What's for supper?

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
It's Thursday night. What's for supper? I think we're going to have beannie wii knees.
Going to wash it all down with iced tea. Yum. Yum.:lol:
Dog food. I feed the dog braised chicken in olive oil... with fried boilded cabbage and peppers over fettechini noodles. Oh ya and a side of butter fried potatos. He had Canadian Bacon and meatballs with noodles for lunch.

Don't blame me ..that's what the owner gives me to feed him..I just chow down on the left overs. :lol:
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NOt sure what my housekeeper is making this evening. I have been outside by the pol for a while, a pretty nice day here but I see rain coming.

One thing for sure it will be good, she is a great cook and I think I just caught a whiff of apple pie....

I may have to finiance her starting her own restaurant....
Becuase once she no longer cooks and cleans for me she will need work.
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My daughter is going to make her awesome lasagna and salad for my wife and I tonight.... I cant wait!
Oh yeah, and a nice bottle of Pink Pelican wine from a local winery

Haak Winery
I'm going to make baked Hawaiian chicken (super simple - pour a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, minced garlic and paprika over chicken parts - bake at 350 for an hour or so, basting every 10 minutes). Fresh green beans, sliced tomatoes, garlic bread. C'est tout.
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The burgs turned out pretty good. i ordered one of those Omaha Steaks assortment packages. They have a 70% off special which was too good to pass up, even with shipping. Next up: stuffed sole.

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