What the HELL is with the pervs flooding the site with threads about *adult* conversations/etc?

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Then don't read them and ignore them. Easy enough. People discuss all kinds of things here, movies, etc. There is a big discussion on the new movie 50 shades of grey, which happens to be a movie about BDSM. Are you saying that adults cannot discuss it?

Wow. Again, you're an idiot.

And if you don't mind my asking..ARE you of age? Because you sure don't sound it.
Quit with the perv stuff, kgrill.

Oh, ok. I'll do what you tell me to, ravtard. Cuz I respect you and recognize your authority.
In a conversation about adult conversations, you asking someone if they are of age makes you look like a perv.

Just trying to help you out, kgrill.

Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!

Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
I never indicated that you actually said that -- I inferred that it was a general response to (in this case, anyway) a very legitimate concern.

The offending thread in question, has since been deleted due to actual links to hardcore pornography.

No, I am standing by my synopses of this forum as being quite dismissive of posters who have shown up here in good faith to at least try to make the community here, better.

You sound like you're into forcing your views on others (...you want to make the site "better.") Who says that what YOU feel is best is best???
You don't have to participate in those discussions. .


Did you not take your medicine for the day?

Actually, I have.
Not that I really care about there being threads that are deemed sexually inappropriate on USMB, but I find it a bit rich that those who are advising KosherGirl not to read them are often among the first to begin calling for the censorship/disposal (openly or privately) of threads focusing on racial issues from a pro-White perspective and the like.
Yup, I'm a child. Lol. :D

And a willing target.

A willing target of what and whom? Specify please.

I already did. Read. Track. Understand.

the title of your thread indicates that you have a problem with people having adult conversations about sex. that is fine. You don't have to participate in those discussions. The site is not going to ban such discussions because there is nothing wrong with having them, as long as people remain within the rules.

No, the title of my thread indicates I have a problem with pervert networking and adult conversation forums on this political site that I've belonged to for a decade now.

Read. Track. Understand.

This site is not just political. Have you ever looked at the forum categories?
You don't have to participate in those discussions. .


Did you not take your medicine for the day?

Actually, I have.

Well, like I said, if you have a problem with adult sex conversations, maybe you should private message one of the moderators about it? Because, as of now, it is not against the rules, so yes, we can have those conversations regardless of what KG or you might think of them. That is really irrelevant.
Then don't read them and ignore them. Easy enough. People discuss all kinds of things here, movies, etc. There is a big discussion on the new movie 50 shades of grey, which happens to be a movie about BDSM. Are you saying that adults cannot discuss it?

Wow. Again, you're an idiot.

And if you don't mind my asking..ARE you of age? Because you sure don't sound it.
Quit with the perv stuff, kgrill.

Oh, ok. I'll do what you tell me to, ravtard. Cuz I respect you and recognize your authority.
In a conversation about adult conversations, you asking someone if they are of age makes you look like a perv.

Just trying to help you out, kgrill.

Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!
Oh my goodness! You started a thread about adult conversations. Why are you flooding the forum with adult conversations, perv?
You sound like you're into forcing your views on others (...you want to make the site "better.") Who says that what YOU feel is best is best?...

How am I forcing my views on anyone? I'm entitled to my opinion. Was you posting links to porn (against the rules) your way of making it better?
Does anyone really want more censorship? Really? So some of you think we should not even be able to discuss sex? That is just plain ridiculous.
Not that I really care about there being threads that are deemed sexually inappropriate on USMB, but I find it a bit rich that those who are advising KosherGirl not to read them are often among the first to begin calling for the censorship/disposal (openly or privately) of threads focusing on racial issues from a pro-White perspective and the like.

I guess we should all be a little more tolerant of the hate group known as the KKK. (eye roll)
Wow. Again, you're an idiot.

And if you don't mind my asking..ARE you of age? Because you sure don't sound it.
Quit with the perv stuff, kgrill.

Oh, ok. I'll do what you tell me to, ravtard. Cuz I respect you and recognize your authority.
In a conversation about adult conversations, you asking someone if they are of age makes you look like a perv.

Just trying to help you out, kgrill.

Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!

Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.
Not that I really care about there being threads that are deemed sexually inappropriate on USMB, but I find it a bit rich that those who are advising KosherGirl not to read them are often among the first to begin calling for the censorship/disposal (openly or privately) of threads focusing on racial issues from a pro-White perspective and the like.

I guess we should all be a little more tolerant of the hate group known as the KKK. (eye roll)

Of course you should be, they have the same rights as everyone else.
Not that I really care about there being threads that are deemed sexually inappropriate on USMB, but I find it a bit rich that those who are advising KosherGirl not to read them are often among the first to begin calling for the censorship/disposal (openly or privately) of threads focusing on racial issues from a pro-White perspective and the like.

I guess we should all be a little more tolerant of the hate group known as the KKK. (eye roll)

If you insist. Although I'd prefer it if we all just venture into threads covering pro-White perspectives without all the usual prejudices.
Quit with the perv stuff, kgrill.

Oh, ok. I'll do what you tell me to, ravtard. Cuz I respect you and recognize your authority.
In a conversation about adult conversations, you asking someone if they are of age makes you look like a perv.

Just trying to help you out, kgrill.

Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!

Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.

It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.
Well, like I said, if you have a problem with adult sex conversations, maybe you should private message one of the moderators about it? Because, as of now, it is not against the rules, so yes, we can have those conversations regardless of what KG or you might think of them. That is really irrelevant.

You're awful full of opinions on how this site should be run. I'm saying that I believe that this was a legitimate concern and that it was proper, not addressing your constant whining about how KG doesn't have a legitimate gripe and unless you have something other to add then "don't read it," adios.
Oh, ok. I'll do what you tell me to, ravtard. Cuz I respect you and recognize your authority.
In a conversation about adult conversations, you asking someone if they are of age makes you look like a perv.

Just trying to help you out, kgrill.

Yeah, because nobody should ever ask all participants in *adult* conversations if they're adult or not. Cuz we all know that there's no trolling for victims by perverts online.

But it's nice to know you're here to make things easy for the freaks, ravi. Thanks for what you do! Be sure to hook up what appears to be a really young, naïve girl with some of your online *friends*. I bet you two are private messaging now and you're scooping up all sorts of personal info about her. Good job!

Yes because having discussions about adult sex makes one a freak. Lol.
Her one great desire was to be a nun but even they could not welcome her as a member because she'd fly off at random times ranting about the horrors of sex.

It wouldn't be surprising. Lol. It is just silly to say that because she is offended by something that no one else should be able to even discuss it. Ridiculous.
She's a social conservative. A none-too-bright group if there ever was one.
Well, like I said, if you have a problem with adult sex conversations, maybe you should private message one of the moderators about it? Because, as of now, it is not against the rules, so yes, we can have those conversations regardless of what KG or you might think of them. That is really irrelevant.

You're awful full of opinions on how this site should be run. I'm saying that I believe that this was a legitimate concern and that it was proper, not addressing your constant whining about how KG doesn't have a legitimate gripe and unless you have something other to add then "don't read it," adios.

I don't have any opinions on how the site should be run. I said if it is not against the rules, then we can discuss it.

No, don't read it is a perfect solution. Just as if when something on television offends you, you can change the channel. Don't expect everyone else to cater to your ridiculous phobias about sex.
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