When the enemy senses weakness, they attack

Extra security at Martha's vinyaaaad golf course....
And of course they'll say NSA spying saved the day again.
Even though nothing was going to happen in the first place.
Easiest false flag op ever....
It could be the rerelease of the objectionable video that caused the Benghazi attack..
Witchin' hour is the Night of Power...
Security Closures of US Embassies Across Middle East Coincide With Ramadan ‘Night of Power’
August 2, 2013 - U.S. embassies will be closed on Sunday in more than a dozen countries in the Middle East and Asia where they would normally be open on what is the first day of the working week.
Many U.S. embassies across the Middle East will be closed on Sunday – usually a working day in the Arab world – in what the State Department says is a precautionary measure based on “security considerations.” The State Department has not released a list of the missions ordered to close, but a review of official websites shows that they include the embassies in most Arab capitals from Cairo to Baghdad, as well as those in Israel, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

Exceptions are the embassies in Beirut and Islamabad, but neither is usually open on a Sunday anyway. “The Department has been apprised of information that, out of an abundance of caution and care for our employees and others who may be visiting our installations, indicates we should institute these precautionary steps,” says a notice posted on many of the affected embassies’ websites. “It is possible we may have additional days of closings as well, depending on our analysis,” it adds. As of early Friday all specified closures were for Sunday only except for the embassy in Sana’a, Yemen, which will be closed on Sunday and Monday. “The Department, when conditions warrant, takes steps like this to balance our continued operations with security and safety,” the notice says. “However, beyond this announcement we do not discuss specific threat information, security considerations or measures, or other steps we may be taking.”

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said she would not “go into any more detail about specific threat information,” or any particular significance attached to the August 4 date. August 4 this year marks the 27th night of Ramadan, which according to most but not all Muslim scholars is Laylat al-Qadr (“night of power” or “night of destiny”), when Muslims believe the first verses of the Qur’an were revealed to Mohammed in the 7th century. The Qur’an describes the night as “better than a thousand months,” and many devout Muslims stay up through the night. In its entry for August 4, the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center’s 2013 calendar notes: “Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power; the night of revelation of Qur’an to Mohammed, begins this evening.)”

The 2013 NTCT calendar does not offer any further detail about the night, but in earlier editions up until 2010 (archived copy) it commented, “Islamic extremists might consider Laylat al-Qadr (“Night of Power”) especially auspicious for a terrorist attack. Islamic tradition holds that on this night rewards for deeds pleasing to Allah are magnified a thousandfold; extremists, in particular, believe that the gates of heaven are opened then for those who wage ‘jihad’ in defense of Islam to enter paradise.” Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, dates of holidays change each year. Major Islamist terror attacks that have taken place around Laylat-al-Qadr in the years since 9/11 include: an attack on the Indian parliament, 13 killed (Dec. 2011); suicide bombings at the British consulate-general in Istanbul, 30 killed (Nov. 2003); a suicide car bombing in Kirkuk, Iraq, five killed (Nov. 2003); bombings in New Delhi, 62 killed (Oct. 2005); and a Boko Haram suicide bombing at the United Nations headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria, 25 killed (Aug. 2011).

On Thursday the House Foreign Affairs Committee marked up a State Department authorization bill that entails a nine percent cut overall from last year, but does fund in full the administration’s request for embassy security, including $2.65 billion for embassy security, construction, and maintenance, and $2.18 billion for a worldwide security program, which covers diplomatic security personnel. The bill also comprises other security measures, introduced in response to the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya last September, in which U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith and Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed. They include a requirement that the State Department designate a list of high-risk, high-threat posts and ensure they have the security measures and funding needed; and a requirement that the State and Defense departments jointly develop contingency plans for emergencies, including planning for the rapid deployment of military resources.

- See more at: Security Closures of US Embassies Across Middle East Coincide With Ramadan ?Night of Power? | CNS News

See also:

Top US officials meet to discuss embassy threat
August 3, 2013 > Top U.S. officials met Saturday to review the threat of a terrorist attack that led to the weekend closure of 21 U.S. embassies and consulates in the Muslim world and a global travel warning to Americans. President Barack Obama was briefed following the session, the White House said.
Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, led the meeting and then joined Lisa Monaco, Obama's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism, in briefing the president, the White House said in a statement. "The president has received frequent briefings over the last week on all aspects of the potential threat and our preparedness measures," according to the statement. Among those at the meeting Saturday afternoon were the secretaries of state, defense and homeland security and the directors of the FBI, CIA and the National Security Agency, according to the White House. Also attending was Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In an interview Friday with ABC News, Dempsey said officials had determined there was "a significant threat stream" and that the threat was more specific than previous ones. The "intent is to attack Western, not just U.S. interests," he said.

The global travel warning was the first such alert since an announcement before the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The warning comes less than a year since the deadly September attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, and with the Obama administration and Congress determined to prevent any similar breach of an American embassy or consulate. The State Department's warning urged U.S. travelers to take extra precautions overseas. It cited potential dangers involved with public transportation systems and other prime sites for tourists, and noted that previous attacks have centered on subway and rail networks as well as airplanes and boats. Travelers were advised to sign up for State Department alerts and register with U.S. consulates in the countries they visit. The statement said that al-Qaida or its allies might target either U.S. government or private American interests. The alert expires on Aug. 31.

The State Department said the potential for terrorism was particularly acute in the Middle East and North Africa, with a possible attack occurring on or coming from the Arabian Peninsula. The diplomatic facilities affected stretch from Mauritania in northwest Africa to Afghanistan. U.S. officials pointed specifically to Yemen, the home of al-Qaida's most dangerous affiliate and the network blamed for several notable plots against the United States, from the foiled Christmas Day 2009 effort to bomb an airliner over Detroit to the explosives-laden parcels intercepted the following year aboard cargo flights. "Current information suggests that al-Qaida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond, and that they may focus efforts to conduct attacks in the period between now and the end of August," a department statement said.

Yemen's president, Abdo Rabby Mansour Hadi, met with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House on Thursday, where both leaders cited strong counterterrorism cooperation. This past week, Yemen's military reported a U.S. drone strike killed six alleged al-Qaida militants in the group's southern strongholds. Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif., the House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, said the embassy threat was linked to al-Qaida and concerned the Middle East and Central Asia. "In this instance, we can take a step to better protect our personnel and, out of an abundance of caution, we should," Royce said. He declined to say if the National Security Agency's much-debated surveillance program helped reveal the threat.

Top US officials meet to discuss embassy threat - U.S. - Stripes
obama's fear stink permeates the world.

Americans pulled Saddam Hussein out of a spider hole. What kind of hole will barack hussein be pulled out of? Somebody's ass hole perhaps.
Obama is wildly popular all over the world.

He is feared and respected by his enemies.

President Obama has now united the world -- not a single country trusts us anymore, because our hero has shafted those who relied on us: Britain, Poland, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, even Syria and Libya. Our solemn national pledges kept the peace for sixty years; now they are worthless. Even Russia's Putin has a visceral dislike for our hero. Half the American people don't trust Obama either, and now the rest of the world agrees.

Obama has brought unity at last.

It's not often that the Saudis and the Israelis agree on the same lethal strategic danger, but they do today.

Here is a Saudi commentator on Al Arabiya, Jamal Kashoggi:

"When the term "Shiite Crescent" was coined a few years back, it was meant to warn of Iranian expansionism across the Levant.

Nowadays ... Shiite fundamentalism is basking in all the glory of triumph.... the Crescent is liable to evolve into a political axis stretching from Tehran to Beirut via Baghdad and Damascus. It is only natural for (Iran) to consolidate victory on the ground by blending her triumphant axis in a singular political, economic and military network.

... That's why I believe Saudi Arabia expressly will not allow Iran to win in Syria."

Meanwhile an Israeli commentator, Yaakov Lappin, writes:

"After two years of fighting and at least 80,000 casualties ... the Syrian civil war has degenerated into a long*term, regional, sectarian Sunni*-Shi'ite conflict which has crossed into neighboring Lebanon and Iraq and threatens to spill over into Turkey, Jordan and Israel. No resolution to this feud is in sight.

... highly trained Shi'ite Hizballah battalions ... under Iranian orders, have mobilized from their bases in Lebanon and crossed into Syria to offer vital battlefield assistance to the Syrian regime's strained army.

This situation has sparked outrage across the Sunni world, and prompted Sunni religious and political figures to issue call for jihad against Hizballah, on behalf of the beleaguered Syrian rebels."

While the Western public media are totally focused on Israeli-Palestinian negotiations the real story is a huge emerging war between those two 1000-year enemies, Sunni and Shi'ite Islam. The Saudis have not forgotten that Ayatollah Khomeini tried to overthrow their regime during the annual pilgrimage, the hajj.

Obama has been trying to break the Shi'ite crescent by arming and training the rebels against Iran's ally Assad. In Benghazi, Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed while running Libyan arms to Al Qaida-allied rebels in Syria. It's not working. The Russians are siding with Iran and Assad, and Iran's steel trap is threatening to snap shut on the pathetic rabble we support in Syria.

No wonder Israel and the Saudis are worried. Obama was going to solve Middle Eastern troubles forever and ever. For four years Obama begged and wheedled the mullahs, and took no decisive action during the critical window of opportunity before they acquired nukes and missiles. The mullahs were not interested in those peace overtures. They follow a war theology, and celebrate martyrdom, not peace. Think Imperial Japan in World War II and you get the idea. The mullahs are not liberals; they are not even conservatives; they are throwbacks to the Dark Ages.

So now Iran is biting back. We are trapped in a classic quagmire, with no way to pull out without making things worse.

This all started when Obama promised a bold new age of peace to the Muslim world, and then showed how it was done by pulling down Mubarak's Egypt, which had kept a real peace for thirty years. Rather than knocking down a fast-nuclearizing Iran, Obama failed even to show symbolic support for the young people of the Green Revolution in Tehran.

The precariously balanced pieces of Middle East stability started to tumble down: Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Tunisia. Obama and the New York Times called this disaster the "Arab Spring." About 100,000 Arabs have died as a result of the "Spring," and worse may be coming.

The trouble with communist agitators community organizers like Obama is that they know how to destroy, but not how to build. Look at our domestic affairs and you'll see the same thing: ObamaCare is supposed to be great, but in fact it is destroying the medical sector of the American economy, just to buy votes for Democrats.

Obama has managed to turn sixty years of slow, painful peace-building in the Middle East into chaos. We are only lucky that in Egypt the Obama-supported Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by saner folks.

We are now in a classic double bind, what chess players call a Zugzwang, a pincer movement that means a defeat whichever way we turn.

Yes, the administration is going to parade a "peace" agreement between Israel and the artificially constructed Palestinians. Israel will concede land, and the Pals will pretend to make peace. That will make headlines in the liberal press. As usual, the New York Times will miss the real story, the regional Sunni-Shiite war.

Israel is seeing the Iranian trap slamming shut on its territory. An agreement with the Palestinian Arabs will make no difference, because the Pals are Sunnis, and Iran is Shi'ite. And if Iran should be pushed back, the other extremist militants, the Al Qaida types, will control Syria.

Read more: Articles: Obama is trapped in Syria
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Nobody takes this jack off seriously, not even ragtag terrorist groups fear him. They know as well as we do if obie ever got a meeting with the top leaders of al-qaeda the first thing he would do is bow to them.

Our government isn't interested in catching the perps of Benghazi at all. They want it to go away. CNN was able to track one of them down and interview him for 2 hours, yet our President can't find him and can't bring him to justice like he promised. I think they feel that the heat is finally off. All of those years of Bush hunting them down and then an election brings them this community organizer with a love for the sound of the call to prayer, who doesn't really do anything he says he'll do. His word means absolutely nothing, so the enemy has no respect and no fear for what he'll do. Only his own people are beginning to fear him. At least the law-abiding people with conservative ideals.

Politics has given terrorists safe-havens. A lack of consistent foreign policy has turned every situation overseas into a highly risky proposition. We can't profile Muslims, which is the best tool against terrorism we have. We've signed agreements with Islamist radicals to look the other way. Is there any wonder they're getting more bold.
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It was exactly the right thing to do....I would urge us to reduce the number of embassies and consulates permanently...what are we gaining by having any of them open?
It was exactly the right thing to do....I would urge us to reduce the number of embassies and consulates permanently...what are we gaining by having any of them open?

Better to reduce the number of enemies by all means necessary.
Interpol issues global security alert
The alert comes a day after the U.S. issued a global travel warning to Americans about a possible al-Qaeda attack.
Interpol has issued a global security alert calling for increased vigilance for terrorist activity after suspected al-Qaeda involvement in prison escapes including those in Iraq, Libya and Pakistan.
The international police organization says prison breakouts have occurred in nine Interpol member countries in the past month alone and requests the agency's 190 member countries' assistance to figure out whether such events are linked, the group said in a statement on its website Saturday.
Interpol issues global security alert

I guess that explains the reason for the embassies closing, not only by America but Germany and the UK.
Yup, this all because Obama is weak.
Supposedly the Islamic terrorists are located in areas that the Yemen Government has very little control.
What is the Military plan to wipe them out?
Closing all those embassies does nothing but show greater weakness. If an attack never happens, the terrorists still win.
It is entirely possible that there is no threat and never has been a threat. The only reason why there's a threat at all is because the government said so. We know that the obama regime lies. They repealed the law prohibiting the government from propagandizing the people. After obama got his ass handed to him by Putin, he needs something to show that he's still a viable president. So, he made something up.

It's hard to know because obama is a pathological liar. If there is a threat, or there was an attack, terrorists know that there is no downside to executing an attack. obama will do nothing. He never has. He never will. The worst terrorists can expect is for the regime to find a Christian fall guy they can blame. obama's regime will cover up, excuse or reason away any kind of attack no matter who does it or where they do it. The perpetrators can expect the full cooperation of the white house.
It was exactly the right thing to do....I would urge us to reduce the number of embassies and consulates permanently...what are we gaining by having any of them open?

The primary purpose of embassies and consulates is to foster trade relations. No one will admit that but it is the truth. Without an official presence corporations would be hampered when it came to selling goods and services. The ridiculous part of this is that the wealthy in those nations who are the ones getting rich off of this trading with the US are no different to the conservatives in this nation. The almighty dollar trumps all patriotism and national boundaries. Politicians do the bidding of the corporations to keep these trade routes open. They will even invoke the use of the military if necessary. This didn't just start with Obama. It has been the way of the world for centuries. The British empire was effectively run by corporations backed by having the best navy in the world at that time. There is a reason why America has the strongest navy in the world today. So all of the posturing and threats against the embassies is just business as usual. Obama is right to protect the people whose lives are on the line. The right would be berating him as failing to do his job if he didn't. It's one of those heads they win, tails you lose situations as far as they are concerned.
It was exactly the right thing to do....I would urge us to reduce the number of embassies and consulates permanently...what are we gaining by having any of them open?

Well, since we can't and won't protect them, pull them all out.

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