his right to free speech questionable?

You show by authoring this thread what a complete hypocrite you are.

As long as he is grieving in private, I don't care.. But once he takes to the microphones and starts demanding that my rights are infringed...

Put it this way.. Supposed his kid had been killed by a group of blacks playing the Knock out game and he took to the microphone demanding that a law is passed outlawing groups of black youth of more than 3 people.

What do you suppose the reaction would be?
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its there, just look, that doesnt mean you can't give the father some slack for a week.
No, its not there. That is the problem. If you people put as much effort into addressing the mentally ill as you do in name calling, it would be a national discussion. Instead, we'll get more BS about guns while they stand on this guys dead body.
he asked where it was, not how loud are they.
If it is not loud enough to get the nations attention, then it really isn't significant, is it?
There needs to be a mass shooting at a gun show. Someone should just toss some firecrackers into the crowd and let everyone kill each other in the confusion.
You should not put your ignorance on display like that. Take a page from the women and always keep a little of it hidden, to add to the mystery.
Tearful plea from victim's dad in deadly rampage

Unbelievable he would deny over 100 million their rights because of one person. And the left will eat it up. How about the 3 he stabbed to death? Shouldn't we ban knives too?

Relax drama queen. He just lost his kid. Give him a break.


He's being exploited by leftist political whores.

Commiefornia already has ghastly oppressive gun laws. Those combined with MURDER laws didn't prevent this tragedy. The lack of return fire is what prolonged this sociopath's murder spree, not the lack of gun laws.
Yes, ban guns, ban knives, and ban anything that could possibly be used as a weapon.

And before you conservatards flip out and post some stupid comment like, "durrr how culd we inforce dat ur dum lol", Australia already has exactly this policy in place. Hammers are considered tightly-regulated weapons of mass destruction there because they, too, can be used as weapons.

It's time for America to step into the 21st Century and outlaw all weapons, as well as anything else that kills people.

I have no idea if what you say is true or not, but it's not my idea of being free. I realize that freedom is an antiquated idea for people like you, but I'm not interested in letting milquetoasts like you to decide how I should live.
I guess in order to rationalize yet another mass shooting, gun nuts now have to cast negative aspersions on tears of grief. We must, if the gun nuts truly control e debate, sit down, shut up and accept mass shootings as the cost of the lust for firearms. What a pity that no gun nut can fathom a solution.

In your opinion, does the NRA bear any culpability for gun violence? Is there a correlation between guns and gun violence? Could the NRA's uncompromising stance behind the gun makers in promoting assault weapons be the basis for criticism?

The NRA is about gun safety. They didn't invent guns, they don't manufacture guns. They want them used safely. How could they be responsible for gun violence?

What about liberals who create gun free zones that honest citizens obey and criminals don't? Do they bear any responsibility for the body count?

As long as he is grieving in private, I don't care.. But once he takes to the microphones and starts demanding that my rights are infringed...

Put it this way.. Supposed his kid had been killed by a group of blacks playing the Knock out game and he took to the microphone demanding that a law is passed outlawing groups of black youth of more than 3 people.

What do you suppose the reaction would be?

He has the right to free speech just like you have the right to own a gun, or even a hundred guns.

He can say what he wants, where and when and how. As loud as he wants, as many times as he wants. Free speech.

How dumb are you guys anyway?

First Amendment, Second Amendment. If somone tried to deny you your First Amendment rights you'd be having tissy hissy fits all over the place.
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As long as he is grieving in private, I don't care.. But once he takes to the microphones and starts demanding that my rights are infringed...

Put it this way.. Supposed his kid had been killed by a group of blacks playing the Knock out game and he took to the microphone demanding that a law is passed outlawing groups of black youth of more than 3 people.

What do you suppose the reaction would be?

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In your opinion, does the NRA bear any culpability for gun violence? Is there a correlation between guns and gun violence? Could the NRA's uncompromising stance behind the gun makers in promoting assault weapons be the basis for criticism?

The NRA is about gun safety. They didn't invent guns, they don't manufacture guns. They want them used safely. How could they be responsible for gun violence?

What about liberals who create gun free zones that honest citizens obey and criminals don't? Do they bear any responsibility for the body count?

The fact remains that the NRA provides the money, the political extortion and the will of the gun manufacturers that combine to squash any and all responsible gun legislation. Is there a solution to gun violence that can be at least contemplated by the NRA and eir overlords, the gun manufacturers! Could there be at least an honest debate about gun violence without the primrose paths of confiscation and gun free zones? Is there a responsible answer to the culture of guns and the gun violence it spawns?
In your opinion, does the NRA bear any culpability for gun violence? Is there a correlation between guns and gun violence? Could the NRA's uncompromising stance behind the gun makers in promoting assault weapons be the basis for criticism?

The NRA is about gun safety. They didn't invent guns, they don't manufacture guns. They want them used safely. How could they be responsible for gun violence?

What about liberals who create gun free zones that honest citizens obey and criminals don't? Do they bear any responsibility for the body count?

The fact remains that the NRA provides the money, the political extortion and the will of the gun manufacturers that combine to squash any and all responsible gun legislation. Is there a solution to gun violence that can be at least contemplated by the NRA and eir overlords, the gun manufacturers! Could there be at least an honest debate about gun violence without the primrose paths of confiscation and gun free zones? Is there a responsible answer to the culture of guns and the gun violence it spawns?
As is their right. Never mind that they are in the right.

As long as he is grieving in private, I don't care.. But once he takes to the microphones and starts demanding that my rights are infringed...

Put it this way.. Supposed his kid had been killed by a group of blacks playing the Knock out game and he took to the microphone demanding that a law is passed outlawing groups of black youth of more than 3 people.

What do you suppose the reaction would be?

He has the right to free speech just like you have the right to own a gun, or even a hundred guns.

He can say what he wants, where and when and how. As loud as he wants, as many times as he wants. Free speech.

How dumb are you guys anyway?

First Amendment, Second Amendment. If somone tried to deny you your First Amendment rights you'd be having tissy hissy fits all over the place.
So, you are arguing that he should be free from the consequences of his speech?
In your opinion, does the NRA bear any culpability for gun violence? Is there a correlation between guns and gun violence? Could the NRA's uncompromising stance behind the gun makers in promoting assault weapons be the basis for criticism?

The NRA is about gun safety. They didn't invent guns, they don't manufacture guns. They want them used safely. How could they be responsible for gun violence?

What about liberals who create gun free zones that honest citizens obey and criminals don't? Do they bear any responsibility for the body count?

The Left vilifies the NRA even though they supported the "common sense gun laws" decades ago and only turned when it became apparent that the "common sense gun laws" not only didn't work, but were designed not to work to provide an excuse for more "common sense gun laws" that only serve to restrict a right which the Left does not approve.

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