What should Trump's response to Hurricane Harvey be that would please Progs?

In response to Harvey?


Are you saying Progs will be critical no matter what POTUS does to help the people affected by Harvey because Progs are disingenuous twats?

i'm saying the only way they will shut up ABOUT TRUMP is if he resigns.

it doesn't matter what the current issue at hand is.

Here I'll disagree with you. They won't shut up, but they will be happy. Next they'll be bashing everyone over the head with Trump until Congress passes a law making the name Trump a Felony punishable by death.

What specific actions and words by POTUS will make Progs say that Trump handled the natural disaster properly?

He needs to explicitly condemn Hurricane Harvey by name, otherwise he's a racist.

In response to Harvey?


Are you saying Progs will be critical no matter what POTUS does to help the people affected by Harvey because Progs are disingenuous twats?

i'm saying the only way they will shut up ABOUT TRUMP is if he resigns.

it doesn't matter what the current issue at hand is.

Here I'll disagree with you. They won't shut up, but they will be happy. Next they'll be bashing everyone over the head with Trump until Congress passes a law making the name Trump a Felony punishable by death.
well i can't argue that wouldn't come up. :)

In response to Harvey?


Are you saying Progs will be critical no matter what POTUS does to help the people affected by Harvey because Progs are disingenuous twats?

i'm saying the only way they will shut up ABOUT TRUMP is if he resigns.

it doesn't matter what the current issue at hand is.

Here I'll disagree with you. They won't shut up, but they will be happy. Next they'll be bashing everyone over the head with Trump until Congress passes a law making the name Trump a Felony punishable by death.

Libs don't believe in capital punishment.
If President Trump equates the damage to another hurricane, it may be grounds to impeach.

What specific actions and words by POTUS will make Progs say that Trump handled the natural disaster properly?

lol, I think he should honor the consensus on the Right that the Constitution doesn't give the federal government the power to involve itself in natural disasters.
I don't expect anything from President Trump anymore....he's too self centered and lacks any kind of ability to be the president of all Americans or to ethically serve this Nation...And there is no 15 minute "act" that he can put on via teleprompter that will convince me otherwise.

What specific actions and words by POTUS will make Progs say that Trump handled the natural disaster properly?

I want him to show his tough rhetoric talk and tweet strongly and condemn HARVEY.

Like Harvey you mother f I'm going to kick your ass all the way to Caribbean. I like him to say that.

On top of that he should step down----- So we can make America great again. So we can make America NOT racist again. So the rest of America and Americans can have peace and unity. She we can re gain the respect that we lose from all over the world.
He already did everything he planned to do when he said "Good luck ". What else do you expect? After all the two agencies responsible for federal relief in disasters have no permanent leaders. Maybe he could hire Brownie back

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These are people who will always find something to bitch about. They aren't happy unless they're bitching about something.

These are also the people society knows to avoid. It's why they have no friends or jobs.

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