What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

The emotional projection and frothing by emotional revenging retards is moot because the secret service will not permit him to be carted away for more show trials.
I think libs are hoping for an armed conflict with the wishes that Trump would be shot and thus solve their plight.
Between the two, only Obama leveled sanctions against Putin. Trump wanted to remove them, that's a kiss-ass!

Are you really that fucking stupid?

Obummers sanctions did nothing.

Obummer sent blankets, Trump sent anti tank missiles.

Obummer refused to let American troops engage Russians in Syria. At great risk to themselves.

Trump said "GO FOR IT!", and American troops killed over 200 members of The Wagner Group.

Pootins private army.

So you are't just wrong, you are epically wrong

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
Well, the dems want to weaponize the DOJ, so it's possible if this abuse arrestes Trump, some folks might want to use this as the basis for the arresting any and all of their political enemies. This way the US can turn itself in another fascistic banana republic
Well, the dems want to weaponize the DOJ, so it's possible if this abuse arrestes Trump, some folks might want to use this as the basis for the arresting any and all of their political enemies. This way the US can turn itself in another fascistic banana republic
Trump has comitted many crimes and still not been arrested. The Pastor was watering plants and got arrested for his troubles. The only link is the one that proves that not all Americans are equal in the eyes of the law.
Trump has comitted many crimes and still not been arrested. The Pastor was watering plants and got arrested for his troubles. The only link is the one that proves that not all Americans are equal in the eyes of the law.

Trump has PROVABLY committed no crimes. The assholes trying to destroy though, PROVABLY have.

Trump has comitted many crimes and still not been arrested. The Pastor was watering plants and got arrested for his troubles. The only link is the one that proves that not all Americans are equal in the eyes of the law.
Geez, how lame.

If Trump was guilty of multiple crimes while president, why did the TDS afflicted haters, Pelosi and Schiff, NOT cite any federal crimes against trump in their two impeachments?

You guys a making fools of yourselves every day.
"..... FBI are evil and corrupt you stupid dumbass fuck, ....... you're such a stupid fuck ...... you stupid fuck idiot. .......Thanks to trump...... the first president in my lifetime that have ever shown any interest in getting to the truth of the jfk assassination moron. that is WHY the FBI hates him.......god you are one stupid fuck. ...... they killed kennedy because of that and that is WHY there has been multiple assassination attempts on his (Trump's) life as well by them, they cant kill him and they are so terrified of him coming back to office that they are now trying to frame him stupid fuck.........jesus you making a dumbass out of yourself......."

Again, as has been pointed out previously, many of the Trump fanboys on this particular gossipboard seem to have some language challenges. Punctuation and spelling are two, but so is poor choice of crass vulgarity to emphasize their narrow points.

Language fluency is one of the reasons I quote from the good poster, LA Ram Fan.
Not to point him out specifically, but rather as an illustration of the larger point I make on poor choices by the Trumpery.

Putting aside their language challenges, one has to be impressed with the breadth and depth of their adherence to most any old conspiracy theory that rolls down the pike. Go back up and read the whole post from LA Ram (it is in post #362).....I think, though I really didn't take the time to count 'em, but there may be 6? or 7? conspiracy nutteries referenced in it.

So yeah, crass profanity is one issue that the Trump fanboys struggle with, but unreasoned belief in conspiracies is another.

I dunno why.
I just find it curious.
But maybe poster LA Ram is coming directly to this board from his stints over here: Conspiracies
Nope. I am an educated liberal and I know a conman when I see one and that is the great Orange Man Bad.
You have been taken in by the cia controlled media,yeah he is a conman that’s why there have been so many assassination attempts on his life by the cia yeah he is a conman that’s why he is the first president sense kennedy to go out and do what he said he would do,again,stick to the sports section and the rams where you don’t embarrass yourself. :auiqs.jpg: You didn’t counter a single fucking thing I said.
Geez, how lame.

If Trump was guilty of multiple crimes while president, why did the TDS afflicted haters, Pelosi and Schiff, NOT cite any federal crimes against trump in their two impeachments?

You guys a making fools of yourselves every day.
:thankusmile: Yep they excel at that.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
I'll rappel into the prison he's in, get him out then smuggle him into Wales so he can deal your your lying ass.
I'll rappel into the prison he's in, get him out then smuggle him into Wales so he can deal your your lying ass.
The stupid fuck doesn’t want to discuss hunters laptop of national security violations or Hillery deleting 3000 emails illegally with no fbi raid over thst or all the deaths the Clinton’s are linked to.
When you were a kid, did you have to wear hockey equipment, but you weren't on a team? Because you sound really mental. Trump is a cancer to this planet and he is GOING TO JAIL!
And when he doesn’t we will see you on the suicide hotline,you prove you are a commie,you don’t want to talk about bush orchestrating 9/11 that he is not going to jail fir those crimes when you ADMITTED it was an inside job or talk about the deaths the Clinton’s are behind going back to their days in Arkansas or how the fbi did not raid hitlery house after deleting 3000 files trollboy.

You and Tommy are such a stupid fucks.you guys are obviously clueless whst an evil organization the fbi is.

oh and guess what dumbass,many former FBI agents have said the same thing. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: But you being the stupid fuck you are,you are going to tell us these former FBI agent whistleblowers along with the majority of Americans who understand the fbi never has americas interest at heart,that they are all wrong and your right.:uhoh3: Grow the hell up you stupid fuck.
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Trump has comitted many crimes and still not been arrested. The Pastor was watering plants and got arrested for his troubles. The only link is the one that proves that not all Americans are equal in the eyes of the law.
Uh no trollboy,thst is obama,bush,Biden,and the Clinton’s that have committed crimes and still have not been arrested.:itsok:
Stupid thread.
No, I favor truth over fiction. The FBI lied REPEATEDLY to a FISA Court. That is a crime. You don't care about the law enforcement agency's committing crimes against trump because you are an idiot. You compound your stupidity by calling anyone who calls you on your infantile bullshit a "russia lover". The facts are quite plain, the only pootin lover was YOUR hero, the obummer.


:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: This trollboy indeed favors fiction over truth,it’s funny he claims to be educated yet he never wants to talk about o bummer and Clinton’s massive crimes against humanity.:abgg2q.jpg: You totally nailed it,when his bullshit is called out,he gets desperate and calls you a Russian lover never mind he is a commie China lover who has his head up commie Obama and Biden’s ass.

Will you respect the work of keeping America secure from traitors ?
Will you polish up your guns and kill some cops ?
Will you squat on your couch , watch Fox and burble about Hillary,Hunter and stuff ?

You havent got long to think about this.
I'm also wondering about Barr now; https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/24/politics/barr-mueller-report/index.html?
Nope. I am an educated liberal and I know a conman when I see one and that is the great Orange Man Bad.
miserable trump.jpg

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