What Will A GOP Congress Do To Counter Obama?

and that assumes that mitchy poo doesn't get his butt handed to him by Alison Lundergan Grimes

Not gonna happen

She's toast. Her last New York fundraiser cut her off at the knees. One of her staff said she's going to fuck Kentucky if she gets in office. It was all over the news, so the Democrats pulled her national funding.
That combined with her bizarre refusal to say whether she voted for Obama means she pretty much earned the Nutjob award.
Nice going, Dems. Tkae a state with a Dem governor and nominate a fuck up as a candidate because she's got the right hormones.

idiotas... *you wouldn't vote for her if she was the second coming. so your "opinion" is pretty much irrelevant.

what probably is more relevant is that you wackadoodles have spent six years lying about the president and now are shocked that people won't pander to you.
I dont live in KY so you're right there. You wouldn't vote for her either. And your opinion is less relevant than mine.
The only ones lying about the president are the ones who swore he'd change the tone in Washington, work across the aisle, bend the healthcare cost curve, guarantee you could keep your doctor, and restore the world's love for America.
Not much can be done in either direction. Perhaps the GOP will do an about face and actually present the American with a clear, unified, positive vision of America. That would be an interesting change.
When has any party presented such a vision?

No, the Congress can pass legislation reining in the bureaucracy, stripping it of many powers. THey can put that in bills funding the government so Obama cannot veto them.

Reagan did it.

Obama did it. (Whether you agree with the vision or not).

They were both elected twice. Don't you think a candidate/party should provide a clear and positive reason why someone should vote for them?

Isn't that the whole point?

Reagan was not the Republican Party
Obama is not the Democrat Party.
So try again.

perhaps *you* should try again. you clearly aren't following what he said.

here... let me help... the "hate Obama" rhetoric only works with Obama deranged lunatics.
You trying to help anyone is a laugh, phony "counselor."
He said first the party needed to project a vision for America. When I asked when either party had, he responded by saying certain individuals had. Not the same thing. Of course logic eludes you, which i why you are pro-female but support sexual harassment by superiors at work.
If Reid couldn't get a spending bill through the Senate, neither can McConnell

If Republicans are willing to give up their attacks on Obamacare, they have a chance to get some of their pet projects through

But if they insist on beating that dead horse they can count on gridlock

And Gridlock works to the Dems' advantage, esp if Hill runs. A supermajority wants govt to work. If the gop spends two years just trying to undo Obama, it just reinforces the image of Mitt and the 47% ... a divider.

But there are things the gop could do. Push Obama to grandfather-in existing coal elec plants, in exchange from regulations making future ones unlikely at best. If they win the presidency, they can unmake the regulations.

Push spending caps on all domestic programs.

I'm sure there are more, but frankly I don't hear much from the gop on actual positive initiatives. It's more about "common core and communism" and common core was bipartisan. LOL

gridlock is certainly better than anything the rightwingnuts would do. I like religion out of my politics... you know, like the constitution guarantees.

Gee, where in the constitution exactly is that guaranteed?

Have you ever even read the constitution? I direct you attention to the final paragraph of Article VII.

I already know that you and your fellow theists don't understand the first amendment. but it would probably do you some good to do a little reading of caselaw.

hint: there is no state religion. there is no religion requirement of our legislators. that means we aren't a theocracy. and the first amendment only works if government stays out of religion and religion out of government.

but I know... you've never read a constitutional decision. maybe you should before you open your yap again.
So why is the mayor of Houston trying to subpoena pastors' sermons?

because they're relevant to a lawsuit filed by the pastors.

or is that not relevant to you? if the sermans told the congregations to gather signatures to put the repeal of legislation protecting gays on the ballots that is not protected by the 1st and isn't religious speech.

for myself, I hope it divests them of their tax exemptions.
and that assumes that mitchy poo doesn't get his butt handed to him by Alison Lundergan Grimes

Not gonna happen

She's toast. Her last New York fundraiser cut her off at the knees. One of her staff said she's going to fuck Kentucky if she gets in office. It was all over the news, so the Democrats pulled her national funding.
That combined with her bizarre refusal to say whether she voted for Obama means she pretty much earned the Nutjob award.
Nice going, Dems. Tkae a state with a Dem governor and nominate a fuck up as a candidate because she's got the right hormones.

idiotas... *you wouldn't vote for her if she was the second coming. so your "opinion" is pretty much irrelevant.

what probably is more relevant is that you wackadoodles have spent six years lying about the president and now are shocked that people won't pander to you.
I dont live in KY so you're right there. You wouldn't vote for her either. And your opinion is less relevant than mine.
The only ones lying about the president are the ones who swore he'd change the tone in Washington, work across the aisle, bend the healthcare cost curve, guarantee you could keep your doctor, and restore the world's love for America.

I sure wouldn't vote for mitchy "the tortoise" McConnell.

you can't change the tone was rightwingnut retards have spent six years throwing a giant temper tantrum. so i'd get over that little nugget if I were you.

or you could stop lying.

oh right... I forgot who we're talking about.
Not much can be done in either direction. Perhaps the GOP will do an about face and actually present the American with a clear, unified, positive vision of America. That would be an interesting change.
When has any party presented such a vision?

No, the Congress can pass legislation reining in the bureaucracy, stripping it of many powers. THey can put that in bills funding the government so Obama cannot veto them.

Reagan did it.

Obama did it. (Whether you agree with the vision or not).

They were both elected twice. Don't you think a candidate/party should provide a clear and positive reason why someone should vote for them?

Isn't that the whole point?

Reagan was not the Republican Party
Obama is not the Democrat Party.
So try again.

Well, I don't have to try, Rabbi. I'm just saying that a party can't expect to win when it's not willing to tell voters why they should win.

I would think they would WANT to do that, I would think that would be the MINIMUM. So I'm just tossing that stuff out.

I would also think that if a party isn't willing to do this, maybe they don't think they could win with their ideas.

and that assumes that mitchy poo doesn't get his butt handed to him by Alison Lundergan Grimes

Not gonna happen

She's toast. Her last New York fundraiser cut her off at the knees. One of her staff said she's going to fuck Kentucky if she gets in office. It was all over the news, so the Democrats pulled her national funding.
That combined with her bizarre refusal to say whether she voted for Obama means she pretty much earned the Nutjob award.
Nice going, Dems. Tkae a state with a Dem governor and nominate a fuck up as a candidate because she's got the right hormones.

idiotas... *you wouldn't vote for her if she was the second coming. so your "opinion" is pretty much irrelevant.

what probably is more relevant is that you wackadoodles have spent six years lying about the president and now are shocked that people won't pander to you.
I dont live in KY so you're right there. You wouldn't vote for her either. And your opinion is less relevant than mine.
The only ones lying about the president are the ones who swore he'd change the tone in Washington, work across the aisle, bend the healthcare cost curve, guarantee you could keep your doctor, and restore the world's love for America.

I sure wouldn't vote for mitchy "the tortoise" McConnell.

you can't change the tone was rightwingnut retards have spent six years throwing a giant temper tantrum. so i'd get over that little nugget if I were you.

or you could stop lying.

oh right... I forgot who we're talking about.
I wouldn't vote for McConnell either.
Quit deflecting.
The Dems ran someone who just went off the deep end. I wonder if someone will ask her about witchcraft.
Not much can be done in either direction. Perhaps the GOP will do an about face and actually present the American with a clear, unified, positive vision of America. That would be an interesting change.
When has any party presented such a vision?

No, the Congress can pass legislation reining in the bureaucracy, stripping it of many powers. THey can put that in bills funding the government so Obama cannot veto them.

Reagan did it.

Obama did it. (Whether you agree with the vision or not).

They were both elected twice. Don't you think a candidate/party should provide a clear and positive reason why someone should vote for them?

Isn't that the whole point?

Reagan was not the Republican Party
Obama is not the Democrat Party.
So try again.

Well, I don't have to try, Rabbi. I'm just saying that a party can't expect to win when it's not willing to tell voters why they should win.

I would think they would WANT to do that, I would think that would be the MINIMUM. So I'm just tossing that stuff out.

I would also think that if a party isn't willing to do this, maybe they don't think they could win with their ideas.

The GOP won many times without telling voters why they should win.
Dems same thing.
Individual candidates do need to explain why their policies will make people better off. And yes, the GOP hasnt spend enough time explaining why government handouts and bare subsistence arent really helping anyone.
A Republican majority congress under Obama will do everything a Democrat majority congress did under 43 ... live with the veto power, and get nothing done.
Not much can be done in either direction. Perhaps the GOP will do an about face and actually present the American with a clear, unified, positive vision of America. That would be an interesting change.
When has any party presented such a vision?

No, the Congress can pass legislation reining in the bureaucracy, stripping it of many powers. THey can put that in bills funding the government so Obama cannot veto them.

Reagan did it.

Obama did it. (Whether you agree with the vision or not).

They were both elected twice. Don't you think a candidate/party should provide a clear and positive reason why someone should vote for them?

Isn't that the whole point?

Reagan was not the Republican Party
Obama is not the Democrat Party.
So try again.

Well, I don't have to try, Rabbi. I'm just saying that a party can't expect to win when it's not willing to tell voters why they should win.

I would think they would WANT to do that, I would think that would be the MINIMUM. So I'm just tossing that stuff out.

I would also think that if a party isn't willing to do this, maybe they don't think they could win with their ideas.

The GOP won many times without telling voters why they should win.
Dems same thing.
Individual candidates do need to explain why their policies will make people better off. And yes, the GOP hasnt spend enough time explaining why government handouts and bare subsistence arent really helping anyone.

Well, there ya go, that's an example. So it would be in two parts, (1) why government handouts aren't helping anyone, and (2) an inspiring message about how people have it in them to help themselves.

Instead, all I hear is stuff about freeloaders and "the 47%". Not exactly a reason to vote for someone.

Full disclosure, I'm terrible at this stuff, definitely, I just don't understand this strategy.

If Republicans take the Senate, I encourage them to end the filibuster
And have democrats whine like a bitch?
Reid didn't have the balls to end the filibuster

I think McConnell would jump at the chance
I remember back when the republicans had a majority in the senate and house the democrats whined because they were the minority they said that their voice would not be heard.
So the Republicans caved into their whining. Move forward Dems gain control and do away with it.
So shut the fuck up.
I don't think there's a chance in Hell of taking the Senate, because there's too much riding on it. The Dems will pump enough money into key races to hold onto enough states to foil a GOP takeover, and they'll claim victory even if they lose several seats. If there's a tie they already have someone ready to become an independent and swing it back over to the left.

I think as long as Obama is in office the Republicans are afraid to take Congress.
The same bullshit argument could have been made about the 2006 elections, and yet the Democrats made huge gains.

If the GOP can't make big gains in a mid term election in Obama's second term, there simply are no excuses they can make.

That won't stop them from making them, though. Even if they have to manufacture the mother of all mountains of manufactured bullshit to conceal their incompetence.
So we are four pages into the topic, and no one has listed the GOP's comprehensive plans for America's problems.


Just the fact that someone had to start a topic to ask what the GOP will do if they take the Senate and House is just more evidence of what I have been saying for a long time: The GOP has no plans. Because they are spineless cowards who do what cowards do. They attack the other guy's plans but never offer any solutions.

And jackass can criticize the opposition party. It take LEADERSHIP to put a comprehensive plan on the table and convince the American people to go with it.

It is way, way, way past time to wake up. The GOP has an empty toolbox, folks.
Before someone says the GOP plan is "Jobz", make sure you know exactly how they intend to accomplish that.

"We gonna fix Merka." Oh yeah? HOW!?!
So we are four pages into the topic, and no one has listed the GOP's comprehensive plans for America's problems.


Just the fact that someone had to start a topic to ask what the GOP will do if they take the Senate and House is just more evidence of what I have been saying for a long time: The GOP has no plans. Because they are spineless cowards who do what cowards do. They attack the other guy's plans but never offer any solutions.

And jackass can criticize the opposition party. It take LEADERSHIP to put a comprehensive plan on the table and convince the American people to go with it.

It is way, way, way past time to wake up. The GOP has an empty toolbox, folks.


This makes no sense. Either they don't believe in what they "stand for", or they don't have to balls to communicate it.

That's not leadership.

Here's the thing.

Obama is a total incompetent. For chrissakes, he couldn't even get the public option into ObamaCare when he had rock star momentum. That's how amateurish and floundering he is.

He couldn't get the Bush tax cuts rolled back on the rich for years, even though everyone was pissed off at the rich when he came into office.

The guy let's the Democrats in Congress do all the heavy lifting, and then he tries to come in on a high horse at the last minute to give the final push and take all the credit, and he ends up leaving the room with his balls bruised by the Republicans every time!

Can we get a more weak idiot in the White House? I think not.

So if the GOP owns the Senate and the House, there should be nothing to stop them. Certainly not Obama.

Too fucking bad THEY HAVE NO PLANS ON THE TABLE, eh? If they can't beat the weakest, stupidest, most politically unskilled dickweed to ever foul the office with his stench, what does that tell you about them? What profoundly stupid idiocy does it take to not have a raft of solutions to America's problems ready to steamroll right over that fucker when they win the Congress?

Where is the Contract for America? Huh? WHERE IS IT!?!?!

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