What's The Point Of An Election If Democrats Refuse To Abide By The Result?

Hahaha, I have zero fucks to give about the Russia First Republicans and their whinyisms.

Americans need to neuter Donnie "Grab'em by the pussy because I'm a Star" Trumph in 2018.

Then in 2020 they need to say "You're Fired" GTFO.

Granted it would be funny to see him perp-walked out of the Peoples House in an Orange Jumpsuit.......into that cell they've been hold for Hillary now for um-teen years now......
I always wanted to see obama dragged out by a chain around his neck with the other end attached to the back of a pick up truck. Neither of us will get what we want.

But you were outraged by Kathy Griffin I bet.

Man executed for dragging death of James Byrd - CNN
There are VERY few real Liberals left today, most have morphed into hate filled Progressives.....like Unreasonable.
Lmao. Yes I’m hate filled because I think a president should protect the environment instead of the opposite.

Actually you are "hate filled" because in your mind you think you know better than anyone else about everything. In your mind the Gov is a weapon you use to make everyone do what YOU think they should.
There are VERY few real Liberals left today, most have morphed into hate filled Progressives.....like Unreasonable.
Lmao. Yes I’m hate filled because I think a president should protect the environment instead of the opposite.

Actually you are "hate filled" because in your mind you think you know better than anyone else about everything. In your mind the Gov is a weapon you use to make everyone do what YOU think they should.
Yes I’m way more informed than you are and you seem to take offense with that!
Way to not address all the facts I backed up and continue your deep ignorance because you don’t have the balls to condemn Trump’s toxic antienvironmental policies.
All you nuts had to do was nominate a politician who fell within the norm for competence and integrity. Instead, you nominated the most incompetent and dishonest famous person in the nation.

He then campaigned with enough disregard for the truth and enough manufactured division to get enough votes to give Hillary a race. Hillary, being an awful campaigner, was unable to stretch her lead enough.

You nuts will never admit that Comey helped Trump and that Russia helped Trump. But they did.

And now you are left to defend the least effective POTUS we've ever had and whine all day every day about how the Dems ain't helping him.

Every damned day.
Hahaha, I have zero fucks to give about the Russia First Republicans and their whinyisms.

Americans need to neuter Donnie "Grab'em by the pussy because I'm a Star" Trumph in 2018.

Then in 2020 they need to say "You're Fired" GTFO.

Granted it would be funny to see him perp-walked out of the Peoples House in an Orange Jumpsuit.......into that cell they've been hold for Hillary now for um-teen years now......
I always wanted to see obama dragged out by a chain around his neck with the other end attached to the back of a pick up truck. Neither of us will get what we want.

But you were outraged by Kathy Griffin I bet.

Man executed for dragging death of James Byrd - CNN
Thanks for mentioning Kathy Griffin.
The cult thinks they ruined her career but in fact she’s selling out her shows as much as ever.
Plus she consistently visits and entertain the troops all over the world.
How many times has this snowflake president been to a war zone?
Too busy playing golf and watching TV.
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?
Evidence of malfeasance is enough of a reason to question and investigate the results of any election, and there is plenty of it.
All you nuts had to do was nominate a politician who fell within the norm for competence and integrity. Instead, you nominated the most incompetent and dishonest famous person in the nation.

He then campaigned with enough disregard for the truth and enough manufactured division to get enough votes to give Hillary a race. Hillary, being an awful campaigner, was unable to stretch her lead enough.

You nuts will never admit that Comey helped Trump and that Russia helped Trump. But they did.

And now you are left to defend the least effective POTUS we've ever had and whine all day every day about how the Dems ain't helping him.

Every damned day.
Plus one.
They started this crap with GW Bush. They railed and whined like he was the Beelzebub for every little thing he did like it was the end of the earth. Remember how they complained because he was water boarding enemy combatants to get them to talk? Bottom line solution: get rid of all the Democrats. Nothing good ever comes out of them.
But, the GOP did it to Bill Clinton, as payback for Reagan's Iran-Contra, as payback for beating shitty, useless Jimmy Carter, as payback for Nixon/Ford, as payback for having the audacity to beat the Democrat strangle-hold on the White House from FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and LBJ.
Agreed. Bad wording on my part. I should have said Libs stand for nothing at all having neither the convictions of a true conservative nor the brass balls of an Activist Leftist.

I still hate that the left has hijacked the term "liberal" and turned it into a communist pseudonym. I don't really like the "libertarian" label. I am a real liberal.

I know what a liberal is and if you are a true liberal, then you are a rarity these days now lost amongst the splashwork of radicalism now. A true liberal is a good thing, but true liberalism has been hijacked, distorted and corrupted much as peaceful Islam has been corrupted and lost by the radical violent extremist Wahhabis. So I often use the term liberal derogatorily as always understood to refer to the popular use today.

Ah, the Cult of Ignorance speaketh. He already knows better, yet goes right ahead anyway using a term to mean the opposite of what it means. Classic stupidity.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980​

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.
Still, Trump isn´t accomplishing anything.
He has accomplished a lot - for the fossil fuel industry and polluters.He’s given Big Coal the right to pollute all they want and dump their wastes in our rivers and streams.
Thru the very corrupt Scott Pruitt he’s neutered the enforcement part of the EPA where fining polluters in a thing of the past.
Pruit, with Trump’s blessing, has replaced scientists with Fossil Fuel executives in the EPA.
Words like “ science based, climate change “etc have been eradicated from the EPA web site.
The most important thing on earth for all humans is that they need clean air and water to sustain life and be healthy.
Trump/ Pruitt are slime.

I just heard "It's not an accomplishment unless it's something I wanted."

Consider that one of his biggest accomplishments in my opinion is the incoherent, frothing rage he drives you into.
So I see you approve of Trump letting polluters run wild and to make our air and water dirtier.
Yes.... being a member of the Trump cult means to go against your own best interests and that of the country.

"So I'm going to attribute to you some position you've never espoused because that's what I want to talk about, and I want to dodge anything you ACTUALLY said."

I know, right. I get that literally every day.

Well, except the days I don't post here.

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.

Rosenstein is not a Republican.
There are VERY few real Liberals left today, most have morphed into hate filled Progressives.....like Unreasonable.
Lmao. Yes I’m hate filled because I think a president should protect the environment instead of the opposite.

Actually you are "hate filled" because in your mind you think you know better than anyone else about everything. In your mind the Gov is a weapon you use to make everyone do what YOU think they should.
Yes I’m way more informed than you are and you seem to take offense with that!
Way to not address all the facts I backed up and continue your deep ignorance because you don’t have the balls to condemn Trump’s toxic antienvironmental policies.

LOL, all you've done is swallow the pablum people like Obammy have spoon fed you all these years. You're an idiot old man :) I am not a Trump follower, I am not a Republican. My avatar shows you my views. Unlike you I've been set free from the false two party paradigm. In the Political Class there is only the establishment. The "two party" system is simply a construct used to keep American's divided. It's been astonishingly effective. I hate to be the one to break it to you but you are not informed, you are indoctrinated.
Still, Trump isn´t accomplishing anything.
He has accomplished a lot - for the fossil fuel industry and polluters.He’s given Big Coal the right to pollute all they want and dump their wastes in our rivers and streams.
Thru the very corrupt Scott Pruitt he’s neutered the enforcement part of the EPA where fining polluters in a thing of the past.
Pruit, with Trump’s blessing, has replaced scientists with Fossil Fuel executives in the EPA.
Words like “ science based, climate change “etc have been eradicated from the EPA web site.
The most important thing on earth for all humans is that they need clean air and water to sustain life and be healthy.
Trump/ Pruitt are slime.

I just heard "It's not an accomplishment unless it's something I wanted."

Consider that one of his biggest accomplishments in my opinion is the incoherent, frothing rage he drives you into.
So I see you approve of Trump letting polluters run wild and to make our air and water dirtier.
Yes.... being a member of the Trump cult means to go against your own best interests and that of the country.

"So I'm going to attribute to you some position you've never espoused because that's what I want to talk about, and I want to dodge anything you ACTUALLY said."

I know, right. I get that literally every day.

Well, except the days I don't post here.

Are you a real "Pollock"?
There are VERY few real Liberals left today, most have morphed into hate filled Progressives.....like Unreasonable.
Lmao. Yes I’m hate filled because I think a president should protect the environment instead of the opposite.

Actually you are "hate filled" because in your mind you think you know better than anyone else about everything. In your mind the Gov is a weapon you use to make everyone do what YOU think they should.
Yes I’m way more informed than you are and you seem to take offense with that!
Way to not address all the facts I backed up and continue your deep ignorance because you don’t have the balls to condemn Trump’s toxic antienvironmental policies.

LOL, all you've done is swallow the pablum people like Obammy have spoon fed you all these years. You're an idiot old man :) I am not a Trump follower, I am not a Republican. My avatar shows you my views. Unlike you I've been set free from the false two party paradigm. In the Political Class there is only the establishment. The "two party" system is simply a construct used to keep American's divided. It's been astonishingly effective. I hate to be the one to break it to you but you are not informed, you are indoctrinated.
Nothing can be further from the truth but that’s par for the course for someone like you.
I read 4 newspapers a day and countless web sites from both sides of the aisle.
You love to think you’re above it all but that’s a funny excuse for your ignorance.
Agreed. Bad wording on my part. I should have said Libs stand for nothing at all having neither the convictions of a true conservative nor the brass balls of an Activist Leftist.

I still hate that the left has hijacked the term "liberal" and turned it into a communist pseudonym. I don't really like the "libertarian" label. I am a real liberal.

"The left" didn't do that --- the "Republicans" did. Goes back to the 1940s, when they (Rs) had been shut out of the WH for four (five) straight elections and tried to milk the whole 'communism bad' meme by false-associating "Liberal" and "left" as an attempt to taint it as tantamount to "communist". This is Joe McCarthy's bullshit.

H.W. tried to revive it in 1988 too. And that was Lee Atwater's bullshit.

Either way it's still bullshit but that's where it comes from. Nobody tried to make "Liberal" mean its own opposite before that time. You could look it up.
He has accomplished a lot - for the fossil fuel industry and polluters.He’s given Big Coal the right to pollute all they want and dump their wastes in our rivers and streams.
Thru the very corrupt Scott Pruitt he’s neutered the enforcement part of the EPA where fining polluters in a thing of the past.
Pruit, with Trump’s blessing, has replaced scientists with Fossil Fuel executives in the EPA.
Words like “ science based, climate change “etc have been eradicated from the EPA web site.
The most important thing on earth for all humans is that they need clean air and water to sustain life and be healthy.
Trump/ Pruitt are slime.

I just heard "It's not an accomplishment unless it's something I wanted."

Consider that one of his biggest accomplishments in my opinion is the incoherent, frothing rage he drives you into.
So I see you approve of Trump letting polluters run wild and to make our air and water dirtier.
Yes.... being a member of the Trump cult means to go against your own best interests and that of the country.

"So I'm going to attribute to you some position you've never espoused because that's what I want to talk about, and I want to dodge anything you ACTUALLY said."

I know, right. I get that literally every day.

Well, except the days I don't post here.

Are you a real "Pollock"?

"Pollock"? :wtf:

Do I look like a Piscean, working for scale?

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.

Rosenstein is not a Republican.
This is the type of ignorance I’m talking about. This 2Guy comes here to advertise his ignorance saying Rosenstein isn’t a republican.

Almost every person who has stood atop the supposed “deep state” law-enforcement-led conspiracy against Trump just so happens to be either a Republican or tied to the same party Trump belongs to.

Rosenstein? A longtime registered Republican.

Analysis | The curiously Republican leaders of the supposed 'deep state' conspiracy against Trump

It’s ALWAYS the Trumpies that dont know shit from shinola.
There are VERY few real Liberals left today, most have morphed into hate filled Progressives.....like Unreasonable.
Lmao. Yes I’m hate filled because I think a president should protect the environment instead of the opposite.

Actually you are "hate filled" because in your mind you think you know better than anyone else about everything. In your mind the Gov is a weapon you use to make everyone do what YOU think they should.
Yes I’m way more informed than you are and you seem to take offense with that!
Way to not address all the facts I backed up and continue your deep ignorance because you don’t have the balls to condemn Trump’s toxic antienvironmental policies.

LOL, all you've done is swallow the pablum people like Obammy have spoon fed you all these years. You're an idiot old man :) I am not a Trump follower, I am not a Republican. My avatar shows you my views. Unlike you I've been set free from the false two party paradigm. In the Political Class there is only the establishment. The "two party" system is simply a construct used to keep American's divided. It's been astonishingly effective. I hate to be the one to break it to you but you are not informed, you are indoctrinated.
Nothing can be further from the truth but that’s par for the course for someone like you.
I read 4 newspapers a day and countless web sites from both sides of the aisle.
You love to think you’re above it all but that’s a funny excuse for your ignorance.

I understand, very few want to know the truth, and you are simply too indoctrinated to even try and catch a glimpse of reality. You don't read anything from the other "side of the aisle" so stop lying. Hell, you probably think the FED Reserve is part of the Government. Above it all? LMAO, I am right here in the middle of it with you dumbass. The difference is that to me you are sport and for you it's life and death. I poke and you growl. I will ever be thus ;)
I just heard "It's not an accomplishment unless it's something I wanted."

Consider that one of his biggest accomplishments in my opinion is the incoherent, frothing rage he drives you into.
So I see you approve of Trump letting polluters run wild and to make our air and water dirtier.
Yes.... being a member of the Trump cult means to go against your own best interests and that of the country.

"So I'm going to attribute to you some position you've never espoused because that's what I want to talk about, and I want to dodge anything you ACTUALLY said."

I know, right. I get that literally every day.

Well, except the days I don't post here.

Are you a real "Pollock"?

"Pollock"? :wtf:

Do I look like a Piscean, working for scale?

It's in your signature, the quote from Patriot ;)

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