What Would India Do If Pakistan Plunges Into Civil War


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Let us get back to the topic. No one worth his/her salt will accept Wiki link as reliable source.



Thanks for bringing the conversation back to the topic.
Get real! Hindu intolerance, while not at the levels of Islam, is no secret - just a fact.
Vikrant -

Just to be clear here - are you denying that Nationalist Hindu politicians were involved in the destruction of the ancient mosque?

I can post information on the attack from a dozen sources if you like.
Vikrant -

India is officially secular, but as I am sure you have noticed, daily life is dictated by the Hindu calendar. India is every bit as devoted to its religion as any other country in the region is.

Here is a single example of religious extremism in India:

A screaming mob of thousands of Hindu militants stormed a 16th-century mosque here today and demolished it with sledgehammers and their bare hands, plunging India into a political and religious crisis.

The destruction of the mosque, which has been a focus of tensions between Hindus and Muslims for several years, raised the danger of a renewal of the conflicts between the groups that have claimed tens of thousands of lives in the last four decades.

Hindu Militants Destroy Mosque, Setting Off a New Crisis in India - New York Times

saigon forgot to mention the name of the mosque----it is a cover-up of the
real issue THE BABRY MOSQUE is not just some mosque that some hindus
decided to vandalize because they hate muslims-----it is a moque that was built
by the brutal invader BARBUR whose minions destroyed thousands of hindu
temple which they overtopped with mosques---even using artifacts from the
vandalized temples. ----The BABRY MOSQUE is in Ayodhiya ----and is atop
a very very important ancient hindu temple relating to the birth place of the
avatar/god RAMA The mosque is a symbol of moghul oppression and
the destruction of tens of thousands of hindu temples and a genocide
that took the lives of an estimated 100 million hindus over about 150 years

Hindus reacted a lot more gently than if some hindu enslaved in saudi arabia
accidentally wandered into mecca and ----aimed a kick at the black rock over
there. The mosque should have been removed years ago----placing it
there several hundred years ago was an ATROCITY----and it is of no more
importance to muslims than any other run of the mill mosque except that
it is symbol OF TRIUMPHALISM -----one might as well build a mosque
in Manhattan at "ground zero"--------to commemorate the VICTORY OF
ISLAM over manhattan
^ What is your point? Every country has fringe elements which engage in these kinds of activities. See an example below in UK. Your spin to label these elements as Nationalists Hindu is bigoted.

Anti-Islamic vandals have targeted the site of Cambridge’s planned new mosque.
Vandal attack on Cambridge mosque site | Cambridge City News, Cambridge Local News Stories & Latest Headlines About Cambridge

And again - in how many countries are "fringe elements" in government?
saigon forgot to mention the name of the mosque-

No, you forgot to read the thread.

I would also add that I think the destruction of the Ayodhya (or Babri) Mosque is common knowledge for most people with any interest in India.
saigon forgot to mention the name of the mosque-

No, you forgot to read the thread.

I would also add that I think the destruction of the Ayodhya (or Babri) Mosque is common knowledge for most people with any interest in India.

I did not read the thread----I read your post in which you fail to mention the
fact that the mosque was built on top of a stolen and vandalized and thereby
defiled very important holy site for the Hindus of India. In view of the fact
that you tried to depict the reclaiming of that hindu holy site as an example of
HINDU VIOLENCE------I would suggest that for the sake of fairness and balance
that you never mention the event without mentioning the orginial crime----to wit---
the building of the Babri mosque
iRosie -

Again, I would consider the events common knowledge for anyone who has followed current affairs in the region.

I think it is worth mentioning that the mosque destroyed had stood for 600 years, and was located in a state with 31 million Muslim residents. It was then torn apart by a deranged mob of 150,000 Hindus, led by leading government politicians. I would also point out that this kind of bullying and machismo is not an isolated incident - it seems to be a part of India's very makeup. Not that India is not a fabulous and unique culture in other ways, because it is - but this is an unattractive aspect of it.

Whether the mosque should ever have been built on the site I doubt, but one would hope that most countries would be more tolerant and aware in the 21st century than they were in the 16th century!
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iRosie -

Again, I would consider the events common knowledge for anyone who has followed current affairs in the region.

I think it is worth mentioning that the mosque destroyed had stood for 600 years, and was located in a state with 31 million Muslim residents. It was then torn apart by a deranged mob of 150,000 Hindus, led by leading government politicians. I would also point out that this kind of bullying and machismo is not an isolated incident - it seems to be a part of India's very makeup. Not that India is not a fabulous and unique culture in other ways, because it is - but this is an unattractive aspect of it.

Whether the mosque should ever have been built on the site I doubt, but one would hope that most countries would be more tolerant and aware in the 21st century than they were in the 16th century!

yes one would hope that in the 21st century-----that all people would understand that
a declaration of victory celebrated by the pillaging of a very important religious site---
WAS not nice and the best way to handle that problem is GIVE IT BACK. Mosque was
of no imporance to ISLAM other than the fact that it celebrated the murder of lots
of hindus Considering the filth inflicted on HINDUISM/BUDDHISM in afghanistan---
giving the birth place of RAMA back to the hindus who had revered the site for
MORE YEARS than islam has existed ------would have been nice Referring to those
who wanted their "HOLY SITE" returned to them as a "DERANGED MOB" is as disgusting as the "WE DECIDE WHAT RELIGIONS ARE "LEGAL" system in the shariah
casspit INDONESIA that you so admire.

but tnanks anyway----I knew that the shariah cesspit----had
the filthy system of "LEGAL RELIGIONS" but did not know
which are the LEGAL RELIGIONS I AM SO HAPPY that judaism is excluded---
ILLEGAL IN THE STINK HOLE -----even though traditionallly in the filth of shariah
Judaism has been legal and special accomdations and sophistry was needed to
render hinduism "legal"------I would like to offer my sympathies to Hindus
for being made LEGAL in the disgusting shariah system of Indonesia.
-----when it comes to garbage like shariah and nazism-----it is far nicer to be
the EXCLUDED group. The value of an ideology is far more accurately ascertained
by those who HATE its adherents than those who love its adherents-----better luck
next time hindus-------next time do not make yourselves so useful to them. The bottom
line is----it was economics----for both of us. Legal is that which makes THEM richer.
For us----it was also the knowlege in making wine-----
Here is another report on violence against Muslims/Mosques in Europe:

Arson and Integration: Have Berlin Mosques Become a Target?
Arson and Integration: Have Berlin Mosques Become a Target? - SPIEGEL ONLINE


India has over 200 million muslims and many more mosques than Europe and still India had only one attack on mosque between 1947 and now. Europe had several attacks on mosques just recently. Yet Indians are being labeled as Hindu Nationalists by bigoted European media while it puts a positive spin on the mosque attacks in Europe.

No amount of spinning can change following:
- India is a secular country where state does not support any religion
- Most European countries are declared Christian sates where Christian religion is supported by state
- Indian state recognizes major religious holidays that include Hindu, Christian and Muslim faith.
- There is not a single European country which recognizes non-Christian religious holidays
- There are European countries where tax payers have to pay tithing to state sponsored Christian church by default whether the tax payer is Christian or not

The fact is muslims/mosques have more to fear about in Europe than in India.


Also there was no government official involved in the destruction of Babri mosque. It was the work of bunch of zealots. See the excerpts from BBC below:

... 1993 which followed the destruction by Hindu zealots of the Babri mosque in the northern town of Ayodhya.

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Vikrant -

India has over 200 million muslims and many more mosques than Europe and still India had only one attack on mosque between 1947 and now.


The Mecca Masjid bombing occurred on May 18, 2007 inside the Mecca Masjid, (or "Makkah Masjid") a mosque the old city area in Hyderabad, capital of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh[4] located very close to Charminar. The blast was caused by a cellphone-triggered pipe bomb.[5] Fourteen people were reported dead in the immediate aftermath, of whom five(official record:disputed) were killed by the police firing after the incident while trying to quell the mob.


As I said, violence against Muslims is commonplace (did you not see 'Slumdog Millionaire'?!) and the involvement of politicians in that violence also commonplace.

Also there was no government official involved in the destruction of Babri mosque.

That is simply not true. Did you miss this post of mine earlier?

"A 2009 report, authored by Justice Manmohan Singh Liberhan, claimed that 68 people were responsible for the demolition of the mosque in Ayodhya - mostly leaders from the BJP and a few bureaucrats. Among those named in the reports were A.B. Vajpayee, the former BJP prime minister and L.K. Advani, the party's then (2009) leader in parliament. Kalyan Singh, who was the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh during the mosque’s demolition, has also come in for harsh criticism in the report".
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its mutual stuff Hyderabad was the site of a NAIL BOMB blast set off
in a children's playground -----an islamic gift to the hindu children on Divali
And I understand Sharif has been re-elected as PM. Wasn't he the one who supported the Pakistani intelligence service to support the Taliban?

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