What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

We can see all too clearly from this thread that racist left-wing Democrats are completely hypocritical and completely clueless as to their own glaring, bone deep racism. It’s disgraceful and un-American.
What can be done to combat racism? How about some of these Democrat flapping gums get off their dead asses and get out into the world and actually do something. Sitting here pontificating on the Internet won’t help anybody improve anything in anyway. These lefties come on here and gas on about what they think of the evils of the other guys but they don’t do shit to help anyone in anyway. Typing on a keyboard here and casting aspersions at the other political party Never has and never will move us toward our more perfect union. And no, simply being a racist asshole in the other direction will not balance things out. It will just provide us with more racist assholes. We have more than enough of those already.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.
Well, back up. Try to see it from her perspective.

This is what stirs up all the yelling.

Is the rule she broke really an act of capital treason? Is there some legitimate reason for such rigid rule enforcement? Are you the person responsible for the enforcement of such rules?

Coming into that situation, without an adequate understanding of why this is such a big issue can lead one to believe there is an ulterior motive.

And, I am not excusing her behavior, but it would certainly be understandable if she has a legitimate reason to believe you were using the rules as a pretext to kick out the black chick.

But, regardless of her behavior, she did not confirm any negative stereotype of blacks. You did. Stereotypes are illogical conclusions that form attitudes toward a whole, based on limited experience with a very minor sub-parts of said whole. The "confirmation" happened in your mind, not in reality.

And you went and plastered your bias confirmation all over the place.

This is why individualism needs have a part in all of this, IM2. Neither of us should be associated with the bad actions of these individuals.


I don’t know about you but I bet im2 would confirm a lot of the stereotypes we have. ...

Who is “we”? Don’t pretend to speak for anyone but your own racist self.
You are not part of we Asian boy
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.
Well, back up. Try to see it from her perspective.

This is what stirs up all the yelling.

Is the rule she broke really an act of capital treason? Is there some legitimate reason for such rigid rule enforcement? Are you the person responsible for the enforcement of such rules?

Coming into that situation, without an adequate understanding of why this is such a big issue can lead one to believe there is an ulterior motive.

And, I am not excusing her behavior, but it would certainly be understandable if she has a legitimate reason to believe you were using the rules as a pretext to kick out the black chick.

But, regardless of her behavior, she did not confirm any negative stereotype of blacks. You did. Stereotypes are illogical conclusions that form attitudes toward a whole, based on limited experience with a very minor sub-parts of said whole. The "confirmation" happened in your mind, not in reality.

And you went and plastered your bias confirmation all over the place.

This is why individualism needs have a part in all of this, IM2. Neither of us should be associated with the bad actions of these individuals.


I don’t know about you but I bet im2 would confirm a lot of the stereotypes we have. ...

Who is “we”? Don’t pretend to speak for anyone but your own racist self.
You don’t stereotype? I forgot you’re perfect

The boat came yesterday. WE had a good time last night.

Who’s we? You know
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Neggras are the racists in this country. They are obsessed with race. Ten years ago they helped to elect a worthless piece of shit President that they voted for just on race.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Neggras are the racists in this country. They are obsessed with race. Ten years ago they helped to elect a worthless piece of shit President that they voted for just on race.

This ^^^^^^ post is what happens when you down a 12-pack for breakfast.

Stupid fucking racists.

If you think exposing the racism of the Neggras in this country that block voted for their filthy ass worthless soul brother Obama is racism then you are confused Moon Bat.

The White Guilt pukes are just as bad.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Re-introduce Disco Music ???? I don't know. ROTFLMBO.
I'm a white boy. I'm not going to look up businesses in a book to find out which ones are blacks. I make my purchases from Amazon.com and I don't care what color their stock holders are. I buy my gas at the cheapest station close to my path. And I buy my food from Chick Fil A.
Omg we just had an incident at the dog park. Classic example of what I’m talking about. Black couple comes up with their female dog that’s not fixed. We all know her and it’s caused trouble before. One guys speaks up and she argues. We all confirm you’re not supposed to bring a dog that isn’t fixed and you know this because it’s caused problems before.

She did agree to leave but it’s what she said to her man as they were leaving. She said, “oh I’m being so good right now” meaning she wanted to get all ghetto on us. Why? She’s clearly in the wrong.

Then she said something about sending her brother up here. Is some hood rat going to come up here and get violent? Even though they are in the wrong?

We all now fear/joke that there’s going to be a drive by. Too many ghetto blacks are uncivilized. You can’t take the ghetto out of them. We don’t operate that way out here in the burbs. Maybe their kids won’t grow up this way.

We just can’t believe she made the threat. Who does that?

I’m going to get my concealed weapons permit

And you just showed us you are an uncivilized white person.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.

democrats can spew racist garbage like this and still pretend they are virtuous just because they are democrats. What a load.

Denying differences in culture, do not make them go away.
A dog in heat at a dog park, can lead to dangerous dog fights and/or unwanted breeding.
A very valid reason to ask someone to leave. Were there any dog fights or dog fucking? I can understand if the dog is in heat. Was she?

And generalizing about a group is not inherently illogical. You always look at people and make an initial judgement based on appearance and manner.
Generalizing about a group based on such a limited sample size with the highly-complicating variable of individual human behavior, and applying that judgement on an entire race of people is the very essence of illogical. The conclusion you reach as to the entire race of millions of people is so unreliable and inconsistent that anyone relying on such a conclusion has a better chance of being struck by lightening twice while winning the lottery than having those conclusions accurately apply to another person of that particular race.

Yes, humans innately group similar people, animals, items, etc. because that is the way our brains have adapted to cope with information overload. We naturally recoil when we walk near a snake and don't see it until the last second. We do that, regardless of the type of snake. Why? Our brains have categorized snakes as dangerous/venomous, because it is the most efficient way to keep us safe when we don't have time to determine whether the snake is dangerous. It's not logical. More often than not, the snake will be harmless, at least in North America. But, that doesn't stop us from illogically and instinctively jumping back when we nearly step on that harmless snake. Same holds true for spiders. It doesn't matter that the spider is harmless, if it jumps on you, the natural reaction is to swat it away. That is not logical.

You are saying that you will immediately conclude that any and all black women are just like that person, based on that experience and a limited number of other anecdotal samples. Convince me that your conclusion is logical.


It IS logical to jump back from a snake. They are potentially dangerous, until you learn more information to show that an individual snake is harmless.

I have seen this idea out there before. Generalizations do NOT preclude or prevent learning more about individual cases.

I knew a man, multiracial. He children wanted to play with some near by neighbors who were somewhat "Ghetto". He did not want them too, but e could not logically defend his impulse, so he allowed his children to play on the porch of the neighbors house.

Not long afterways, the children's older brother was murdered due to involvement is some "ghetto" shit. When he learned more information, he discovered that his initial fears were completely well founded, and by letting his children by on that porch, he was putting them in mortal danger.

Luckily, the mother of the dead young black male, was smart enough to put a significant life insurance on the punk, and they got paid, and moved to a nicer neighbor hood, so the problem for my friend was resolved.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.
Well, back up. Try to see it from her perspective.

This is what stirs up all the yelling.

Is the rule she broke really an act of capital treason? Is there some legitimate reason for such rigid rule enforcement? Are you the person responsible for the enforcement of such rules?

Coming into that situation, without an adequate understanding of why this is such a big issue can lead one to believe there is an ulterior motive.

And, I am not excusing her behavior, but it would certainly be understandable if she has a legitimate reason to believe you were using the rules as a pretext to kick out the black chick.

But, regardless of her behavior, she did not confirm any negative stereotype of blacks. You did. Stereotypes are illogical conclusions that form attitudes toward a whole, based on limited experience with a very minor sub-parts of said whole. The "confirmation" happened in your mind, not in reality.

And you went and plastered your bias confirmation all over the place.

This is why individualism needs have a part in all of this, IM2. Neither of us should be associated with the bad actions of these individuals.


A dog in heat at a dog park, can lead to dangerous dog fights and/or unwanted breeding.

And generalizing about a group is not inherently illogical. ....

Judging individuals by generalizations IS illogical.

It is human nature, and logical to make an initial judgment on meeting.
Responding to some one being an asshole, but calling them out of their asshole behavior, is not "butthurt" but a normal, healthy response.

That you pretend otherwise, is just you being a dishonest prick.

If you are disturbed by someone stating a fact that has historical proof that it IS a fact, then you are bound to get your feelings hurt in a forum like this.

You started the namecalling first and had the nerve to whine about it when you received the same.

You do not get a pass from receiving in return what you like to try to dish out.

It is not my problem that you're a thinskinned, little butthurt bitch.

Not sure what "fact" you are referring to, but I was not referring to any historical facts.

I was clearly referring to you insulting me.

It is not credible that you were too stupid to follow that. More likely that you are trying to dodge a point you cannot refute.

Like a coward.

You know perfectly well what historical fact I am referring to, so stop lying. If your attention span is so short that you cannot recall, re read the thread or have someone who is lucid enough to understand where you initiated the first insult, read it to you.

You were insulted.....IN RETURN.

Which is the only way to talk to a person like you.

There is nothing cowardly about not wasting time on one of the dimmest minds in this forum.

It was not the "historical fact" that offended me, but your racist insults attached to your "fact".

I've said that repeatedly, and if you still don't get it, then YOU are one of the dimmest minds on this forum.

You made a number of racists insults and I responded appropriately and you were shocked, shocked that someone would call you on your racism, and insult you back.

Lefties like to dish it out, but whine like babies when it comes back on them.

The difference is that your insults were lies, while my insults at you are all true.

That is what pisses you off, and why you keep replying.

Dont flatter yourself. Im not pissed off, at all. Ypu are.

I'm actually amused by your silly outrage and distorted view of reality.

You're an entertaining, self righteous wingnut.

It is possible that you can dish out and receive vile insults without any emotion. That is not something to be proud of .

My anger at your vile insults and lies, is righteous, you asshole.
I'm a white boy. I'm not going to look up businesses in a book to find out which ones are blacks. I make my purchases from Amazon.com and I don't care what color their stock holders are. I buy my gas at the cheapest station close to my path. And I buy my food from Chick Fil A.
Omg we just had an incident at the dog park. Classic example of what I’m talking about. Black couple comes up with their female dog that’s not fixed. We all know her and it’s caused trouble before. One guys speaks up and she argues. We all confirm you’re not supposed to bring a dog that isn’t fixed and you know this because it’s caused problems before.

She did agree to leave but it’s what she said to her man as they were leaving. She said, “oh I’m being so good right now” meaning she wanted to get all ghetto on us. Why? She’s clearly in the wrong.

Then she said something about sending her brother up here. Is some hood rat going to come up here and get violent? Even though they are in the wrong?

We all now fear/joke that there’s going to be a drive by. Too many ghetto blacks are uncivilized. You can’t take the ghetto out of them. We don’t operate that way out here in the burbs. Maybe their kids won’t grow up this way.

We just can’t believe she made the threat. Who does that?

I’m going to get my concealed weapons permit

And you just showed us you are an uncivilized white person.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.

democrats can spew racist garbage like this and still pretend they are virtuous just because they are democrats. What a load.

Denying differences in culture, do not make them go away.

Pretending your own fears and weaknesses are someone else’s culture does not make it so.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.
Well, back up. Try to see it from her perspective.

This is what stirs up all the yelling.

Is the rule she broke really an act of capital treason? Is there some legitimate reason for such rigid rule enforcement? Are you the person responsible for the enforcement of such rules?

Coming into that situation, without an adequate understanding of why this is such a big issue can lead one to believe there is an ulterior motive.

And, I am not excusing her behavior, but it would certainly be understandable if she has a legitimate reason to believe you were using the rules as a pretext to kick out the black chick.

But, regardless of her behavior, she did not confirm any negative stereotype of blacks. You did. Stereotypes are illogical conclusions that form attitudes toward a whole, based on limited experience with a very minor sub-parts of said whole. The "confirmation" happened in your mind, not in reality.

And you went and plastered your bias confirmation all over the place.

This is why individualism needs have a part in all of this, IM2. Neither of us should be associated with the bad actions of these individuals.


A dog in heat at a dog park, can lead to dangerous dog fights and/or unwanted breeding.

And generalizing about a group is not inherently illogical. ....

Judging individuals by generalizations IS illogical.

It is human nature, ....to make an initial judgment on meeting.

For those small humans we call children, because they are not capable of the mature reasoning expected of adults. I guess we know which one you are.
Omg we just had an incident at the dog park. Classic example of what I’m talking about. Black couple comes up with their female dog that’s not fixed. We all know her and it’s caused trouble before. One guys speaks up and she argues. We all confirm you’re not supposed to bring a dog that isn’t fixed and you know this because it’s caused problems before.

She did agree to leave but it’s what she said to her man as they were leaving. She said, “oh I’m being so good right now” meaning she wanted to get all ghetto on us. Why? She’s clearly in the wrong.

Then she said something about sending her brother up here. Is some hood rat going to come up here and get violent? Even though they are in the wrong?

We all now fear/joke that there’s going to be a drive by. Too many ghetto blacks are uncivilized. You can’t take the ghetto out of them. We don’t operate that way out here in the burbs. Maybe their kids won’t grow up this way.

We just can’t believe she made the threat. Who does that?

I’m going to get my concealed weapons permit

And you just showed us you are an uncivilized white person.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.

democrats can spew racist garbage like this and still pretend they are virtuous just because they are democrats. What a load.

Denying differences in culture, do not make them go away.

Pretending your own fears and weaknesses are someone else’s culture does not make it so.

Agreed, it is more the massive amount of information and examples that do that.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.
Well, back up. Try to see it from her perspective.

This is what stirs up all the yelling.

Is the rule she broke really an act of capital treason? Is there some legitimate reason for such rigid rule enforcement? Are you the person responsible for the enforcement of such rules?

Coming into that situation, without an adequate understanding of why this is such a big issue can lead one to believe there is an ulterior motive.

And, I am not excusing her behavior, but it would certainly be understandable if she has a legitimate reason to believe you were using the rules as a pretext to kick out the black chick.

But, regardless of her behavior, she did not confirm any negative stereotype of blacks. You did. Stereotypes are illogical conclusions that form attitudes toward a whole, based on limited experience with a very minor sub-parts of said whole. The "confirmation" happened in your mind, not in reality.

And you went and plastered your bias confirmation all over the place.

This is why individualism needs have a part in all of this, IM2. Neither of us should be associated with the bad actions of these individuals.


A dog in heat at a dog park, can lead to dangerous dog fights and/or unwanted breeding.

And generalizing about a group is not inherently illogical. ....

Judging individuals by generalizations IS illogical.

It is human nature, ....to make an initial judgment on meeting.

For those small humans we call children, because they are not capable of the mature reasoning expected of adults. I guess we know which one you are.

It is hard to believe that you are really this unaware of how people think.

First impression (psychology) - Wikipedia

"In psychology, a first impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person. Impression accuracy varies depending on the observer and the target (person, object, scene, etc.) being observed.[1][2][unreliable medical source?] First impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics: age, race, culture, language, gender, physical appearance, accent, posture, voice, number of people present, and time allowed to process.[1][3][4][5][6][7][8][unreliable medical source?]The first impressions individuals give to others could greatly influence how they are treated and viewed in many contexts of everyday life....

...It takes just one-tenth of a second for us to judge someone and make a first impression.[11] Research finds that the more time participants are afforded to form the impression, the more confidence in impressions they report.[11][12] Not only are people quick to form first impressions, they are also fairly accurate when the target presents him or herself genuinely. People are generally not good at perceiving feigned emotions or detecting lies.[2][medical citation needed] Research participants who reported forming accurate impressions of specific targets did tend to have more accurate perceptions of specific targets that aligned with others' reports of the target.[4] Individuals are also fairly reliable at understanding the first impression that he/she will project to others.[13]

The rate at which different qualities are detected in first impressions may be linked to what has been important to survival from an evolutionary perspective.[11] For example, trustworthiness and attractiveness were the two traits most quickly detected and evaluated in a study of human faces.[11][12] People are fairly good at assessing personality traits of others in general, ....."
And you just showed us you are an uncivilized white person.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.

democrats can spew racist garbage like this and still pretend they are virtuous just because they are democrats. What a load.

Denying differences in culture, do not make them go away.

Pretending your own fears and weaknesses are someone else’s culture does not make it so.

Agreed, it is more the massive amount of information and examples that do that.

It’s exactly what you’re doing. Grow up and grow a pair.
Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.

democrats can spew racist garbage like this and still pretend they are virtuous just because they are democrats. What a load.

Denying differences in culture, do not make them go away.

Pretending your own fears and weaknesses are someone else’s culture does not make it so.

Agreed, it is more the massive amount of information and examples that do that.

It’s exactly what you’re doing. Grow up and grow a pair.

Did you read my example of my friend not wanting to let his children play with his "Ghetto" neighbors"?
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?

Dude. You are a. arguing against the concept of generalization, and b. acting as though First Impressions are something only children do.

THe information in that page, at least the portions I cut and pasted for you, are basically correct, and are a good place for you to start, cause unless you are being dishonest you need to educate yourself on this issue, ASAP.

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