Where did this guy get the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom stall?

o i dont buy the bat shit crazy defense at all....that defense will be his defense i am willing to bet....

but now days kicking a negro to death is being accepted
I love how you make this a racist point. It was a black guy who killed someone for fucking with his daughter. And he didn't just go in, he tried to break into his daughter's stall. Maybe you like kids being raped, we're not into that. Wait you love kids being raped say on the border because your masters told you so. #MAGA

Dad beats to death man who followed daughter into bathroom stall

"An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Harris’ daughter came out of the store and told her father that a man tried to enter her bathroom stall by violently shaking the door, police said. She said she told the employees who alerted the security guard.

She then identified Armstrong as the alleged harasser when she spotted him walking out of the store.

Possibly thinking not enough was being done, Harris approached the security guard and told him to “take care of the situation, or he would do it himself.” The guard said the incident was being handled.

The protective father, however, confronted Armstrong about the incident and then attacked him, authorities said. Witnesses told police Harris repeatedly stomped, punched and kicked the man.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

Armstrong reportedly also had a criminal history that included shoplifting, trespassing and obstructing justice."

Do we chalk this one up to the insane liberal policies / agenda of wanting to allow pervs like Armstrong to freely enter the bathroom with women / our wives and daughters?

Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

I support this guy. The democrats create this issue. They will defend anything that immoral and it's gonna get people killed like in this instance.
I would love to be a member of the jury for his trial.

I'd vote Not Guilty on all counts. ..... :cool:

So you're for vigilante justice? That's a complete disaster waiting to happen. You're giving a free pass to kill to every parent who feels their child has been wronged. It appears the girl was never assaulted and we don't know why he was trying to get into the stall. No doubt as a father I'd be angry. But really? That gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I don't think so.

Dad beats to death man who followed daughter into bathroom stall

"An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Harris’ daughter came out of the store and told her father that a man tried to enter her bathroom stall by violently shaking the door, police said. She said she told the employees who alerted the security guard.

She then identified Armstrong as the alleged harasser when she spotted him walking out of the store.

Possibly thinking not enough was being done, Harris approached the security guard and told him to “take care of the situation, or he would do it himself.” The guard said the incident was being handled.

The protective father, however, confronted Armstrong about the incident and then attacked him, authorities said. Witnesses told police Harris repeatedly stomped, punched and kicked the man.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

Armstrong reportedly also had a criminal history that included shoplifting, trespassing and obstructing justice."

Do we chalk this one up to the insane liberal policies / agenda of wanting to allow pervs like Armstrong to freely enter the bathroom with women / our wives and daughters?

Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

Good for the father. One less pervert predator

Dad beats to death man who followed daughter into bathroom stall

"An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Harris’ daughter came out of the store and told her father that a man tried to enter her bathroom stall by violently shaking the door, police said. She said she told the employees who alerted the security guard.

She then identified Armstrong as the alleged harasser when she spotted him walking out of the store.

Possibly thinking not enough was being done, Harris approached the security guard and told him to “take care of the situation, or he would do it himself.” The guard said the incident was being handled.

The protective father, however, confronted Armstrong about the incident and then attacked him, authorities said. Witnesses told police Harris repeatedly stomped, punched and kicked the man.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

Armstrong reportedly also had a criminal history that included shoplifting, trespassing and obstructing justice."

Do we chalk this one up to the insane liberal policies / agenda of wanting to allow pervs like Armstrong to freely enter the bathroom with women / our wives and daughters?

Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

Good for the father. One less pervert predator

Bingo, the left loves criminals.......they'll make the dead guy into a saint
Republicans never took this issue seriously. They never had a plan for patrolling the potties, and so there is blood on their hands.
The only issue I have with this....did the father assault him with JUST his daughter's ID'ing the man? A man on the other side of a bathroom stall door? I hope there was confirmation before he beat him. (If there was, I would have done the same)
So you're for vigilante justice? That's a complete disaster waiting to happen. You're giving a free pass to kill to every parent who feels their child has been wronged. It appears the girl was never assaulted and we don't know why he was trying to get into the stall. No doubt as a father I'd be angry. But really? That gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I don't think so.
A pervert got a dirt nap.

The father should get a medal. ... :thup:
I support this guy. The democrats create this issue. They will defend anything that immoral and it's gonna get people killed like in this instance.
"The democrats create this issue".....you mean there was no hetero males assaulting girls/women in restrooms before hand?

This happened in deep red Arizona . How is this the libs fault ?

Dad beats to death man who followed daughter into bathroom stall

"An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Harris’ daughter came out of the store and told her father that a man tried to enter her bathroom stall by violently shaking the door, police said. She said she told the employees who alerted the security guard.

She then identified Armstrong as the alleged harasser when she spotted him walking out of the store.

Possibly thinking not enough was being done, Harris approached the security guard and told him to “take care of the situation, or he would do it himself.” The guard said the incident was being handled.

The protective father, however, confronted Armstrong about the incident and then attacked him, authorities said. Witnesses told police Harris repeatedly stomped, punched and kicked the man.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

Armstrong reportedly also had a criminal history that included shoplifting, trespassing and obstructing justice."

Do we chalk this one up to the insane liberal policies / agenda of wanting to allow pervs like Armstrong to freely enter the bathroom with women / our wives and daughters?

Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

Good for the father. One less pervert predator

Bingo, the left loves criminals.......they'll make the dead guy into a saint

The left loves criminals ? You are cheering a guy acused of murder!
PHOENIX – Police say a man who tried to enter a teenage girl’s bathroom stall was confronted and killed by the girl’s father, KNXV reports.

According to Phoenix police, around 11:30 p.m. on August 2, 40-year-old Melvin Harris went to the QuikTrip near Dunlap and 19th avenues to pick up his teenage daughter and her friends.

A man, who would later become the victim, approached Harris’ car in the parking lot and asked for money. Harris gave him some money, and the man went into the QT.

Harris was later informed that a man tried to enter the bathroom stall his daughter was using. The teen told an employee, who in turn alerted an on-duty security guard.

Man who followed teen into restroom is beaten to death by girl’s father, police say

If you don't read the story, the ending is not very good. The father met the guy outside and beat him severely eventually causing his death. Now the protective father is facing second degree murder charges.

So question one: what gave this guy the idea it was okay to go into a girls restroom and even her stall?

Question two: would that have been okay had he been wearing a dress?

Question three: Assuming the charges will lead to a conviction, would a jury have more compassion for the intruder if he was wearing a dress?

I think we set a very negative precedent here during the last administration.
So, let's be clear:

Violent sexual criminals, i.e. felons who may face life in prison, have, up until now, been held at bay by the fear of getting written a ticket for entering the women's bathroom.

It makes perfect sense, if you lobotomize yourself. Twice.

I think it's rather more that store employees USED to be willing to speak up and prevent men from entering the women's restroom before they became too afraid of being called "bigots". And predators feel emboldened by knowing that others are less willing to say anything.

In this case, though, that's a pretty busy QT, so it's probably more that the employees just didn't see it. And it doesn't sound like this guy needed any emboldening in the first place.
I support this guy. The democrats create this issue. They will defend anything that immoral and it's gonna get people killed like in this instance.
"The democrats create this issue".....you mean there was no hetero males assaulting girls/women in restrooms before hand?
No, but it made it harder and people noticed it....by removing that it will be normal and shit will go on in restrooms like this......you're making a normal idea of sex segregated restrooms into a huge problem, just so you can push your trans bullshit onto people. This shows WHY we should not have men in womens restrooms

Dad beats to death man who followed daughter into bathroom stall

"An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Harris’ daughter came out of the store and told her father that a man tried to enter her bathroom stall by violently shaking the door, police said. She said she told the employees who alerted the security guard.

She then identified Armstrong as the alleged harasser when she spotted him walking out of the store.

Possibly thinking not enough was being done, Harris approached the security guard and told him to “take care of the situation, or he would do it himself.” The guard said the incident was being handled.

The protective father, however, confronted Armstrong about the incident and then attacked him, authorities said. Witnesses told police Harris repeatedly stomped, punched and kicked the man.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

Armstrong reportedly also had a criminal history that included shoplifting, trespassing and obstructing justice."

Do we chalk this one up to the insane liberal policies / agenda of wanting to allow pervs like Armstrong to freely enter the bathroom with women / our wives and daughters?

Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

Good for the father. One less pervert predator

Bingo, the left loves criminals.......they'll make the dead guy into a saint

The left loves criminals ? You are cheering a guy acused of murder!
Interesting to see you would not take up for your daughter....

Fuck that dead guy. I have long said child predators should be castrated upon conviction.

Truth be told they all deserve to be murdered.

Dad beats to death man who followed daughter into bathroom stall

"An Arizona father decided to “take care of a situation” his own way when he killed a man who attempted to enter a bathroom stall his daughter was in, police said.

Harris’ daughter came out of the store and told her father that a man tried to enter her bathroom stall by violently shaking the door, police said. She said she told the employees who alerted the security guard.

She then identified Armstrong as the alleged harasser when she spotted him walking out of the store.

Possibly thinking not enough was being done, Harris approached the security guard and told him to “take care of the situation, or he would do it himself.” The guard said the incident was being handled.

The protective father, however, confronted Armstrong about the incident and then attacked him, authorities said. Witnesses told police Harris repeatedly stomped, punched and kicked the man.

Melvin Harris III faces a second-degree murder charge in the beating death of Leon Leevon Armstrong, AZFamily.com reported on Tuesday. Harris was taken into custody earlier this month after the deadly encounter at a QuikTrip convenience store in Phoenix involving his 16-year-old daughter.

Armstrong reportedly also had a criminal history that included shoplifting, trespassing and obstructing justice."

Do we chalk this one up to the insane liberal policies / agenda of wanting to allow pervs like Armstrong to freely enter the bathroom with women / our wives and daughters?

Arizona father beats, kills man who followed his daughter into bathroom stall, police say

Good for the father. One less pervert predator

Bingo, the left loves criminals.......they'll make the dead guy into a saint

The left loves criminals ? You are cheering a guy acused of murder!
The guy tried to rape his daughter, I don't see murder. Don't fuck with people's kids like that. If they guy did succeed and rape the girl, you still wouldn't support this man......that's the truth.
So you're for vigilante justice? That's a complete disaster waiting to happen. You're giving a free pass to kill to every parent who feels their child has been wronged. It appears the girl was never assaulted and we don't know why he was trying to get into the stall. No doubt as a father I'd be angry. But really? That gives him the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I don't think so.
A pervert got a dirt nap.

The father should get a medal. ... :thup:

You're willing to buy a lot from shreds of hearsay in an obscure story aintchya.

Thank you for not being a juror.

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