Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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Abolition of slavery timeline

1850: In the United States, the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 requires return of escaped slaves
1851: New Granada (Colombia) abolishes slavery[38]
1852: The Hawaiian Kingdom abolishes kauwa system of serfdom.[46]
1853: Argentina abolishes slavery when promulgating the 1853 Constitution
1854: Peru abolishes slavery[21]
1854: Venezuela abolishes slavery[21][38]
1855: Moldavia partially abolishes slavery.[47]
1856: Wallachia partially abolishes slavery.[47]
1860: Indenture system abolished within British-occupied India.
1861: Russia frees its serfs in the Emancipation reform of 1861.[48]
1862: Treaty between United States and Britain for the suppression of the slave trade (African Slave Trade Treaty Act).[37]
1862: Cuba abolishes slave trade[21]
1863: Slavery abolished in Dutch colonies.[49]
1863: In the United States, Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation which declared slaves in Confederate-controlled areas to be freed. Most slaves in "border states" are freed by state action; separate law freed the slaves in Washington, D.C.
1865: December: U.S. abolishes slavery with the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; about 40,000 remaining slaves are affected.[50]
1866: Slavery abolished in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).[51]
1869 (February, 27th) – Portugal: King Louis signs a decree of the government, chaired by the Marquis Sá da Bandeira, abolishing slavery in all Portuguese territories.
1869: Portugal abolishes slavery in the African colonies
1871: Brazil Rio Branco Law declares free the sons and daughters born to slave mothers after 28 September 1871.[52]
1873: Slavery abolished in Puerto Rico
1873: Treaty between Britain and Zanzibar and Madagascar to suppress slave trade[37]
1874: Britain abolishes slavery in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), following its annexation in 1874.[53]
1882: Ottoman firman abolishes all forms of slavery, white or black.[54]
1885: Brazil passes Sexagenarian Law freeing all slaves over the age of 60.
1886: Slavery abolished in Cuba[21]
1888: May, 13th Brazil passes Golden Law, abolishing slavery without indemnities to slaveowners or aid to newly freed slaves.[55]
1890: Brussels Conference Act – a collection of anti-slavery measures to put an end to the slave trade on land and sea especially in the Congo Basin, the Ottoman Empire and the East African coast
1894: Korea officially abolishes slavery, but it survives in practice until 1930.[56]
1896: France abolishes slavery in Madagascar
1897: Zanzibar abolishes slavery[57] following its becoming a British protectorate
1899: France abolishes slavery in Ndzuwani

None of those countries murdered 650,000 individuals in order to "free" the slaves.


Yeah it's a real shame the South seceded and started that war huh?

Lincoln started the war, asshole.

Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.
^^^ Chief apologist for the Know Nothing Caucus. #teabagger

While lamenting the situation northern newspaper editors felt that South Carolina had the constitutional right to secede. He famously said “Godspeed” and “let them go”

Horace Greeley
The NY Times then known as The New York Herald

Who gives a shit?

Taxpayers , producers , freemen .....those who do not depend on the welfare state for their subsistence.

The editor of the NY Times believed that it was UNethical to force the individuals residing in those states to remain in the union.

Yeah it's a real shame the South seceded and started that war huh?

Lincoln started the war, asshole.

Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.

And thousands died for that decision. People that would have lived if the country had split.

What will happen when the next secession movement begins? what will happen when half of the states get fed up with the federal government stealing their money and then wasting it?

this country is at a turning point. 2014 and 2016 will decide which way it goes.
Lincoln started the war, asshole.

Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.

And thousands died for that decision. People that would have lived if the country had split.

What will happen when the next secession movement begins? what will happen when half of the states get fed up with the federal government stealing their money and then wasting it?

this country is at a turning point. 2014 and 2016 will decide which way it goes.

I agree, it was a really stupid decision to try and secede from the Union like that.

No_Reply_Jones is a Lawyer?....

Claims to be. And I think he is, though not a very good one. He knows how to look of cases and how precedence works. He has some familiarity with the legal process.

He's either a personal injury attorney, or a clerk for the ACLU.

he doesnt have much of an open mind for different views.....at least George Costanza has questioned some things said by lefties here and has attempted to set them straight on some things....but Jones?....never....i would think a good Lawyer would look at the whole picture instead of just one side,Jones just looks at the left side and nothing else....
Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.

And thousands died for that decision. People that would have lived if the country had split.

What will happen when the next secession movement begins? what will happen when half of the states get fed up with the federal government stealing their money and then wasting it?

this country is at a turning point. 2014 and 2016 will decide which way it goes.

I agree, it was a really stupid decision to try and secede from the Union like that.


Any idiot say can something is stupid when he has the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.
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Yeah it's a real shame the South seceded and started that war huh?

Lincoln started the war, asshole.

Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.

That's same kind of stupid argument as when your older brother tells mom that you made him hit you when you wouldn't let him play with your toys.

Lincoln is the one who ordered the invasion of the Confederacy and trespassing on the territory of South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

Lincoln is entirely responsible.
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Lincoln started the war, asshole.

Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.

That's same kind of stupid argument as when your older brother tells mom that you made him hit you when you wouldn't let him play with your toys.

Lincoln is the one who ordered the invasion of the Confederacy and trespassing on the territory of South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

Lincoln is entirely responsible.

The southern traitors have no one to blame but themselves for the destruction the war caused.
Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.

That's same kind of stupid argument as when your older brother tells mom that you made him hit you when you wouldn't let him play with your toys.

Lincoln is the one who ordered the invasion of the Confederacy and trespassing on the territory of South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

Lincoln is entirely responsible.

The southern traitors have no one to blame but themselves for the destruction the war caused.

Lincoln caused the destruction, moron. He gave the orders to occupy Fort Sumter and to invade Virginia.
The only state that saw a sharp decline was Delaware and they never had a huge population anyway. Maryland declined slightly.

Total Slave Population in United States, by State

Personally I think slavery in the South would have lasted into the 20th century.

Abolition of slavery timeline

1850: In the United States, the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 requires return of escaped slaves
1851: New Granada (Colombia) abolishes slavery[38]
1852: The Hawaiian Kingdom abolishes kauwa system of serfdom.[46]
1853: Argentina abolishes slavery when promulgating the 1853 Constitution
1854: Peru abolishes slavery[21]
1854: Venezuela abolishes slavery[21][38]
1855: Moldavia partially abolishes slavery.[47]
1856: Wallachia partially abolishes slavery.[47]
1860: Indenture system abolished within British-occupied India.
1861: Russia frees its serfs in the Emancipation reform of 1861.[48]
1862: Treaty between United States and Britain for the suppression of the slave trade (African Slave Trade Treaty Act).[37]
1862: Cuba abolishes slave trade[21]
1863: Slavery abolished in Dutch colonies.[49]
1863: In the United States, Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation which declared slaves in Confederate-controlled areas to be freed. Most slaves in "border states" are freed by state action; separate law freed the slaves in Washington, D.C.
1865: December: U.S. abolishes slavery with the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; about 40,000 remaining slaves are affected.[50]
1866: Slavery abolished in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).[51]
1869 (February, 27th) – Portugal: King Louis signs a decree of the government, chaired by the Marquis Sá da Bandeira, abolishing slavery in all Portuguese territories.
1869: Portugal abolishes slavery in the African colonies
1871: Brazil Rio Branco Law declares free the sons and daughters born to slave mothers after 28 September 1871.[52]
1873: Slavery abolished in Puerto Rico
1873: Treaty between Britain and Zanzibar and Madagascar to suppress slave trade[37]
1874: Britain abolishes slavery in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), following its annexation in 1874.[53]
1882: Ottoman firman abolishes all forms of slavery, white or black.[54]
1885: Brazil passes Sexagenarian Law freeing all slaves over the age of 60.
1886: Slavery abolished in Cuba[21]
1888: May, 13th Brazil passes Golden Law, abolishing slavery without indemnities to slaveowners or aid to newly freed slaves.[55]
1890: Brussels Conference Act – a collection of anti-slavery measures to put an end to the slave trade on land and sea especially in the Congo Basin, the Ottoman Empire and the East African coast
1894: Korea officially abolishes slavery, but it survives in practice until 1930.[56]
1896: France abolishes slavery in Madagascar
1897: Zanzibar abolishes slavery[57] following its becoming a British protectorate
1899: France abolishes slavery in Ndzuwani

None of those countries murdered 650,000 individuals in order to "free" the slaves.


Yeah it's a real shame the South seceded and started that war huh?

650,000 individuals slaughtered , one of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in our nation's history.

Yet the scumbag , not John Wilkes Booth. has a monument in DC .

That's same kind of stupid argument as when your older brother tells mom that you made him hit you when you wouldn't let him play with your toys.

Lincoln is the one who ordered the invasion of the Confederacy and trespassing on the territory of South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

Lincoln is entirely responsible.

The southern traitors have no one to blame but themselves for the destruction the war caused.

Lincoln caused the destruction, moron. He gave the orders to occupy Fort Sumter and to invade Virginia.

Major Anderson relocated his command to Sumter under President Buchanan soon after South Carolina seceded. The move was approved by then Sec. of War. It was months later that Jefferson Davis ordered Gen. Beauregard to shell the fort if Anderson refused to surrender the Fort. That was in response to Lincoln's attempt to resupply the Fort with provisions only. The re-supply ships had not reach the Fort when the first shots were fired.
Abolition of slavery timeline

1850: In the United States, the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 requires return of escaped slaves
1851: New Granada (Colombia) abolishes slavery[38]
1852: The Hawaiian Kingdom abolishes kauwa system of serfdom.[46]
1853: Argentina abolishes slavery when promulgating the 1853 Constitution
1854: Peru abolishes slavery[21]
1854: Venezuela abolishes slavery[21][38]
1855: Moldavia partially abolishes slavery.[47]
1856: Wallachia partially abolishes slavery.[47]
1860: Indenture system abolished within British-occupied India.
1861: Russia frees its serfs in the Emancipation reform of 1861.[48]
1862: Treaty between United States and Britain for the suppression of the slave trade (African Slave Trade Treaty Act).[37]
1862: Cuba abolishes slave trade[21]
1863: Slavery abolished in Dutch colonies.[49]
1863: In the United States, Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation which declared slaves in Confederate-controlled areas to be freed. Most slaves in "border states" are freed by state action; separate law freed the slaves in Washington, D.C.
1865: December: U.S. abolishes slavery with the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; about 40,000 remaining slaves are affected.[50]
1866: Slavery abolished in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).[51]
1869 (February, 27th) – Portugal: King Louis signs a decree of the government, chaired by the Marquis Sá da Bandeira, abolishing slavery in all Portuguese territories.
1869: Portugal abolishes slavery in the African colonies
1871: Brazil Rio Branco Law declares free the sons and daughters born to slave mothers after 28 September 1871.[52]
1873: Slavery abolished in Puerto Rico
1873: Treaty between Britain and Zanzibar and Madagascar to suppress slave trade[37]
1874: Britain abolishes slavery in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), following its annexation in 1874.[53]
1882: Ottoman firman abolishes all forms of slavery, white or black.[54]
1885: Brazil passes Sexagenarian Law freeing all slaves over the age of 60.
1886: Slavery abolished in Cuba[21]
1888: May, 13th Brazil passes Golden Law, abolishing slavery without indemnities to slaveowners or aid to newly freed slaves.[55]
1890: Brussels Conference Act – a collection of anti-slavery measures to put an end to the slave trade on land and sea especially in the Congo Basin, the Ottoman Empire and the East African coast
1894: Korea officially abolishes slavery, but it survives in practice until 1930.[56]
1896: France abolishes slavery in Madagascar
1897: Zanzibar abolishes slavery[57] following its becoming a British protectorate
1899: France abolishes slavery in Ndzuwani

None of those countries murdered 650,000 individuals in order to "free" the slaves.


Yeah it's a real shame the South seceded and started that war huh?

650,000 individuals slaughtered , one of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in our nation's history.

Yet the scumbag , not John Wilkes Booth. has a monument in DC .


There's a monument to Jefferson Davis in DC. Wow. Who knew?
The southern traitors have no one to blame but themselves for the destruction the war caused.

Lincoln caused the destruction, moron. He gave the orders to occupy Fort Sumter and to invade Virginia.

Major Anderson relocated his command to Sumter under President Buchanan soon after South Carolina seceded. The move was approved by then Sec. of War. It was months later that Jefferson Davis ordered Gen. Beauregard to shell the fort if Anderson refused to surrender the Fort. That was in response to Lincoln's attempt to resupply the Fort with provisions only. The re-supply ships had not reach the Fort when the first shots were fired.

Refusing to remove federal troops from the territory of South Carolina was an act of war. So was the attempt to resupply it. Those ships had to intrude on the territorial waters of South Carolina to resupply it.

Hitler used the same technique when he sent troops into the Danzig corridor, and Polish troops then fired on them. Hitler claimed the Poles fired first, so they were the aggressors. Hitler was a dedicated student of Lincoln's methods.
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Lincoln went to war to preserve the Union not abolish slavery. Secession started it.

And thousands died for that decision. People that would have lived if the country had split.

What will happen when the next secession movement begins? what will happen when half of the states get fed up with the federal government stealing their money and then wasting it?

this country is at a turning point. 2014 and 2016 will decide which way it goes.

I agree, it was a really stupid decision to try and secede from the Union like that.


LOL, nice try, but you either totally missed the point, or ignored it because you have no response.
And thousands died for that decision. People that would have lived if the country had split.

What will happen when the next secession movement begins? what will happen when half of the states get fed up with the federal government stealing their money and then wasting it?

this country is at a turning point. 2014 and 2016 will decide which way it goes.

I agree, it was a really stupid decision to try and secede from the Union like that.


LOL, nice try, but you either totally missed the point, or ignored it because you have no response.

Like all the brainwashed members of the Lincoln cult, he just keeps repeating the same old exploded arguments over and over again. Refute one, and he regurgitates another. Refute that one, and he regurgitates another. Refute that one and he goes back to blabbering the first argument.

Round and round we go on the carpetbagger wheel of circular logic.

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