When the parties were separated by the little things, were we a nation divided?

Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes
and we are at that point once again CAN'T WAIT
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
Pussy makes a claim then when called on it runs like my bitch that you are.
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
Pussy makes a claim then when called on it runs like my bitch that you are.
What are you, ten?
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
Mac1958 is even worse makes a claim but runs like a little bitch when called out
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
Mac1958 is even worse makes a claim but runs like a little bitch when called out
This is why you kids love Trump so much. He acts and talks just like you do.

Finally someone who doesn't make you "feel" inferior, huh?
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
Pussy makes a claim then when called on it runs like my bitch that you are.
What are you, ten?
7 year olds make up shit but when you question them they try to evade your question
so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
Mac1958 is even worse makes a claim but runs like a little bitch when called out
This is why you kids love Trump so much. He acts and talks just like you do.

Finally someone who doesn't make you "feel" inferior, huh?
Mac1958 said
The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

I question him
"so what is it that "Trumpers" want?"
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
Pussy makes a claim then when called on it runs like my bitch that you are.
What are you, ten?
7 year olds make up shit but when you question them they try to evade your question
so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
You need ME to tell YOU what you want?

You don't even know what your own stands on the issues are?

Or are you just so smitten by your strongman in the WH that you'll go along with anything he says?
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds
You are wrong there. We've been great since our founding.
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
Mac1958 is even worse makes a claim but runs like a little bitch when called out

Mac always deflects.

He has no balls to admit who he is nor lay anything out clearly. Always complications, nuance and deflection. Nuance is supposed to lead to a conclusion to be useful, and to a different conclusion for it to be relevant. But there are never any conclusions or any analysis. Just endless reminders to pay attention to nuance.

The whole continuum charade is there to get Americans on board socialist ideas since "they are on a continuum". But that is bullshit, what if we want to go to the other direction on the continuum, more American and much less socialist? Towards MAGA!
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
Mac1958 is even worse makes a claim but runs like a little bitch when called out
This is why you kids love Trump so much. He acts and talks just like you do.

Finally someone who doesn't make you "feel" inferior, huh?
Mac1958 said
The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

I question him
"so what is it that "Trumpers" want?"
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
Pussy makes a claim then when called on it runs like my bitch that you are.
What are you, ten?
7 year olds make up shit but when you question them they try to evade your question
so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
You need ME to tell YOU what you want?

You don't even know what your own stands on the issues are?

Or are you just so smitten by your strongman in the WH that you'll go along with anything he says?
No, you need to point out what Trumpers want. The list you make should be long since you claim we want a lot or as much as liberals do.
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
Mac1958 is even worse makes a claim but runs like a little bitch when called out
This is why you kids love Trump so much. He acts and talks just like you do.

Finally someone who doesn't make you "feel" inferior, huh?
Mac1958 said
The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

I question him
"so what is it that "Trumpers" want?"
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
Pussy makes a claim then when called on it runs like my bitch that you are.
What are you, ten?
7 year olds make up shit but when you question them they try to evade your question
so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
You need ME to tell YOU what you want?

You don't even know what your own stands on the issues are?

Or are you just so smitten by your strongman in the WH that you'll go along with anything he says?
No, you need to point out what Trumpers want. The list you make should be long since you claim we want a lot or as much as liberals do.

"Trumpers" aren't concerned enough about an issue that kills less people every year than beds without safety boards. They just say, yes work on it, but there are also many more important issues we need to work on.

It's not acceptable given CNN is only showing this one issue 24/7 and ignoring all others. Since CNN is showing it 24/7 it must be the most important thing ever. This is the nuanced position to take.

At least addressing police brutality is American while half the things these people are about are not. But then, they manage to turn even that anti-American by contemplating defunding the police - an insane position. The division is here.
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds

Hahaha....you are no Liberal, you’re a Leftist.
Everybody sane knows the foundation of this nation was built by horrible whitey from 1776-1950...sucks for you huh?
By the 1950’s America was the greatest nation the world had ever known. Sucks for you huh?
Why do you super smart Libs always under achieve financially?

We were a joke until 1940

And I'm a social liberal, much more liberal than anyone conservative not calling themselves a libertarian

And they under achieve because happiness caps out at ~70k a year. It's pointless to go farther. Conservatives would know that if they had access to academic journals.
We've always been a little divided. It wasn't until Al Gore was defeated did the divide become an active war. The left intentionally divides us and then points their finger at us as the culprit.

Which is just an old Saul Alinsky tactic.
Bush was just as guilty of dividing the nation. He used the terror attacks to force half the nation into the 'you are with us or against us' mentality and that devastated politics in general. Obama inflamed it even more.

I’ve never heard that perspective...I’ve always heard that 9-11 and the events that followed brought Americans closer.

there is a conspiracy theory amongst the depraved that the event of 9-11-01 was CREATED by Bush as an excuse to go to war. Of course there was another which was promulgated by the islamo nazi world wide wing that it was done by MOSSAD. At that point muslims decided to redefine themselves as "PERSONS OF COLOR". <<<< that was the beginning of world-wide division and the womb in which "blm" developed and is spreading like an aggressive cancer

Arabs were never whtie under American law, what the fuck are you talking about?

Contrary to popular belief, being white isn't the same as being caucasian

Caucasians come in a wide variety of skin tones. Whites do not

Oh----I did not know that "arabs" (how-evah you define that term) are not white "according to
"american law" ----please cite the "LAW" that excludes "arabs" from being "white". For that matter----Please define "arab"

Here is where the precedent that being Caucasian doesn't make you white

*mind blown*

Most white Americans didn't consider Italians white at that time lol

try again -----you cited "AMERICAN LAW"----not what your fellow redneck drunken pig "THINKS"

Do you not understand how American law works? lol. That relates to every statute on the books we had that involved being white. Which was a lot of them.

The supreme court of the united states decided that case. That is the law until differently interpreted by the same body or congress writes a new law that affects the reading.

Under American law Arabs are not white

Under the civil rights act that's a distinction that doesn't matter

What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this because I'm brown hahaha

Who the fuck is a red neck here?

oh----you are "brown" Is that another LEGAL DESIGNATION in the USA in your depraved mind?
I asked you a very simple question----can you CITE THE LAW ON THE BOOKS regarding a definition of "arab" as "non-white" in american LAW? That is AMERICAN LAW-----not british colonial law----
query. You need a TIME----before the civil rights thing-------how about 1960?

poor JUICE is stymied
Mac1958 is even worse makes a claim but runs like a little bitch when called out
This is why you kids love Trump so much. He acts and talks just like you do.

Finally someone who doesn't make you "feel" inferior, huh?
Mac1958 said
The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

I question him
"so what is it that "Trumpers" want?"
If only you far right extremists would just get with the times. Just accept that transgender homo strip tease hour is an essential part of elementary school curriculum, accept that it should be illegal to arrest, detain or otherwise inconvenience black people for any reason, accept that mass immigration of millions of uneducated, unvaccinated mexicans every year makes our country, healthier, wealthier and less divided....If you would only accept these simple demands then we on the left could provide you with healthcare and all sorts of other goodies...free of charge!

But no, you'd rather be racist.

As I read your cleverly worded post I can’t help but think of Mac1958
Not everyone is stuck in simplistic, shallow, binary thinking patterns.

True story. Really.

Those words sounds neat, makes you sound super smart...BUT what does that mean?
The deeper you think the more sense you’re able to make out of nonsensical, irrational bullshit?
It just means that some of us realize that life is not black or white, and some of us don't. Or can't.

There doesn't appear to be anything I can do about that, so I don't worry about it.

Maybe you could adopt the same philosophy.

Mac, not all of us are fascinated by complexity. We don’t care to spin simple things into something confusing.
I’m sure there’s weirdos out there willing to pretend to be confused by how/why some 50 year old men prefer little boys....NO THANKS!
The ole make it complex so we can pretend there’s no solution bit is what Libs do.
True problem solvers see everything as something simple.
Look, you Libs seek to change and “fundamentally transform” America and we either comply or you scream “DIVISION” at the sky.
Come on man...be smart on this one.
I see a wide range of grey in between black & white. Voting one way doesn't mean I have to agree with everything they want.

The hardcore Left wants far too much. So do the Trumpsters. So, I'd like to get rid of Trump and then work on the Left.

This is not an either/or thing for me. I don't like either whacked-out end.
Dude so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
Don't give your opinion unless you're willing to back up your insinuations

I neither need, nor care about, your approval.
Pussy makes a claim then when called on it runs like my bitch that you are.
What are you, ten?
7 year olds make up shit but when you question them they try to evade your question
so what is it that "Trumpers" want?
You need ME to tell YOU what you want?

You don't even know what your own stands on the issues are?

Or are you just so smitten by your strongman in the WH that you'll go along with anything he says?
No, you need to point out what Trumpers want. The list you make should be long since you claim we want a lot or as much as liberals do.
Why? You're just a Trumpster. Your opinion has no value to me, outside of its value as a fascinating psychological / sociological / anthropological study.
One thing is easy to see, things have not gotten beter on any level for Americans who work for a living.
Before homosexuality was shoved down our throats, before Dems sided with the invaders from our south, before the tranny movement, BLM, the strive toward socialism...etc etc
Isn't it obvious which party has caused the divide....isn't it the fault of the 'progress' with us or else party.....The sit there quietly while we fundamentally transform your nation party?

You realize we once fought a civil war and senators used to be each other with canes

Yeah but you hate the past...right?
You hate when we compare the past to the present...remember?
Let’s talk about modern times...you know like you usually insist on doing.

I don't hate the past

I just don't hold it up like it was some golden age when we were jokes on the world stage

American greatness and modern america go together

We were not so great 100 years ago much less 200

And as a liberal I certainly know our history better than your average conservative....We went to college bound courses and had to take gen eds
You are wrong there. We've been great since our founding.

We weren't even great next to mexico until we beat them in a war bud

No one thought we could win teh first mexican american war.

And mexico wasn't exactly a global power at the time.

The Europeans laughed at us up until ww2. Then they became scared of us

Because that's when we became great in every sense of the word

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