What's The Point Of An Election If Democrats Refuse To Abide By The Result?

Thanks for admitting you have no idea what Trump is doing.
That’s the way you can remain loyal to this corrupt monster. I have documented everything I said and it’s alk public knowledge.
One of his first EO’s was to give Big Coal Carter Blanche to pollute with immunity.
That fact you don’t know any of this shows explicitly where you get your news.
In other words, you have no evidence.

Agreed. Bad wording on my part. I should have said Libs stand for nothing at all having neither the convictions of a true conservative nor the brass balls of an Activist Leftist.

I still hate that the left has hijacked the term "liberal" and turned it into a communist pseudonym. I don't really like the "libertarian" label. I am a real liberal.

I know what a liberal is and if you are a true liberal, then you are a rarity these days now lost amongst the splashwork of radicalism now. A true liberal is a good thing, but true liberalism has been hijacked, distorted and corrupted much as peaceful Islam has been corrupted and lost by the radical violent extremist Wahhabis. So I often use the term liberal derogatorily as always understood to refer to the popular use today.
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Libertarian: a nice name for a mindless schmuck without the convictions of a Republican nor the balls of a Democrat.
C'mon dude. Convictions of a Republican? What convictions? The GOP has none. Their only purpose is to half-ass their way to the party in opposition so they can win some elections and not have to do shit.

Agreed. Bad wording on my part. I should have said Libs stand for nothing at all having neither the convictions of a true conservative nor the brass balls of an Activist Leftist.
You stupid mfer.
Every major achievement in this country came from liberals with conservatives fighting them every step of the way.

Ummmm, no.

1) On what grounds are claiming the 19th Amendment as "strictly a liberal achievement"? Your assumption that anything you like is automatically "liberal"? Or your ignorance as to what's required to amend the US Constitution?

2) There has not been one historical advancement for the freedom and enfranchisement of black people that has not been supported by a higher percentage of Republican elected officials than Democrat. And it wasn't the right that gave rise to the Dixiecrats and the Klan, no matter how much you'd like to rewrite history to make it so.

3) Anyone who thinks Social Security "lifted millions of elderly out of poverty" doesn't know much about Social Security, and should stop drinking the Koolaid immediately.

4) Is creating Medicare supposed to be a GOOD thing?

5) When you try to turn the name "liberal" into a leftist badge of honor, you're not only demonstrating your ignorance of history, you're committing a crime against the English language.
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what Trump is doing.
That’s the way you can remain loyal to this corrupt monster. I have documented everything I said and it’s alk public knowledge.
One of his first EO’s was to give Big Coal Carter Blanche to pollute with immunity.
That fact you don’t know any of this shows explicitly where you get your news.
In other words, you have no evidence.


He has his word ;) Well that and his broken Hellary dreams.
"Liberals created the Constitution."

Wait, you mean those Racist Liberal bastards agreed to the 3/5ths clause?
Yes, because they needed the racist slave owning soon-to-be Democrats to sign off on it. It was a compromise.

"Liberal" does not mean what he thinks it means.
There are VERY few real Liberals left today, most have morphed into hate filled Progressives.....like Unreasonable.
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what Trump is doing.
That’s the way you can remain loyal to this corrupt monster. I have documented everything I said and it’s alk public knowledge.
One of his first EO’s was to give Big Coal Carter Blanche to pollute with immunity.
That fact you don’t know any of this shows explicitly where you get your news.
In other words, you have no evidence.

Are you new to this forum? I have consistently provided facts about Trump’s antienvironmental policies and once again thanks for admitting how fucking uninformed you are..

Block the Trump Agenda

A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment
There are VERY few real Liberals left today, most have morphed into hate filled Progressives.....like Unreasonable.
Lmao. Yes I’m hate filled because I think a president should protect the environment instead of the opposite.
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what Trump is doing.
That’s the way you can remain loyal to this corrupt monster. I have documented everything I said and it’s alk public knowledge.
One of his first EO’s was to give Big Coal Carter Blanche to pollute with immunity.
That fact you don’t know any of this shows explicitly where you get your news.
In other words, you have no evidence.

Are you new to this forum? I have consistently provided facts about Trump’s antienvironmental policies and once again thanks for admitting how fucking uninformed you are..

Block the Trump Agenda

A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment

Look at you!!!! Citations!!!!! You're learning, you will however need to work on what you cite. I mean.....if I used a FOX citation I doubt you'd accept it.
The Trump administration’s tumultuous first year has brought a flurry of changes—both realized and anticipated—to U.S. environmental policy. Many of the actions roll back Obama-era policies that aimed to curb climate change and limit environmental pollution, while others threaten to limit federal funding for science and the environment.

A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment

Watch these idiots continue to play dumb that they didn’t know any of this.
Depends on your definition of "anything". From where I sit, he's accomplished quite a bit.
Really? What?

23 federal judges, 12 appellate judges, and 10 district court judges confirmed. And, of course, Justice Gorsuch.
ISIS losing control of nearly all the territory it held in Iraq and Syria.
Getting his tax plan passed.
Economic growth is up, unemployment is going down.
Cutting regulations.
Repealing net neutrality.

If his staff would just take his Twitter account away from him, I'd be all good.
Maybe thats a good example for the integrity of your claims:

2017 Summary of the ISIS-Coalition not fighting ISIS

Let me get this straight. You have the cojones to challenge MY integrity because my opinion disagrees with . . . another one of your posts on a different thread?!

There is not enough "fuck you" in the world to cover this.
What integrity? If Trump accomplished anything is not about opinion - it is about facts. Appointing a judge - what an incredible accomplishment. Trump, the greatest President of all times!

Integrity: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values

You can disagree with me until your face turns blue, but the only way you can call me a liar is if you define "lie" as "anything I don't like and don't want to hear".

And YOU have just demonstrated how little integrity YOU have when you "mysteriously" responded to my citation of " 23 federal judges, 12 appellate judges, and 10 district court judges confirmed. And, of course, Justice Gorsuch" as "appointing a judge". Either that, or you suck so badly at math that you can't differentiate between 1 and 46. Which would you prefer me to believe about you?

Furthermore, dipshit, whether or not he has DONE anything is about fact. Whether or not the things he has done are accomplishments is a matter of opinion.

And finally, don't think for a single second that I have missed the fact that you skated right by the fact that your "proof" of my alleged lack of integrity was a citation of YOUR OWN FUCKING POST.

Have I already mentioned the unbelievable amount of "fuck you" that requires?
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what Trump is doing.
That’s the way you can remain loyal to this corrupt monster. I have documented everything I said and it’s alk public knowledge.
One of his first EO’s was to give Big Coal Carter Blanche to pollute with immunity.
That fact you don’t know any of this shows explicitly where you get your news.
In other words, you have no evidence.

Are you new to this forum? I have consistently provided facts about Trump’s antienvironmental policies and once again thanks for admitting how fucking uninformed you are..

Block the Trump Agenda

A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment

Look at you!!!! Citations!!!!! You're learning, you will however need to work on what you cite. I mean.....if I used a FOX citation I doubt you'd accept it.
Fox is state TV and it’s only purpose is to pump up the toxic Trump agenda.
Yes I cite environmental web sites when talking about the environment not Exxon you dumbass.
Thanks for admitting you have no idea what Trump is doing.
That’s the way you can remain loyal to this corrupt monster. I have documented everything I said and it’s alk public knowledge.
One of his first EO’s was to give Big Coal Carter Blanche to pollute with immunity.
That fact you don’t know any of this shows explicitly where you get your news.
In other words, you have no evidence.

Are you new to this forum? I have consistently provided facts about Trump’s antienvironmental policies and once again thanks for admitting how fucking uninformed you are..

Block the Trump Agenda

A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment

Look at you!!!! Citations!!!!! You're learning, you will however need to work on what you cite. I mean.....if I used a FOX citation I doubt you'd accept it.
You poor little boy, what will you do without Obama there to take care of you?



Goose-Stepping Bolshevik Commie:


Muslim Anti-Colonialism, Ashamed of America, Apology-Tour Commie:

Unprincipled Slime-Ball:

Worse than Unprincipled Slime-Ball:
Hahaha, I have zero fucks to give about the Russia First Republicans and their whinyisms.

Americans need to neuter Donnie "Grab'em by the pussy because I'm a Star" Trumph in 2018.

Then in 2020 they need to say "You're Fired" GTFO.

Granted it would be funny to see him perp-walked out of the Peoples House in an Orange Jumpsuit.......into that cell they've been hold for Hillary now for um-teen years now......
WTF were they thinking with the Bernie and Hillary show? JFC. Frankly I sorta blame Axelrod and Messina for not lining up a younger guy in the cabinet.

It was theirs to lose, and they did.

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.
Still, Trump isn´t accomplishing anything.
He has accomplished a lot - for the fossil fuel industry and polluters.He’s given Big Coal the right to pollute all they want and dump their wastes in our rivers and streams.
Thru the very corrupt Scott Pruitt he’s neutered the enforcement part of the EPA where fining polluters in a thing of the past.
Pruit, with Trump’s blessing, has replaced scientists with Fossil Fuel executives in the EPA.
Words like “ science based, climate change “etc have been eradicated from the EPA web site.
The most important thing on earth for all humans is that they need clean air and water to sustain life and be healthy.
Trump/ Pruitt are slime.

I just heard "It's not an accomplishment unless it's something I wanted."

Consider that one of his biggest accomplishments in my opinion is the incoherent, frothing rage he drives you into.
So I see you approve of Trump letting polluters run wild and to make our air and water dirtier.
Yes.... being a member of the Trump cult means to go against your own best interests and that of the country.

"So I'm going to attribute to you some position you've never espoused because that's what I want to talk about, and I want to dodge anything you ACTUALLY said."

Yes, being a leftist means never taking your fingers out of your ears. :lalala:

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