Where was the ark constructed?

All I find is "And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground" -- Gen 7:23 ... it was just living things that God destroyed ... that's fairly explicit ... I suppose other interpretations can be inferred ...
9:11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
9:11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

This doesn't say "God destroyed the earth" ... it says "God won't destroy the earth" ... there's a difference ... you certainly infer this, though I don't know why ... the important part of these passages is to explain why we don't have any relations from Cain's side of the family ...

You can't raise a Cain back up when he's in defeat
This doesn't say "God destroyed the earth" ... it says "God won't destroy the earth" ... there's a difference ... you certainly infer this, though I don't know why ... the important part of these passages is to explain why we don't have any relations from Cain's side of the family ...

You can't raise a Cain back up when he's in defeat
why is it you people have such trouble reading words right in front of you???

did you miss the words "any more"??
why is it you people have such trouble reading words right in front of you???

did you miss the words "any more"??

Why? ... what great edification does this understanding allow? ... if I promise not to beat you up, why does that have to mean I've already beat you up before ... I'm not going to beat you up any more or any less ...

You've inferred this ... I'm not saying you're wrong ... just that the text doesn't explicitly say God destroyed the earth (or Mt Arafat) ... what is the importance of this distinction? ... we're just killing off the sons and daughters of Cain ... we don't need to destroy the earth (or Mt Arafat) ...
Why? ... what great edification does this understanding allow? ... if I promise not to beat you up, why does that have to mean I've already beat you up before ... I'm not going to beat you up any more or any less ...

You've inferred this ... I'm not saying you're wrong ... just that the text doesn't explicitly say God destroyed the earth (or Mt Arafat) ... what is the importance of this distinction? ... we're just killing off the sons and daughters of Cain ... we don't need to destroy the earth (or Mt Arafat) ...
are you blind or just being an ass??
Just asking ... why is this important? ... and how does this change the plain meaning of these passages ...
you havent quoted an entire passage and keep editing out key words,,

it makes it really hard to have a rational discussion with you when you do that,,
Just asking ... why is this important? ... and how does this change the plain meaning of these passages ...

Where was the ark constructed? Who knows.......its just like the Garden of Eden........the entire earth's geology has changed from that before the flood event. They have even core drilled the An Artic Continent and found evidence of tropical plant life.

The Holy Scriptures clearly define the fact that the earth's topography and geography changed by God's command during the flood event.

God promised the waters of the earth would never again cover the entire globe because God changed the topography and geography of the earth.

NKJV (New King James Translation), "You (God) who laid the foundations of the earth, so that it should not be moved forever, You (God) covered it with a garment; the waters above the mountains (clearly there was not nor could ever be enough water to top such structures as Mt. Everest in the beginning); But......AT YOUR (GOD'S) REBUKE THEY (THE WATERS) FLED; at the sound of your thunder (sound of thunder...earthquakes, volcanos....etc), they (the waters of the earth) took flight, they hastened away.(where did they go? to the 7 mile deep trenches found to exist in both main oceans), they (the waters) went up over the mountains; they went down into the valleys, to the place You (God) founded (made) for them (God made the valleys sink and the mountains rise....creating new mountains ranges such as Mt. Everest and new ocean floors such as the Mariana, the Challenger Deep, The Tonga Trench, Galathea Trench....etc.)

It concludes with ".........You (God) set a boundary that they may not pass, so that they may not cover the earth" -- Ps.104:5-9
Thus the covenant of the Rainbow........a token sign from God to never cover the earth in water again. (Genesis 9:15-18)

Science proves that at one point in earth's history all the land masses were made up into one great continent called Pangaea. The continental drift theory. The only difference in the history is the outrages time period claimed by conjecture, speculation and assumption.
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Where was the ark constructed? Who knows.......its just like the Garden of Eden........the entire earth's geology has changed from that before the flood event. They have even core drilled the An Artic Continent and found evidence of tropical plant life.

The Holy Scriptures clearly define the fact that the earth's topography and geography changed by God's command during the flood event.

God promised the waters of the earth would never again cover the entire globe because God changed the topography and geography of the earth.

NKJV (New King James Translation), "You (God) who laid the foundations of the earth, so that it should not be moved forever, You (God) covered it with a garment; the waters above the mountains (clearly there was not nor could ever be enough water to top such structures as Mt. Everest in the beginning); But......AT YOUR (GOD'S) REBUKE THEY (THE WATERS) FLED; at the sound of your thunder (sound of thunder...earthquakes, volcanos....etc), they (the waters of the earth) took flight, they hastened away.(where did they go? to the 7 mile deep trenches found to exist in both main oceans), they (the waters) went up over the mountains; they went down into the valleys, to the place You (God) founded (made) for them (God made the valleys sink and the mountains rise....creating new mountains ranges such as Mt. Everest and new ocean floors such as the Mariana, the Challenger Deep, The Tonga Trench, Galathea Trench....etc.)

It concludes with ".........You (God) set a boundary that they may not pass, so that they may not cover the earth" -- Ps.104:5-9
Thus the covenant of the Rainbow........a token sign from God to never cover the earth in water again. (Genesis 9:15-18)

Science proves that at one point in earth's history all the land masses were made up into one great continent called Pangaea. The continental drift theory. The only difference in the history is the outrages time period claimed by conjecture, speculation and assumption.

What does this have to do with cleansing the blood of Cain off the earth ... and why we today are blessed before the Lord ... foundational material for the First Covenant ...

God said "Go forth, be fruitful and multiply" ... Evolution is just the scientific statement of the same thing ... "And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein." -- Gen 9:7 ... hump like rabbits ... see, same thing ...
This doesn't say "God destroyed the earth" ... it says "God won't destroy the earth" ... there's a difference ... you certainly infer this, though I don't know why ... the important part of these passages is to explain why we don't have any relations from Cain's side of the family ...

You can't raise a Cain back up when he's in defeat
Actually it doesn't say God won't destroy the earth. It says God won't destroy the earth by flood again.
What does this have to do with cleansing the blood of Cain off the earth ... and why we today are blessed before the Lord ... foundational material for the First Covenant ...

God said "Go forth, be fruitful and multiply" ... Evolution is just the scientific statement of the same thing ... "And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein." -- Gen 9:7 ... hump like rabbits ... see, same thing ...

Can't read English? Thread title: Where was the ark created?

Just more deflection and deception attempted by the minions of satan. The "fool" uses empty words just to hear themselves. It will not work.....you can deflect all you want. But the question was asked and answered.........Some suggesting there is no record in the Bible account of how the earth changed in its topography and geology at the command of God during the flood event. (Ps. 104:5-9)

Sounds like a personal problem when someone gets "butt hurt" when they are proven wrong.

Evolution denies the obvious method that God enacted for reproduction. "Each after its own kind......." Just like Pasteur verified. Life can come only from pre-existing life within the same species. (Genesis 1:24-25). No where in the fossil record has there ever been found of life evolving from one species to another. What you will find is deformities of a species where the DNA signature has been corrupted or mutated from the perfect into a less than perfect example within a species. There is no evidence whatsoever of ABIOGENSIS, yet that must stand as a basic foundational tenet of all Darwinian Cult members. If not.......prove that life could have evolved from Gases such as Hydrogen and Helium. Show us the Scientific Experiment that confirms that life can occur naturally, randomly from non living matter/mass/energy.

You can't be a righteous and accept Darwinian Cultism as truth. Its not rocket science.
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It says the "fountains of the great deep were broken up". This is pretty vague but clearly refers to the sea and the oceanic crust, not the continents.
It's just poetic language. It's a myth.
You don't get ocean tides in Mesopotamia or even in the Persian Gulf.
You would if the ocean floor was raised.
Nope the Persian Gulf tilted to the East millions of years ago. It's quite shallow. It was a river from Mesopotamia until it breached the straits of Hormuz millions of years ago.

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