What will happen after Donald Trump is 100% Exonerated again?

Will Trump be indicted for the crimes he is accused of?

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No one is prosecuting Trump for incitement. Y’all can relax.
So you admit there is no case.

100% EXONERATED..................twice.
Criminal? No.

Political? Yes.

Trump is too dangerous or stupid (take your pick) to allow to be in office ever again. He deserves impeachment and barring from federal office.
Either there was insurrection or not, Stupid.

If he isn't criminally charged you admit this entire Shampeachment is a farce.
The 2nd Democrat admitted criminal, politically partisan Impeachment attempt will fail

President Trump will be exonerated

The Democrats' 4-year treasonoius losing streak against Trump will continue

Trump's loiving in their heads rent free for the last 4 years will now go on FOREVER

Much like Democrats have not gotten over the 2000 and 2016 election losses, this loss will stay with them forever

After this stunt, in which theyhave proven their own irrational hatred and continued crimes in an attempt to take Trump down, the Democrats will pay a heavy price in 2022

To attempt to distract America from Biden's nation-destroying EOs and failed leadership / governance, the Democfrats and Fake News MSM will continue to focus on and blame Trump for everything for however long Biden remais in ofice.
No one is prosecuting Trump for incitement. Y’all can relax.
So you admit there is no case.

100% EXONERATED..................twice.
Criminal? No.

Political? Yes.

Trump is too dangerous or stupid (take your pick) to allow to be in office ever again. He deserves impeachment and barring from federal office.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see anyone in the GOP that is ready to primary Trump in 2024.
Either there was insurrection or not, Stupid.

If he isn't criminally charged you admit this entire Shampeachment is a farce.
Impeachment isn’t a criminal case. It’s a political one.

There was a riot. You could call it an insurrection if you want as the riot was to impede the government transition of power. Trump isn’t guilty by the letter of the incitement statutes, in my opinion, not a lawyer.

But he so abused his power and authority, his place of leadership, that the riot was the obvious and predictable direct outcome of his actions. That kind of person has no place in US government, which is why he deserves impeachment.
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?

Biden has said he won't do it, but the State of Georgia is already preparing charges for election interference because of his phone call, and attacks on state officials. Michigan is looking at doing the same.

The State of New York is pursuing tax fraud charges against the whole Trump Family, and bank/insurance fraud against the Trump Corporation.

There's also Mary Trump's fraud case against her uncle, and two slander cases against Dumb Donald brought by women he sexually assaulted, and then called "liars" when they confirmed that he attacked them.
Either there was insurrection or not, Stupid.

If he isn't criminally charged you admit this entire Shampeachment is a farce.
Impeachment isn’t a criminal case. It’s a political one.

There was a riot. You could call it an insurrection if you want as the riot was to impede the government transition of power. Trump isn’t guilty by the letter of the incitement statutes, in my opinion, not a lawyer.

But he so abused his power and authority, his place of leadership, that the riot was the obvious and predictable direct outcome of his actions. That kind of person has no place in US government, which is why he deserves impeachment.
So he is being impeached for no crime.

Got it.
Will Biden sick his DOJ on him, or will Biden let Trump skate on sedition and insurrection?

Biden has said he won't do it, but the State of Georgia is already preparing charges for election interference because of his phone call, and attacks on state officials. Michigan is looking at doing the same.

The State of New York is pursuing tax fraud charges against the whole Trump Family, and bank/insurance fraud against the Trump Corporation.

There's also Mary Trump's fraud case against her uncle, and two slander cases against Dumb Donald brought by women he sexually assaulted, and then called "liars" when they confirmed that he attacked them.
Sure they are.

In the meantime............Trump is golfing in Florida.
So he is being impeached for no crime.
Not sure how often it needs to be said, but the founders knew what they were doing when they made impeachment and it very specifically it is not a criminal procedure.
You might be right. But the nomination is his, if he does want it.

I'm not sure who the Republicans could run (other than the Donald) who would have a chance.
That's really sad for the Republican party.

Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
Not really. Those in the GOP establishment like Romney, Kasich, the Bush Family, etc., are cool with 2nd place finishes. They have set a bar they figure they can reach.
The win at any cost attitude is quite harmful to the country.
So he is being impeached for no crime.
Not sure how often it needs to be said, but the founders knew what they were doing when they made impeachment and it very specifically it is not a criminal procedure.
They were very specific in outlining the very few things that qualifies one to be impeached. Your post earlier ruled them all out.

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