When they tell you who they are

Exactly. My boss says that I'm 'the flywheel' of the company and everyone else is just along for the ride. This is because I set a higher standard than anyone including the boss.
99 percent of bosses are idiots. Clueless.
Your nonsense posts literally scream out, “ I don’t know”. You suspected that all along.
Uh huh. Sure.

“America witnesses daily, a confused, desperate, and defeated Old fool ramble about his own personal grievances and lie about the American justice system, leaving anyone watching with one obvious conclusion: This man cannot be and is not the president"
Biden forgets name of his fellow traitor.

What is it with you assholes and constantly repeating lies? Is it just reflex for you Trump humpers? :)

Talk of Trump being an illegitimate President didn't start until months AFTER he was inaugurated.
And that isn't denying election results like Skippy did/still does.
Give it up you lying lefturd. You assholes have been claiming Trump's election was illegitimate for 8 years now. Hillary and every Dem in Congress denied the election results. Run along loser...
Remember when Trump read the snake poem? "You knew I was a snake when you took me in".
Remember when Biden reminded us he biuilt the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

If Trump carries the swing states its over.

Thanks captain obvious.

If Biden carries the swing states it over.

That is the way elections work in our country now. 4 or 5 states control the outcome
It has everything to do with buying their stuff. How do you think they became billionaires in the first place? You name those billionaires and I'll tell you what they sell and who's buying it.
You’re missing my point by a country mile. When billionaires can use their enormous wealth to buy government, that’s a problem and that’s where we are.
The most simple thing that can be done is heed the warnings and vote against the con artist.

The amazing thing is what Trump says...

‘I Don’t Care About You. I Just Want Your Vote’​

He says what the Democratic and Republican party’s believe. That’s why both sides try to buy votes.

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