When The Boomers Are Gone, The Republic Will Dissolve

Current observations seem to indicate that they are the last generation with numbers willing to fight for it.

The overall ignorance increases exponentially with each ensuing generation.

Disturbing number of students say hate speech is not free speech, report says
It's how they've been raised, and enabled by the illiberal authoritarian Left.

REAL Liberalism is just about dead.


The problem is that you assdfucks thinks free speech means you can say what you want without any repercussions.
I see you can't answer the question because you want to hate.. Mind police already exist-duh...
I do NOT want to hate. I don't want government to control thoughts. Even if I don't like what someone is saying, I would rather let them speak than let government control.

Current observations seem to indicate that they are the last generation with numbers willing to fight for it.

The overall ignorance increases exponentially with each ensuing generation.

Disturbing number of students say hate speech is not free speech, report says
It's how they've been raised, and enabled by the illiberal authoritarian Left.

REAL Liberalism is just about dead.


The problem is that you assdfucks thinks free speech means you can say what you want without any repercussions.

"I don't want to become a minority."

Bless the millennials.Let them work 12-14 hour days to pay for my retirement
Current observations seem to indicate that they are the last generation with numbers willing to fight for it.

The overall ignorance increases exponentially with each ensuing generation.

Disturbing number of students say hate speech is not free speech, report says
It's how they've been raised, and enabled by the illiberal authoritarian Left.

REAL Liberalism is just about dead.


The problem is that you assdfucks thinks free speech means you can say what you want without any repercussions.

Repercussions notwithstanding, Congress shall make no law.
Bless the millennials.Let them work 12-14 hour days to pay for my retirement
"Hi uncle Bob! Did you know like I just graduated from college? I borrowed from the government $150 thousands dollars to learn how people in medieval times dyed leather with beet juice to make shoes.
Did you know like that Trump is a war criminal?
Did you know like I've just started on a new career path selling burnt coffee to soccer moms?"
No shit 'like' pass the mashed potatoes 'like'.
Current observations seem to indicate that they are the last generation with numbers willing to fight for it.

The overall ignorance increases exponentially with each ensuing generation.

Disturbing number of students say hate speech is not free speech, report says
It's how they've been raised, and enabled by the illiberal authoritarian Left.

REAL Liberalism is just about dead.


The problem is that you assdfucks thinks free speech means you can say what you want without any repercussions.
What do you mean by "you"? I voted for Hillary. I lean Left.

And thanks for repeating my point in the bottom meme. You people literally can't help yourselves.

You Regressives are not liberal.
Current observations seem to indicate that they are the last generation with numbers willing to fight for it.

The overall ignorance increases exponentially with each ensuing generation.

Disturbing number of students say hate speech is not free speech, report says
It's how they've been raised, and enabled by the illiberal authoritarian Left.

REAL Liberalism is just about dead.


The problem is that you assdfucks thinks free speech means you can say what you want without any repercussions.

Repercussions notwithstanding, Congress shall make no law.
Real liberals celebrate freedom of expression and defend it. They passionately advocate for it.

Real liberals actively promote and protect thought and opinion, unencumbered, from all quarters.

Real liberals don't issue consequences, intolerance, threats or intimidation regarding expression.

These people are not liberals. They are frauds and cowards. Distortions. Mutations. Perversions.
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Boomers are nothing special. The generations they leave behind will spend their lives suffering from and trying to clean up the messes they left us.
Like most things, to appreciate something, you had to be there. No civil rights so you saw black kids get beat up for no reason. No OSHA or EPA so you AND the environment were in danger from the workplace. An undeclared war where your friends or neighbors came home in a box-and you could be drafted to fight but not vote. A college semester shut down due to mounting protests where you got beat or shot-not filmed. Yes you had the worse scum come out like DaNang Dick Blumenthal senator from CT who used college deferment to dodge the draft, then when that stopped and they had a lottery, he hid in the National guard, and then lied about serving in Viet Nam. Yes, he is the same twerp who says"I believe Dr. Ford", but says Barr is lying-of course Dick IS an expert on lying. Point being all generations are special and have heroes and goats.
No other generation so bankrupted the nation that there will NEVER be a means to pay back our debt; no other generation made a point of keeping our military in a constant state of warfare on hundreds of bases across the entire planet; no other generation created so many thousands of doomsday weapons that we could end all life on the planet; no other generation spent so much time committing evils and helping others commit evils for profit off energy sources; yes boomers chose right a few times, but more often it was courts forcing them into the right by enforcing the constitution. Boomers don’t get to insult the generations that will follow them. We’ll be picking up your trash the rest of our lives. Enjoy your pensions and social security. It must be grand knowing that you’ll have that. And you’re welcome.

When you're old and in a govt-subsidized retirement home, you will be physically abused by hispanic and black employees because you're white.
That's why people fight hard to keep their guns. Debt can be repaid-the Boomers repaid the VietNam war debt. You never saw the "greatest generation" in action did you? Sure they were on the sands of Iwo Jima, and lived thru the depression(younger boomers had the same amount of money-none). They also lynched Negroes at will, beat their wives, drove drunk, belittled women-how do I know this? I saw it, and I and others vowed to change it, your're welcome.
The Progressive, anti American, Indoctrination in schools and universities started in the 70's when the Hippies started to get teaching jobs. It has become much worse the last few decades. They know nothing else but these lies, and don't care about freedom, and liberty only PC culture.
The Boomers are the worst generation in American history. They grew up in an historical bubble where the world was America's apple, and thought that was their entitlement. In turn, they raised a generation of dilettantes who were even further removed from reality. They are quite willing to follow the pied piper of leftism without any comprehension of its ultimate consequences.
It was not the boomers who put what we see today into motion. It was the previous generation who lit the spark. However, the boomers for all of their anti violence venom from the 1960's, are the one of the most violent and war mongering generations in American history. With two parties who work together to push the SJW agendas in the WEST and domestically while promoting wars and suffering in foreign lands to bring in globalist objectives. We are not that special. And we have pushed our power fiefdoms to the max.

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