What's the difference between public school and welfare

The public school system does work very well in other modern countries. It's still welfare, subject to go bad at any time with no free market to make natural corrections.

Why do other countries consistently beat American kids who attend liberal-dominated schools at standardized testing?

Education is vitally necessary. It is not vital that it be provided by the state, when the state demonstrates that it sucks at it.
The capitalist system could work for public schools but it can't work under a greedy capitalist system like America's. Greed and higher profit are demanded in a capitalist system and that has to be regulated.

Don't get me wrong; capitalism does work if conditions are right and maintained that way. China is demonstrating the greatest success the world has ever seen with it's capitalist system that is strictly regulated by a communist body.

Income inequality will destroy a private system in the same way it's destroyed health care, pharmaceuticals and everything else in America that the working class depend upon. America's economy booms, while the working class just get poorer.

But first America needs 'good' government that isn't already corrupted by capitalists buying off the politiicians.
Or ya could just change the curriculum from a social one to an academic one thus removing all the "liberal hurdles" in one fell swoop while achieving the desired result without all the myth making above
Your stupid ass will just fabricate new made up bullshit to be outraged about.
The capitalist system could work for public schools but it can't work under a greedy capitalist system like America's. Greed and higher profit are demanded in a capitalist system and that has to be regulated.

Don't get me wrong; capitalism does work if conditions are right and maintained that way. China is demonstrating the greatest success the world has ever seen with it's capitalist system that is strictly regulated by a communist body.

Income inequality will destroy a private system in the same way it's destroyed health care, pharmaceuticals and everything else in America that the working class depend upon. America's economy booms, while the working class just get poorer.

But first America needs 'good' government that isn't already corrupted by capitalists buying off the politiicians.
Good government, like China's?
What's dumb is that you don't know the difference. Public schools were founded so we would have a literate citizenry that could participate in civic life like voting.
Well, that has been a dismal failure, then.
Not a lot, really.

Public schools provide different services than other welfare agencies, but each welfare agency provides services that are different than those provided by other welfare agencies.

The most important similarity between public schools and other welfare providers is what many parents are only now discovering: Welfare recipients - such as parents of kids in public schools - do not hold the power over how the welfare distributed. Nor do they pay for the welfare. Welfare recipients are free to gripe about the amount, form, requirements, or whatever. But the agencies providing the welfare have no reason to listen to them. Tax payers pay for welfare and voters elect those who manage it.

Some parents pay for the schools through taxes, but no differently than any other taxpayer pays for the schools. Parents don't pay more for having more children in school, nor do they stop paying after their kids graduate.

Parents get to vote for the school board members, but so does every other adult who lives in the district. So, for the middle-class family with two working parents and three kids in public school, their votes count exactly as much as the vote of the nineteen year-old college freshman lesbian couple who have vowed never to have kids of their own because they are too busy being activists and influencers over how "everyone's" children are educated.

Libertarians warned decades ago, even when public schools were a source of great pride for people of all other political stripes, that when you let government tax "everyone," to provide something for "free," tyranny often follows.
I wish you would make sense
Are you a TEACHER?
I am
I have taught ALL grades
From preschool to high school
Worked IT
Media center
Please enlighten me

Not a lot, really.

Public schools provide different services than other welfare agencies, but each welfare agency provides services that are different than those provided by other welfare agencies.

The most important similarity between public schools and other welfare providers is what many parents are only now discovering: Welfare recipients - such as parents of kids in public schools - do not hold the power over how the welfare distributed. Nor do they pay for the welfare. Welfare recipients are free to gripe about the amount, form, requirements, or whatever. But the agencies providing the welfare have no reason to listen to them. Tax payers pay for welfare and voters elect those who manage it.

Some parents pay for the schools through taxes, but no differently than any other taxpayer pays for the schools. Parents don't pay more for having more children in school, nor do they stop paying after their kids graduate.

Parents get to vote for the school board members, but so does every other adult who lives in the district. So, for the middle-class family with two working parents and three kids in public school, their votes count exactly as much as the vote of the nineteen year-old college freshman lesbian couple who have vowed never to have kids of their own because they are too busy being activists and influencers over how "everyone's" children are educated.

Libertarians warned decades ago, even when public schools were a source of great pride for people of all other political stripes, that when you let government tax "everyone," to provide something for "free," tyranny often follows.
Nothing....Gubmint schools are welfare for the working class.
Shows how Conservatives are against the education of the masses

They want an uneducated, compliant workforce to provide a low cost labor supply

Education allows workers to challenge their treatment and work to make it better
I see you're very well educated. You proved it when you said public education is "free".
I never received a bill for sending my kids to public school. It costs the same if you have no children or ten
Other people got your bill and paid it for you through their property taxes, federal taxes and maybe other taxes, depending on where they live.
Other people got your bill and paid it for you through their property taxes, federal taxes and maybe other taxes, depending on where they live.

That is called a functioning society

We invest in something we call “education”
An educated society benefits all
I never received a bill for sending my kids to public school. It costs the same if you have no children or ten
Gee, I guess you're right, huh. Public education really is free. Do you get free parking for your unicorn when you visit Fairyland?

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