What's The Point Of An Election If Democrats Refuse To Abide By The Result?

Liberals are trying to force an "election results are optional" upon the Nation and that's what Mueller is ALL about

Meanwhile in the real world republicans control all three branches of the government.

Republicans appointed a special counsel, a Republican. This Republican managed to get folks appointed by the current administration to sign off on search warrants, lol.

Retarded trumpling whines about da democrats.

Rosenstein is not a Republican.
This is the type of ignorance I’m talking about. This 2Guy comes here to advertise his ignorance saying Rosenstein isn’t a republican.

Almost every person who has stood atop the supposed “deep state” law-enforcement-led conspiracy against Trump just so happens to be either a Republican or tied to the same party Trump belongs to.

Rosenstein? A longtime registered Republican.

Analysis | The curiously Republican leaders of the supposed 'deep state' conspiracy against Trump

It’s ALWAYS the Trumpies that dont know shit from shinola.

This is what I'm saying, you think that the R or the D actually means something ;) It doesn't, not to them anyway. All that matters t them is the power and money that they derive from serving the real masters. They do what their told and they get paid very well. The last one who bucked them was JFK.
So I see you approve of Trump letting polluters run wild and to make our air and water dirtier.
Yes.... being a member of the Trump cult means to go against your own best interests and that of the country.

"So I'm going to attribute to you some position you've never espoused because that's what I want to talk about, and I want to dodge anything you ACTUALLY said."

I know, right. I get that literally every day.

Well, except the days I don't post here.

Are you a real "Pollock"?

"Pollock"? :wtf:

Do I look like a Piscean, working for scale?

It's in your signature, the quote from Patriot ;)

Then you'd have to ask Buttsoiler. That's what I call him, after his original screen name. Those are his words, not mine. But thanks for noticing. Everything that moron posts is fishy.
Remember, Democrats thirst for a way to completely get rid of The Constitution so they bring back their New Messiah meat-puppet and make Him "President for Life".....but, worse, make the office hereditary thereafter.
Remember, Democrats thirst for a way to completely get rid of The Constitution so they bring back their New Messiah meat-puppet and make Him "President for Life".....but, worse, make the office hereditary thereafter.

First they tried to make it a "Living Document".
As to the OP's question SURE I would love to have President Trump for life!

ummm..... that's what a dictator does.

not an american president as written by the constitution of the united states.

you wanting that is as unpatriotic as one can get little bow wow.
And the left has shown just what they think of the constitution every time they try to censor speech,take away our guns etc. :)
Funny how all of these conservative posting magpies don't remember republicans trying to take obama out even before he got to the white house. Too bad obama never became the socialist man of the people the right wing kept saying he was. He was at best a pro corporate, pro war democrat.

From Day One

Flashback - Inauguration Day January 20, 2009

Refresh my memory. Who was the special prosecutor the Republicans demanded in order to try to impeach Obama?

And Daily Kos? Puh-leeze.
"The left" didn't do that --- the "Republicans" did. Goes back to the 1940s, when they (Rs) had been shut out of the WH for four (five) straight elections and tried to milk the whole 'communism bad' meme by false-associating "Liberal" and "left" as an attempt to taint it as tantamount to "communist". This is Joe McCarthy's bullshit.

H.W. tried to revive it in 1988 too. And that was Lee Atwater's bullshit.

Either way it's still bullshit but that's where it comes from. Nobody tried to make "Liberal" mean its own opposite before that time. You could look it up.
Yeah, name those "liberals" that held the WH 5 times in a row.

Wilson? Commie

FDR? Commie who exemplified the authoritarian left. I bet they don't pass a constitutional amendment because of Trump.

Wilson was known as a progressive and FDR called himself a socialist.

"Liberal" was not bastardized by anyone but the commie left running away from the pejoratives "socialist" and before that "progressive" which has made a comeback in the last 20 years, now that "liberal" has once again become synonymous with Bolshevist.

Communist-->anarchist-->progressive-->socialist-->liberal-->prograssive again.

All of them are rebranded commies, hiding that unpopular, intolerable, statist ideology because if people start to connect the dots, these commies lose. Gotta hide those stripes.

All commies. All of them.

Kill a commie for mommy.
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Commies change into anarchists, change into progressives, change into socialists, bastardize and hijack "liberals" and then change back into progressive...but you're all still commies...


Commie commie commie
commie chameleons
You come and go,
But goose-step across the floor.

Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?
Evidence of malfeasance is enough of a reason to question and investigate the results of any election, and there is plenty of it.
No there isn't.
Not on Trump's part at least.
Just because Russia tried to influence the election doesn't mean you have a right to bust into Trump associates homes looking for incriminating evidence. You need proof of a crime which means probable-cause a felony took place. There is nothing here that reaches that level. All we have is a prosecutor looking for dirt on anyone associated with Trump hoping to flip them.
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?
Another lying OP.
You do know Bob Mueller is a republican so why would you be stupid enough to blame democrats?

And of course you do know that Benedict Arnold was an American.
"The left" didn't do that --- the "Republicans" did. Goes back to the 1940s, when they (Rs) had been shut out of the WH for four (five) straight elections and tried to milk the whole 'communism bad' meme by false-associating "Liberal" and "left" as an attempt to taint it as tantamount to "communist". This is Joe McCarthy's bullshit.

H.W. tried to revive it in 1988 too. And that was Lee Atwater's bullshit.

Either way it's still bullshit but that's where it comes from. Nobody tried to make "Liberal" mean its own opposite before that time. You could look it up.
Yeah, name those "liberals" that held the WH 5 times in a row.

Yeah, name your reading comprehension teacher. Because I didn't say "Liberals" held the WH five in a row; I said Democrats did. That's not the same thing.


Wilson? Commie

Hardly. I usually refer to him as a 'racist asshole' but that's not the same thing either, and certainly an interventionist, which has zero to do with "commie" but does put him at odds with Liberalism. All of which is moot since Wilson was not one of the five -- he followed Taft and was succeeded by Harding, thus bookended by Republicans. Duh.

Might wanna name a history teacher too.

FDR? Commie who exemplified the authoritarian left. I bet they don't pass a constitutional amendment because of Trump.

Whatever the fuck that means (repealing Prohibition? No idea), but again ---- "Democrat" does not mean "Liberal". "Democrat" is a member of a political party.

Wilson was known as a progressive and FDR called himself a socialist.

I doubt it, although 'socialism' was a trendy term at the time -- even Hitler went along with it for its marketability.

"Progressive" was a blanket term applied to the times, from TR to Wilson, not that it was deserved by those it fell on. Wilson for example only went along with women's suffrage because he was forced to. IOW everybody was "known as a Progressive" in the Progressive Era. That started with the turn of the century and ended with the Great War subsequently renamed World War I.

"Liberal" was not bastardized by anyone but the commie left running away from the pejoratives "socialist" and before that "progressive" which has made a comeback in the last 20 years, now that "liberal" has once again become synonymous with Bolshevist.

Flaming Bullshit Pie, steaming hot. The depth of your ignorance astounds, but the fact that you don't let it stand in the way of digging yourself into a hole, all the more.

"Liberal" means (this just in) "Liberal". The fact that some klown lacks a history teacher and consequently doesn't know the terms he uses, is not the term's fault but rather that of the (mis)user.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics << -- RationalRevolution

Again --- those who began this conflation did so deliberately in an effort to persuade the gullible unwashed into an association with "communism" (read: Emmanuel Goldstein), despite the plain historical fact that the Founders of this nation who wrote its Constitution --- were thereby expressing Liberalism. That was the whole POINT of the "great experiment".

Not to be overlooked is the fact that at the exact same time this deliberate poisonous conflation was going on, George Orwell was writing about that very process, calling it "Doublethink".

Basically this was a demagoguery of fake-definition, deliberately perverted for manipulative purposes. And considering what it perverted, an anti-American one. And no, you're not allowed to do that. Apparently they thought no one would notice, or more emblematic of that time, the 1940s-1950s --- that no one would dare question them FOR that demagoguery. In those daze you didn't question authority, or you'd be branded a freak, a "communist' --- even if what you questioned had nothing to do with politics --- and shunned. People lost their livelihoods for daring to defy the Lockstep.

I see some of the wimpier among us are still afraid to defy the Lockstep and think for themselves. That's a weird prison to lock oneself in.

H.W. and Lee Atwater revived it in 1988, snarling that his opponent Dukakis had identified himself as "Liberal", snarling the term as if it were an insult rather than a compliment. H.W. depended on the Cult of Ignorance to not-notice the incongruity and run with the ball of irrational emotion. Which the unwashed sure did and apparently some still do.

Communist-->anarchist-->progressive-->socialist-->liberal-->prograssive again.\\

All of them are rebranded commies, hiding that unpopular, intolerable, statist ideology because if people start to connect the dots, these commies lose. Gotta hide those stripes.

All commies. All of them.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Obviously these are five terms plus "prograssive" that are mutually unrelated so thus we end on a suitably incoherent note.

Thanks for playing and shit. Go forth and lurn tew reed :rolleyes:
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"The left" didn't do that --- the "Republicans" did. Goes back to the 1940s, when they (Rs) had been shut out of the WH for four (five) straight elections and tried to milk the whole 'communism bad' meme by false-associating "Liberal" and "left" as an attempt to taint it as tantamount to "communist". This is Joe McCarthy's bullshit.

H.W. tried to revive it in 1988 too. And that was Lee Atwater's bullshit.

Either way it's still bullshit but that's where it comes from. Nobody tried to make "Liberal" mean its own opposite before that time. You could look it up.
Yeah, name those "liberals" that held the WH 5 times in a row.

Wilson? Commie

FDR? Commie who exemplified the authoritarian left. I bet they don't pass a constitutional amendment because of Trump.

Wilson was known as a progressive and FDR called himself a socialist.

"Liberal" was not bastardized by anyone but the commie left running away from the pejoratives "socialist" and before that "progressive" which has made a comeback in the last 20 years, now that "liberal" has once again become synonymous with Bolshevist.

Communist-->anarchist-->progressive-->socialist-->liberal-->prograssive again.

All of them are rebranded commies, hiding that unpopular, intolerable, statist ideology because if people start to connect the dots, these commies lose. Gotta hide those stripes.

All commies. All of them.

Kill a commie for mommy.

'Commie' boogeyman pejorative used by ignorant idiots who consider anyone they disagree with to be 'commies'
Democrats have been trying to throw Trump out of office since before he took the oath of office. They've tried to overturn the results in the months leading up to his swearing in.
Do they really not feel that elections are necessary, that they are just a big pain in the ass and we should just have our president appointed for life?

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby! :lol:
"The left" didn't do that --- the "Republicans" did. Goes back to the 1940s, when they (Rs) had been shut out of the WH for four (five) straight elections and tried to milk the whole 'communism bad' meme by false-associating "Liberal" and "left" as an attempt to taint it as tantamount to "communist". This is Joe McCarthy's bullshit.

H.W. tried to revive it in 1988 too. And that was Lee Atwater's bullshit.

Either way it's still bullshit but that's where it comes from. Nobody tried to make "Liberal" mean its own opposite before that time. You could look it up.
Yeah, name those "liberals" that held the WH 5 times in a row.

Wilson? Commie

FDR? Commie who exemplified the authoritarian left. I bet they don't pass a constitutional amendment because of Trump.

Wilson was known as a progressive and FDR called himself a socialist.

"Liberal" was not bastardized by anyone but the commie left running away from the pejoratives "socialist" and before that "progressive" which has made a comeback in the last 20 years, now that "liberal" has once again become synonymous with Bolshevist.

Communist-->anarchist-->progressive-->socialist-->liberal-->prograssive again.

All of them are rebranded commies, hiding that unpopular, intolerable, statist ideology because if people start to connect the dots, these commies lose. Gotta hide those stripes.

All commies. All of them.

Kill a commie for mommy.

'Commie' boogeyman pejorative used by ignorant idiots who consider anyone they disagree with to be 'commies'

And the more they fling a turd word they don't understand thinking its tone of voice somehow changes its meaning, the less meaning it has at all from the flinger.

Such is life for the fatuous fickle flingers of hate.

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