Where was the ark constructed?

Can't read English? Thread title: Where was the ark created?

Just more deflection and deception attempted by the minions of satan. The "fool" uses empty words just to hear themselves. It will not work.....you can deflect all you want. But the question was asked and answered.........Some suggesting there is no record in the Bible account of how the earth changed in its topography and geology at the command of God during the flood event. (Ps. 104:5-9)

Sounds like a personal problem when someone gets "butt hurt" when they are proven wrong.

Evolution denies the obvious method that God enacted for reproduction. "Each after its own kind......." Just like Pasteur verified. Life can come only from pre-existing life within the same species. (Genesis 1:24-25). No where in the fossil record has there ever been found of life evolving from one species to another. What you will find is deformities of a species where the DNA signature has been corrupted or mutated from the perfect into a less than perfect example within a species. There is no evidence whatsoever of ABIOGENSIS, yet that must stand as a basic foundational tenet of all Darwinian Cult members. If not.......prove that life could have evolved from Gases such as Hydrogen and Helium. Show us the Scientific Experiment that confirms that life can occur naturally, randomly from non living matter/mass/energy.

You can't be a righteous and accept Darwinian Cultism as truth. Its not rocket science.

Run through the logic that two smooth pea parents produce a wrinkled pea offspring somehow demonstrates "Each after its own kind" ... this is usually interpreted as evidence of genetic advances ... we had to wait 50 years before we found DNA's role in inherited characteristics ...

Just a nitpick, but I don't believe Darwin ever addressed abiogenesis ... that came later with the Modern Synthesis ... and these chemicals would be in their liquid state-of-matter, not gaseous ... at least here on Earth's surface ... there is clear evidence these processes can occur in gases, just it takes far longer ...

The demonstration is easy ... fill a vessel with pure methane and let it sit a couple weeks ... now it's contaminated with ethane ... every time we try ... if we use aqueous solutions, we can throw in some ammonia and we'll eventually get amino acids ... every time we try ...

It's this "every time we try" that makes these scientific gold ... what do you have, things that only happened once? ... science is a poor choice to examine these unique events ... like a virgin birth of a man-child, how do we repeat this in the lab? ...

12 I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.
13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.
14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

Eccl. ch 1

I'm not saying you should stop thinking about matters of the flesh ... just be wise and keep such studies in their proper place ... it's a "sore travail" to seek "all the works that are done under the sun" ... the way you're snapping at a fellow Christian indicates your spirit is sorely vexed ... I can only invite you to discuss the spiritual implications of the story ... but you'd rather go off on "Darwinism" ... even though you have no idea what that word means ... and it's got you completely vexed ... so much for the First Covenant eh? ...
Clearly it was somewhere on the Mesopotamian Plain, but where was the logical place to build it? Use a map of the region and it will become clear.
The real question is where did it go ?
I heard the Cubans went and got it....piece by piece
"Could you repeat that please" ...
I will establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all creatures be destroyed by the waters of a flood; there shall not be another flood to devastate the earth. Genesis 9:11
My guess is where gopher wood grows ...
Gopher wood trees only grow in the northeastern United States and Canada. the term did not show up in Bibles until the 17th. century. If the ark actually existed it was probably made of Cedar wood.

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