What the HELL is with the pervs flooding the site with threads about *adult* conversations/etc?

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Gads, Chris, do yourself a favor and bow out. You sound like a complete ding dong and you have effectively tattoed 'I WAS BORN TO BE AN INTERNET VICTIM" on your forehead. Every weirdo in here has figured out your IP by now and they're discussing how best to hook into you.
In a conversation about adult conversations, you asking someone if they are of age makes you look like a perv.

Just trying to help you out, kgrill.

Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!

Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.

It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.
She's a social conservative. A none-too-bright group if there ever was one.

The "holier than thou" hypocrites. :D
I don't have any opinions on how the site should be run. I said if it is not against the rules, then we can discuss it.

No, don't read it is a perfect solution. Just as if when something on television offends you, you can change the channel. Don't expect everyone else to cater to your ridiculous phobias about sex.

You do not get to say what we members can discuss, although, you may certainly share that opinion with us.
In a conversation about adult conversations, you asking someone if they are of age makes you look like a perv.

Just trying to help you out, kgrill.

Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!

Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.

It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.
She's a social conservative. A none-too-bright group if there ever was one.

I never said nobody should be able to discuss it.

I question the site for hosting porn. That's all.
Gads, Chris, do yourself a favor and bow out. You sound like a complete ding dong and you have effectively tattoed 'I WAS BORN TO BE AN INTERNET VICTIM" on your forehead. Every weirdo in here has figured out your IP by now and they're discussing how best to hook into you.

Oh, you must be jealous. :D Don't worry, I'm sure you can attract plenty of weirdos, seeing that you are one yourself.
I don't have any opinions on how the site should be run. I said if it is not against the rules, then we can discuss it.

No, don't read it is a perfect solution. Just as if when something on television offends you, you can change the channel. Don't expect everyone else to cater to your ridiculous phobias about sex.

You do not get to say what we members can discuss.

That is what you and KG are doing. I am saying if it is not against the rules, we can discuss sex. It is not against the rules, so all of your bitching is for nothing. If you want to censor people, go to the moderators and tell them that. I'm sure they will just laugh though.
It always amuses me that the anti-Christian retards claim that it's "holier than thou" to admit that everybody is flawed. In essence, they're saying "you're flawed, not me." Which is the epitome of "holier than thou".
Not that I really care about there being threads that are deemed sexually inappropriate on USMB, but I find it a bit rich that those who are advising KosherGirl not to read them are often among the first to begin calling for the censorship/disposal (openly or privately) of threads focusing on racial issues from a pro-White perspective and the like.

I guess we should all be a little more tolerant of the hate group known as the KKK. (eye roll)

If you insist. Although I'd prefer it if we all just venture into threads covering pro-White perspectives without all the usual prejudices.

Well that's a contradiction in terms! LOL!
It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.

Not the way it works, if you can have an "adult conversation," then she can certainly have an opinion about that conversation as well.

But of course that isn't how message boards work. You RARELY see a person start a thread and then welcome dissenting opinion.
So, where are these "Adult" threads that everyone is talking about LOL?

It was deleted, because the poster who made them included links to actual porn.

The poster who made the thread misunderstood what he read about the rules from a mod, Sir/Ma'am...

Lol who do you think you are to tell other grown ups what they can and can't like, expressing hostility to people because they like Adult conversation lol? Get a life, man.
Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!

Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.

It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.
She's a social conservative. A none-too-bright group if there ever was one.

I never said nobody should be able to discuss it.

I question the site for hosting porn. That's all.

Well, have you private messaged the owner of the site and asked him to censor this material? That is what you should do.
Not that I really care about there being threads that are deemed sexually inappropriate on USMB, but I find it a bit rich that those who are advising KosherGirl not to read them are often among the first to begin calling for the censorship/disposal (openly or privately) of threads focusing on racial issues from a pro-White perspective and the like.

I guess we should all be a little more tolerant of the hate group known as the KKK. (eye roll)

Of course you should be, they have the same rights as everyone else.

And no one is taking away their right to be ignorant.
I don't have any opinions on how the site should be run. I said if it is not against the rules, then we can discuss it.

No, don't read it is a perfect solution. Just as if when something on television offends you, you can change the channel. Don't expect everyone else to cater to your ridiculous phobias about sex.

You do not get to say what we members can discuss.

That is what you and KG are doing. I am saying if it is not against the rules, we can discuss sex. It is not against the rules, so all of your bitching is for nothing. If you want to censor people, go to the moderators and tell them that. I'm sure they will just laugh though.

I don't care what members discuss, but I am questioning the turn the site is obviously taking. Primarily because I'm not interested in porn, or frequenting a site that presents a fab, welcoming venue for online sexual predators.
Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.

It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.
She's a social conservative. A none-too-bright group if there ever was one.

I never said nobody should be able to discuss it.

I question the site for hosting porn. That's all.

Well, have you private messaged the owner of the site and asked him to censor this material? That is what you should do.

No, I should do what I did, and post a thread in the appropriate forum.

After all, you don't have to read it.
I don't have any opinions on how the site should be run. I said if it is not against the rules, then we can discuss it.

No, don't read it is a perfect solution. Just as if when something on television offends you, you can change the channel. Don't expect everyone else to cater to your ridiculous phobias about sex.

You do not get to say what we members can discuss.

That is what you and KG are doing. I am saying if it is not against the rules, we can discuss sex. It is not against the rules, so all of your bitching is for nothing. If you want to censor people, go to the moderators and tell them that. I'm sure they will just laugh though.

I don't care what members discuss, but I am questioning the turn the site is obviously taking. Primarily because I'm not interested in porn, or frequenting a site that presents a fab, welcoming venue for online sexual predators.

Well, then perhaps you should have a serious discussion with the staff about this. Have you tried that avenue yet?
"multiple threads inviting *adult* conversations about sex".

Where are these "multiple threads"? Are you saying that the entire "flood" of sex-related threads was deleted? If so, how many were there?

"a political discussion site"

What about all the non-political forums? Do you object to those too?

Are you saying that others should not be allowed to talk about subjects you don't want to talk about?

Has it yet occurred to you that you don't have to open and read every single thread?

Already addressed.

Thanks Mad Cabbie - I did see your comment about the one single deleted thread but I have not seen where koshergrl answered the questions I've posed here.

I haven't seen "multiple threads flooding the site" and would appreciate it if she were to post links to them.

As far as I know, koshergrl also has not answered the other questions in my post. To refresh her memory, here they are again:

What about all the non-political forums? Do you object to those too?

Are you saying that others should not be allowed to talk about subjects you don't want to talk about?

Has it yet occurred to you that you don't have to open and read every single thread?

koshergrl -- TIA.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.

It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.
She's a social conservative. A none-too-bright group if there ever was one.

I never said nobody should be able to discuss it.

I question the site for hosting porn. That's all.

Well, have you private messaged the owner of the site and asked him to censor this material? That is what you should do.

No, I should do what I did, and post a thread in the appropriate forum.

After all, you don't have to read it.

Well, if you were serious about it, you would have a discussion with staff as other posters are just not going to listen to you. If it is not against the rules, then you must take it up with the people who make the rules. Then maybe you can have the censorship on adult discussion that you desire.
Not that I really care about there being threads that are deemed sexually inappropriate on USMB, but I find it a bit rich that those who are advising KosherGirl not to read them are often among the first to begin calling for the censorship/disposal (openly or privately) of threads focusing on racial issues from a pro-White perspective and the like.

I guess we should all be a little more tolerant of the hate group known as the KKK. (eye roll)

Of course you should be, they have the same rights as everyone else.

And no one is taking away their right to be ignorant.

Of course not, but this is a common theme on the left lately. They want those they agree with left alone, while harassing the fuck out of anyone who opposes them.

NAACP - not a racist organization
KKK - racist

What a bunch of bullshit,they are both racist organizations and frankly who gives a fuck. People are racists, shocker. But the left only accepts racism from one group, actually they don't even have the balls to accept it, instead they excuse it.
I get the distinct feeling you got all flushed and giggly with Anonymous.

Those weirdoes troll for idiots like you.

This is (allegedly) a political forum. Not a chatroom for perverts. Though that description seems more and more like a *cover* for perv networking.

I don't troll for anyone, LIAR; how would you know what I do???

I asked was "Adult" conversation allowed at USMB and I was told by the mod that it is...if you don't like that then that sounds like your problem.
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