What's your favorite thing about women?

Traditions of that type are perpetuated by men who bask in their perceived superiority to women.

The reality is there have always been women who are superior to men. It took violence to "keep them in their place " however and slowly but surely that primitive ideal is going away.

Thise women were "dealt with" one way or another, as they should be. Thise dying ideals are leading to a dying society.

What I love about women is their beauty, their humor, their intelligence and their strength.

And, if they're a good shot that's a plus!

Not things I care for in a woman for the most part. Beauty is nice but not necessary.
The strong preying on the weak is not a positive. The failures in our world are not due to equality, but to greed, hatred and the fight against equality. Allowing women to decide for themselves is not a failure.

On that we will have to disagree completely.
To be fair, I kind of had higher hopes than just "she can cook for me" or "she picks up my shit". The same question on other fora yielded better responses.

Better or worse is a matter of opinion. This whole equal rights BS is destroying Western Society and will be a large part of our downfall.

If there is a downfall due to attempting to gain equal rights, it will not be because of those trying for equality. It will be due to those misguided neanderthals that had rather see their society burn than allow others be gain the standing that they enjoyed by virtue of their birth. In other words, if Western Society falls due to equality, blame the petulant assholes who decided their place at the top was worth more than the whole society.
If there is a downfall due to attempting to gain equal rights, it will not be because of those trying for equality. It will be due to those misguided neanderthals that had rather see their society burn than allow others be gain the standing that they enjoyed by virtue of their birth. In other words, if Western Society falls due to equality, blame the petulant assholes who decided their place at the top was worth more than the whole society.

Better that society cease to be than that we allow the continuing increase in Immorality in society.
If there is a downfall due to attempting to gain equal rights, it will not be because of those trying for equality. It will be due to those misguided neanderthals that had rather see their society burn than allow others be gain the standing that they enjoyed by virtue of their birth. In other words, if Western Society falls due to equality, blame the petulant assholes who decided their place at the top was worth more than the whole society.

Better that society cease to be than that we allow the continuing increase in Immorality in society.
Wait, what? It's immoral for women to have rights? What the actual fuck?
If there is a downfall due to attempting to gain equal rights, it will not be because of those trying for equality. It will be due to those misguided neanderthals that had rather see their society burn than allow others be gain the standing that they enjoyed by virtue of their birth. In other words, if Western Society falls due to equality, blame the petulant assholes who decided their place at the top was worth more than the whole society.

Better that society cease to be than that we allow the continuing increase in Immorality in society.

Drama queen much? I'm sorry you are so incompetent that you fear women. Maybe if you tried to improve yourself you wouldn't be so pathetic.

Just a thought.
If there is a downfall due to attempting to gain equal rights, it will not be because of those trying for equality. It will be due to those misguided neanderthals that had rather see their society burn than allow others be gain the standing that they enjoyed by virtue of their birth. In other words, if Western Society falls due to equality, blame the petulant assholes who decided their place at the top was worth more than the whole society.

Better that society cease to be than that we allow the continuing increase in Immorality in society.

Equality is immoral? What a load of bullshit. Allowing women to be more than property is far from immoral. In fact, demanding that women and other people remain as second-class citizens is what is immoral. Hate-mongering is immoral.

But one great thing about our modern society is how miserable you and your ilk are.
I'm sorry you are so incompetent that you fear women. Maybe if you tried to improve yourself you wouldn't be so pathetic.

I don't fear women. For the most part midern women disgust me. Thats probably why it took me 40 years to find a woman I wanted to marry.

What I find pathetic is you boys who can't live without a woman. Who allow yourselves to be dragged around by your peckers and thereby forced to pretend that the women in your lives are your equals when in fact theyve become your Superiors. Something I will never let happen to me.
Equality is immoral? What a load of bullshit. Allowing women to be more than property is far from immoral. In fact, demanding that women and other people remain as second-class citizens is what is immoral. Hate-mongering is immoral.

But one great thing about our modern society is how miserable you and your ilk are.

Morality is quite often unpleasant. It doesn't care about fun or niceties. It simply is. Black cannot be White and Up cannot be Down. The sane with Right and Wrong.

We're not miserable, we're disgusted. It didn't take me long to replace the restaurant I used to frequent when they hired a female Head Chef, but I'm betting their waitstaff miss one of their best tipping customersl.
I'm sorry you are so incompetent that you fear women. Maybe if you tried to improve yourself you wouldn't be so pathetic.

I don't fear women. For the most part midern women disgust me. Thats probably why it took me 40 years to find a woman I wanted to marry.

What I find pathetic is you boys who can't live without a woman. Who allow yourselves to be dragged around by your peckers and thereby forced to pretend that the women in your lives are your equals when in fact theyve become your Superiors. Something I will never let happen to me.

LMAO!! More bullshit? What a surprise.

Pretending you know anything about who thinks they can't live without a woman, who is dragged around by their peckers ect ect, is simply laughable.
How do you jump from equal to superior?

Did the kind hearted men of the earky 20th century suddenly wake up one day and decide to enfranchise women? Nope. They were forced to because they were too cowardly to put down a bunch of hussies who were too smart for their own good. Feninism is nit and never was about equality. Its about subversively taking over socuety while you morons still think you're in charge or promoting equality.
Equality is immoral? What a load of bullshit. Allowing women to be more than property is far from immoral. In fact, demanding that women and other people remain as second-class citizens is what is immoral. Hate-mongering is immoral.

But one great thing about our modern society is how miserable you and your ilk are.

Morality is quite often unpleasant. It doesn't care about fun or niceties. It simply is. Black cannot be White and Up cannot be Down. The sane with Right and Wrong.

We're not miserable, we're disgusted. It didn't take me long to replace the restaurant I used to frequent when they hired a female Head Chef, but I'm betting their waitstaff miss one of their best tipping customersl.

So you have a restaurant you liked, then changed because of the gender of the new head chef?? That is utterly ignorant.

Oh, and if you are this big an asshole in public (which I doubt), the waitstaff won't miss you. If she is a good chef, the place will stay busy. If she isn't, they will replace her. But missing your paltry tips every week or so will not break anyone.
How do you jump from equal to superior?

Did the kind hearted men of the earky 20th century suddenly wake up one day and decide to enfranchise women? Nope. They were forced to because they were too cowardly to put down a bunch of hussies who were too smart for their own good. Feninism is nit and never was about equality. Its about subversively taking over socuety while you morons still think you're in charge or promoting equality.

I am in charge of my life. I simply do not try and decide that others are worth less because of their gender. To do so is simply ignorant.
I'm sorry you are so incompetent that you fear women. Maybe if you tried to improve yourself you wouldn't be so pathetic.

I don't fear women. For the most part midern women disgust me. Thats probably why it took me 40 years to find a woman I wanted to marry.

What I find pathetic is you boys who can't live without a woman. Who allow yourselves to be dragged around by your peckers and thereby forced to pretend that the women in your lives are your equals when in fact theyve become your Superiors. Something I will never let happen to me.

Ah, so you're a misogynist. That would explain your fear of women. Must suck when they're better at something than you. And ultimately the goal is to find a woman who is an equal partner. I too took 40 years before I found a woman I wanted to marry. Of course I dated a whole hell of a lot more!

No wonder you're a "crotchety old man", you're a full blooded asshole. They are usually miserable pricks so no one wants to be around them. Hopefully you'll evolve before it's too late.
I love a lot of things about women. But if I have to pick one, it is her lips. If she can kiss me and the world goes away, I am content. For the moment at least.
I feel that way about men. But many guys view kissing as a necessary evil to get to sex...

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