What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Children form first and lasting impressions based on superficialities because they lack the experience of reasoning more deeply. An adult should be expected to be a stronger thinker unless his mental and emotional development were arrested sometime before reaching maturity.
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If you are disturbed by someone stating a fact that has historical proof that it IS a fact, then you are bound to get your feelings hurt in a forum like this.

You started the namecalling first and had the nerve to whine about it when you received the same.

You do not get a pass from receiving in return what you like to try to dish out.

It is not my problem that you're a thinskinned, little butthurt bitch.

Not sure what "fact" you are referring to, but I was not referring to any historical facts.

I was clearly referring to you insulting me.

It is not credible that you were too stupid to follow that. More likely that you are trying to dodge a point you cannot refute.

Like a coward.

You know perfectly well what historical fact I am referring to, so stop lying. If your attention span is so short that you cannot recall, re read the thread or have someone who is lucid enough to understand where you initiated the first insult, read it to you.

You were insulted.....IN RETURN.

Which is the only way to talk to a person like you.

There is nothing cowardly about not wasting time on one of the dimmest minds in this forum.

It was not the "historical fact" that offended me, but your racist insults attached to your "fact".

I've said that repeatedly, and if you still don't get it, then YOU are one of the dimmest minds on this forum.

You made a number of racists insults and I responded appropriately and you were shocked, shocked that someone would call you on your racism, and insult you back.

Lefties like to dish it out, but whine like babies when it comes back on them.

The difference is that your insults were lies, while my insults at you are all true.

That is what pisses you off, and why you keep replying.

Dont flatter yourself. Im not pissed off, at all. Ypu are.

I'm actually amused by your silly outrage and distorted view of reality.

You're an entertaining, self righteous wingnut.

It is possible that you can dish out and receive vile insults without any emotion. That is not something to be proud of .

My anger at your vile insults and lies, is righteous, you asshole.

I absolutely can insult a faceless racist IN RETURN in an anonymous forum without any emotion attached to it.

It's the same as swatting a bothersome insect.

And if you consider your anger to be "righteous", in a forum like this, you have some real problems that go far deeper than you just being........

Sorry but what happened is exactly why white people like separate but equal.

First of all she was breaking rules. Typical. Then they want to argue the rules. Sorry bitch but the rules are the rules.

Then it goes to threats. This is not how we operate in white america.

Then ultimately I’m sure she believes it’s because she’s black.

Hey, I’m just telling you what I see out there. Unfiltered honesty.

And we thought it was so funny when she threatened to go get her brother. Wtf?

Ps. So when a black woman comes to interview with any of us and she’s being nice, we all know we are lucky. She’s just being nice. She’s hiding the crazy ghetto bitch. Unfortunately she just confirmed the negative stereotype of blacks. It happens far too often.
Well, back up. Try to see it from her perspective.

This is what stirs up all the yelling.

Is the rule she broke really an act of capital treason? Is there some legitimate reason for such rigid rule enforcement? Are you the person responsible for the enforcement of such rules?

Coming into that situation, without an adequate understanding of why this is such a big issue can lead one to believe there is an ulterior motive.

And, I am not excusing her behavior, but it would certainly be understandable if she has a legitimate reason to believe you were using the rules as a pretext to kick out the black chick.

But, regardless of her behavior, she did not confirm any negative stereotype of blacks. You did. Stereotypes are illogical conclusions that form attitudes toward a whole, based on limited experience with a very minor sub-parts of said whole. The "confirmation" happened in your mind, not in reality.

And you went and plastered your bias confirmation all over the place.

This is why individualism needs have a part in all of this, IM2. Neither of us should be associated with the bad actions of these individuals.


A dog in heat at a dog park, can lead to dangerous dog fights and/or unwanted breeding.

And generalizing about a group is not inherently illogical. ....

Judging individuals by generalizations IS illogical.

It is human nature, ....to make an initial judgment on meeting.

For those small humans we call children, because they are not capable of the mature reasoning expected of adults. I guess we know which one you are.
We did not make an initial judgement. She was actually a nice lady at first. Friendly. It wasn’t until she said something that confirmed the stereotype that I came here to tell what happened.

I’m just telling the story about how this black woman when told she needs to follow a rule threatened to bring her brother up to the park. I’ve seen whites argue in this park and no one has ever threatened to come back with their boys. That was a very stereotypical thing for her to say.

The only point I’m trying to make is if in the future any of us is interviewing a woman who sort of speaks ghetto we are going to remember they’re just being nice. We are lucky. Don’t make them angry. Don’t fire them. They might bring their brother up to work.

This is why I say the ghetto black community has to change. I know I’m right because I have black friends who tell me how fucked up their communities are. For example I know this woman who has two brothers both died arguing with someone over bullshit. And that shit happens every day in Detroit. You’re just a coward who won’t say it.

The people it hurts the most is black people. Black on black crime. So I don’t care if they don’t want to listen to my advice. And if they don’t want to change then they will continue to not get jobs because whites who hire also stereotype

You just continue to give them a piss poor education. You’re doing your part
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?

Dude. You are a. arguing against the concept of generalization, and b. acting as though First Impressions are something only children do.

THe information in that page, at least the portions I cut and pasted for you, are basically correct, and are a good place for you to start, cause unless you are being dishonest you need to educate yourself on this issue, ASAP.
When someone is losing the argument and doesn’t have a good comeback they fall back on questioning the source you use. Weak.

Did he further the conversation? No. Unknotare is actually a thread derailer. You stop discussing the subject and instead have to defend why your comment isn’t racist.

What were we originally talking about? Oh yes, it was this black woman who confirmed a stereotype that whites have of blacks. They can be uncivilized and throw down over some pretty minor shit.

And the funny thing is unkotare isn’t any different than us. He knows these stereotypes too. Is he suggesting he has never run into an Asian with a stereotypical small packer?
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?

Dude. You are a. arguing against the concept of generalization, and b. acting as though First Impressions are something only children do.

THe information in that page, at least the portions I cut and pasted for you, are basically correct, and are a good place for you to start, cause unless you are being dishonest you need to educate yourself on this issue, ASAP.
I have this new neighbor. First impression not good. My first impression is pretty spot on. He wasn’t nice when I introduced myself.

So I asked if others have met him and he tells everyone the same story. In his 50s, divorced, and ready to party/fuck.

Yes unkotare you were wrong when you said men don’t talk bout women the way I do. Turns out this 50 something year old guy does.

And today at a golf outing you should have heard the things people said. You don’t have friends. Not fun ones. If they are fun they’re not sitting around with you talking about Asian bullshit. If you aren’t Asian you are weird. You write like an Asian.
Well, back up. Try to see it from her perspective.

This is what stirs up all the yelling.

Is the rule she broke really an act of capital treason? Is there some legitimate reason for such rigid rule enforcement? Are you the person responsible for the enforcement of such rules?

Coming into that situation, without an adequate understanding of why this is such a big issue can lead one to believe there is an ulterior motive.

And, I am not excusing her behavior, but it would certainly be understandable if she has a legitimate reason to believe you were using the rules as a pretext to kick out the black chick.

But, regardless of her behavior, she did not confirm any negative stereotype of blacks. You did. Stereotypes are illogical conclusions that form attitudes toward a whole, based on limited experience with a very minor sub-parts of said whole. The "confirmation" happened in your mind, not in reality.

And you went and plastered your bias confirmation all over the place.

This is why individualism needs have a part in all of this, IM2. Neither of us should be associated with the bad actions of these individuals.


A dog in heat at a dog park, can lead to dangerous dog fights and/or unwanted breeding.

And generalizing about a group is not inherently illogical. ....

Judging individuals by generalizations IS illogical.

It is human nature, ....to make an initial judgment on meeting.

For those small humans we call children, because they are not capable of the mature reasoning expected of adults. I guess we know which one you are.
We did not make an initial judgement. She was actually a nice lady at first. Friendly. It wasn’t until she said something that confirmed the stereotype that I came here to tell what happened.

I’m just telling the story about how this black woman when told she needs to follow a rule threatened to bring her brother up to the park. I’ve seen whites argue in this park and no one has ever threatened to come back with their boys. That was a very stereotypical thing for her to say.

The only point I’m trying to make is if in the future any of us is interviewing a woman who sort of speaks ghetto we are going to remember they’re just being nice. We are lucky. Don’t make them angry. Don’t fire them. They might bring their brother up to work.

This is why I say the ghetto black community has to change. I know I’m right because I have black friends who tell me how fucked up their communities are. For example I know this woman who has two brothers both died arguing with someone over bullshit. And that shit happens every day in Detroit. You’re just a coward who won’t say it.

The people it hurts the most is black people. Black on black crime. So I don’t care if they don’t want to listen to my advice. And if they don’t want to change then they will continue to not get jobs because whites who hire also stereotype

You just continue to give them a piss poor education. You’re doing your part
Until blacks really crack down on the bad that exist among their own communities or amongst their culture, then as you spoke about, they won't be getting any sympathy from whites at all. Stereotyping is easy when you observe a pattern that exist amongst blacks that ends up as an identifier of the bad traits and characteristics in which a good many blacks carry around with them in life. Sad thing is, is that these blacks want to blame whitey when they are attempting to be helped by them ???? Go figure that one out.
A dog in heat at a dog park, can lead to dangerous dog fights and/or unwanted breeding.

And generalizing about a group is not inherently illogical. ....

Judging individuals by generalizations IS illogical.

It is human nature, ....to make an initial judgment on meeting.

For those small humans we call children, because they are not capable of the mature reasoning expected of adults. I guess we know which one you are.
We did not make an initial judgement. She was actually a nice lady at first. Friendly. It wasn’t until she said something that confirmed the stereotype that I came here to tell what happened.

I’m just telling the story about how this black woman when told she needs to follow a rule threatened to bring her brother up to the park. I’ve seen whites argue in this park and no one has ever threatened to come back with their boys. That was a very stereotypical thing for her to say.

The only point I’m trying to make is if in the future any of us is interviewing a woman who sort of speaks ghetto we are going to remember they’re just being nice. We are lucky. Don’t make them angry. Don’t fire them. They might bring their brother up to work.

This is why I say the ghetto black community has to change. I know I’m right because I have black friends who tell me how fucked up their communities are. For example I know this woman who has two brothers both died arguing with someone over bullshit. And that shit happens every day in Detroit. You’re just a coward who won’t say it.

The people it hurts the most is black people. Black on black crime. So I don’t care if they don’t want to listen to my advice. And if they don’t want to change then they will continue to not get jobs because whites who hire also stereotype

You just continue to give them a piss poor education. You’re doing your part
Until blacks really crack down on the bad that exist among their own communities or amongst their culture, then as you spoke about, they won't be getting any sympathy from whites at all. Stereotyping is easy when you observe a pattern that exist amongst blacks that ends up as an identifier of the bad traits and characteristics in which a good many blacks carry around with them in life. Sad thing is, is that these blacks want to blame whitey when they are attempting to be helped by them ???? Go figure that one out.

We'll do all that when whites do. Whitey is being held accountable for what whitey has done. Nobody is asking whitey to help, we are asking whitey to quit being racists. Whites want to talk shit about how it's easy to stereotype us but cry like Infants in shitty diapers if we stereotype all whites as racist because one white person choose to act racist.

And fuck sealybobo. He ignores white on white crime that happens at about triple the rate annually.
Children form first and lasting impressions based on superficialities because they lack the experience of reasoning more deeply. An adult should be expected to be a stronger thinker unless his mental and emotional development were arrested sometime before reaching maturity.

In the story provided, that you attack Seely for, the woman made threats of physical violence. That is not a superficiality.

ALL humans make first and lasting impressions based on appearance, and quite often accurately. That you deny this, just shows complete ignorance on your part of normal human behavior.
Not sure what "fact" you are referring to, but I was not referring to any historical facts.

I was clearly referring to you insulting me.

It is not credible that you were too stupid to follow that. More likely that you are trying to dodge a point you cannot refute.

Like a coward.

You know perfectly well what historical fact I am referring to, so stop lying. If your attention span is so short that you cannot recall, re read the thread or have someone who is lucid enough to understand where you initiated the first insult, read it to you.

You were insulted.....IN RETURN.

Which is the only way to talk to a person like you.

There is nothing cowardly about not wasting time on one of the dimmest minds in this forum.

It was not the "historical fact" that offended me, but your racist insults attached to your "fact".

I've said that repeatedly, and if you still don't get it, then YOU are one of the dimmest minds on this forum.

You made a number of racists insults and I responded appropriately and you were shocked, shocked that someone would call you on your racism, and insult you back.

Lefties like to dish it out, but whine like babies when it comes back on them.

The difference is that your insults were lies, while my insults at you are all true.

That is what pisses you off, and why you keep replying.

Dont flatter yourself. Im not pissed off, at all. Ypu are.

I'm actually amused by your silly outrage and distorted view of reality.

You're an entertaining, self righteous wingnut.

It is possible that you can dish out and receive vile insults without any emotion. That is not something to be proud of .

My anger at your vile insults and lies, is righteous, you asshole.

I absolutely can insult a faceless racist IN RETURN in an anonymous forum without any emotion attached to it.

It's the same as swatting a bothersome insect.

And if you consider your anger to be "righteous", in a forum like this, you have some real problems that go far deeper than you just being........]

So, you are a sociopathic asshole. Got it. Not really sure why you are proud of that, but whatever.
Does anyone really expect to be taken seriously citing Wikipedia as a source?

Dude. You are a. arguing against the concept of generalization, and b. acting as though First Impressions are something only children do.

THe information in that page, at least the portions I cut and pasted for you, are basically correct, and are a good place for you to start, cause unless you are being dishonest you need to educate yourself on this issue, ASAP.
When someone is losing the argument and doesn’t have a good comeback they fall back on questioning the source you use. Weak.

Did he further the conversation? No. Unknotare is actually a thread derailer. You stop discussing the subject and instead have to defend why your comment isn’t racist.

What were we originally talking about? Oh yes, it was this black woman who confirmed a stereotype that whites have of blacks. They can be uncivilized and throw down over some pretty minor shit.

And the funny thing is unkotare isn’t any different than us. He knows these stereotypes too. Is he suggesting he has never run into an Asian with a stereotypical small packer?

Which is pretty much the standard use of accusations of racism today. To stop avoid discussing serious issues, or, God Forbid, actually solutions.
Judging individuals by generalizations IS illogical.

It is human nature, ....to make an initial judgment on meeting.

For those small humans we call children, because they are not capable of the mature reasoning expected of adults. I guess we know which one you are.
We did not make an initial judgement. She was actually a nice lady at first. Friendly. It wasn’t until she said something that confirmed the stereotype that I came here to tell what happened.

I’m just telling the story about how this black woman when told she needs to follow a rule threatened to bring her brother up to the park. I’ve seen whites argue in this park and no one has ever threatened to come back with their boys. That was a very stereotypical thing for her to say.

The only point I’m trying to make is if in the future any of us is interviewing a woman who sort of speaks ghetto we are going to remember they’re just being nice. We are lucky. Don’t make them angry. Don’t fire them. They might bring their brother up to work.

This is why I say the ghetto black community has to change. I know I’m right because I have black friends who tell me how fucked up their communities are. For example I know this woman who has two brothers both died arguing with someone over bullshit. And that shit happens every day in Detroit. You’re just a coward who won’t say it.

The people it hurts the most is black people. Black on black crime. So I don’t care if they don’t want to listen to my advice. And if they don’t want to change then they will continue to not get jobs because whites who hire also stereotype

You just continue to give them a piss poor education. You’re doing your part
Until blacks really crack down on the bad that exist among their own communities or amongst their culture, then as you spoke about, they won't be getting any sympathy from whites at all. Stereotyping is easy when you observe a pattern that exist amongst blacks that ends up as an identifier of the bad traits and characteristics in which a good many blacks carry around with them in life. Sad thing is, is that these blacks want to blame whitey when they are attempting to be helped by them ???? Go figure that one out.

We'll do all that when whites do. Whitey is being held accountable for what whitey has done. Nobody is asking whitey to help, we are asking whitey to quit being racists. Whites want to talk shit about how it's easy to stereotype us but cry like Infants in shitty diapers if we stereotype all whites as racist because one white person choose to act racist.

And fuck sealybobo. He ignores white on white crime that happens at about triple the rate annually.
My post still stands... When you separate yourself from the bad side of your culture or people, and call them out on their bullcrap, then we can talk progress in the situation. Whites have always separated themselves from the bad amongst their own race and culture, and they have even sacrificed heavily to help blacks overcome the past by allowing them into the fold of the good whites whom hate segregation and discrimination against blacks.

Don't make the whites feel as if they made a huge mistake in time by doing so.

To much sacrifice has gone on where white families had forced their own family members to allow all blacks to be placed on an equal footing with them, and this regardless of black individuals being different as individuals just as the whites are the same in differences being bad and/or good in their characters, yet not defined by their colors..... Otherwise you get the bad with the good in all races, but the bad has to be called out as bad in order to not allow that bad to make trouble for all who are American as defined by their character and cultures, and not by their color.

The sad thing being seen today, is the self segregation of blacks who want to separate themselves from whites once they gain the money and power to do so (i.e.the bad used the idiot whites), whom had gave up so much by the government forcing them into allowing the blanket assimilation of blacks as based upon their skin color regardless of their individual character in life to then come into the fold with them............ Then we see the blanket blame game sadly being used against all whites by some blacks as an excuse to do the very thing's they incessantly cried about for years that the whites were doing against them..... Go figure !!!

They wanted government power to stop the bad whites from being bad for them, yet all the while thinking also themselves to separate from all whites once the agenda is completed in that way. ...

Ok, so they used government to stop the racist whites from what they were doing against them in society way back when, and that was ok of course, but it may have been taken far beyond what should have been asked of the whites by government, because amongst those blacks that the whites felt empathy for, we have the bad blacks whom came mingled in along with the ones to be protected that are of course the good blacks.

Otherwise once the whites agreed that black skinned individuals were to be blanketly protected, and then a part of those being protected turned on those whites once they had gained from those protections, is when we began to see reverse discrimination/vengeful thinking raise it's ugly head against whites who had absolutely nothing to do with what took place over time in America against blacks, because the timeline goes back way to far.

In summary, the blacks have bad amongst their group just like whites have bad amongst their group. Both sides must recognize this bad in order to keep it fair for all. Must keep a healthy balance in race relations or all can be lost, and that would be a shame.

In the job market we must keep the doors wide open for good people to serve of all colors, but not for those whom don't want to serve honorably and decently when given the opportunity regardless of color. This is getting bad in some areas where services and the quality of services due to bad individuals (not based on color), is beginning to suffer badly due to the sheer idiocy going on today in these areas.
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Not sure what "fact" you are referring to, but I was not referring to any historical facts.

I was clearly referring to you insulting me.

It is not credible that you were too stupid to follow that. More likely that you are trying to dodge a point you cannot refute.

Like a coward.

You know perfectly well what historical fact I am referring to, so stop lying. If your attention span is so short that you cannot recall, re read the thread or have someone who is lucid enough to understand where you initiated the first insult, read it to you.

You were insulted.....IN RETURN.

Which is the only way to talk to a person like you.

There is nothing cowardly about not wasting time on one of the dimmest minds in this forum.

It was not the "historical fact" that offended me, but your racist insults attached to your "fact".

I've said that repeatedly, and if you still don't get it, then YOU are one of the dimmest minds on this forum.

You made a number of racists insults and I responded appropriately and you were shocked, shocked that someone would call you on your racism, and insult you back.

Lefties like to dish it out, but whine like babies when it comes back on them.

The difference is that your insults were lies, while my insults at you are all true.

That is what pisses you off, and why you keep replying.

Dont flatter yourself. Im not pissed off, at all. Ypu are.

I'm actually amused by your silly outrage and distorted view of reality.

You're an entertaining, self righteous wingnut.

It is possible that you can dish out and receive vile insults without any emotion. That is not something to be proud of .

My anger at your vile insults and lies, is righteous, you asshole.

I absolutely can insult a faceless racist IN RETURN in an anonymous forum without any emotion attached to it.

It's the same as swatting a bothersome insect.

And if you consider your anger to be "righteous", in a forum like this, you have some real problems that go far deeper than you just being........

View attachment 263408
you lost the bet; Take it like a Woman!
You know perfectly well what historical fact I am referring to, so stop lying. If your attention span is so short that you cannot recall, re read the thread or have someone who is lucid enough to understand where you initiated the first insult, read it to you.

You were insulted.....IN RETURN.

Which is the only way to talk to a person like you.

There is nothing cowardly about not wasting time on one of the dimmest minds in this forum.

It was not the "historical fact" that offended me, but your racist insults attached to your "fact".

I've said that repeatedly, and if you still don't get it, then YOU are one of the dimmest minds on this forum.

You made a number of racists insults and I responded appropriately and you were shocked, shocked that someone would call you on your racism, and insult you back.

Lefties like to dish it out, but whine like babies when it comes back on them.

The difference is that your insults were lies, while my insults at you are all true.

That is what pisses you off, and why you keep replying.

Dont flatter yourself. Im not pissed off, at all. Ypu are.

I'm actually amused by your silly outrage and distorted view of reality.

You're an entertaining, self righteous wingnut.

It is possible that you can dish out and receive vile insults without any emotion. That is not something to be proud of .

My anger at your vile insults and lies, is righteous, you asshole.

I absolutely can insult a faceless racist IN RETURN in an anonymous forum without any emotion attached to it.

It's the same as swatting a bothersome insect.

And if you consider your anger to be "righteous", in a forum like this, you have some real problems that go far deeper than you just being........]

So, you are a sociopathic asshole. Got it. Not really sure why you are proud of that, but whatever.

You're a delusional, silly ass if you think for a moment thaf you are exempt from receving insults in return for the ones that you give.
It was not the "historical fact" that offended me, but your racist insults attached to your "fact".

I've said that repeatedly, and if you still don't get it, then YOU are one of the dimmest minds on this forum.

You made a number of racists insults and I responded appropriately and you were shocked, shocked that someone would call you on your racism, and insult you back.

Lefties like to dish it out, but whine like babies when it comes back on them.

The difference is that your insults were lies, while my insults at you are all true.

That is what pisses you off, and why you keep replying.

Dont flatter yourself. Im not pissed off, at all. Ypu are.

I'm actually amused by your silly outrage and distorted view of reality.

You're an entertaining, self righteous wingnut.

It is possible that you can dish out and receive vile insults without any emotion. That is not something to be proud of .

My anger at your vile insults and lies, is righteous, you asshole.

I absolutely can insult a faceless racist IN RETURN in an anonymous forum without any emotion attached to it.

It's the same as swatting a bothersome insect.

And if you consider your anger to be "righteous", in a forum like this, you have some real problems that go far deeper than you just being........]

So, you are a sociopathic asshole. Got it. Not really sure why you are proud of that, but whatever.

You're a delusional, silly ass if you think for a moment thaf you are exempt from receving insults in return for the ones that you give.

Nothing I have ever said, has implied in anyway that I think that.

That was a lie told by you, to personally attack me.

Think about that. You feel that in order to attack me, that you have to lie.

That reveals, not only what you really think about me, but what you think about yourself.
Dont flatter yourself. Im not pissed off, at all. Ypu are.

I'm actually amused by your silly outrage and distorted view of reality.

You're an entertaining, self righteous wingnut.

It is possible that you can dish out and receive vile insults without any emotion. That is not something to be proud of .

My anger at your vile insults and lies, is righteous, you asshole.

I absolutely can insult a faceless racist IN RETURN in an anonymous forum without any emotion attached to it.

It's the same as swatting a bothersome insect.

And if you consider your anger to be "righteous", in a forum like this, you have some real problems that go far deeper than you just being........]

So, you are a sociopathic asshole. Got it. Not really sure why you are proud of that, but whatever.

You're a delusional, silly ass if you think for a moment thaf you are exempt from receving insults in return for the ones that you give.

Nothing I have ever said, has implied in anyway that I think that.

That was a lie told by you, to personally attack me.

Think about that. You feel that in order to attack me, that you have to lie.

That reveals, not only what you really think about me, but what you think about yourself.

What is telling about you is that if you were actually so secure in what kind of person you really are, you would not need to validate yourself to a total stranger.

What "I think of you" should be of no concern.

Obviously, you have no self esteem or confidence.

I guess that the look in your mirror was ugly?
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democrats can spew racist garbage like this and still pretend they are virtuous just because they are democrats. What a load.

Denying differences in culture, do not make them go away.

Pretending your own fears and weaknesses are someone else’s culture does not make it so.

Agreed, it is more the massive amount of information and examples that do that.

It’s exactly what you’re doing. Grow up and grow a pair.

Did you read my example of my friend not wanting to let his children play with his "Ghetto" neighbors"?

Did you read your own use of the word "ghetto"? Did you stop to consider what you were really doing there? No, of course not. You liberals are devoid of self-awareness.
...... in the future any of us is interviewing a woman who sort of speaks ghetto we are going to remember they’re just being nice. We are lucky. Don’t make them angry. Don’t fire them. They might bring their brother up to work......

Here again we see the utterly clueless, hypocritical democrat racist. This is a great example of the ignorance, cowardice, and lack of self-awareness that leads leftists to imagine racism in everyone else while ignoring the glaringly obvious racism in themselves.

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