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Where do you stand?

Where do you stand on the reaction to the decision in Ferguson?

  • I do not condone it. Civility above all.

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • I do condone it. They have a right to be heard.

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What is going on in Ferguson tonight has nothing to do "racial animosity". It's not about hating white people.

Where other factors could certainly play their part ... Your statement above is incorrect. If you had been watching live coverage of the events in Ferguson, you would have seen plenty of protesters saying exactly what they thought about white people.

What they said coupled with their choice in language made it very clear animosity was present as well.


I know a whole lot of white people out protesting right now.

So what ... You said racial animosity had nothing to do with what was happening ... And the people live on national television committing the crimes and rioting said things that directly prove you incorrect.

Don't argue with me about it ... Phone up the white folks you know protesting and tell them to inform their buddies they need to get back on script.

It's "stereotyping" to say that people looting and burning down businesses are likely to have a history of that sort of thing?

I took it as you labeling the voters as 'convicted felons.' There are those who came with the simple intention of protesting peacefully. That all went to hell when someone threw a bag of fake blood on the Police Chief. That was the epicenter of the entire thing. I saw a hell of a lot of people fleeing the scene; and not all of them planned to take part in the chaos that ensued.

What triggered the protests were a very long list of dead black kids leading up to Michael Brown.

I simply can't believe you are saying these kinds of things. You are too intelligent for that.

What triggered the violence is that a bunch of criminals realized that they could take advantage of a mob.

You're getting closer to the truth. But exploitation is only half the battle, the other part is psychological. You have to make them believe that what they are doing is justified.
Do you want me to go through a list of all the unarmed black men who've been killed by police in the last 10 years?

Do you want me to go through a list of racial talking points Democrats have used over the past six years? Racism was and still is their mantra. They have used it as a cudgel to beat people into submission. And you say they aren't responsible? They sure as hell are. That's the message they conveyed to the black community.
And you have yet to prove it. Take it as a challenge. Saying something is "racist" is a default position with no teeth, not an argument of substance.

I explained my reasoning directly below:

The entire idea that Black people are somehow being tricked into voting for Democrats is an unquestionably racist idea because it presupposes that Black people are stupid enough to be tricked in that way.

I didn't come up with the idea. I cannot believe you don't see what is happening. What is happening to them is a case of exploitation. They are playing on a victim mentality that goes back to the slavery days. My grandmother knew slaves who fled plantations down here before Jim Crow was abolished here in the South. Now, instead of being held as slaves by their white slave masters all those centuries ago; they are being held as slaves to a false ideology being foisted on them by a corrupt political party.

You're right, you didn't come up with it. There are a lot of people who make a living off repeating that sort of thing. It doesn't make it any less racist.

Don't you see how insulting that mindset is? As if you somehow know what's best for black people better than they do, and if only they'd listen to you they'd be smart too, but the evil Democrats have tricked them into being slaves?

That sort of mindset is one of the biggest reasons why Black people don't vote for Conservatives.

Yes it is. I would rather they think for themselves, not for Republicans not for Democrats or even Libertarians.

The audacity to claim that an entire race can't think for themselves simply because they don't agree with you is mindblowing to me.

For anyone to blindly follow a belief to their own detriment is sheer naivete and ignorance. Sheep to slaughter, lemmings off the cliff. Take your pick. It isn't limited to them (how many times must I say that?).

Again, where the fuck do you get the right to say that black people are "blindly following" any beliefs?

Actually, I was being tricked by the Republican Party. At one point I was a neo-Conservative who hung on every word they had to say. When I started pissing my friends and family off, I chose to re-evaluate my positions. Thus, I broke with the two party system for that reason.


When was the last time you voted for someone who wasn't a Republican in an actually competitive election?

I could likewise ask of you the same question.

It's not hard for me. For example, I don't think you've been "tricked" into being a Conservative.
Do you want me to go through a list of all the unarmed black men who've been killed by police in the last 10 years?

Do you want me to go through a list of racial talking points Democrats have used over the past six years? Racism was and still is their mantra. They have used it as a cudgel to beat people into submission. And you say they aren't responsible? They sure as hell are. That's the message they conveyed to the black community.

What you consider "racial talking points" are actually very real concerns that many millions of people have had for decades and decades. The fact that politicians are talking about it isn't causing it, it's reacting to it.

The "Black community" has been upset about this sort of thing for a lot longer than anyone's been talking about it on TV.
Don't you see how insulting that mindset is?

No. I never knew pointing out a fact would be racist or insulting. I don't see how they aren't personally insulted by the fact the people they vote for think they are dumb enough to fall for anything they say. Just how is that insulting?

Again, where the fuck do you get the right to say that black people are "blindly following" any beliefs?

For the same reason you believe I "wasn't tricked into being conservative."

The audacity to claim that an entire race can't think for themselves simply because they don't agree with you is mindblowing to me.

Your interpretation of reality is mindblowing. Where did I say "entire?" No sir. I don't think all black people can't think for themselves. Some of them refuse to. But not all of them.That is a matter of personal choice, not of my opinions. And no, it's not the just the ones who belong to the Republican Party. That there would be stupid.

As if you somehow know what's best for black people better than they do, and if only they'd listen to you they'd be smart too, but the evil Democrats have tricked them into being slaves?

Now you're just angry. Don't try to hide it and don't try to justify it. You're the one who seemingly thinks he knows what's 'best for black people.'

When was the last time you voted for someone who wasn't a Republican in an actually competitive election?

Actually the Mayor of my town actually. I've voted for her three times since 2010. The Sheriff was also a Democrat. He was the best Sheriff this town had ever known. I voted for him each time until he retired. Ironically, he was a black man. Those were highly contested elections mind you.

Now, I came really close to not voting at all this year. But I did. I voted for two Democrats as I always have. I thought not voting would be a great disservice to this country. It took it as a chance to tell my government that it had crossed a line.
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What you consider "racial talking points" are actually very real concerns that many millions of people have had for decades and decades. The fact that politicians are talking about it isn't causing it, it's reacting to it.

More spin. So you really think it is nothing new? Sure. These politicians are playing on the emotions of their constituents. They don't sit idly by, they actively base their campaigns on such a practice. The message is key. Keep telling a lie often enough and people will begin believing it.

The "Black community" has been upset about this sort of thing for a lot longer than anyone's been talking about it on TV.

Yeah, right. If that were true, do you think they would be angry at the Democrats instead, knowing what they stood for all those 'centuries' ago?
I am tired, and I would like to discontinue this discussion. I've got to help my grandmother with Thanksgiving preparation in the morning.

Good night Doc. You have your opinions and I have mine. No hard feelings, buddy?
No. I never knew pointing out a fact would be racist or insulting. I don't see how they are personally insulted by the fact the people they vote for think they are dumb enough to fall for anything they say. Just how is that insulting?

The people they vote for don't think they're dumb enough to fall for anything they say - you do.

The people they vote for actively court black voters, they don't brainwash them.

For the same reason you believe I "wasn't tricked into being conservative."

I really don't understand what you're trying to say here.

Your interpretation of reality is mindblowing. Where did I say "entire?" No sir. I don't think all black people can't think for themselves. Some of them refuse to. But not all of them.That is a matter of personal choice, not of my opinions. And no, it's not the just the ones who belong to the Republican Party. That there would be stupid.

"Most" isn't much better than "All", but you're right.

Now you're just angry. Don't try to hide it and don't try to justify it.

No, man - I'm not angry. Maybe a little frustrated, but mainly baffled.

Actually the Mayor of my town actually. I've voted for her three times since 2010. The Sheriff was also a Democrat. He was the best Sheriff this town had ever known. I voted for him each time until he retired. Ironically, he was a black man. Those were highly contested elections mind you.

Now, I came really close to not voting at all this year. But I did. I voted for two Democrats as I always have. I thought not voting would be a great disservice to this country. It took it as a chance to tell my government that it had crossed a line.

Fair enough, I concede that point.
Over an hour ago, the decision was handed down. Now there is violence, widespread looting and chaos general in the streets. So I must ask, where do you stand?

More to consider yet, do you see now what identity politics has done to America? I must ask some of you why you support one party who uses race to inflame anger among a race of people for political benefit? Do you now see how much it has torn this nation apart? What you see in Ferguson is a microcosm of the handiwork of race politics and people like Al Sharpton attempting to stir animosity among Americans.

You obviously haven't been listening the rightwing propagandists in the media on this issue.
You have a real issue separating the majority of people who have a legitimate beef with this ruling and the relatively small group who have expressed it violently.

And you have a hard time realizing that there are people in our government willing take advantage of this entire thing, and their tactics are responsible for it. Small group or big, their political antics have endangered the lives of hundreds or thousands of people. You don't seem to recognize that nearly 90% of the black population voted for the Democrats in the past two elections. Most of them will believe anything they are told. It's not racist, it's reality.


"Most of them will believe anything they are told" is not reality. It's most certainly racism.

You're better than that, dude.

No he isn't.
So I must ask, where do you stand?

We're seeing the predictable manifestation of Identity Politics - deep divisions.

The same people who work so hard to divide us into little groups turn around and complain about it.

And American Blacks are the biggest victims here, isolated from the rest of society from Day One.

There are no winners in this Ferguson tragedy, except for those who seek to divide.

Do you want me to go through a list of all the unarmed black men who've been killed by police in the last 10 years?

Damn, just look at the past week. One of them a 12yo. One in a stairwell in NYC. One in a Walmart.

It's like the Republicans just want the institutional memory of the black people in America to be erased.

Like people should forget lynchings. Murders. Rapes, All sort of violent acts perpetuated against blacks over our history.

Then when it appears that racial relations are going backwards, those memories become more vivid and important and the idea of violently protesting gains a lot of backers.

I remember the riots in the 60ties. Black Muslims that you DID NOT want to fuck with. Even the police didn't want to fuck with them. Those were violent times.

Between the blacks protesting racial inequality and the white protesting the Vietnam war, our cities were burning.
Our college campuses a wreck.

I don't think this will take us back to those times. But I for one am not surprised at the violence.

You kill a kid like this cop did and people are gonna be upset and mad. Especially young black men who see themselves in that very same situation. And it scares them. And it should. Fucking cops are out of hand.

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