What's the difference between public school and welfare

Such a Drama Queen
was it the part that agreed with "made us great" or the part you didn't agree with?

Our public education system is just fine
Now imagine an education that's so good you couldn't possibly draw that conclusion honestly.

except in Red States where they try to get by on the cheap]

Now imagine someone telling you it's "just fine"
And what is failing it/us now...it made us great when academics were emphasized in the curriculum, now it is being hacked apart by a left wing "social education"! [one that requires a certain amount of birthdays to be accumulated to earn a diploma]
There are schools with extreme liberal influences but they are few and far between. You just hear about them in the media. Most schools are excellent.
End public education and turn it into for profit enterprises. Cross your fingers that your children will go to the Amazon Academies, McDonald's Kindergarten, Militantly Partisan ideology schools, etc. Your child can be a great source of profit for the wealthy, if only these liberal hurdles can be removed.
Or ya could just change the curriculum from a social one to an academic one thus removing all the "liberal hurdles" in one fell swoop while achieving the desired result without all the myth making above
Yet our public schools are obsessively focused on standardized testing to the severe detriment of children with learning disabilities, children who are English as a second language learners and children who are low income.

Those kids commonly lose electives, are forced into after school tutoring and/or summer school, and held back grades, which is strongly correlated with dropping out. All as a punishment for low scores on standardized tests, no matter how hard they work.

Public school in the US is broken badly. If you want to keep it, you need to come up with some fixes and fast.

Sooner or later, no matter how loudly Weingarten shrieks, a real voucher program will be passed somewhere and when it works far bettervthsn the compulsary system voters everywhere will demand it.
I forgot to mention this earlier. Why are standardized tests used in schools? They were required by conservatives who wanted accountability!
Not a lot, really.

Public schools provide different services than other welfare agencies, but each welfare agency provides services that are different than those provided by other welfare agencies.

The most important similarity between public schools and other welfare providers is what many parents are only now discovering: Welfare recipients - such as parents of kids in public schools - do not hold the power over how the welfare distributed. Nor do they pay for the welfare. Welfare recipients are free to gripe about the amount, form, requirements, or whatever. But the agencies providing the welfare have no reason to listen to them. Tax payers pay for welfare and voters elect those who manage it.

Some parents pay for the schools through taxes, but no differently than any other taxpayer pays for the schools. Parents don't pay more for having more children in school, nor do they stop paying after their kids graduate.

Parents get to vote for the school board members, but so does every other adult who lives in the district. So, for the middle-class family with two working parents and three kids in public school, their votes count exactly as much as the vote of the nineteen year-old college freshman lesbian couple who have vowed never to have kids of their own because they are too busy being activists and influencers over how "everyone's" children are educated.

Libertarians warned decades ago, even when public schools were a source of great pride for people of all other political stripes, that when you let government tax "everyone," to provide something for "free," tyranny often follows.

Can't disagree with this.
I forgot to mention this earlier. Why are standardized tests used in schools? They were required by conservatives who wanted accountability!
Wow, you got me with that one! No, you didn't because I'm not conservative, I'm libertarian.

As a libertarian, I know that when government forcibly takes kids out of their homes for forty hours per week, and taxes adults to pay for massive institutions run by politically charged school boards and legislatures, the result is highly unlikely to be "most . . . excellent."
You also forgot to link me to those real voucher programs that were abject failures and you forgot to explain how culture of Blacks and Hispanics brings down their scores on standardized tests.
Voucher systems are just a back door to allow white children to flee predominantly black schools
Do consumers benefit by not learning math in school, because time is dedicated to gender equity issues?
Math is still taught in school. Learning it requires effort from more than one side. Retaining it is up to the individual.

Sell the voucher program as a way to offer opportunities to exceptional blacks

Then use the vouchers to allow white students to get out of black school districts
Why only exceptional Blacks, but all Whites? If you're racist, just say so.

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