What will the Republican Party be like in the next 20 to 30 years?

"The conservatives fled the democrat party" when Black people joined up. This sounds like a rant from a high school kid.
You can mock the dialogue but that doesnā€™t change the facts.
Thereā€™s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party because theyā€™re white people that Republicans literally hate with a passion. Gays, atheist, liberals, and so on.
In fact, Republicans hate gay people more than they hate blacks,Hispanics and Muslims put together.

Republicans hate Hispanics?

Did you inform Rubio, Cruz, George P. Bush and Martinez of your findings or is this your opinion again based on what MSNBC has told you to believe?
But the question is what will the Republican Party look like. The reason Republicans on the USMB donā€™t want to answer that question is because theyā€™re terrified.
They donā€™t even wanna think about the changes that are coming. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re trying so desperately to screw over immigrants and people who are fleeing danger. They went to appear to be a worse danger than the life-threatening danger those people are fleeing.

What will your political party look like by then?

Filled with those like Cortez, Talib and Omar and no room for even a white hater like you?
We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
The Democrat party is mostly white.
That brings up a question. Why do minorities vote for people that think they are inferior?

We donā€™t vote for republicans.

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Fuck repub party.
But I am referring to dem party. They are racist and bigoted as shit.
Why? Because they have all those black people? Where is it because they have all those Hispanics? Or is it because thereā€™s Asians and Jews and Native Americans and gay people as part of the party?
Doesn't mean you hacks aren't racist as shit.
Everyone is under you white m fers
We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Probably still defending blacks from slavery, free, traditional american, speaking English, proud.. why do you ask
Republicans defended African-Americans until they became the party of the Nazis and the KKK.
Itā€™s Republicans who now fly confederate flags. Not Democrats.
The reason the GOP is a nearly all white party is because minorities donā€™t feel welcome there. In fact, many minorities say there are afraid of Republicans. Hardly sounds like freedom to me. Or protection.
A flag of there southern history and actual cries of racial oppression is two different things. Cries of racial oppression has only came from towns run by democrats.. you just never learn .. stop your fake news propaganda unless you have evidence of republicans oppressing blacks.
Thereā€™s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party because theyā€™re white people that Republicans literally hate with a passion. Gays, atheist, liberals, and so on.
In fact, Republicans hate gay people more than they hate blacks,Hispanics and Muslims put together.

Republicans hate Hispanics?

Did you inform Rubio, Cruz, George P. Bush and Martinez of your findings or is this your opinion again based on what MSNBC has told you to believe?
Cruz loves his Hispanic name. Thatā€™s why he changed it from Rafael to Ted.

Does Rubio even speak any Spanish?
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We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
Hyperbole much?
Thereā€™s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party because theyā€™re white people that Republicans literally hate with a passion. Gays, atheist, liberals, and so on.
In fact, Republicans hate gay people more than they hate blacks,Hispanics and Muslims put together.

Republicans hate Hispanics?

Did you inform Rubio, Cruz, George P. Bush and Martinez of your findings or is this your opinion again based on what MSNBC has told you to believe?
Cruz loves his Hispanic name. Thatā€™s why he changed it from Rafael to Ted.

Does Rubio even speak any Spanish?

What a bigot you are judging if they are Hispanic enough!

Do you also do the brown paper bag test to check to see if a black person past your test?
So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?

The Republican Party will wither in the next 20-30 years. The core of die hard Conservatives like myself will walk away to the Right and most of the rest of the party will be subsumed into the Democratic Party like the rest of the Centrist/Moderates will be.

At that point the Democrats will have the opportunity to bring single party rule to the country permanently... if they can crush the life out of that small core of Conservatives. If not, eventually a hard core Conservative replacement for the Republican Party wil re-emerge in 50-80 years and will likely do so violently and brutally.
We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
Hyperbole much?
I rambled. But to follow your question, I do see these things as trending. Hope I'm wrong.
So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?

The Republican Party will wither in the next 20-30 years. The core of die hard Conservatives like myself will walk away to the Right and most of the rest of the party will be subsumed into the Democratic Party like the rest of the Centrist/Moderates will be.

At that point the Democrats will have the opportunity to bring single party rule to the country permanently... if they can crush the life out of that small core of Conservatives. If not, eventually a hard core Conservative replacement for the Republican Party wil re-emerge in 50-80 years and will likely do so violently and brutally.
For anyone who understands what a coalition party is, will surely understand the Democrats canā€™t have one party rule. Why? Because they are a coalition.

Try to figure out how that works, if you canā€™t, then ask. Iā€™ll spend a little time and explain it to you.
We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
Hyperbole much?
I rambled. But to follow your question, I do see these things as trending. Hope I'm wrong.
I believe the United States will endure because the founders put down a great government outline.

The only thing that will keep the US from enduring are racist and fascist right wingers who are currently trying to destroy this country by moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and attempting to limit people of color from entering the country.
We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
Hyperbole much?

Yes, it is YOUR stock in trade.
We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
Hyperbole much?
I rambled. But to follow your question, I do see these things as trending. Hope I'm wrong.
I believe the United States will endure because the founders put down a great government outline.

The only thing that will keep the US from enduring are racist and fascist right wingers who are currently trying to destroy this country by moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and attempting to limit people of color from entering the country.

Except the democrat party is trying to destroy that wonderful foundation. And useful idiots, like you, are helping them.

How does it feel to be a traitor to one of the greatest governmental experiments of all time derpy? Do you get your checks direct from pootin or are they laundered like the clintons did with the law firm out of wherever it is?
Nov 09, 2016:
Non-white voters voted 74% for Clinton and 21% for Trump.
White men opted 63% for Trump and 31% for Clinton.
White women voted 53% for Trump and 43% for Clinton.
The Democratic Party's constant hate mongering and far left wackery has alienated mainstream Voters.
What youā€™re saying is that white republicans are the main stream voters.
I think since the Republicans picked up the KKK and the Nazi party and the Alt white and the Aryan nation, theyā€™re not as main stream as they used to be.
We know political parties change. Look what happened to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party the 1960s. The conservatives fled the Democratic Party when black people joined up and as the African-Americans left the Republican Party the ranks were swelled by fleeing racist white conservatives. This is why the Republican Party has become the Confederate party even though it was Republicans who defeated the Confederates.

Now you have two extremely different parties. The Democratic Party is made up of minorities that are not welcome in the Republican Party as well as white people that arenā€™t welcome in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is a nearly all white party that you could probably classify as closer to a cult that a political party.

But things are changing. Thereā€™s more minorities of color in America. There are fewer Republicans. And younger Republicans donā€™t feel welcome with the party thatā€™s racist, homophobic and demands that you fall in line.

So what will the Republican Party be like in 20 or 30 years? Clearly it canā€™t continue to be an all white party. So theyā€™re going to have to change. But with those changes be?

Will it become the womenā€™s party? Will it become the party of conservative African-American and Hispanicā€˜s? Considering how much the Republican Party changed after the 60s, will it become the atheist party?

Anyone see any trending?

And what will happen to all the racist minorities in the Republican Party like the Nazis and the Alt white and the Aryan nation and the KKK?
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
Hyperbole much?
I rambled. But to follow your question, I do see these things as trending. Hope I'm wrong.
I believe the United States will endure because the founders put down a great government outline.

The only thing that will keep the US from enduring are racist and fascist right wingers who are currently trying to destroy this country by moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and attempting to limit people of color from entering the country.

Except the democrat party is trying to destroy that wonderful foundation. And useful idiots, like you, are helping them.

How does it feel to be a traitor to one of the greatest governmental experiments of all time derpy? Do you get your checks direct from pootin or are they laundered like the clintons did with the law firm out of wherever it is?
Trump works for Putin. Leave me out of that duo.
Nov 09, 2016:
Non-white voters voted 74% for Clinton and 21% for Trump.
White men opted 63% for Trump and 31% for Clinton.
White women voted 53% for Trump and 43% for Clinton.
The Democratic Party's constant hate mongering and far left wackery has alienated mainstream Voters.
What youā€™re saying is that white republicans are the main stream voters.
I think since the Republicans picked up the KKK and the Nazi party and the Alt white and the Aryan nation, theyā€™re not as main stream as they used to be.
Wow, did you think of that all by yourself?
Constantly calling Republicans racist is why the idiot Dems keep losing.
Too simplistic. Color means nothing-culture and language mean everything. In time, Spanish will replace English (it has started already) and the Pope will declare no abortions or homosexuality-the newly arriving illegal faithful will do what he tells them. Muslims will support the new religious restrictions. The parties will lose influence in favor of neighbor hood thought police.
Hyperbole much?
I rambled. But to follow your question, I do see these things as trending. Hope I'm wrong.
I believe the United States will endure because the founders put down a great government outline.

The only thing that will keep the US from enduring are racist and fascist right wingers who are currently trying to destroy this country by moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and attempting to limit people of color from entering the country.

Except the democrat party is trying to destroy that wonderful foundation. And useful idiots, like you, are helping them.

How does it feel to be a traitor to one of the greatest governmental experiments of all time derpy? Do you get your checks direct from pootin or are they laundered like the clintons did with the law firm out of wherever it is?
Trump works for Putin. Leave me out of that duo.

You are PROVABLY doing pootins bidding you piece of shit

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