What's The Point Of An Election If Democrats Refuse To Abide By The Result?

Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?
Muddy muddy muddy. Trump isn't going anywhere and Hill is done. Had Hill been elected she'd have been impeached over her Foundation shannaigans. Trump sent the werewolve sons to commune with Putin. We'll see what we shall see.

And remember the Birther in Chief.
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?
So....it's ok for a Republican Administration to break the law?

Wait....silly me....this is the party/people who will still support trump if he shoots someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave.
What law was broken?
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?

The Democratic Party is pretty much a crazy left wing cult.
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?

How very hilarious and hypocritical from the poster who spent years trying to throw Obama out of office because you claimed he had a fake birth certificate.

Clearly you didn't feel like elections were necessary then- just like your Dear Birther Leader.
Hahaha, I have zero fucks to give about the Russia First Republicans and their whinyisms.

Americans need to neuter Donnie "Grab'em by the pussy because I'm a Star" Trumph in 2018.

Then in 2020 they need to say "You're Fired" GTFO.

Granted it would be funny to see him perp-walked out of the Peoples House in an Orange Jumpsuit.......into that cell they've been hold for Hillary now for um-teen years now......
Hahaha, I have zero fucks to give about the Russia First Republicans and their whinyisms.

Americans need to neuter Donnie "Grab'em by the pussy because I'm a Star" Trumph in 2018.

Then in 2020 they need to say "You're Fired" GTFO.

Granted it would be funny to see him perp-walked out of the Peoples House in an Orange Jumpsuit.......into that cell they've been hold for Hillary now for um-teen years now......
WTF were they thinking with the Bernie and Hillary show? JFC. Frankly I sorta blame Axelrod and Messina for not lining up a younger guy in the cabinet.
Hahaha, I have zero fucks to give about the Russia First Republicans and their whinyisms.

Americans need to neuter Donnie "Grab'em by the pussy because I'm a Star" Trumph in 2018.

Then in 2020 they need to say "You're Fired" GTFO.

Granted it would be funny to see him perp-walked out of the Peoples House in an Orange Jumpsuit.......into that cell they've been hold for Hillary now for um-teen years now......
I always wanted to see obama dragged out by a chain around his neck with the other end attached to the back of a pick up truck. Neither of us will get what we want.
The Resistance is all about Disrupting The Peaceful Transition of Power.

That means we as a Nation are in the middle of a Soft COUP, and at the beginning of a Civil War between Lawless Lawbreakers and those who adhere to The Rule of Law.

And I fully mean this when I say it, that it will develop in to a shooting war.

I hope that Americans know that Russia actually has a strategic plan to instigate a Civil War in The US so they can get us tied down at home while they take back territories that used to be part of The Soviet Union. They also want to put their stamp on The Middle East. And The Left is just The Useful Idiots they are looking for to help carry this plan out.

Pay attention people
Well said.
Thank you. And any American who thinks what The Democrats are doing now doesn't lead to Civil War, need to look at exactly what The Democrat South was doing prior to The First Civil War. They went in to Resistance Mode and completely tried to undermine our Democracy and Government then and they are trying to do it again, and when they couldn't over throw The Government from Inside, they Ceded from The Union and Declared War on The United States.
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?


You should keep those for the times you think about how Hillary isn't President.

I did not vote for Hillary and never would have. I voted for the same party I have voted for the last 4 elections...The Libertarians.

I don't actually much care which person who lost to Trump you cry over.
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?

They started this crap with GW Bush. They railed and whined like he was the Beelzebub for every little thing he did like it was the end of the earth. Remember how they complained because he was water boarding enemy combatants to get them to talk? Bottom line solution: get rid of all the Democrats. Nothing good ever comes out of them.

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.
Still, Trump isn´t accomplishing anything.

Depends on your definition of "anything". From where I sit, he's accomplished quite a bit.
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?
Another lying OP.
You do know Bob Mueller is a republican so why would you be stupid enough to blame democrats?

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.
Still, Trump isn´t accomplishing anything.

Depends on your definition of "anything". From where I sit, he's accomplished quite a bit.
Really? What?
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?


You should keep those for the times you think about how Hillary isn't President.

I did not vote for Hillary and never would have. I voted for the same party I have voted for the last 4 elections...The Libertarians.

Libertarian: a nice name for a mindless schmuck without the convictions of a Republican nor the balls of a Democrat.
Hahaha, I have zero fucks to give about the Russia First Republicans and their whinyisms.

Americans need to neuter Donnie "Grab'em by the pussy because I'm a Star" Trumph in 2018.

Then in 2020 they need to say "You're Fired" GTFO.

Granted it would be funny to see him perp-walked out of the Peoples House in an Orange Jumpsuit.......into that cell they've been hold for Hillary now for um-teen years now......
I always wanted to see obama dragged out by a chain around his neck with the other end attached to the back of a pick up truck. Neither of us will get what we want.
Being the stone cold racist you are it’s not surprising you feel this way..
You swallowed hard and heard Trump’s dog whistle with his “ Make America White Again.”
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?


You should keep those for the times you think about how Hillary isn't President.

I did not vote for Hillary and never would have. I voted for the same party I have voted for the last 4 elections...The Libertarians.

Libertarian: a nice name for a mindless schmuck without the convictions of a Republican nor the balls of a Democrat.

Actually we have more convictions than both and more balls than both. The easy road is to be a partisan zealot for one of the parites, then you always have a group to get your back and tell you how great you are.

Libertarians go it alone, taking shit from both sides

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.
Still, Trump isn´t accomplishing anything.

Depends on your definition of "anything". From where I sit, he's accomplished quite a bit.
Really? What?

23 federal judges, 12 appellate judges, and 10 district court judges confirmed. And, of course, Justice Gorsuch.
ISIS losing control of nearly all the territory it held in Iraq and Syria.
Getting his tax plan passed.
Economic growth is up, unemployment is going down.
Cutting regulations.
Repealing net neutrality.

If his staff would just take his Twitter account away from him, I'd be all good.
Since our political climate is now based on party-over-country, get used to it.


Presidential elections have been party-based over country since the 1988 election, the last time people put country ahead of party.

Screen Shot 2018-04-10 at 4.12.42 PM.png

With the advent of the Clintons, the democratic party became cemented as a party-first body and country-last.

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.
Can't argue with that.

The Do-Nothing, worthless, dog shit GOP has gleefully joined in on this nonsense. The message is clear:

"Vote for the shlub we tell you to vote for (Jeb) or we will crucify your alternative pick. WE run this place. Not YOU."

Fuck those asswipes. I am glad I will ever again be giving that dog shit party my vote. The GOP can suck a rat dick.
Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid, and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.

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