What type of ‘white’ is still voting Democrat?

Those that vote Democrat are gay and tranny.
That and these.


For the most part.
60% of Democratic voters are white, 70% are Christians, and more than 50% are under 50 years of age. They are younger, better educated, and and mainstream Christians.

lol hilarious, and the weirdo actually probably beleives this dumb crap.
What sort of whites vote democrat?

In my experience they are educated and well employed. They want the gov't to provide healthcare for all. They want abortion to be available if medically needed or in the event of rape or incest. And they want to top 1% to be taxed more heavily.

I am not saying I agree with any of those, but they do have merit.
Have they ever been to ANY predominantly dark community, city, state or nation?
Are those educated, intelligent, white people you speak of the ones who have voted their children into shitty public schools, voted for fewer college and job opportunities for their own children, voted for shittier healthcare, shittier public services, voted for a more dangerous society, a dirtier society as they beg Mexico’s people to invade and destroy?
Fuck…is that the shit that educated, intelligent people do? Are you sure Humberto?
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They actually think it's bad when white people look after their own like every other demographic does, never mind blacks, latinos, Asians, Muslims, and Jews are far more racist, insular, self-segregating, and violent than whites, and most of them come here from dystopian shitholes.
A bit of a taboo-ish subject.
With 90% of blacks voting Dem and 70+% of brown people voting Dem and with all of the jubilant celebration of ‘fewer whites’ / more minorities will the remaining Dem voting whites move to protect themselves from extinction at some point?

Thomas Sowell once said:
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”

Thomas Sowell - Will Orlando Change Anything?


The "whites" who vote Dem fall into two categories.

1. homos

2. Zionist Fascists, like the Zionist 911 W Faux "Biden Republicans" and their clones Biden, Wray, Garland, Pence, Schumer, Feinstein, McConnell

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