What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

White people need to stop stereotyping and blacks need to stop being so god damn stereotypical.

Ben Carson, ADEPT, Pro Black Hate.jpg tariq nasheed HATE.jpg

I believe white or American citizens of Euro descent immediately need to shed their WHITE GUILT and begin denouncing America's large President and Mrs. Obama led PRO BLACK INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION practicing community.

In this broadcast a conservative female caller speaks about OPPRESSION & Americans being threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns & opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent. :sad:

Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does?

Hello, Sealybobo, Can you intelligently explain why the suspension rate for black American kids is similair to the rate at which black American kids experience CHILD ABUSE?

I look forward to reading your reply, with hopes of intelligently discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

Jazelle Hunt, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.png

_THUGLIFE Public Service Announcement.jpg

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Keeping it REAL. I believe....ignorant human beliefs in Gods are much like ignorant human beliefs held by racists, both are fading away as our species evolves.

In the meantime I'm very concerned about our Nation's growing population of Americans be raised and nurtured to HATE by a large population of apparent emotionally troubled, segregation minded citizens loudly practicing INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

It's kinda sad, if not maddening recognizing the same HATE embracing population declaring racism is a problem, is the very same population BULLYING, THREATENING, INTIMIDATING and HATEFULLY HARASSING free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American citizens of African descent. :mental illness:

'Michelle Obama - Normalizing, Promoting HATE, VIOLENCE & Human Dysfunction'

In this Tommy Sotomayor broadcast, a conservative female caller speaks about American citizens being harassed and threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.


You throw around the word hate rather loosely. Recognition of difference does not equate to hate.

Hello, V. Apparently you'd prefer to talk about me than discuss the HATERS I write about.

Haters you've witnessed, but for some reason decline to discuss or denounce.


Nah. You are of little interest to me. Your misuse of the word “hate”, upon which your post is predicated however, does no favors toward the furtherance of a meaningful solution.

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Keeping it REAL. I believe....ignorant human beliefs in Gods are much like ignorant human beliefs held by racists, both are fading away as our species evolves.

In the meantime I'm very concerned about our Nation's growing population of Americans be raised and nurtured to HATE by a large population of apparent emotionally troubled, segregation minded citizens loudly practicing INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

It's kinda sad, if not maddening recognizing the same HATE embracing population declaring racism is a problem, is the very same population BULLYING, THREATENING, INTIMIDATING and HATEFULLY HARASSING free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American citizens of African descent. :mental illness:

'Michelle Obama - Normalizing, Promoting HATE, VIOLENCE & Human Dysfunction'

In this Tommy Sotomayor broadcast, a conservative female caller speaks about American citizens being harassed and threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.


You throw around the word hate rather loosely. Recognition of difference does not equate to hate.

Hello, V. Apparently you'd prefer to talk about me than discuss the HATERS I write about.

Haters you've witnessed, but for some reason decline to discuss or denounce.


Nah. You are of little interest to me. Your misuse of the word “hate”, upon which your post is predicated however, does no favors toward the furtherance of a meaningful solution.

Hello, V. I am interested in learning your solution for preventing PRO BLACK Americans from HATEFULLY HARASSING, BULLYING, DENIGRATING and/or threatening with violence our free thinking black American neighbors choosing to peacefully pursing THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) and Happiness?

In this broadcast a black conservative female caller speaks about OPPRESSION & Americans being threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns & opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent. :sad:

  • Candace Owens, Geoffrey Thorne, ProBlack Hate.png

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Keeping it REAL. I believe....ignorant human beliefs in Gods are much like ignorant human beliefs held by racists, both are fading away as our species evolves.

In the meantime I'm very concerned about our Nation's growing population of Americans be raised and nurtured to HATE by a large population of apparent emotionally troubled, segregation minded citizens loudly practicing INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

It's kinda sad, if not maddening recognizing the same HATE embracing population declaring racism is a problem, is the very same population BULLYING, THREATENING, INTIMIDATING and HATEFULLY HARASSING free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American citizens of African descent. :mental illness:

'Michelle Obama - Normalizing, Promoting HATE, VIOLENCE & Human Dysfunction'

In this Tommy Sotomayor broadcast, a conservative female caller speaks about American citizens being harassed and threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.


You throw around the word hate rather loosely. Recognition of difference does not equate to hate.

Hello, V. Apparently you'd prefer to talk about me than discuss the HATERS I write about.

Haters you've witnessed, but for some reason decline to discuss or denounce.


Nah. You are of little interest to me. Your misuse of the word “hate”, upon which your post is predicated however, does no favors toward the furtherance of a meaningful solution.

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Keeping it REAL. I believe....ignorant human beliefs in Gods are much like ignorant human beliefs held by racists, both are fading away as our species evolves.

In the meantime I'm very concerned about our Nation's growing population of Americans be raised and nurtured to HATE by a large population of apparent emotionally troubled, segregation minded citizens loudly practicing INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

It's kinda sad, if not maddening recognizing the same HATE embracing population declaring racism is a problem, is the very same population BULLYING, THREATENING, INTIMIDATING and HATEFULLY HARASSING free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American citizens of African descent. :mental illness:

'Michelle Obama - Normalizing, Promoting HATE, VIOLENCE & Human Dysfunction'

In this Tommy Sotomayor broadcast, a conservative female caller speaks about American citizens being harassed and threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.


You throw around the word hate rather loosely. Recognition of difference does not equate to hate.

Hello, V. Apparently you'd prefer to talk about me than discuss the HATERS I write about.

Haters you've witnessed, but for some reason decline to discuss or denounce.


Nah. You are of little interest to me. Your misuse of the word “hate”, upon which your post is predicated however, does no favors toward the furtherance of a meaningful solution.

Hello, V. I am interested in learning your solution for preventing PRO BLACK Americans from HATEFULLY HARASSING, BULLYING, DENIGRATING and/or threatening with violence our free thinking black American neighbors choosing to peacefully pursing THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) and Happiness?

Not sure what you’re referring to as “PRO BLACK Americans” here. But if they truly were “Pro black”; it’s unlikely they’d be doing their level best to pull down the most successful amongst them. As for how to prevent these negative actions? Well, avoiding the kind of people who behave this way would be a good start.
Not sure what you’re referring to as “PRO BLACK Americans” here.

V, these citizens speak about America's large PRO BLACK, INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION practicing community unofficially led by Pres. and Mrs. Obama.

'Exposing 'Pro Black' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"'Pro-Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"


#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Keeping it REAL. I believe....ignorant human beliefs in Gods are much like ignorant human beliefs held by racists, both are fading away as our species evolves.

In the meantime I'm very concerned about our Nation's growing population of Americans be raised and nurtured to HATE by a large population of apparent emotionally troubled, segregation minded citizens loudly practicing INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

It's kinda sad, if not maddening recognizing the same HATE embracing population declaring racism is a problem, is the very same population BULLYING, THREATENING, INTIMIDATING and HATEFULLY HARASSING free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American citizens of African descent. :mental illness:

'Michelle Obama - Normalizing, Promoting HATE, VIOLENCE & Human Dysfunction'

In this Tommy Sotomayor broadcast, a conservative female caller speaks about American citizens being harassed and threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.


You throw around the word hate rather loosely. Recognition of difference does not equate to hate.

Hello, V. Apparently you'd prefer to talk about me than discuss the HATERS I write about.

Haters you've witnessed, but for some reason decline to discuss or denounce.


Nah. You are of little interest to me. Your misuse of the word “hate”, upon which your post is predicated however, does no favors toward the furtherance of a meaningful solution.

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Keeping it REAL. I believe....ignorant human beliefs in Gods are much like ignorant human beliefs held by racists, both are fading away as our species evolves.

In the meantime I'm very concerned about our Nation's growing population of Americans be raised and nurtured to HATE by a large population of apparent emotionally troubled, segregation minded citizens loudly practicing INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

It's kinda sad, if not maddening recognizing the same HATE embracing population declaring racism is a problem, is the very same population BULLYING, THREATENING, INTIMIDATING and HATEFULLY HARASSING free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American citizens of African descent. :mental illness:

'Michelle Obama - Normalizing, Promoting HATE, VIOLENCE & Human Dysfunction'

In this Tommy Sotomayor broadcast, a conservative female caller speaks about American citizens being harassed and threatened with VIOLENCE for sharing their thoughts, concerns and opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.


You throw around the word hate rather loosely. Recognition of difference does not equate to hate.

Hello, V. Apparently you'd prefer to talk about me than discuss the HATERS I write about.

Haters you've witnessed, but for some reason decline to discuss or denounce.


Nah. You are of little interest to me. Your misuse of the word “hate”, upon which your post is predicated however, does no favors toward the furtherance of a meaningful solution.

Hello, V. I am interested in learning your solution for preventing PRO BLACK Americans from HATEFULLY HARASSING, BULLYING, DENIGRATING and/or threatening with violence our free thinking black American neighbors choosing to peacefully pursing THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) and Happiness?

Not sure what you’re referring to as “PRO BLACK Americans” here. But if they truly were “Pro black”; it’s unlikely they’d be doing their level best to pull down the most successful amongst them. As for how to prevent these negative actions? Well, avoiding the kind of people who behave this way would be a good start.

Since no one black is trying to pull down the most successful and the ones you consider successful are the ones trying to pull blacks down...
Since no one black is trying to pull down the most successful and the ones you consider successful are the ones trying to pull blacks down...

Perturbed American Sharing Concerns RE: Dysfunctional Americans Impeding ‘Black’ Achievement

First, people need to know what racism means in 2019. The term is used so frequently these days. Further, I am not convinced that the people who cry racist the most necessarily want it to end. There is a lot of money and power to be made as long as racism exists. Race hustling is big business.
First, people need to know what racism means in 2019. The term is used so frequently these days. Further, I am not convinced that the people who cry racist the most necessarily want it to end. There is a lot of money and power to be made as long as racism exists. Race hustling is big business.

Many in the Black community don't want it to end, or at least the perception of racism to end. They want to use the Victim Card as much as possible to shirk responsibility and accountability for their lack of economic and social progress.

In addition, White liberal/progressives want to continue the Racism narrative to enable them to Virtue Signal how evolved and enlightened they are when the rest of us have moved on from looking at skin color as a differentiator.
First, people need to know what racism means in 2019. The term is used so frequently these days. Further, I am not convinced that the people who cry racist the most necessarily want it to end. There is a lot of money and power to be made as long as racism exists. Race hustling is big business.
Exactly right....... It needs to end, and the best way to end it is to do what Martin Luther King Jr. said for we the American people to do. "Judge a man not upon the color of his skin, but instead judge him on the content of his CHARACTER".

Now how hard can this be in life ????????
First, people need to know what racism means in 2019. The term is used so frequently these days. Further, I am not convinced that the people who cry racist the most necessarily want it to end. There is a lot of money and power to be made as long as racism exists. Race hustling is big business.

Many in the Black community don't want it to end, or at least the perception of racism to end. They want to use the Victim Card as much as possible to shirk responsibility and accountability for their lack of economic and social progress.

In addition, White liberal/progressives want to continue the Racism narrative to enable them to Virtue Signal how evolved and enlightened they are when the rest of us have moved on from looking at skin color as a differentiator.
The average to poor black people just want a better life like everyone, and the politician's and race Hustler's are the ones exploiting those average to poor black people in order to gain and/or to keep power.
Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.
Your behavior is not normal. You're the weirdest asshole on USMB. You never answer questions, you troll, you're a dick. And a tattle tale.

Address the thread topic for once, fish.

1. Learn to recognize and understand your own privilege.
One of the first steps to eliminating racial discrimination is learning to recognize and understand your own privilege. Racial privilege plays out across social, political, economic, and cultural environments. Checking your privilege and using your privilege to dismantle systemic racism are two ways to begin this complex process.

However, race is only one aspect of privilege. Religion, gender, sexuality, ability-status, socio-economic status, language, and citizenship status can all affect your level of privilege. Using the privileges that you have to collectively empower others requires first being aware of those privileges and acknowledging their implications

2. Examine your own biases and consider where they may have originated.
What messages did you receive as a kid about people who are different from you? What was the racial and/or ethnic make-up of your neighborhood, school, or religious community? Why do you think that was the case? These experiences produce and reinforce bias, stereotypes, and prejudice, which can lead to discrimination. Examining our own biases can help us work to ensure equality for all.

3. Validate the experiences and feelings of people of color.

This next one is for Unkotare:

4. Challenge the “colorblind” ideology.
It is a pervasive myth that we live in a “post-racial” society where people “don’t see color.” Perpetuating a “colorblind” ideology actually contributes to racism.

5. Call out racist “jokes” or statements.

1. I grew up in a working class and diverse neighbor hood. I inherited nothing, and no one ever gave me shit, especially for being white.

2. Standard anti-racism indoctrination of the public schools and pop culture.

3. Why? What makes their experiences and feelings any more important and deserving of consideration of mine. Those kids you talk about beaing you up for being white? IMO, I want to denigrate their feelings and experiences. They were fucking assholes, and I hope karma was a fucking HARSH ASS mistress from them.

4 I do so all the time.

5. We joke about everything else. Why should race be off the table?

What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Murder everyone?

I know, let's look at what does not work. Let's not start an organization like the NAACP whose life blood is racism. In fact, to survive if there were no racism, they would have to manufacture some Jussie Smollett style.

In the larger scope of things, however, the question is really, what do we do about sin? Maybe if black and white look to the brown man Jesus like MLK did things will improve. They certainly improved during the life of MLK but not since.
Not raise racist kids ??? With the broadened meaning of racism today, and it encompassing any and everything now, just how does one go about raising a kid not to be racist in the eyes of a leftist who is freely choosing and applying racism to that kid where racism doesn't actually exist ????

Teach them they do have bias’.

Cons deny they are bias and favor other whites. You clearly have this bias and I bet you deny it. You’ll say you don’t see color and you only hire the most qualified but we know

Seely, it is absurd to teach a child that not only does not have bias, but has been indoctrinated their entire lives in racial equality, that they have bias.

What you end up doing it telling white kids that they are inherently bad, or inferior to kids of color.

Ironically THAT Is a big part of the problem today, in fostering racism. Racism against whites.

That's not what the experts say. You pretend white America is color blind and unkotare pretends he is color blind. Anyways, glad to see you calling unkotare out for participating but not contributing to the conversation just like Marion Morrison. Is that a dude? With a girls name like Marion?

Your welcome.

Have you seen the numbers on how whites, in the SOUTH voted for, with Kerry, vs Obama?

Did they vote more for Obama? All that tells you is how badly Bush was doing in his last term. So bad people were willing to vote for a black man for POTUS.

Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you are happy. People here think I am unhappy or miserable when in reality I just love arguing the 4 taboos. Religion, race, politics and sex

You have completed The Skills-Based Happiness Quiz .
You scored 89 out of 115 points.
YOUR RESULTS: You are a happiness expert!

Are you happy?

How Happy are you? Take the Happiness Quiz

My score was 58.

Your dismissal of the fact that southern whites, supposedly the bastion of racism in this country, voted MORE for the black democratic candidate than the white democratic one, is not reasonable.

There is nothing racist about my behavior, and it is completely normal for all people, intelligent or not, adult or not.


Of course you want to tell yourself that your weaknesses and failings are "normal," but they aren't. A certain type of block-head needs to believe the rest of the world is just as bone-stupid as they are. The perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

Said the man that has done NOTHING to support his position, other than insult me. THAT is the perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

What sort of support are you looking for, douche?

Quote something I said, and explain how or why you believe it to be racist.

Saying racist over and over again, is not a supporting argument.

To get you started, look for something that fits this.

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
Except that I did have a point, and you did demonstrate it.

I've admitted that I find your insults, insulting, D'uh And that I respond appropriately, with the difference that my insults to you, are actually true, while the ones that you spew from your face anus are complete shit.

Duh....of course you find my insults to be insulting, because the most bitter pill that a delusional, racist asshat is forced to swallow is THE TRUTH. That's thr only REAL point here.

And you continue to prove it for me....and will keep doing so, because you can't help it.

In turn, I don't take anything that you say personally, nor do I take offense to it, because you are emotionally handicapped.

You say that I "prove" your accusation that I am "racist" that it is such an obvious "truth"...

BUt when I challenge you to back it up with anything, you just spout more insults and accusations.

Watch, as I have done before, and will do so again. I will make you demonstrate MY point, AGAIN.

So, fucktard, it I so often prove your case, then show me/us an example of saying or doing anything "Racist".

That was a rhetorical demand, because I know that you cannot do it and indeed, won't even try.

Why would I waste a second pointing out the obvious to "you"?.....and as far as "us" goes, I'm not the only one here who has the same view of you, ask someone who is willing to spoon feed you, to act as your therapist.

Read your own posts without your blinders on, asshole.

You might learn something.

You say that my behavior is obvious, but when I call you on that, and predict that you will not be able to support your accusation, and will instead just spout insults,

you instead of supporting your accusation, instead just spout more insults.

Dude, I've lost count of the number of times, that you have demonstrated my point, ie, that people like YOU, you vile race baiter, are the ones tearing this country apart and fostering hatred and division.

ROFLMAO! You never had a "point", just a delusion and silly outrage over me refusing to waste time illustrating your personal issues, when they are obvious.

Pointing out an "observation" is not an "accusation".

Stating a historical fact about racism is not race baiting, you dunce.

The country is not being "torn apart" just because your fragile feelings are hurt, drama queen.

Your cowardly dodge is noted. YOu got anything to new to say on the topic, or you just here to spread the hate?

There is nothing racist about my behavior, and it is completely normal for all people, intelligent or not, adult or not.


Of course you want to tell yourself that your weaknesses and failings are "normal," but they aren't. A certain type of block-head needs to believe the rest of the world is just as bone-stupid as they are. The perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

Said the man that has done NOTHING to support his position, other than insult me. THAT is the perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

What sort of support are you looking for, douche?

Quote something I said, and explain how or why you believe it to be racist.


We’ve been over this several times now. And playing your absurd, weepy victim card isn’t working for you.
First, people need to know what racism means in 2019. The term is used so frequently these days. Further, I am not convinced that the people who cry racist the most necessarily want it to end. There is a lot of money and power to be made as long as racism exists. Race hustling is big business.

Many in the Black community don't want it to end, or at least the perception of racism to end. They want to use the Victim Card as much as possible to shirk responsibility and accountability for their lack of economic and social progress.

In addition, White liberal/progressives want to continue the Racism narrative to enable them to Virtue Signal how evolved and enlightened they are when the rest of us have moved on from looking at skin color as a differentiator.

Racism to me is looking at someone who is beneath me because of the color of their skin. For example, saying / believing that no black person could be as good a doctor as white people. In today’s sensitized work environment where people can get slapped on the wrist or terminated for asking a Latino where is the best place for TexMex, I was shocked when an Asian manager told me flat out that there is no way a white colleague could ever be as good an engineer as Asians. I also worked for a company run by an Indian CEO who was concerned about locating the business in a heavily Latino neighborhood. Same CEO was hesitant to hire a colleague because he was Jewish.

So, the first step in ending racism is to cut the bullshit notion that only white Americans are racist.
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Duh....of course you find my insults to be insulting, because the most bitter pill that a delusional, racist asshat is forced to swallow is THE TRUTH. That's thr only REAL point here.

And you continue to prove it for me....and will keep doing so, because you can't help it.

In turn, I don't take anything that you say personally, nor do I take offense to it, because you are emotionally handicapped.

You say that I "prove" your accusation that I am "racist" that it is such an obvious "truth"...

BUt when I challenge you to back it up with anything, you just spout more insults and accusations.

Watch, as I have done before, and will do so again. I will make you demonstrate MY point, AGAIN.

So, fucktard, it I so often prove your case, then show me/us an example of saying or doing anything "Racist".

That was a rhetorical demand, because I know that you cannot do it and indeed, won't even try.

Why would I waste a second pointing out the obvious to "you"?.....and as far as "us" goes, I'm not the only one here who has the same view of you, ask someone who is willing to spoon feed you, to act as your therapist.

Read your own posts without your blinders on, asshole.

You might learn something.

You say that my behavior is obvious, but when I call you on that, and predict that you will not be able to support your accusation, and will instead just spout insults,

you instead of supporting your accusation, instead just spout more insults.

Dude, I've lost count of the number of times, that you have demonstrated my point, ie, that people like YOU, you vile race baiter, are the ones tearing this country apart and fostering hatred and division.

ROFLMAO! You never had a "point", just a delusion and silly outrage over me refusing to waste time illustrating your personal issues, when they are obvious.

Pointing out an "observation" is not an "accusation".

Stating a historical fact about racism is not race baiting, you dunce.

The country is not being "torn apart" just because your fragile feelings are hurt, drama queen.

Your cowardly dodge is noted. YOu got anything to new to say on the topic, or you just here to spread the hate?

Dodge of what? Your pissy fit over being observed to be a racist?

There are plenty here just like you, and I
I would not waste a second of my time hating you or anyone else here over anything that trivial.
So, the first step in ending racism is to cut the bullshit notion that only white Americans are racist.

Exactly! However, the narrative of Democrats, the Media, and Education is that ONLY WHITES ARE RACIST, or have the potential to be racist. There is no racism except White on (pick whatever group, usually BLACKS) racism.

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