What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Not raise racist kids ??? With the broadened meaning of racism today, and it encompassing any and everything now, just how does one go about raising a kid not to be racist in the eyes of a leftist who is freely choosing and applying racism to that kid where racism doesn't actually exist ????

Teach them they do have bias’.

Cons deny they are bias and favor other whites. You clearly have this bias and I bet you deny it. You’ll say you don’t see color and you only hire the most qualified but we know

Seely, it is absurd to teach a child that not only does not have bias, but has been indoctrinated their entire lives in racial equality, that they have bias.

What you end up doing it telling white kids that they are inherently bad, or inferior to kids of color.

Ironically THAT Is a big part of the problem today, in fostering racism. Racism against whites.

That's not what the experts say. You pretend white America is color blind and unkotare pretends he is color blind. Anyways, glad to see you calling unkotare out for participating but not contributing to the conversation just like Marion Morrison. Is that a dude? With a girls name like Marion?

Your welcome.

Have you seen the numbers on how whites, in the SOUTH voted for, with Kerry, vs Obama?

Did they vote more for Obama? All that tells you is how badly Bush was doing in his last term. So bad people were willing to vote for a black man for POTUS.

Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you are happy. People here think I am unhappy or miserable when in reality I just love arguing the 4 taboos. Religion, race, politics and sex

You have completed The Skills-Based Happiness Quiz .
You scored 89 out of 115 points.
YOUR RESULTS: You are a happiness expert!

Are you happy?

How Happy are you? Take the Happiness Quiz

Interesting quiz. 100 out of 115. Most of the questions appear to just be related to everyday life and normal activity.
I'm not providing you idiots with a link anymore. You never like my sources. So, go find your your sources. For example I just told a guy 28 people died in Anchorage Alaska last year. He asked for a link. I will not provide him one because if he's like you he will just blow off my number because he chooses not to like the source. So, he should go use his own internet sources and if he can find a number that is not 28, come here and show me. Then we can find out who's source is wrong and who's is right.

He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans. They even scare cops and they are armed. Is it justified? Please for once in your life tell us what you think on the subject. Based on your comments you think the cops are wrong or that you better/different than them.

North Carolina cop: ‘This fear of black men is real’

It sounds simple, but when you interact with the police, do everything they ask you to do. Don’t argue. Don’t go back and forth with them. Do everything they ask you to do to the 10th power. I mean everything — so you can go home to your family and so he can go home to his family.

If you already believe that white cops are afraid of blacks – if you truly believe that – then set him at ease. He has a gun. Don’t be combative. It’s not an approach you can afford to take.

Working with kids, I’ve found that kids often don’t respect their parents or their teachers. Then they get out in the world and there’s no respect for police — that respect for authority just isn’t there. That’s where we have the problem.
He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans......

They scare cowards and idiots like you.
Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans......

They scare cowards and idiots like you.

Don't put this on me. They scare white society. I want that to stop. Are you saying it's all white societies fault? Are blacks on USMB right they don't need to change their behavior one bit? Please tell us your thoughts.
Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans......

They scare cowards and idiots like you.

So are young black men wrong? Are the cops afraid of young black men or not? This is coming from a black cop idiot

North Carolina cop: ‘This fear of black men is real’

If you already believe that white cops are afraid of blacks – if you truly believe that – then set him at ease. He has a gun. Don’t be combative. It’s not an approach you can afford to take.

Working with kids, I’ve found that kids often don’t respect their parents or their teachers. Then they get out in the world and there’s no respect for police — that respect for authority just isn’t there. That’s where we have the problem.

Sometimes the toughest thing to do — especially if a police officer is blatantly overstepping and being overly aggressive or abusive — is to stay disciplined. I tell my kids — kids I coach — that discipline is not what someone does to you; discipline is what you do in response to it. Remember, this officer has a gun. You already know this, so don’t make it a habit in being loud or aggressive with somebody who has a gun. He has the authority to take your freedom and your life. So, take care of you.

You can’t control what that officer does. We can only control what we do — not what others do. That’s old-school, but it resonates today.

Are you suggesting cops don't fear black men? Or are you calling cops cowards and idiots? I'm trying to figure out what you are saying.
Your behavior is not normal. You're the weirdest asshole on USMB. You never answer questions, you troll, you're a dick. And a tattle tale.

Address the thread topic for once, fish.

1. Learn to recognize and understand your own privilege.
One of the first steps to eliminating racial discrimination is learning to recognize and understand your own privilege. Racial privilege plays out across social, political, economic, and cultural environments. Checking your privilege and using your privilege to dismantle systemic racism are two ways to begin this complex process.

However, race is only one aspect of privilege. Religion, gender, sexuality, ability-status, socio-economic status, language, and citizenship status can all affect your level of privilege. Using the privileges that you have to collectively empower others requires first being aware of those privileges and acknowledging their implications

2. Examine your own biases and consider where they may have originated.
What messages did you receive as a kid about people who are different from you? What was the racial and/or ethnic make-up of your neighborhood, school, or religious community? Why do you think that was the case? These experiences produce and reinforce bias, stereotypes, and prejudice, which can lead to discrimination. Examining our own biases can help us work to ensure equality for all.

3. Validate the experiences and feelings of people of color.

This next one is for Unkotare:

4. Challenge the “colorblind” ideology.
It is a pervasive myth that we live in a “post-racial” society where people “don’t see color.” Perpetuating a “colorblind” ideology actually contributes to racism.

5. Call out racist “jokes” or statements.

1. I grew up in a working class and diverse neighbor hood. I inherited nothing, and no one ever gave me shit, especially for being white.

2. Standard anti-racism indoctrination of the public schools and pop culture.

3. Why? What makes their experiences and feelings any more important and deserving of consideration of mine. Those kids you talk about beaing you up for being white? IMO, I want to denigrate their feelings and experiences. They were fucking assholes, and I hope karma was a fucking HARSH ASS mistress from them.

4 I do so all the time.

5. We joke about everything else. Why should race be off the table?

What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?
He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?


Working with kids, .....

...says the fool who doesn’t work with or have any...
The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans......

They scare cowards and idiots like you.

...They scare white society. ....

Only cowards and idiots.
Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?


Working with kids, .....

...says the fool who doesn’t work with or have any...

You are such a mental midget. That's all you could come back with? I'll assume that means I won the debate you pussy. Thanks for not trying.

I didn't say it you fucking fool. The N. Carolina cop who wrote the article said it. Do you disagree with him? You won't go there you coward.

Working with kids, I’ve found that kids often don’t respect their parents or their teachers. Then they get out in the world and there’s no respect for police — that respect for authority just isn’t there. That’s where we have the problem.

I'm not a racist unkotare you are just a coward. Afraid to have an honest back and forth where you participate and answer questions. You come back with bullshit because all you are is a

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans......

They scare cowards and idiots like you.

...They scare white society. ....

Only cowards and idiots.

So Republicans

Did you defend George Zimmerman? Do you defend stand your ground?

Back in 2012, following the shooting death of Trayvon Martin comedian and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart‘s “Senior Black Correspondent” Larry Wilmore discussed the racial implications of Zimmerman, who is white and Peruvian, shooting and killing a black male and initially not being charged with a crime. It wasn’t capital-R racist that Zimmerman racially profiled Martin and his hoodie, or that the neighborhood watch volunteer ignored the police’s instructions to not follow the teenager. No, the case came down to the idea of the “benefit of the doubt,” that Wilmore declared white people like Zimmerman are given by police, specifically, and society, generally, that would never work in the favor of African-Americans. Could you imagine Trevon trying to use Stand Your Ground after he shot and killed George Zimmerman?

Humor aside, more times than not, white people can fear for their lives when they come into contact with African-Americans, and society believes in that fear.

On Dec. 1, former University of Southern California and New York Jets running back Joe McKnight was gunned down in a New Orleans suburb following a car accident. The alleged shooter, 54-year-old Ronald Gasser, was taken into custody and questioned by police following the shooting, but was released early Dec. 2 from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.


Outside of his friends and family, no one really knows Gasser, but there will be those who jump to his defense. (Within weeks of being charged with murder in 2012, Zimmerman raised over $200,000through a crowd-funding website.) We’ll hear from old high school buddies who can’t believe ol’ Ronald could do such a thing. Colleagues will swear by Gasser’s honor. The Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, despite Gasser’s previous run-in with the law, already believe enough in him to set him free.

We’ve seen this “benefit of the doubt” work for white people before. From a woman threatening to slit a police officer’s throat and being acquitted to another white woman swinging a machete at police and not being shot, all the way to an armed man jumping out of a trunk, attacking an officer, and living to talk about it. The Bundy family has aimed guns at federal officers and took over a federally-owned wildlife sanctuary, yet they’re all still accounted for today. No matter the case, white people are given liberties black people are simply not afforded.

Despite notifying a Minnesota police officer that he had a licensed firearm in his pants pocket, Philando Castile was shot seven times by officer Jeronimo Yanez in July.

Cardell Hayes fatally shot former New Orleans Saints defensive lineman Will Smith in April following a car accident. Despite recently reported information, Hayes is still in jail awaiting trial on charges of second-degree murder and second-degree attempted murder. No matter the possible innocence of Hayes, and Louisiana’s own version of a “stand your ground” law, because of the way Hayes looks — and the celebrity of the man he killed — he never had a chance of walking out of the police building the night of the shooting.

That’s because the idea of a black man being a law-abiding citizen is a form of cognitive dissonance. Which is why a law like “stand your ground” was never intended for African-Americans, and why the National Rifle Association is reluctant to defend the rights of all gun owners.

Zimmerman, unknowingly, designed a playbook over four years ago that plays off that fear of blacks for the benefit of white Americans. That fear, coupled with the normalization of white supremacy over the past year is what led to the death of McKnight last week.
Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans......

They scare cowards and idiots like you.

...They scare white society. ....

Only cowards and idiots.

So white male conservative Republicans basically

As we’ve seen in statistics repeatedly over the past several years, our nation is rapidly diversifying. Census Bureau projections indicate that non-Hispanic whites will cease to be more than 50 percent of the nation’s population by 2060. While these projections and reports are meant to be benign descriptions of how our nation is changing, to many including this Mr. Roof it seems, this demographic change is experienced as a threat.

Indeed, much like Roof’s haunting words, psychological science has found that reminding White Americans that the nation is projected to become a so-called “majority–minority” country leads to the expression of greater racial bias.

Specifically, in a series experiments published last year in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Ohio State University social psychologist Maureen Craig and I found that White Americans reported a greater preference for same-race contact and more negative evaluations of racial minorities after they had read an article about the projected racial shift.
He is denying normal human behavior,.....

Your racist behavior is not "normal," for a reasonably intelligent adult.

The intelligent adults I know are not frightened by superficial differences in physical appearance, and take the trouble to know an individual before judging them.

Appearances matter


Does that picture scare you?

Yes black men scare white Americans. They even scare cops and they are armed. Is it justified? Please for once in your life tell us what you think on the subject. Based on your comments you think the cops are wrong or that you better/different than them.

North Carolina cop: ‘This fear of black men is real’

It sounds simple, but when you interact with the police, do everything they ask you to do. Don’t argue. Don’t go back and forth with them. Do everything they ask you to do to the 10th power. I mean everything — so you can go home to your family and so he can go home to his family.

If you already believe that white cops are afraid of blacks – if you truly believe that – then set him at ease. He has a gun. Don’t be combative. It’s not an approach you can afford to take.

Working with kids, I’ve found that kids often don’t respect their parents or their teachers. Then they get out in the world and there’s no respect for police — that respect for authority just isn’t there. That’s where we have the problem.
Watching the series "livePD" is definitely an eye opener for many. Thank God we have these series or shows that take people into the world's that people only hear about, and before these shows they got in alot of ways a twisted or exaggerated version of the facts and truth.

Thank God for body Cam's etc these days or we wouldn't have law enforcement anymore for many out there who need it worse than ever.

There is nothing racist about my behavior, and it is completely normal for all people, intelligent or not, adult or not.


Of course you want to tell yourself that your weaknesses and failings are "normal," but they aren't. A certain type of block-head needs to believe the rest of the world is just as bone-stupid as they are. The perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

Said the man that has done NOTHING to support his position, other than insult me. THAT is the perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

What sort of support are you looking for, douche?

Quote something I said, and explain how or why you believe it to be racist.


We’ve been over this several times now. And playing your absurd, weepy victim card isn’t working for you.

We have been over it several times. You quote something I said, that was not racist, and insist it was, with no explanation.

My pointing out your failure is not weeping. That you lie about that, is standard lib behavior. Just keeping it real.
You say that I "prove" your accusation that I am "racist" that it is such an obvious "truth"...

BUt when I challenge you to back it up with anything, you just spout more insults and accusations.

Watch, as I have done before, and will do so again. I will make you demonstrate MY point, AGAIN.

So, fucktard, it I so often prove your case, then show me/us an example of saying or doing anything "Racist".

That was a rhetorical demand, because I know that you cannot do it and indeed, won't even try.

Why would I waste a second pointing out the obvious to "you"?.....and as far as "us" goes, I'm not the only one here who has the same view of you, ask someone who is willing to spoon feed you, to act as your therapist.

Read your own posts without your blinders on, asshole.

You might learn something.

You say that my behavior is obvious, but when I call you on that, and predict that you will not be able to support your accusation, and will instead just spout insults,

you instead of supporting your accusation, instead just spout more insults.

Dude, I've lost count of the number of times, that you have demonstrated my point, ie, that people like YOU, you vile race baiter, are the ones tearing this country apart and fostering hatred and division.

ROFLMAO! You never had a "point", just a delusion and silly outrage over me refusing to waste time illustrating your personal issues, when they are obvious.

Pointing out an "observation" is not an "accusation".

Stating a historical fact about racism is not race baiting, you dunce.

The country is not being "torn apart" just because your fragile feelings are hurt, drama queen.

Your cowardly dodge is noted. YOu got anything to new to say on the topic, or you just here to spread the hate?

Dodge of what? Your pissy fit over being observed to be a racist?

There are plenty here just like you, and I
I would not waste a second of my time hating you or anyone else here over anything that trivial.

Said the loser that can't back his shit up.
Address the thread topic for once, fish.

1. Learn to recognize and understand your own privilege.
One of the first steps to eliminating racial discrimination is learning to recognize and understand your own privilege. Racial privilege plays out across social, political, economic, and cultural environments. Checking your privilege and using your privilege to dismantle systemic racism are two ways to begin this complex process.

However, race is only one aspect of privilege. Religion, gender, sexuality, ability-status, socio-economic status, language, and citizenship status can all affect your level of privilege. Using the privileges that you have to collectively empower others requires first being aware of those privileges and acknowledging their implications

2. Examine your own biases and consider where they may have originated.
What messages did you receive as a kid about people who are different from you? What was the racial and/or ethnic make-up of your neighborhood, school, or religious community? Why do you think that was the case? These experiences produce and reinforce bias, stereotypes, and prejudice, which can lead to discrimination. Examining our own biases can help us work to ensure equality for all.

3. Validate the experiences and feelings of people of color.

This next one is for Unkotare:

4. Challenge the “colorblind” ideology.
It is a pervasive myth that we live in a “post-racial” society where people “don’t see color.” Perpetuating a “colorblind” ideology actually contributes to racism.

5. Call out racist “jokes” or statements.

1. I grew up in a working class and diverse neighbor hood. I inherited nothing, and no one ever gave me shit, especially for being white.

2. Standard anti-racism indoctrination of the public schools and pop culture.

3. Why? What makes their experiences and feelings any more important and deserving of consideration of mine. Those kids you talk about beaing you up for being white? IMO, I want to denigrate their feelings and experiences. They were fucking assholes, and I hope karma was a fucking HARSH ASS mistress from them.

4 I do so all the time.

5. We joke about everything else. Why should race be off the table?

What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
Of course you want to tell yourself that your weaknesses and failings are "normal," but they aren't. A certain type of block-head needs to believe the rest of the world is just as bone-stupid as they are. The perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

Said the man that has done NOTHING to support his position, other than insult me. THAT is the perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

What sort of support are you looking for, douche?

Quote something I said, and explain how or why you believe it to be racist.


We’ve been over this several times now. And playing your absurd, weepy victim card isn’t working for you.

We have been over it several times. You quote something I said, that was not racist, and insist it was, ........

Your flaccid denials do nothing to mitigate your prejudice. You're beginning to look about as stupid as bobo.
1. Learn to recognize and understand your own privilege.
One of the first steps to eliminating racial discrimination is learning to recognize and understand your own privilege. Racial privilege plays out across social, political, economic, and cultural environments. Checking your privilege and using your privilege to dismantle systemic racism are two ways to begin this complex process.

However, race is only one aspect of privilege. Religion, gender, sexuality, ability-status, socio-economic status, language, and citizenship status can all affect your level of privilege. Using the privileges that you have to collectively empower others requires first being aware of those privileges and acknowledging their implications

2. Examine your own biases and consider where they may have originated.
What messages did you receive as a kid about people who are different from you? What was the racial and/or ethnic make-up of your neighborhood, school, or religious community? Why do you think that was the case? These experiences produce and reinforce bias, stereotypes, and prejudice, which can lead to discrimination. Examining our own biases can help us work to ensure equality for all.

3. Validate the experiences and feelings of people of color.

This next one is for Unkotare:

4. Challenge the “colorblind” ideology.
It is a pervasive myth that we live in a “post-racial” society where people “don’t see color.” Perpetuating a “colorblind” ideology actually contributes to racism.

5. Call out racist “jokes” or statements.

1. I grew up in a working class and diverse neighbor hood. I inherited nothing, and no one ever gave me shit, especially for being white.

2. Standard anti-racism indoctrination of the public schools and pop culture.

3. Why? What makes their experiences and feelings any more important and deserving of consideration of mine. Those kids you talk about beaing you up for being white? IMO, I want to denigrate their feelings and experiences. They were fucking assholes, and I hope karma was a fucking HARSH ASS mistress from them.

4 I do so all the time.

5. We joke about everything else. Why should race be off the table?

What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
He’s not going to send you anything. You aren’t educated. You are not qualified. That’s why every new job went to indians and Chinese. You whites aren’t smart enough. But, if you know someone who is in a position of power and you have the right qualifications, in other words if you know someone, you may get in.

My cousin got a finance degree. He’s in sales now. He has zero sales experience. His privilege is that he lives in a white society and knows whites who can get him a job. That privilege
1. I grew up in a working class and diverse neighbor hood. I inherited nothing, and no one ever gave me shit, especially for being white.

2. Standard anti-racism indoctrination of the public schools and pop culture.

3. Why? What makes their experiences and feelings any more important and deserving of consideration of mine. Those kids you talk about beaing you up for being white? IMO, I want to denigrate their feelings and experiences. They were fucking assholes, and I hope karma was a fucking HARSH ASS mistress from them.

4 I do so all the time.

5. We joke about everything else. Why should race be off the table?

What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
He’s not going to send you anything. You aren’t educated. You are not qualified. That’s why every new job went to indians and Chinese. You whites aren’t smart enough. But, if you know someone who is in a position of power and you have the right qualifications, in other words if you know someone, you may get in.

My cousin got a finance degree. He’s in sales now. He has zero sales experience. His privilege is that he lives in a white society and knows whites who can get him a job. That privilege
The idea that privilege is something that comes for free, Uhhh is about as ridiculous a thing the left will ever have imagined in this day and age. Nothing is for free, not even privilege in which the left constantly tries to use as a weapon against it's ignorant enemies.
What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
He’s not going to send you anything. You aren’t educated. You are not qualified. That’s why every new job went to indians and Chinese. You whites aren’t smart enough. But, if you know someone who is in a position of power and you have the right qualifications, in other words if you know someone, you may get in.

My cousin got a finance degree. He’s in sales now. He has zero sales experience. His privilege is that he lives in a white society and knows whites who can get him a job. That privilege
The idea that privilege is something that comes for free, Uhhh is about as ridiculous a thing the left will ever have imagined in this day and age. Nothing is for free, not even privilege in which the left constantly tries to use as a weapon against it's ignorant enemies.
Ok true it’s not free. The white boys receiving the privilege did work for it. These aren’t slacker whites we are talking about but they benefit from white privilege too
Said the man that has done NOTHING to support his position, other than insult me. THAT is the perfect mindlessness for a liberal.

What sort of support are you looking for, douche?

Quote something I said, and explain how or why you believe it to be racist.


We’ve been over this several times now. And playing your absurd, weepy victim card isn’t working for you.

We have been over it several times. You quote something I said, that was not racist, and insist it was, ........

Your flaccid denials do nothing to mitigate your prejudice. You're beginning to look about as stupid as bobo.

And we see you fail to even try to support your claim.

You are the one making the claim, buddy. You are the one to try to support it.

Your game of trying to make it my problem to prove that I am not, is something the liberals love to do.

Oh, and that bit where you don't even try to support your claim, but keep making it, and are insulting as you do it?

Katstevie loves to play that one. You two should maybe hang out together.

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