Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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I support people who think a state should secede from the United States, gather up their belongings and leave the United States.

Somehow, they never seem to actually leave
You could have said the same about the founding fathers before the Revolutionary War.... "somehow, they never seem to fight back," but they eventually did, didn't they, idiot.

No dick breath;

You have a bunch of idiots here who state they would leave the US in a heartbeat but never seem to leave despite the repeated "threats" to do so. Nothing is keeping them here and nobody will miss them of course but somehow they can't muster the courage to back it up.

The founding fathers left when they said they were going to leave. History tells the tale of John Hancock signing his name large enough so King Henry could read it without his glasses. Those men were signing their death warrants.

The "men" here who say they are ready to bolt are worried about not being able to eat at Little Caesars 5 nights a week.
I want to let everyone here know that this thread has been awarded the Golden Dunce Hat Award, for being the stupidiist thread on the board today! Congratulations!
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

If you want success move to Texas.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

I say you are a butthurt whiner who is upset that your party can't stay away from elevating idiots to positions of national prominence.

I also say that you cannot be considered a serious opponent in a discussion involving politics if you do not know the difference between secession and succession.

I'm sorry I made you cry man. Here's a hanky. And wow, what an intellectual powerhouse, you nailed me on spelling. You're a smack talking God. What can I say, I majored in math. Sure, I didn't learn to spell, but I never had to ask in my first job, "would you like fries with that" like all the people who got a BA.
ALL marxists are socialists but not all socialists are marxists

Agreed. Socialism is an economic system. Marxism adds the political side to it. Sweden and the USSR are both socialist, but clearly Sweden was not Marxist.

The Democrats are Marxist. There is virtually no difference between the planks of the Manifesto and the Democratic Party platform, and they even use the same rhetoric.
This matter was settled in the 1860s. The Confederacy lost. We're a Union. Get used to it.

I believe that they are demanding a rematch.

More advanced weapons, IED's , the conviction to be free, now Texas is a powerhouse which can easily defeat any of the sissified states in Yankeeland.


Who would want to fight to keep Texas? Maybe fight to make sure it leaves, sure.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

I'd love to see them try.

California could easily be split into two states. The southern more conservative side would keep the farmland (and I would vote to starve the morons in the north to the point they plead to be sent to china).
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

That people like you would move out of the US makes me wish a state would secede!
From the link above, which redefines socialism inaccurately to further less than noble aims.

Different self-described socialists have used the term socialism to refer to different things, such as an economic system, a type of society, a philosophical outlook, a collection of moral values and ideals, or even a certain kind of human character.

Socialism is "a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." https://www.google.com/#q=socialism+definition

If that had been tried in a government, history, economic, etc, class in college, the argument would have failed on definition of terms.

Words have meanings, and you, edgetho, don't get to change the meanings.

Socialism is a centrally planned economy. Marxism, crony capitalism, fascism and other forms of government dominated economic decisions are all just variations of socialism.

Capitalism is economic freedom where producers, consumers and employees make their own choices and drive economic efficiency.

Socialism makes the people who run government rich. Capitalism makes the people who make good choices rich. The difference is simple.

Yes it is. For the simple minded and those challenged by reality.
This matter was settled in the 1860s. The Confederacy lost. We're a Union. Get used to it.

I believe that they are demanding a rematch.

More advanced weapons, IED's , the conviction to be free, now Texas is a powerhouse which can easily defeat any of the sissified states in Yankeeland.


The Feds own the big guns. If you secede, you don't get to keep them.

The so-called confederate states learned that one, didn't they? :lol:
California is the world's ninth largest economy.

Google it if don't believe me.

You know Google! That Silicon Valley company with big bucks.
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It's a hell of alot harder in the global economy if the 21st century the the 18th century.

If Texas and a few States went with us, then we would be one of the largest economies in the world. We would soon pass the Workers paradise we left behind.

Despite the bitterness that many leftists are expressing, the Countries would also be close economically and militarily and in other ways as well. We would just be a lot richer than you.

You are full of shit.
Every one of these States would immidiateley be in a recession. The feseral governtment would immidiatly cut highway and airport funding, reposess or shut down federal bases which pump billions into local economies. What are you idiots going to do about healthcare, disaster relief, social security?

Your premise is built on the assumption your beloved Imperial Federal Government would continue to be able to take and consume as they do now. Actually, since we would immediately stop paying your confiscatory taxes for your socialist ends, after some initial turbulence our economy would soar while you're plummets as your golden goose has left your control.
Somehow, they never seem to actually leave
You could have said the same about the founding fathers before the Revolutionary War.... "somehow, they never seem to fight back," but they eventually did, didn't they, idiot.

No dick breath;

You have a bunch of idiots here who state they would leave the US in a heartbeat but never seem to leave despite the repeated "threats" to do so. Nothing is keeping them here and nobody will miss them of course but somehow they can't muster the courage to back it up.

The founding fathers left when they said they were going to leave. History tells the tale of John Hancock signing his name large enough so King Henry could read it without his glasses. Those men were signing their death warrants.

The "men" here who say they are ready to bolt are worried about not being able to eat at Little Caesars 5 nights a week.

No different nowadays.

The NSA has our computers IP addresses, reads our emails , listens to our phone calls -- why the fuck do you think we are seceding.


It's interesting that the arguments for are not really any different from those in 1860. Progressives are disenfranchising " conservatives", (i.e. rebels, and taking economic rights and political power from them are the radicals' grievances.

It's completely different. In 1860, the secessionists wanted to maintain slavery. Today, we want freedom from it. What you call progressives in 1860 where not socialists like the progressives are today.

No in 1860, we in the South did not want progressives to interfer with our right to our private property, e.g. our slaves. We did not want an influx of immigrants from europe, diluting our political power in terms of apportionment of senators, and we demanded an legal right to retain a 1-1 ratio of southern/northern senators.

It's the same.

Do you have an answer other than repeating what I said back to me with your racist crap that people are property?
You could have said the same about the founding fathers before the Revolutionary War.... "somehow, they never seem to fight back," but they eventually did, didn't they, idiot.

No dick breath;

You have a bunch of idiots here who state they would leave the US in a heartbeat but never seem to leave despite the repeated "threats" to do so. Nothing is keeping them here and nobody will miss them of course but somehow they can't muster the courage to back it up.

The founding fathers left when they said they were going to leave. History tells the tale of John Hancock signing his name large enough so King Henry could read it without his glasses. Those men were signing their death warrants.

The "men" here who say they are ready to bolt are worried about not being able to eat at Little Caesars 5 nights a week.

No different nowadays.

The NSA has our computers IP addresses, reads our emails , listens to our phone calls -- why the fuck do you think we are seceding.


A#1, you're not seceding.

A#2, the founders crossed an ocean after saving for years in most cases. You could catch a plane to any continent in the world (save for Antarctica) tomorrow for less than 10% of a yearly salary.

A#3, if the NSA gave two shits about you, you'd know it. Since you're going to reply, I'm guessing they have better things to do.
A#3, if the NSA gave two shits about you, you'd know it. Since you're going to reply, I'm guessing they have better things to do.

Ah. The old "if you are doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" fallacy! Our Founders are rollling in their graves.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

I'd love to see them try.

California could easily be split into two states. The southern more conservative side would keep the farmland (and I would vote to starve the morons in the north to the point they plead to be sent to china).

LOL, challenged by geography too, I see. The LA Basin and the City of Los Angeles are two things in reality: 1) liberal and 2) a desert. The Water in CA comes mostly from the North, and, next time you and others buy corn look and see where Brentwood, Contra Costa County, CA is located.

The Counties north of San Francisco are known world wide for the wines they produce, the coastal county to the south of SF produces Artichokes known world wide and to our far north - in the Emerald Triangle some of the best Marijuana is grown - soon to be the major cash crop in the US.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

If you want success move to Texas.

I do! Then let's successfully secede!
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

That people like you would move out of the US makes me wish a state would secede!


And me will take as many mes with me as me can.

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