Where Is Drumpf Trying to Take the US?

Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?
Well, he ain't taking us to a meeting with Pootie in Washington this fall. Pootie never accepted the invitation so Dumpf cancelled, blaming the "RUSSIAN WITCH HUNT," which, btw, is hauling in bunches of witches.
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?
Trump is leading America away from the Obama-envisioned 3rd-World shithole where his and your ancestors came from.
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?

Holey shit, you are the second drone to post this. Wouldn’t be so bad if it were an original thought, it you like the other plonker copy word for word the talking head off CNN. Is thinking for ones self and producing an original thought a bad thing now. Meh, what specifically has Trump done that’s 1984’ish?
You didnt answer the question in my OP. Why not?
Because your OP is plagiarized garbage.
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?
Well, he ain't taking us to a meeting with Pootie in Washington this fall. Pootie never accepted the invitation so Dumpf cancelled, blaming the "RUSSIAN WITCH HUNT," which, btw, is hauling in bunches of witches.
Indeed! 5 criminals granted immunity, Sounds legit.
Where Is Drumpf Trying to Take the US?

He's taking it away from you people, of course.
How so? I still have my assets and his time is running out.

Only 6 1/2 years to go!



You know, that is something that I never heard out of Obama supporters in his first term, that he was going to automatically win a second term. Trump supporters however think that Trump is going to have 2 full terms.

I certainly heard that from Obama supporters, not that it matters much.

What is really annoying is the non-stop campaigning. Obama did it and now Trump has been doing it.
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?

Holey shit, you are the second drone to post this. Wouldn’t be so bad if it were an original thought, it you like the other plonker copy word for word the talking head off CNN. Is thinking for ones self and producing an original thought a bad thing now. Meh, what specifically has Trump done that’s 1984’ish?
You didnt answer the question in my OP. Why not?
Because your OP is plagiarized garbage.
What are you talking about dummy? I'm not writing a term paper.
more like 1 1/2 or less if he gets impeached.


Run with that
No need to run. Its inevitable one or the other will occur.
Don't discount the possibility of a myocardial infarction, or a stroke. We might get luck sooner than you think.

Careful what you wish for, these things can blow back on you worse than you send out
I hope the orange buffoon has a stroke and wets himself on national TV.
So do I. That is because there are only two presidents worse than the one we have now. The one we had before him, and the one we're gonna get!
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?

None at all.
But Trump is so fucking illiterate he thinks "1984" is about discos and big hair.
He's in full panic mode with Cohen releasing the audio of their discussion on how they would get hush money to the Playboy bunny.
Therefore violating FEC laws. Ooops!
So he's warning his sheep just not to listen to the press.
Because Cohen is going to flip and flip BIG FUCKING TIME and Mueller will have his head on a platter, while Cohen gets immunity.
I love it!
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?
Trump is leading America away from the Obama-envisioned 3rd-World shithole where his and your ancestors came from.

more like 1 1/2 or less if he gets impeached.


Run with that
No need to run. Its inevitable one or the other will occur.
Don't discount the possibility of a myocardial infarction, or a stroke. We might get luck sooner than you think.

Careful what you wish for, these things can blow back on you worse than you send out
I hope the orange buffoon has a stroke and wets himself on national TV.

That would be a degree of revenge for the left, they have been crying and wetting themselves since November 2016. :)
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?
Trump is leading America away from the Obama-envisioned 3rd-World shithole where his and your ancestors came from.

Trump is leading America into a totalitarian shithole.
Putin has him underfoot, the Steele dossier is true.
Mueller has him by the neck, because he's had Trump's tax returns since Day One.
And Trump is getting squeezed by Cohen now, too.
It's almost fucking over, this national nightmare.

Run with that
No need to run. Its inevitable one or the other will occur.
Don't discount the possibility of a myocardial infarction, or a stroke. We might get luck sooner than you think.

Careful what you wish for, these things can blow back on you worse than you send out
I hope the orange buffoon has a stroke and wets himself on national TV.
So do I. That is because there are only two presidents worse than the one we have now. The one we had before him, and the one we're gonna get!

That doesn't make sense.
After Trump crashes the economy with his trade wars you're going to be on your knees begging for anybody but Trump.
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?
Trump is leading America away from the Obama-envisioned 3rd-World shithole where his and your ancestors came from.

Trump is leading America into a totalitarian shithole.
Putin has him underfoot, the Steele dossier is true.
Mueller has him by the neck, because he's had Trump's tax returns since Day One.
And Trump is getting squeezed by Cohen now, too.
It's almost fucking over, this national nightmare.
Hate to break it to you but in all reality Drumpf will make it to the next election before they drop the bomb on him. His replacement would be that deranged racist Pence. Its all about timing.
Drumpf tells his followers "Don't believe what you're reading or seeing"

George Orwell in the book 1984 "'What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening'

Is there any difference in these two messages?
Trump is leading America away from the Obama-envisioned 3rd-World shithole where his and your ancestors came from.

Trump is leading America into a totalitarian shithole.
Putin has him underfoot, the Steele dossier is true.
Mueller has him by the neck, because he's had Trump's tax returns since Day One.
And Trump is getting squeezed by Cohen now, too.
It's almost fucking over, this national nightmare.
I understand you can make your own tin-foil hat at little expense. It might not help your bed-wetting though.

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