Whats it all about...really?

You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
Actually not.

Unless, of course, you don’t consider gay and transgender Americans to be ‘average,’ or Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and First Americans to likewise not be ‘average.’

Indeed, women of child-bearing age must not be ‘average.’

And clearly the millions of Americans adversely impacted by the pandemic – more than a quarter of a million who have died – are not ‘average’ Americans.

The fact is that whomever occupies the WH does have an effect on average Americans, with court appointments, legislation signed into law, vetoed, or otherwise opposed – and in the case of the pandemic, a crisis the executive branch was solely responsible to address, a responsibility the current president failed to manage.
You believe trumps administration adversely affected those people, but those on the right don't. The only thing we have to go on is what our media tells us. Who is right? There are arguments on both sides. You choose to believe left wing spin, the other side chooses to believe right wing spin. Hence the part I put in there about media propaganda that infects everyone.
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
you must live in the middle of nowhere cause the lives of people are greatly effected by new admins when they take office,,,
What major changes have you seen over the course of the years?
there are many,,
when Obama tok office we saw the loss of our right to be in control of our healthcare and watched more of our soldiers were placed in harms way not to mention the increase in energy cost,,

when trump entered we saw small business growing with the reduction of taxs and regs,, and energy costs going down,,
Sure, but, how many of those really affected you? Maybe the Healthcare, and if you are a business owner, maybe the taxes. This is why I said "overall". Sure, some people will be affected by it, but most won't.

I myself really have seen little change in my life from one administration to the next. Yeah, my Healthcare got a little worse around the time obama took office, but thats about the only change that affected me personally.

Trump may be the exception to the rule as far as the military, because in 4 years, he hasn't started any new wars, but, under just about every other administration, there has been a war or conflict of some sort.

That's how it should be, the federal government should not be present in our lives in any way shape or form. They should deal with foreign policy and the military.

But that's not fine with leftists, they want to tell other people how to live, and they want their free gibs. To the trash goes the constitution.
I agree, small limited government. 18 enumerated powers, states after that and then on a personal level.

My issue, and maybe I'm wrong, maybe I have a skewed outlook, but, I just feel that your average everyday American just doesn't get affected too much by policy changes, which leads me to believe that this whole left vs right war that happens daily is really just about "our guy vs their guy". Its about being able to thumb your nose at the other guy and go "na na, we won!"

Sometimes I wonder if we are all just a bit too jaded by "partisan politics".
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
I just reminded myself of that this morning, as a matter of fact. I've been waking up each morning hoping someone hasn't shot Biden. And this morning, I had to have a little talk with myself about that.

To be honest, I thought it was likely that someone would at last take a shot at Trump at some point over the last 4 years. Relieved that it didn't happen, and I doubt anyone will take a shot at Biden either. Hope not but there are a lot of nuts and fruitcakes out there.

As for what's it all about, we should all take a gander at Biden's platform, which IMHO didn't get the attention it should have received before the election. People are talking about canceling student loans in full or in part, which actually means the taxpayers paying those loans instead. And I believe Biden's administration will make a concerted effort to confiscate certain firearms voluntarily or otherwise or make them as unaffordable as possible. And other issues such as amnesty, immigration, bailouts, the Paris Accords, the Iran Deal, etc. There's a lot of stuff the democrats want to do; hopefully (IMHO) they won't get most of it done, much depends on what happens in those 2 Georgia runoff Senate races.
We will see. I could see some of that actually having an effect on average people, possibly. Again, though, some of that was said about Obama too, but never happened. I'm not going to say never, but, at this point, in going to have to see it to believe it. A lot of politicians say a lot of things, and most of it never happens.
lying about what happened doesnt [sic] help your POV,,,

That's Pogo you're addressing. Lying is what he does. Lying is what he is. It does not matter to him, whether the lies help or harm any cause that he supports or opposes. With him, it is the lying itself that is the whole point.
lying about what happened doesnt [sic] help your POV,,,

That's Pogo you're addressing. Lying is what he does. Lying is what he is. It does not matter to him, whether the lies help or harm any cause that he supports or opposes. With him, it is the lying itself that is the whole point.

Linko, Blinko?

Everybody else, gather 'round, I'll be signing copies of my new book, "How To Keep a Moron Busy".
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
most people are not affected by the policies of each administration
The consequences of elections,
China doesnt hide their agenda for wanting to be a super power and securing world dominance. Of course youre not going to hear this on any of the bought and paid for MSM outlets. Trump put the brakes on Chinas fast track, and people on this forum and the rest of the world can decide if the virus was intentional or not.
If Biden wins, I think it will be interesting to see how Biden reacts to China.
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
Actually, we are affected significantly by policies depending on whom the president appoints in some key areas. It's why we all tune in to the State of the Union, or did, prior to Trump. Instead, we have been subjected to feelings. That is what we are currently fighting over. We could be fighting about policy but no........

What is funny as hell is watching the same people freak out in fear that someone is not going to leave the oval office. It's happens so often this is almost as bad as "pull my finger". The fear of a "socialist" in the office is even funnier.
What it isn't is Republican vs Democrat. This is America vs the UN. The UN won/stole the election, and are in power. Biden will do everything they tell him to do. They will throw open our borders and the law of the jungle will ensue.
Don't take my word for it. Take this man's word for it. He knows more than we do about what's happening to our country:

He sort of takes it out of the "conspiracy theory" category and underscores it's validity, doesn't he?
We are welcoming the UN in with open arms. They hate our Constitution and Bill of Rights. And it will be catastrophic:

... Lord Monckton focused on the UN climate treaty that was being proposed for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen that December. He warned:
I read that treaty. And what it says is this: that a world government is going to be created. The word “government” actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity. The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries…. And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement...

The American dream is over.
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
you must live in the middle of nowhere cause the lives of people are greatly effected by new admins when they take office,,,

I got a local highway expanded from 2 lanes to four out of the Recovery Act.
That's about all I can think of, other than taxes gong up in the next (current) admin but that's already covered in the OP.
lying about what happened doesnt help your POV,,,

I don't have a "POV". I do have a four-lane highway. What, you want me to drop everything, get in the car and take a damn picture?
well good for you,,, do you let other people drive on your highway??

You just accused me of "lying", pissant. Should I shovel you onto the Ignore list?
you said two things but only responded to one of them,,,
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
you must live in the middle of nowhere cause the lives of people are greatly effected by new admins when they take office,,,

I got a local highway expanded from 2 lanes to four out of the Recovery Act.
That's about all I can think of, other than taxes gong up in the next (current) admin but that's already covered in the OP.
lying about what happened doesnt help your POV,,,

I don't have a "POV". I do have a four-lane highway. What, you want me to drop everything, get in the car and take a damn picture?
well good for you,,, do you let other people drive on your highway??

You just accused me of "lying", pissant. Should I shovel you onto the Ignore list?
you said two things but only responded to one of them,,,

Oh so you want to see my taxes?

They're "under audit". Yeah that's the ticket, they're "under audit". But I can tell you they were neither zero nor were they $750. They were, in the contemporary term, "a nonzero number of dollars".
We fight so the Uber wealthy can have us arguing at each other while they laugh all the way to the bank. Middle class people hating on other middle class people. It's easy to figure out.

It's mostly the poor people who are laughing to bank at the middle class' expense. Free this, free that... even getting free food when not needed as the thread other day showed.

Stick your class hate elsewhere.
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
you must live in the middle of nowhere cause the lives of people are greatly effected by new admins when they take office,,,
What major changes have you seen over the course of the years?
there are many,,
when Obama tok office we saw the loss of our right to be in control of our healthcare and watched more of our soldiers were placed in harms way not to mention the increase in energy cost,,

when trump entered we saw small business growing with the reduction of taxs and regs,, and energy costs going down,,
Sure, but, how many of those really affected you? Maybe the Healthcare, and if you are a business owner, maybe the taxes. This is why I said "overall". Sure, some people will be affected by it, but most won't.

I myself really have seen little change in my life from one administration to the next. Yeah, my Healthcare got a little worse around the time obama took office, but thats about the only change that affected me personally.

Trump may be the exception to the rule as far as the military, because in 4 years, he hasn't started any new wars, but, under just about every other administration, there has been a war or conflict of some sort.

That's how it should be, the federal government should not be present in our lives in any way shape or form. They should deal with foreign policy and the military.

But that's not fine with leftists, they want to tell other people how to live, and they want their free gibs. To the trash goes the constitution.
I agree, small limited government. 18 enumerated powers, states after that and then on a personal level.

My issue, and maybe I'm wrong, maybe I have a skewed outlook, but, I just feel that your average everyday American just doesn't get affected too much by policy changes, which leads me to believe that this whole left vs right war that happens daily is really just about "our guy vs their guy". Its about being able to thumb your nose at the other guy and go "na na, we won!"

Sometimes I wonder if we are all just a bit too jaded by "partisan politics".
the problem is they do things that we dont notice right away,, kinda like the frog in boiling water,, after a while you dont realize youre a slave,,

as for the left and right,,, currently we have two left wing partys,, the repubes quit being right wing more than 60 yrs ago,,,
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
you must live in the middle of nowhere cause the lives of people are greatly effected by new admins when they take office,,,
What major changes have you seen over the course of the years?
there are many,,
when Obama tok office we saw the loss of our right to be in control of our healthcare and watched more of our soldiers were placed in harms way not to mention the increase in energy cost,,

when trump entered we saw small business growing with the reduction of taxs and regs,, and energy costs going down,,
Sure, but, how many of those really affected you? Maybe the Healthcare, and if you are a business owner, maybe the taxes. This is why I said "overall". Sure, some people will be affected by it, but most won't.

I myself really have seen little change in my life from one administration to the next. Yeah, my Healthcare got a little worse around the time obama took office, but thats about the only change that affected me personally.

Trump may be the exception to the rule as far as the military, because in 4 years, he hasn't started any new wars, but, under just about every other administration, there has been a war or conflict of some sort.

That's how it should be, the federal government should not be present in our lives in any way shape or form. They should deal with foreign policy and the military.

But that's not fine with leftists, they want to tell other people how to live, and they want their free gibs. To the trash goes the constitution.
I agree, small limited government. 18 enumerated powers, states after that and then on a personal level.

My issue, and maybe I'm wrong, maybe I have a skewed outlook, but, I just feel that your average everyday American just doesn't get affected too much by policy changes, which leads me to believe that this whole left vs right war that happens daily is really just about "our guy vs their guy". Its about being able to thumb your nose at the other guy and go "na na, we won!"

Sometimes I wonder if we are all just a bit too jaded by "partisan politics".
the problem is they do things that we dont notice right away,, kinda like the frog in boiling water,, after a while you dont realize youre a slave,,

as for the left and right,,, currently we have two left wing partys,, the repubes quit being right wing more than 60 yrs ago,,,
I can see that. Death by a thousand cuts, so to speak. At first, you barely feel it, years down the line, you can't not see it.

I guess my point of this thread was that it seems we are so divided, and it only seems like its getting worse. It feels like this world has gone politics over substance and, to me, and I say at least to me, it just doesn't seem to change from potus to potus. I guess in my personal experience, I dont ever really see a change, my life is the same no matter who is in office. So, when I see how the media manipulates us, and how we all soak it in, then we come to places like this, and were at each others throats, I just feel its more of rooting for a team rather than rooting for whats good for America.

Again, I guess its just me. What I do know is that, this divide will not stand. We have to find a way to work together, to find common ground. Something has to give, somewhere, or we will all tear each other apart, maybe not physically, but emotionally.
You know, all of this is funny. I mean, at this point, its almost comical. To see how everything shifts when power changes hands.

When Obama was in office, the right were all up in arms, then trump took over, then the left were all up in arms, now biden is taking over, and the right is all up in arms again.

The truly funny thing about it is, in the overall scheme of things, the life of the average person doesn't really change all that much no matter who is in office. I think, for the most part, people aren't really concerned about the policies that the president represents, I think its more of an "us against them", competition. The media spews talking points and propaganda to rile up their base, then those people come here and gripe about it.

Again, aside from a few hundred dollars change each year in a paycheck, most people are not affected by the policies of each administration. Everyone though Obama was going to take guns and lead us into socialism, yet, we still have the 2A and were not socialist. Everyone thought trump was going to ban abortion but we still have abortion.

It just makes me wonder, why do we fight?
you must live in the middle of nowhere cause the lives of people are greatly effected by new admins when they take office,,,
What major changes have you seen over the course of the years?
there are many,,
when Obama tok office we saw the loss of our right to be in control of our healthcare and watched more of our soldiers were placed in harms way not to mention the increase in energy cost,,

when trump entered we saw small business growing with the reduction of taxs and regs,, and energy costs going down,,
Sure, but, how many of those really affected you? Maybe the Healthcare, and if you are a business owner, maybe the taxes. This is why I said "overall". Sure, some people will be affected by it, but most won't.

I myself really have seen little change in my life from one administration to the next. Yeah, my Healthcare got a little worse around the time obama took office, but thats about the only change that affected me personally.

Trump may be the exception to the rule as far as the military, because in 4 years, he hasn't started any new wars, but, under just about every other administration, there has been a war or conflict of some sort.

That's how it should be, the federal government should not be present in our lives in any way shape or form. They should deal with foreign policy and the military.

But that's not fine with leftists, they want to tell other people how to live, and they want their free gibs. To the trash goes the constitution.
I agree, small limited government. 18 enumerated powers, states after that and then on a personal level.

My issue, and maybe I'm wrong, maybe I have a skewed outlook, but, I just feel that your average everyday American just doesn't get affected too much by policy changes, which leads me to believe that this whole left vs right war that happens daily is really just about "our guy vs their guy". Its about being able to thumb your nose at the other guy and go "na na, we won!"

Sometimes I wonder if we are all just a bit too jaded by "partisan politics".
the problem is they do things that we dont notice right away,, kinda like the frog in boiling water,, after a while you dont realize youre a slave,,

as for the left and right,,, currently we have two left wing partys,, the repubes quit being right wing more than 60 yrs ago,,,
I can see that. Death by a thousand cuts, so to speak. At first, you barely feel it, years down the line, you can't not see it.

I guess my point of this thread was that it seems we are so divided, and it only seems like its getting worse. It feels like this world has gone politics over substance and, to me, and I say at least to me, it just doesn't seem to change from potus to potus. I guess in my personal experience, I dont ever really see a change, my life is the same no matter who is in office. So, when I see how the media manipulates us, and how we all soak it in, then we come to places like this, and were at each others throats, I just feel its more of rooting for a team rather than rooting for whats good for America.

Again, I guess its just me. What I do know is that, this divide will not stand. We have to find a way to work together, to find common ground. Something has to give, somewhere, or we will all tear each other apart, maybe not physically, but emotionally.
nothing will ever change as long as we have a party system thats designed to keep us divided,,,

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