When they tell you who they are

Please cite an example of this "enormous harm".
The technocracy rules you. This is the "enormous harm."

Election fraud has always been a Democrat thing.
The merging of state and corporate power is fascism. It is not left or right. Silicon Valley and their products now will determine who is president. If you use Amazon or Big Tech? You are giving them the power to tell you who the president will be. They liked Joe Biden. Congrats.

". . . Pachikov, as mentioned, is better known as a co-founder of Evernote. Evernote’s founding CEO and current chairman, Phil Libin, has developed close ties to Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman. Pachikov, like many in Silicon Valley, is an avid transhumanist who continues to promote the use and development of brain implants to “improve memory” and “dreams of immortality by uploading all memories to artificial intelligence.” In fact, Pachikov’s original vision for Evernote was of a brain-machine interface that would allow a user to “remember everything.” In a piece for Evernote’s blog written by Pamela Rosen, Pachikov denotes his belief that “future technology [will exist] as a literal physical extension of the human brain, perhaps as an embedded chip,” with Pachikov adding that “we have no choice” when it comes to merging the human body with machines. “It’s just another type of integration,” he asserts. . . ."

Of course. It's a fact we all have to live with. The good news is that we can rationalize that fact, for example,

Complaint: Sure, Amazon is great, but it gives Bezos too much power.
Rationale: Sure, Bezos has too much power, but Amazon is great.

See how easy that was. :biggrin:

You are engaging in what is known as reduction strategies, to reduced your cognitive dissonance.

Whatever gets you through the night, all right, all right.

" Change the behavior or the cognition ("I'll eat no more of this doughnut.")
Justify the behavior or the cognition, by changing the conflicting cognition ("I'm allowed to cheat my diet every once in a while.")
Justify the behavior or the cognition by adding new behaviors or cognitions ("I'll spend thirty extra minutes at the gymnasium to work off the doughnut.")
Ignore or deny information that conflicts with existing beliefs ("This doughnut is not a high-sugar food.")

Three cognitive biases are components of dissonance theory. The bias where one feels they do not have any biases. The bias where one is "better, kinder, smarter, more moral and nicer than average" and the confirmation bias.[18] "
Of course. It's a fact we all have to live with. The good news is that we can rationalize that fact, for example,

Complaint: Sure, Amazon is great, but it gives Bezos too much power.
Rationale: Sure, Bezos has too much power, but Amazon is great.

See how easy that was. :biggrin:
I guess you may never understand, but let’s try again. When government allows itself to be bought, billionaires buy it. Naturally this results in billionaires attaining enormous power over the people. Wouldn’t it be great if government wasn’t allowed to sell itself? Then billionaires couldn’t control our government. How about that?
The technocracy rules you. This is the "enormous harm."

The merging of state and corporate power is fascism. It is not left or right. Silicon Valley and their products now will determine who is president. If you use Amazon or Big Tech? You are giving them the power to tell you who the president will be. They liked Joe Biden. Congrats.

". . . Pachikov, as mentioned, is better known as a co-founder of Evernote. Evernote’s founding CEO and current chairman, Phil Libin, has developed close ties to Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman. Pachikov, like many in Silicon Valley, is an avid transhumanist who continues to promote the use and development of brain implants to “improve memory” and “dreams of immortality by uploading all memories to artificial intelligence.” In fact, Pachikov’s original vision for Evernote was of a brain-machine interface that would allow a user to “remember everything.” In a piece for Evernote’s blog written by Pamela Rosen, Pachikov denotes his belief that “future technology [will exist] as a literal physical extension of the human brain, perhaps as an embedded chip,” with Pachikov adding that “we have no choice” when it comes to merging the human body with machines. “It’s just another type of integration,” he asserts. . . ."

You are engaging in what is known as reduction strategies, to reduced your cognitive dissonance.

Whatever gets you through the night, all right, all right.

" Change the behavior or the cognition ("I'll eat no more of this doughnut.")
Justify the behavior or the cognition, by changing the conflicting cognition ("I'm allowed to cheat my diet every once in a while.")
Justify the behavior or the cognition by adding new behaviors or cognitions ("I'll spend thirty extra minutes at the gymnasium to work off the doughnut.")
Ignore or deny information that conflicts with existing beliefs ("This doughnut is not a high-sugar food.")

Three cognitive biases are components of dissonance theory. The bias where one feels they do not have any biases. The bias where one is "better, kinder, smarter, more moral and nicer than average" and the confirmation bias.[18] "
Well, all I can say is that if everyone were like me the world would be a wonderful place. :up:
I guess you may never understand, but let’s try again. When government allows itself to be bought, billionaires buy it. Naturally this results in billionaires attaining enormous power over the people. Wouldn’t it be great if government wasn’t allowed to sell itself? Then billionaires couldn’t control our government. How about that?
How would that come about? Corrupt, tyrannical rule is the norm throughout history. It seems that we are just returning to normal.
You are engaging in what is known as reduction strategies, to reduced your cognitive dissonance.
I know what's going on. I just roll with it and keep a low profile. I owned and managed an apartment building for 18 years. Did my own taxes, never was audited.
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Well, all I can say is that if everyone were like me the world would be a wonderful place. :up:
But no one would know that they are all automatons. :dunno:

I had already read that book. . . sounded like a nightmare to me, TBH.

YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

Irony is special
But no one would know that they are all automatons. :dunno:

I had already read that book. . . sounded like a nightmare to me, TBH.

Most are already automatons. Curiously it might have started with Henry Ford's assembly line.
If a lib poll worker brings in a box of mail in ballots in the middle of the night, all signed on the outside by the same hand, and all voting for biden, its impossible to prove after the election is over
Huh? Why would that be "impossible to prove"?

Not that it happened or is likely to out here in the real world, but assuming your paranoid fantasy was to come true it would be easy to prove it happened even after the fact.
No, when Trump is president next year, he will be able to do that. He is also going to get the economy and inflation on track his first day. I can't wait! Biden is killing ordinary Americans.
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And how is Cheeto Jesus gonna do that?
I simply have no use for people like you. I don't hate anyone but I do hate people like want to dictate the way we live.
Bullshit. I've seen your posts. You hate everybody. Even yourself.
How would that come about? Corrupt, tyrannical rule is the norm throughout history. It seems that we are just returning to normal.
Very simply. Eliminate all private money given to political parties and politicians. Only public funds subject to strict rules.

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