Where did this guy get the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom stall?

PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
If I were on the jury they better prove the victim had mental issues that prevented him from knowing what he was doing otherwise NOT GUILTY.

There is no wiggle room when it comes to children, especially little girls.
even if he did, how would the father know? i get what you're saying in relation to a reason why he may have done this, but there's simply no way the father could have known this. do we excuse bad behavior anymore "just in case"?

could be an interesting trial.
The article never says the man entered the girls restroom because he was transgender or identified as a woman. This sounds like a basic sexual assault case. Hence the Dad's reaction. I can understand why the dad was angry, but you can't take the law into your own hands. The charges sound correct.
Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

The 40-year-old was waiting in the parking lot to pick up his daughter and two friends when Armstrong approached him asking for money. Harris gave him some change and Armstrong went into the store.

Well, I don’t think he should be charged with murder. Do you?
PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
So, let's be clear:

Violent sexual criminals, i.e. felons who may face life in prison, have, up until now, been held at bay by the fear of getting written a ticket for entering the women's bathroom.

It makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

No, I think people "before" would have been arrested. Now it seems that men are getting the idea that it's acceptable to enter a woman's facilities. I may be wrong, but unit this whole cross-dressing thing became an issue with the last administration, I don't recall a story like this. Men just went to men's rooms and women the same. Men understood that it could be trouble if they did enter a female restroom.

Sounds like PC at its finest.
he will be charged and convicted of murder cause that is the crime he committed....the event he was reacting to was over..his daughter was safe...store security was dealing with it.....he just went bat shit crazy...he may get off with manslaughter...but he was wrong
Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

The 40-year-old was waiting in the parking lot to pick up his daughter and two friends when Armstrong approached him asking for money. Harris gave him some change and Armstrong went into the store.

Well, I don’t think he should be charged with murder. Do you?
It is not self defense or defense of another.

The incident had already happened and his kid was in no danger at the time he beat the other guy to death
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Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

The 40-year-old was waiting in the parking lot to pick up his daughter and two friends when Armstrong approached him asking for money. Harris gave him some change and Armstrong went into the store.

Well, I don’t think he should be charged with murder. Do you?

He might still get negligent homicide, involuntary manslaughter, or at least assault charges.
With honest law abiding citizens, they tend to try their best to cooperate with authorities to settle on what is fair.

Imagine if a police officer confronted someone this way, without due process before issuing judgment or punishment.
That officer would be cited for not following civil procedures, and possibly abuse of excessive force.

If the man was "impaired" due to drunkenness or drugs, or had a mental disorder,
those are also legally considered "mitigating" factors in whether someone had criminal intent or mental or legal competence to
be held responsible for their misconduct, abuse or crimes.

Would it be okay for a citizen to beat to death a mentally ill homeless person?

If the father felt threatened, he has the right to self-defense.
Also, in some states and some cases, the "passion" argument has been similarly
been used as a "mitigating" factor in why the father acted outside the normal limits.

There is controversy over men who "panic" at being kissed, harassed or hit on by gay men
and this argument was used as a defense in at least one case of murder recently.

So what if the father "panicked" and was not acting rationally.
If that was considered a natural response given the threat to this man's daughter,
that might be considered an equally "mitigating" circumstance.

It could have easily have been the other way around.
Like the case of the man defending his girlfriend who was the one ending up dead.

Either way, this could be either involuntary manslaughter or negligent homicide.

To prevent such confrontations from escalating and becoming dangerous or deadly,
this is why I recommend that all citizens work with police to establish one standard
process that everyone agrees to follow, so everyone knows the steps and can confirm
who is complying and who is getting abusive or violent.
he will be charged and convicted of murder cause that is the crime he committed....the event he was reacting to was over..his daughter was safe...store security was dealing with it.....he just went bat shit crazy...he may get off with manslaughter...but he was wrong

Dear strollingbones
What kind of crazy:
1. if he is legally or mentally incompetent is he liable for his conduct?
2. If he is TEMPORARILY impaired of normal judgment and control due to "passion" or "fear for his daughter's safety"
if protective instincts or adrenalin set in, is this an act of passion that could have mitigating factors?
3. if he knew what he did was illegal and he KNEW right from wrong and willfully broke the law, that's different too.

If you were the man or his lawyer what would you suggest?
If you were the jury which argument(s) would you accept or reject?
If you were the dead man's family, which argument would you forgive or not forgive?
PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
So, let's be clear:

Violent sexual criminals, i.e. felons who may face life in prison, have, up until now, been held at bay by the fear of getting written a ticket for entering the women's bathroom.

It makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.
A major Democrat plank in their fucked up tent is to encourage men to invade women's/little girls space. Rest rooms, locker rooms, etc. It is an Democrat plan officially endorsed and codified.

I don't think Rump is a "Democrat". Nor, to put oneself in the bizzaro position of defending the orange cretin, has he "encouraged" others to do what he does. He simply said he "gets away with it".
o i dont buy the bat shit crazy defense at all....that defense will be his defense i am willing to bet....

but now days kicking a negro to death is being accepted
he will be charged and convicted of murder cause that is the crime he committed....the event he was reacting to was over..his daughter was safe...store security was dealing with it.....he just went bat shit crazy...he may get off with manslaughter...but he was wrong

^^^ This is correct. ^^^

Anyone saying the father did the right thing is speaking on pure emotion and doesn't understand the law.
nothing wrong with girls stalls, I've been in lots of them. They look just. like guys stalls.


They tend to have fewer urinals.

Also they're way cleaner and have lounges and palm fronds and a wet bar.
I would love to be a member of the jury for his trial.

I'd vote Not Guilty on all counts. ..... :cool:
You didn't ask about anything having to do with ages, or about "adults". What you posted here, and I'm quoting you, was "what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom". To which I gave you an example of a guy who thinks it's okay to walk into a girls' locker room. So upon reading the question I immediately thought of the obvious and was surprised nobody already said it.

Not rocket surgery here. You're flailing.

No, you're failing because this is a typical liberal tactic: trying to equate something that's not even close.

If you're against affirmative action, you are for bringing back slavery.
If you're against disarming the public, you're for children getting killed.
If you're against government mandated school lunches, you're for kids getting fat and unhealthy.

You leftists do this all the time. So once again, going into an adult dressing room is not the same as going into a female rest room and trying to get in a kids stall.

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. You sit here plugging in all this "transgender" happy horseshit on the basis of absolutely nothing except what you wish the story said. COME THE FUCK OFF IT.

Moreover the word was flailing. Learn to read.

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