When Did Trump Make You A Keynesian?

Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Don't care about debt

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible
Except it isn't your money. It is your descendants money. They are being saddled with the government debt you are running up.

I don't have any descendants.

I was smart and didn't have kids

And FYI I am not running up any debt.
Actually, every time we take advantage of a tax deduction, credit, or exemption we are helping run up the debt and tax rates. We are stealing from the pockets of other taxpayers and future taxpayers.

I've explained this at least a hundred times on this forum.
Here are the US deficits by year: Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

As you can plainly see, during the Obama regime, deficits had a downward trend, and during the Trump regime they have an upward trend, with a lot of help by the Republican Congress.

Also, Trump's tax "reform" will add $1.5 trillion dollars to our debt. The pseudocons crowed that this giant debt bill would stimulate the economy. It just doesn't get more Keynesian than that.

In fact, the pseudocons have out-Keynesed Keynes! Keynes didn't believe in deficit spending during an up economy. He actually believed we should pay our debt DOWN during an up economy.

So...when did Trump make you pseudocons into uber Keynesians?

Of course the money spent has little to do with fixing what is wrong, and what is wrong is our nation's infrastructure.

We need safe bridges and tunnels and roads, an electrical grid safe from cyber attacks and able to withstand natural disasters; we need flood controls to allow for less flooding and more ability to capture rain water, by building canals and pipelines to reservoirs l for drinking, recreation and even transportation.

Doing so will create blue color jobs, not one's which contribute to fouling our air, water and soil. Something the current Congress and Executive won't consider, as they are so focused on their job and those who pay for their reelection.
But how will we open our 1,000th military base somewhere far away if we waste money on stuff here?
There has not been one president since Coolidge that has actually subtracted from the national debt so I'm not the only one who doesn't care about the debt none of you people care either
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Don't care about debt

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible
Except it isn't your money. It is your descendants money. They are being saddled with the government debt you are running up.

I don't have any descendants.

I was smart and didn't have kids

And FYI I am not running up any debt.
Actually, every time we take advantage of a tax deduction, credit, or exemption we are helping run up the debt and tax rates. We are stealing from the pockets of other taxpayers and future taxpayers.

I've explained this at least a hundred times on this forum.

So you take no deductions on your taxes?

and it is impossible to steal from people who haven't been born yet
There has not been one president since Coolidge that has actually subtracted from the national debt so I'm not the only one who doesn't care about the debt none of you people care either
I have made more posts about how to reduce the debt than any other subject on this forum.

That's a fact.

I've probably made THOUSANDS of posts about it.

So speak for yourself.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Don't care about debt

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible
Except it isn't your money. It is your descendants money. They are being saddled with the government debt you are running up.

I don't have any descendants.

I was smart and didn't have kids

And FYI I am not running up any debt.
Actually, every time we take advantage of a tax deduction, credit, or exemption we are helping run up the debt and tax rates. We are stealing from the pockets of other taxpayers and future taxpayers.

I've explained this at least a hundred times on this forum.

So you take no deductions on your taxes?

and it is impossible to steal from people who haven't been born yet
Our national debt will be transferred down to future taxpayers.

You clearly know nothing about this subject and have never engaged a single moment's thought to it.
There has not been one president since Coolidge that has actually subtracted from the national debt so I'm not the only one who doesn't care about the debt none of you people care either
I have made more posts about how to reduce the debt than any other subject on this forum.

That's a fact.

I've probably made THOUSANDS of posts about it.

So speak for yourself.

Wow posting on an anonymous message board isn't actually DOING anything is it?

If you have voted for any president that has been in office since Coolidge you don't care about the debt
Don't care about debt

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible
Except it isn't your money. It is your descendants money. They are being saddled with the government debt you are running up.

I don't have any descendants.

I was smart and didn't have kids

And FYI I am not running up any debt.
Actually, every time we take advantage of a tax deduction, credit, or exemption we are helping run up the debt and tax rates. We are stealing from the pockets of other taxpayers and future taxpayers.

I've explained this at least a hundred times on this forum.

So you take no deductions on your taxes?

and it is impossible to steal from people who haven't been born yet
Our national debt will be transferred down to future taxpayers.

You clearly know nothing about this subject and have never engaged a single moment's thought to it.

No it won't because we are never going to pay off the debt
The reason the Republican Party is getting more popular is because it’s the party of Donald Trump, which is the party of results and fulfilled promises
How's that "great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" working for ya?

How's that swampy drainy thing working for ya?
how's that resist with socialism thing working out for ya?
Here are the US deficits by year: Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

FY 2009 $1.4 trillion
FY 2010 $1.3 trillion
FY 2011 $1.3 trillion
FY 2012 $1 trillion
FY 2013 $679 billion
FY 2014 $485 billion
FY 2015 $438 billion
FY 2016 $585 billion
FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)

As you can plainly see, during the Obama regime, deficits had a downward trend, and during the Trump regime they have an upward trend, with a lot of help by the Republican Congress.

Also, Trump's tax "reform" will add $1.5 trillion dollars to our debt. The pseudocons crowed that this giant debt bill would stimulate the economy. It just doesn't get more Keynesian than that.

In fact, the pseudocons have out-Keynesed Keynes! Keynes didn't believe in deficit spending during an up economy. He actually believed we should pay our debt DOWN during an up economy.

So...when did Trump make you pseudocons into uber Keynesians?

Of course the money spent has little to do with fixing what is wrong, and what is wrong is our nation's infrastructure.

We need safe bridges and tunnels and roads, an electrical grid safe from cyber attacks and able to withstand natural disasters; we need flood controls to allow for less flooding and more ability to capture rain water, by building canals and pipelines to reservoirs l for drinking, recreation and even transportation.

Doing so will create blue color jobs, not one's which contribute to fouling our air, water and soil. Something the current Congress and Executive won't consider, as they are so focused on their job and those who pay for their reelection.
But how will we open our 1,000th military base somewhere far away if we waste money on stuff here?
Without changing spending by even a dime, we could balance the budget just by eliminating tax expenditures.

Not only balance the budget, we would have a surplus.

We could use that surplus to lower the debt and tax rates. Once the debt was paid down we could lower tax rates even more. For everyone.
The reason the Republican Party is getting more popular is because it’s the party of Donald Trump, which is the party of results and fulfilled promises
How's that "great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" working for ya?

How's that swampy drainy thing working for ya?
how's that resist with socialism thing working out for ya?
I'm not a socialist, dumbass.

You pseudocons don't even know what capitalism or conservatism is. Even when you are being kicked in the balls by the genuine article.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Don't care about debt

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible
Except it isn't your money. It is your descendants money. They are being saddled with the government debt you are running up.

I don't have any descendants.

I was smart and didn't have kids

And FYI I am not running up any debt.
Actually, every time we take advantage of a tax deduction, credit, or exemption we are helping run up the debt and tax rates. We are stealing from the pockets of other taxpayers and future taxpayers.

I've explained this at least a hundred times on this forum.

this is a RW board, you're trying to teach garden snails to be olympic sprinters ..
The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.
Reaganesque Keynesianism.
Reagan actually made a giant dent in reducing tax expenditures. Did you know you used to be able to deduct the interest payments on your auto loan? Not any more, thanks to Reagan.

That's how he was able to achieve lower tax rates. He did it the right way.

But ever since then, the Republican Party has worked very hard to undo Reagan's achievement. They have been adding a tax expenditure to the tax code at an average rate of one a day since 2000.

We now have $1.4 trillion of tax expenditure corruption EVERY YEAR. And skyrocketing deficits. This is not a coincidence.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Don't care about debt

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible
Except it isn't your money. It is your descendants money. They are being saddled with the government debt you are running up.
Oh, now the liar claims that money we possess belongs to someone else. And he claims he's not a liberal.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.

Don't care about debt

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as possible
Except it isn't your money. It is your descendants money. They are being saddled with the government debt you are running up.
Oh, now the liar claims that money we possess belongs to someone else. And he claims he's not a liberal.
This fact always goes above the heads of you tards. I don't even bother to explain any more.

But it is a fact that every deduction, credit, and exemption has to be paid for by higher tax rates and by borrowing.

So yes, it is a fact they are bigger theft than the food stamps your propaganists teach you to whine about.

Much, much, much bigger theft.

We all have to pay higher tax rates, and our government debt is exploding, because of those tax expenditures.

And you dumbasses think the few pennies you are thrown puts you ahead when in fact you are being robbed blind.

You are literally blind to it.

There, I explained it anyway. But you still won't get it. Because you have been thoroughly brainwashed by propagandists who answer to the special interests who want you kept that stupid.
I do not agree with trickle down economics. It has proven time and again to be utter nonsense.

But I also do not agree with high taxes on anyone.

30% should be the top tax bracket - so long as capital gains and income tax rates are identical.

BTW - I also am against all tax deductions except for capital losses and charitable contributions.

Finally, I think the corporate tax rate should be 0% as these taxes are ALWAYS passed on to the general population through reduced shareholder dividends and/or decreased worker numbers/pay/compensation and/or increases in prices on products/services sold. Corporations do not 'eat' corporate taxes.
I do not agree with trickle down economics. It has proven time and again to be utter nonsense.

But I also do not agree with high taxes on anyone.

30% should be the top tax bracket - so long as capital gains and income tax rates are identical.

BTW - I also am against all tax deductions except for capital losses and charitable contributions.

Finally, I think the corporate tax rate should be 0% as these taxes are ALWAYS passed on to the general population through reduced shareholder dividends and/or decreased worker numbers/pay/compensation and/or increases in prices on products/services sold. Corporations do not 'eat' corporate taxes.
We could easily achieve tax rates lower than 30 percent and a balanced budget simply by eliminating tax expenditures.

This never penetrates the skulls of the tards.

Do you all know what the formula is that is used to calculate GDP?

Guess what a key variable is in that formula.

Government spending.

You can juice the GDP number by increasing government spending.

Trump and the GOP's deficits:

FY 2017 $665 billion
FY 2018 $833 billion (est)
FY 2019 $984 billion (est)
Gross Domestic Product - GDP

GDP = C + G + I + NX. C is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy, G is the sum of government spending, I is the sum of all the country's investment, including businesses capital expenditures and NX is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports (NX = Exports - Imports).

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