What would happen to the economy if minimum wages are raised?

I am stunned (but not surprised) to find some posters still trying to pass off this (not so) new-and-improved version of the "Worker's Paradise" which failed so miserably in the 20th Century and continues to disincentivize ambition, creativity and productivity while destroying people's lives and even whole countries (see: USSR).
Funny. You think a raise in the minimum wage is the same as a communist nation. Or are you simply proving yourself to be an idiot so all can understand what you are.

You misunderstand me (but I'm not surprised). I am opposed to federal gov't meddling in our labor/employer market. States, and better yet municipalities - if anyone at all - should be the arbiters of what their communities want and need in this particular matter.

Your DOL feature story has a pernicious leftist slant. For instance it claims:
Myth: Raising the federal tipped minimum wage ($2.13 per hour since 1991) would hurt restaurants.

Not true: In California, employers are required to pay servers the full minimum wage of $9 per hour — before tips. Even with a 2014 increase in the minimum wage, the National Restaurant Association projects California restaurant sales will outpace all but only a handful of states in 2015.

Of course, it fails to mention that 48 states do not require full min wage for restaurant workers (Alaska being the other oddity) and as our largest and wealthiest state, Cali restaurant sales should outpace all states.

Your problem is you are far too married to your all-powerful, all-knowing central-gov't, socialist ideology and your over-inflated view of your "knowledge" and POV. Others, you may have noticed, have different POVs but you seem convinced that only you know the truth and the way and all others are "idiots." Carry on!
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I am stunned (but not surprised) to find some posters still trying to pass off this (not so) new-and-improved version of the "Worker's Paradise" which failed so miserably in the 20th Century and continues to disincentivize ambition, creativity and productivity while destroying people's lives and even whole countries (see: USSR).: 35716"] Funny. You think a raise in the minimum wage is the same as a communist nation. Or are you simply proving yourself to be an idiot so all can understand what you are.[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

You misunderstand me (but I'm not surprised). I am opposed to federal gov't meddling in our labor/employer market. States, and better yet municipalities - if anyone at all - should be the arbiters of what their communities want and need in this particular matter.

Your DOL feature story has a pernicious leftist slant. For instance it claims:
Jesus, dipshit, you need a few years of study of the english language. I showed you no "feature story". That would be the definition of a really, really ignorant and stupid person. You presented a bunch of conservative talking points all with out backing, and I simply posted proof that your talking points were lies. Simple to do.
Myth: Raising the federal tipped minimum wage ($2.13 per hour since 1991) would hurt restaurants.

Not true: In California, employers are required to pay servers the full minimum wage of $9 per hour — before tips. Even with a 2014 increase in the minimum wage, the National Restaurant Association projects California restaurant sales will outpace all but only a handful of states in 2015.

Sorry, me boy. What you see as a leftist slant is simply the truth. Truth is not slanted.
Here is the inconvenient truth regarding tips:

"What is the minimum wage for workers who receive tips?
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires payment of at least the Federal minimum wage to covered, nonexempt employees. An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus the tips received equals at least the Federal minimum wage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips. If an employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the Federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference.
Some states have minimum wage laws specific to tipped employees. When an employee is subject to both the Federal and state wage laws, the employee is entitled to the provisions which provides the greater benefits."
United States Department of Labor

Of course, it fails to mention that 48 states do not require full min wage for restaurant workers (Alaska being the other oddity) and as our largest and wealthiest state, Cali restaurant sales should outpace all states.
It does, me poor ignorant con troll. No other state is even close.
Fact Sheet - Wage and Hour Division (WHD) - U.S. Department of Labor

Your problem is you are far too married to your all-powerful, all-knowing central-gov't, socialist ideology and your over-inflated view of your "knowledge" and POV. Others, you may have noticed, have different POVs but you seem convinced that only you know the truth and the way and all others are "idiots." Carry on!

Not at all. I have the view that you are a con troll, which is based on your statements I have no social ideology. I neither adhere to or run from socialist concepts. But yes indeed, there is a major difference between you and I. Here:
1. You post con talking points, which are generally known by rational people as, technically, bullshit.
2. You are unable to provide a link to prove your talking points, because the source would be a completely partial, well known, bat shit crazy conservative source.
3. You have such little respect for those you post toward that you don't feel you have to prove anything. That is because you are stupid and incapable of doing so.
4. I back up what I say with impartial sources because I feel I owe it to others to show where my facts are coming from.

Or in short, you are a con troll. I am not.
And I have found, without exceptions, con trolls can always be proven to be liars.
Obama Growing Jobs Much Faster than Working Age Population!
Obama Growing Jobs Much Faster than Working Age Population!
True graph. True statement. Because you are a thinking person, and use valid sources for your information. Ed, the con troll, should be along to say something stupid shortly.
Funny. You think a raise in the minimum wage is the same as a communist nation. Or are you simply proving yourself to be an idiot so all can understand what you are.
it is communist since it is just 1 of the 1000 interventions a liberal will want because he lacks the IQ to understand how capitalism works.
There's a rather simple answer to this.

Person A makes $9.50 an hour. Person B makes $14 an hour. Person C makes $25 an hour.

Person A Gross Pay = $380
Person B Gross Pay = $560
Person C Gross Pay = $1000.

Person A will get a $4.50/hour raise, persons B&C will get a $0.00/hour raise while prices double. So more people will be making minimum wage than ever. Nearly 50% of the population actually. I barely know anyone who makes more than $14 an hour...
There's a rather simple answer to this.

Person A makes $9.50 an hour. Person B makes $14 an hour. Person C makes $25 an hour.

Person A Gross Pay = $380
Person B Gross Pay = $560
Person C Gross Pay = $1000.

Person A will get a $4.50/hour raise, persons B&C will get a $0.00/hour raise while prices double. So more people will be making minimum wage than ever. Nearly 50% of the population actually. I barely know anyone who makes more than $14 an hour...

yes prices will go up by the exact amount of the wage increase and no net benefit will be possible. Everybody earning the minimum wage will kill incentive to improve your skills.

Minimum wage more pure libsocialist ignorance:
1) makes it illegal to employ people not worth minimum wage
2) raise prices for poor people who often shop where minimum wage folks work
3) speeds up automation and replacement of minimum wage jobs
4) teaches people that you get ahead with govt violence rather than being worth more
5) raises prices, reduces demand, and thus reduces employment
6) makes American workers even less competitive with foreign workers
7) makes a huge % of work force minimum age workers with no incentive to improve their skills.
Jobs would be cut, investment diminished.

It's the value of the work that determines the pay.
In the short run. More jobs will be necessary in the long run, to meet any increase in demand from labor having more money to spend.

pay is determined by forces acting on our markets.

No independent restaurant startup would ever be able to compete. The rate of failure for restaurant startups is already 9 out of 10.
special pleading much? that applies to all startups, not just the restaurant sector.

If, a person can Only make it on the back of cheap labor, do they really have a worthwhile product?
More people would spend more money, causing stores and restaurants to hire more people...

On Mcdonalds and Walmart, since those are some of the few corporations that can compete in that type of economy.

That is essentially the case now. Any further action would just be signing the death certificate for American small business and independent capitalists.

More tax money would go into local, state, and federal programs, so schools and infrastructure would improve.

The ruling class would bank off of that too. They already bank off the majority of taxpayer revenue, and the only time we benefit from money spent is when public interests coincide with special interests.
only lousy capitalists say that; good capitalists make like Henry Ford.
Workers push for minimum wage to be raised (ethical or unethical)?

What would happen if the government and employers cooperate to boost the minimum wage to say, a very high figure. What would happen to the economy in the short and long run

You are paid due to your skill and what the market will bear. Artificially increasing wages will raise the price of the product you produce. This will bankrupt the company you work for and then you are in the unemployment line again.
Henry Ford thought the opposite, and doubled wages for autoworkers, not minimum wage workers. If Only there were Good Capitalists to be found in modern times.
and since 97% of workers already make more than the federal MW it seems silly to raise it drastically

It seems silly to raise it at all.

Scrap that, it seems silly for the corporate government to play wage control at all.

I agree. It doesn't matter what the MW is IMO because employment is a ladder not a bed you're not supposed to stay at the bottom rung your entire life
yes, it matters. the cost of social services is about fourteen dollars an hour. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services. it is about privatizing costs and not socializing costs; only the right wing, never gets it.
More people would spend more money, causing stores and restaurants to hire more people...

More tax money would go into local, state, and federal programs, so schools and infrastructure would improve.

More people would spend more money, causing stores and restaurants to hire more people...

Fewer stores and restaurants would open.
Stores and restaurants would hire fewer people. People and businesses would have less money to spend.
More tax money would go to welfare and unemployment.
why would fewer stores open or demand decrease, with an increase in spending due to a minimum wage increase?

do the laws of demand and supply stop working, whenever the right gets involved?
The economy would crash just like it has every time the minimum wage has been increased over the last 70 years or so.

You'd think they would learn by now.,
Except, it is Only right wing fantasy. There have been no crashes due to a minimum wage increase.

Only crashes that got the wealthiest, bailed out.
More people would spend more money, causing stores and restaurants to hire more people...

More tax money would go into local, state, and federal programs, so schools and infrastructure would improve.

seems like another liberal no brainer. Perhaps we need a Constitutional Amendment to raise all wages by $10/hr every year for the next 100 years??????????
Because, there are not enough Good Capitalists to, go around. Henry Ford doubled wages; modern capitalists only whine about having to improve efficiency.
Jobs would be cut, investment diminished.

It's the value of the work that determines the pay.

Employees make all of the monies for employers. If you cut employees you make less money.

Employees make all of the monies for employers.

All of it? What about the equipment?

If you cut employees you make less money.

If the minimum wage is more than the employee is producing, you would actually save money by cutting employees.
Or, improving efficiency like Henry Ford, and be able to double wages, as a result.

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