Where in the real world are AR-15 and the like are used for good?

21 funerals. They're going to list those precious babies' names one by one. NIneteen of them the babies you claim you treasure. Babies cut to pieces by the weapons of war you treasure more than the lives of our babies.

tik, tik, tik, I actually feel a little for you. The guilt must be overwhelming.
Have you confiscated all the drugs in America yet?

But we have the government to protect us!

“Eight calls in total were made from the classroom between 12.03pm and 12.50pm when the police finally went in.”
Is that why Democrats recently released over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early, concern about violent crime?
Attorney General William Barr has directed prison officials at a number of federal facilities besieged by growing coronavirus cases to immediately maximize early release programs for a wide swath of vulnerable inmates.

"We are experiencing significant levels of infection at several of our facilities," Barr wrote in a memo Friday, singling out federal prisons in Louisiana, Connecticut and Ohio that have been especially hard hit by the pandemic. "We have to move with dispatch in using home confinement, where appropriate, to move vulnerable inmates out of these institutions."

The new memo expands on guidance Barr issued last week to the federal prison system, encouraging early release programs and triggering a provision of the federal stimulus law signed by President Donald Trump last month to expand the group of inmates eligible for early release. The move comes at the end of a week that saw eight federal inmates die after contracting the virus.

In the three-page memo, Barr told the Bureau of Prisons director to double down on the release programs at FCI Oakdale, a prison in Oakdale, Louisiana; FCI Danbury in Danbury, Connecticut; and FCI Elkton in Lisbon, Ohio.
Have you confiscated all the drugs in America yet?

But we have the government to protect us!

“Eight calls in total were made from the classroom between 12.03pm and 12.50pm when the police finally went in.”
21 Funerals. Sanctuary state? How about a sanctuary where our babies can feel safe?

21 Funerals.

Tik tik.

How's the barrel of that precious killing machine feel against your skin? Sleep well, you two.
21 Funerals. Sanctuary state? How about a sanctuary where our babies can feel safe?

21 Funerals.

Tik tik.

How's the barrel of that precious killing machine feel against your skin? Sleep well, you two.
Why are you Leftards so soft on crime?
Because you like to butcher children in the womb or classrooms.
Maga is new.

God you are full of shit.
It has been building for that long, cultist. Since the day Limbaugh went national. As I've said many times.

You mindless rubes just needed the right shameless pied piper to let it all out. As I've said many times.

Now you're getting what you want. Congratulations.

It has been building for that long, cultist. Since the day Limbaugh went national. As I've said many times.

You mindless rubes just needed the right shameless pied piper to let it all out. As I've said many times.

Now you're getting what you want. Congratulations.

Democrats being soft on crimes and convincing kids they’re less important than a fungus has paid off. For the first time in history we are seeing routine mass school shootings in this generation.
Democrats being soft on crimes and convincing kids they’re less important than a fungus has paid off. For the first time in history we are seeing routine mass school shootings in this generation.
21 Funerals. We see you. Hug your precious gun tonight. It means more to you than the lives of our babies.
You already proved you have no solution. You’re just a pathetic Leftard demanding murderers be set free.
Yes I have. Several times. You know what the solution is. Everyone knows what the solution is. Get those military style weapons and those armor piercing shells off our streets.
My understanding is a non-repeating firearm in use like a robbery is preferred because there is less likely to be collateral damage. Maybe one of your own family members could be shot. If you are incompetent with a firearm, an AR-15 will help make sure you don't miss but who knows what else you will hit.
You do know that an AR is a non repeating firearm right?

All semiautomatic rifles have the exact same rate of fire and that is one round for every trigger pull.
Yes I have. Several times. You know what the solution is. Everyone knows what the solution is. Get those military style weapons and those armor piercing shells off our streets.
I’m sorry. I didn’t know the government’s war on drugs had all drugs removed from society.
21 funerals. They're going to list those precious babies' names one by one. NIneteen of them the babies you claim you treasure. Babies cut to pieces by the weapons of war you treasure more than the lives of our babies.

tik, tik, tik, I actually feel a little for you. The guilt must be overwhelming.
:boo_hoo14: Fucking hypocrite.
Hypocrite. Every gun nut accusation is a confession. Hypocrites pretend to care about the lives of babies when really they care more about posing with their big guns in photos.

21 funerals. I know you're terrified. I cant help you. No one can.


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