What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

You can't. Blacks that have been wronged will NEVER forgive the transgressors. So, racism against whites will be permanent and we all know about white prejudice against blacks, it is hard wired in.

Bullcrap. Nothing about racism is “hard wired in” except cowardice in the weak and stupid. And grudges are carried by choice. Focus on present circumstances; encourage dignity, understanding and respect, and the rest will work itself out in time.

When the game gets rigged, all bets are off.
Want to use “ghetto” as an adjective again and pretend it’s not racist?

Maybe you and bobohypocrite should hang out together.

Ghetto culture is a culture, not an inherent racial thing. The conversation between me and seely made it clear that we think that the people who are part of such culture should change their behavior.

Wanting changes in behavior, is pretty much the opposite of thinking that the behavior described is inherent or genetic and thus NOT possible to change, which would be the "racist" position on the issues raised.


Yeah, you and Bobobrainless trying to whitesplain to everyone is laughably obvious.

This is a discussion forum. Are you saying that people like me and Seely are not permitted to discuss some topics because of our skin color?

And if that is NOT what you are saying, then please explain what you did mean by that, because it in no way addressed my post, that you supposedly "replied" to.

Because seriously, you tried to back up your accusation of racism, (thank you for that) but when you did, I seriously responding, addressing your example.

But nothing in your post, actually addressed my response. you simply attacked me and seely for daring to discuss a black subculture while having white skin.

An action, which is ironically far more racist than the one you used as an example of my "racism".

I refuse to accept the taboo of not being allowed to discuss certain issues, because of my skin color.

This is ANOTHER way I fight racism.

No one said you can’t say what you want, little victim, but no one said you won’t be told what it means if you and Bobobrainless are really too stupid to realize it.

When you attack someone with as poisonous slander as "Racist" is in our culture, that is not allowing people to say what they want.


Do the words that so clearly apply hurt you, precious? Do you need to retreat to your safe space and have a good cry?

Dumbass snowflakes seem to think that free speech means free from consequence or even response.

Say what you want, and have the balls to stand by it. If you quack like a duck, don’t cry when it is pointed out that you’re a fucking duck.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

You can't. Blacks that have been wronged will NEVER forgive the transgressors. So, racism against whites will be permanent and we all know about white prejudice against blacks, it is hard wired in.

Bullcrap. Nothing about racism is “hard wired in” except cowardice in the weak and stupid. And grudges are carried by choice. Focus on present circumstances; encourage dignity, understanding and respect, and the rest will work itself out in time.

So a black who experienced suffering at the hands of whites will not feel racism toward whites? Or are you saying they are weak and stupid?
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

You can't. Blacks that have been wronged will NEVER forgive the transgressors. So, racism against whites will be permanent and we all know about white prejudice against blacks, it is hard wired in.

Bullcrap. Nothing about racism is “hard wired in” except cowardice in the weak and stupid. And grudges are carried by choice. Focus on present circumstances; encourage dignity, understanding and respect, and the rest will work itself out in time.

So a black who experienced suffering at the hands of whites will not feel racism toward whites? Or are you saying they are weak and stupid?

“Blacks reacting to racism......is NOT racism. Besides, many whites have proven that they don't even use the official dictionary definition of the term. What is GIVEN is the definition. The problem is that whites don't like to use it because when applied properly, whites clearly stand out as the culprits.”

Present circumstance show that white racism is done differently with the most common tactic being denial of current white racism and the use of the false equivalence trying to equate the black response to racism by whites as racism towards whites. Both people in this quote do these things.
Which means whites need to stop believing they are deserved of higher pay, promotion and ownership.
What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
He’s not going to send you anything. You aren’t educated. You are not qualified. That’s why every new job went to indians and Chinese. You whites aren’t smart enough. But, if you know someone who is in a position of power and you have the right qualifications, in other words if you know someone, you may get in.

My cousin got a finance degree. He’s in sales now. He has zero sales experience. His privilege is that he lives in a white society and knows whites who can get him a job. That privilege

You are starting to jump around a lot.

But I live in the same society and I don't know people that can get me a job. So, it is not about skin color then.

And black people get jobs they aren't qualified for too, if they know someone, or if the employer is terrified of being sued. And what more, they often keep them, even if they suck, because of the same.

Soooooo, that is not white privilege. That is something completely else.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin? Or that they have to give more, or god forbid, Check their fucking privilege?

That shit is divisive and inflames racial tensions.
It is about skin color because white boys live in the communities where dads have the power to get their kids jobs.

You are a poor white in a poor white community. White privilege doesn’t happen for every white boy but it happens enough that blacks get the shaft.

It’s not the most qualified who gets the job it’s the best connections. And unfortunately for blacks we hav most all of the connections.

Blacks do it too. When it’s a black hiring manager doing the hiring, suddenly it’s black guys who are the most qualified.

And how do you know a white guy didn’t hire you over a black because you’re white?
What do you do for a living?

You have a problem with anti racism?

Who said their experiences are more important? No one said that. It's like my nephews are being raised rich. They should acknowledge their privilege. And you should realize growing up a black young man is different than growing up white. Did you read how black boys are 5 times more likely to be suspended for the same thing a white boy does? And we all know the cops treat blacks they pull over differently. Why? Because they have bias.

You aren't color blind? I thought you were one of those who says "you don't see color"

It's funny this gay guy on Howard Stern said he doesn't have a problem calling someone a faggot but he is very uncomfortable using the N word. That's not fair.

1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
He’s not going to send you anything. You aren’t educated. You are not qualified. That’s why every new job went to indians and Chinese. You whites aren’t smart enough. But, if you know someone who is in a position of power and you have the right qualifications, in other words if you know someone, you may get in.

My cousin got a finance degree. He’s in sales now. He has zero sales experience. His privilege is that he lives in a white society and knows whites who can get him a job. That privilege

Ah, casual racism at its finest. I bet you claim to be progressive.
If you think the corporations are lying and hiring cheaper Chinese labor then challenge them. You won’t and do you want to know why? You’re a conservative. You worship corporations. You even allow them to hire Chinese workers when you believe there are Americans who can do those jobs.

And instead of attack them, you attack me.

Address the point I made. Don’t derail.
Crock of shit alert!!!!!!! See previous posts!!!

What will solve "racism"?? It's LOVE, Bru, and all becoming Catholics. Most colour blind mob on earth!!!

Crock of shit alert!!!!!!! See previous posts!!!

What will solve "racism"?? It's LOVE, Bru, and all becoming Catholics. Most colour blind mob on earth!!!

That won't fix the damage caused by racism.
Crock of shit alert!!!!!!! See previous posts!!!

What will solve "racism"?? It's LOVE, Bru, and all becoming Catholics. Most colour blind mob on earth!!!

That won't fix the damage caused by racism.
/----/ Actually any parking spot not marked Handicap is designated Non-handicap. I've heard them referred to that way by a police officer.
Crock of shit alert!!!!!!! See previous posts!!!

What will solve "racism"?? It's LOVE, Bru, and all becoming Catholics. Most colour blind mob on earth!!!

Us greeks left your church because it was corrupted. Corrupt popes and cardinals from the dark ages to today. And you worship your leader too much.

Interesting this is also why the Mormon church got started. God told Joseph Smith to start his own church because the Catholic Churches connection or link to jesus has been broken hundreds of years ago. So you’re following a false religion. It’s true.
Said the loser that can't back his shit up.

There are no "winners/losers" in a forum like this, little person.

I have backed up what I initially stated multiple times from the beginning.....your problem is that it's not what you wanted to hear.

How much dumber can you be?

You have done shit, and you know it. HOw stupid do you think your fellow lefties are, to believe such shit? Cause someone who would be a willing dupe, is the only type of person that could read your post and believe it.

What makes you think that I care who is watching, what they think or what their political position is?

In case you were not paying attention, as usual, .there is a self described conservative in this thread who believes that you're a racist as well.

What you are perceived as, has nothing to do with being left, right or in the middle.

1. I think you care because you keep posting, and because you are lying lies, that I am obviously not falling for, thus someone else must be your intended target.

2. Lefties like you have won a large part of the argument by defining the rules of the debate. That some conservatives have accepted these twisted and biased rules, is a great victory of your side. Note though that pointing out that someone else shares your opinion, in no way is an actual defense or support of your opinion. Plenty of bad ideas have been or are very popular. Obviously. YOur pretense otherwise, is stupid.

WTF are you senselessly rambling about?
"Intended targets, fellow lefties"?

You obviously have a psychosis/obsession that causes you to spin left versus right conspiracy theories and insert political positions into nearly every thought.

It is you who implied that in some way I am associated with those that you call "lefties", just because you happen to be dense enough to confuse political beliefs with racial attitudes.

I merely pointed out that YOU being perceived to be a racist is obviously not a "left, right or center opinion.

I don't need to take sides with anyone else to "defend" that fact.

NOting that I am not falling for your lies, and that you obviously know you are lying, and then speculating on who you are trying to lie to, then,

is hardly a conspiracy theory, you asshole.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

You can't. Blacks that have been wronged will NEVER forgive the transgressors. So, racism against whites will be permanent and we all know about white prejudice against blacks, it is hard wired in.

Bullcrap. Nothing about racism is “hard wired in” except cowardice in the weak and stupid. And grudges are carried by choice. Focus on present circumstances; encourage dignity, understanding and respect, and the rest will work itself out in time.

So a black who experienced suffering at the hands of whites will not feel racism toward whites? Or are you saying they are weak and stupid?

“Blacks reacting to racism......is NOT racism. Besides, many whites have proven that they don't even use the official dictionary definition of the term. What is GIVEN is the definition. The problem is that whites don't like to use it because when applied properly, whites clearly stand out as the culprits.”

Present circumstance show that white racism is done differently with the most common tactic being denial of current white racism and the use of the false equivalence trying to equate the black response to racism by whites as racism towards whites. Both people in this quote do these things.

Nice spin but it does not work-hatred toward someone because of their race is racism-black, white, yellow brown, or red.
Ghetto culture is a culture, not an inherent racial thing. The conversation between me and seely made it clear that we think that the people who are part of such culture should change their behavior.

Wanting changes in behavior, is pretty much the opposite of thinking that the behavior described is inherent or genetic and thus NOT possible to change, which would be the "racist" position on the issues raised.


Yeah, you and Bobobrainless trying to whitesplain to everyone is laughably obvious.

This is a discussion forum. Are you saying that people like me and Seely are not permitted to discuss some topics because of our skin color?

And if that is NOT what you are saying, then please explain what you did mean by that, because it in no way addressed my post, that you supposedly "replied" to.

Because seriously, you tried to back up your accusation of racism, (thank you for that) but when you did, I seriously responding, addressing your example.

But nothing in your post, actually addressed my response. you simply attacked me and seely for daring to discuss a black subculture while having white skin.

An action, which is ironically far more racist than the one you used as an example of my "racism".

I refuse to accept the taboo of not being allowed to discuss certain issues, because of my skin color.

This is ANOTHER way I fight racism.

No one said you can’t say what you want, little victim, but no one said you won’t be told what it means if you and Bobobrainless are really too stupid to realize it.

When you attack someone with as poisonous slander as "Racist" is in our culture, that is not allowing people to say what they want.


Do the words that so clearly apply hurt you, precious? Do you need to retreat to your safe space and have a good cry?

Dumbass snowflakes seem to think that free speech means free from consequence or even response.

Say what you want, and have the balls to stand by it. If you quack like a duck, don’t cry when it is pointed out that you’re a fucking duck.

1. Except you have not demonstrated that they "clearly apply" to me.

2. My point, in pointing out your substitution of personal attacks for supporting your accusation, was not to express hurt feelings, but to point out your failure to support your accusation. I was pretty clear about that. Your whole post is nothing but a demonstration of your lack of reading comprehension.

3. But you know why you did that, we both do. If you spent half as much time, trying to support your accusation, as you do making personal attacks, it would become painfully obvious that you cannot support your accusation. Because it is weak ass bullshit.
Best way to fight racism is to tell all the black folks to STFU.
1. Retail clerk.

2. Yes, I have a problem with "anti-racism", because it is not actually anti-racism, but more a club to beat white people with.

3. You said their experiences were more important when you specify that they need to be validated, while white people have to "check their privilege".

4. Your nephews are not privileged. Calling them privileged is disrespecting the work and sacrifices of their parents, who amassed that wealth. My daughter is getting a pretty nice childhood, with some pretty decent advantages. Any fucker that says it is because of the color of her skin, I want to have words with, because they just dismissed TWO lifetimes of hard work and sacrifice from me and my wife!

5. Give me an example of when or how you would imagine me "seeing" color.

6. Agreed, it's not fair. It is also part of the idea that white people have walk on egg shells and self censor their whole lives, which is highly divisive.

5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
He’s not going to send you anything. You aren’t educated. You are not qualified. That’s why every new job went to indians and Chinese. You whites aren’t smart enough. But, if you know someone who is in a position of power and you have the right qualifications, in other words if you know someone, you may get in.

My cousin got a finance degree. He’s in sales now. He has zero sales experience. His privilege is that he lives in a white society and knows whites who can get him a job. That privilege

You are starting to jump around a lot.

But I live in the same society and I don't know people that can get me a job. So, it is not about skin color then.

And black people get jobs they aren't qualified for too, if they know someone, or if the employer is terrified of being sued. And what more, they often keep them, even if they suck, because of the same.

Soooooo, that is not white privilege. That is something completely else.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin? Or that they have to give more, or god forbid, Check their fucking privilege?

That shit is divisive and inflames racial tensions.
It is about skin color because white boys live in the communities where dads have the power to get their kids jobs.

You are a poor white in a poor white community. White privilege doesn’t happen for every white boy but it happens enough that blacks get the shaft.

It’s not the most qualified who gets the job it’s the best connections. And unfortunately for blacks we hav most all of the connections.

Blacks do it too. When it’s a black hiring manager doing the hiring, suddenly it’s black guys who are the most qualified.

And how do you know a white guy didn’t hire you over a black because you’re white?

Because I made two careers out of taking on challenges that no one else would. There was no or no actually qualified competition. Especially in the better one.

You are making a lot of claims, that don't jive with my observations, and are doing nothing to back them up, other than repeating them a lot.

My question stands.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin? Or that they have to give more, or god forbid, Check their fucking privilege?

That shit is divisive and inflames racial tensions
Yeah, you and Bobobrainless trying to whitesplain to everyone is laughably obvious.

This is a discussion forum. Are you saying that people like me and Seely are not permitted to discuss some topics because of our skin color?

And if that is NOT what you are saying, then please explain what you did mean by that, because it in no way addressed my post, that you supposedly "replied" to.

Because seriously, you tried to back up your accusation of racism, (thank you for that) but when you did, I seriously responding, addressing your example.

But nothing in your post, actually addressed my response. you simply attacked me and seely for daring to discuss a black subculture while having white skin.

An action, which is ironically far more racist than the one you used as an example of my "racism".

I refuse to accept the taboo of not being allowed to discuss certain issues, because of my skin color.

This is ANOTHER way I fight racism.

No one said you can’t say what you want, little victim, but no one said you won’t be told what it means if you and Bobobrainless are really too stupid to realize it.

When you attack someone with as poisonous slander as "Racist" is in our culture, that is not allowing people to say what they want.


Do the words that so clearly apply hurt you, precious? Do you need to retreat to your safe space and have a good cry?

Dumbass snowflakes seem to think that free speech means free from consequence or even response.

Say what you want, and have the balls to stand by it. If you quack like a duck, don’t cry when it is pointed out that you’re a fucking duck.

1. Except you have not demonstrated that they "clearly apply" to me.


YOU have demonstrated that.
5. How do you not see color?

4. If your kids go to school with other kids who's parents own business' or manage business', they are privileged because of the people they associate with. My cousin got his first job because of my brother. Should my cousin get offended if someone points out his privilege? Why is my cousin benefiting from my brothers hard work? Sounds like he was born into privilege no?

5. I don't know of anything I do, in my life, that the color of someone is relevant.

4 A. You did not address my points.

B. Going to the same school as someone is so pretty weak ass "privilege".

c. You cousin should benefit from yoru brother's hard work, because the fruits of his labor, BELONG to him to do with as he pleases. Being your brother's son, is not a matter of RACE, but of the hard work your brother put in. My skin color is the same as your cousin's, and no one is giving me shit because of it. Or are you telling me that your brother will send me large sums of money? Cause I am willing to admit I am wrong, if you can have him send me a large sum of money as evidence. At least 50k, and i will accept hundreds.
He’s not going to send you anything. You aren’t educated. You are not qualified. That’s why every new job went to indians and Chinese. You whites aren’t smart enough. But, if you know someone who is in a position of power and you have the right qualifications, in other words if you know someone, you may get in.

My cousin got a finance degree. He’s in sales now. He has zero sales experience. His privilege is that he lives in a white society and knows whites who can get him a job. That privilege

You are starting to jump around a lot.

But I live in the same society and I don't know people that can get me a job. So, it is not about skin color then.

And black people get jobs they aren't qualified for too, if they know someone, or if the employer is terrified of being sued. And what more, they often keep them, even if they suck, because of the same.

Soooooo, that is not white privilege. That is something completely else.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin? Or that they have to give more, or god forbid, Check their fucking privilege?

That shit is divisive and inflames racial tensions.
It is about skin color because white boys live in the communities where dads have the power to get their kids jobs.

You are a poor white in a poor white community. White privilege doesn’t happen for every white boy but it happens enough that blacks get the shaft.

It’s not the most qualified who gets the job it’s the best connections. And unfortunately for blacks we hav most all of the connections.

Blacks do it too. When it’s a black hiring manager doing the hiring, suddenly it’s black guys who are the most qualified.

And how do you know a white guy didn’t hire you over a black because you’re white?

Because I made two careers out of taking on challenges that no one else would. There was no or no actually qualified competition. Especially in the better one.

You are making a lot of claims, that don't jive with my observations, and are doing nothing to back them up, other than repeating them a lot.

My question stands.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin? Or that they have to give more, or god forbid, Check their fucking privilege?

That shit is divisive and inflames racial tensions

Well how do you think blacks feel when they are stuck in high poverty ghettos and guys like you tell them racism doesn't exist in America.

You poor whites would have a much easier time getting in your car or on a bus and finding a new city/town/state to live in. Wherever you go chances are at least 70% of the people in the town you go to will be white and won't be prejudice because of the color of your skin.

So you white boy have zero/no excuse why you are poor. My grandparents came over here and couldn't even speak the language but their kids and grandkids became very successful in America. The fact that you are not successful is only your fault. Do you agree? If not, who's fault is it?

I find it funny that during the Bush years, anyone who wasn't successful was responsible for themselves. That's what Republicans said. If you were not successful it was your fault. Go back to school or start your own business is what your side said. Now you sound very much like the blacks who live in ghettos. They say it's whitey's fault and you say it's WHO's FAULT? Unions? Mexicans? Liberals and Democrats? Affirmative Action?

I'll agree on one thing. The corporations flooded the market with low wage workers. This started on Reagan's watch and picked up steam on GW Bush's watch. I like it that Republicans are even trying to cut down on legal immigration until wages are right.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

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