Which Came First Creation Or Evolution?

No. You’re not.

Tangible evidence for God is what he has created.

You are looking for reasons not to believe in God.
I'm trying to find tangible proof. All you have is a theory. You can't actually tie an invisible being to the universe.
You yourself are tangible proof.

There you go again not understanding the form of God. God isn’t an invisible being. God is existence itself. You are so wrapped up in ancient texts that you have suspended your reason and curiosity.
That's a philosophy, not proof. Usually used by people who have reached a dead end.
It is 100% proof.

Physical laws, biological laws and moral laws predestined beings that know and create and evolve beyond the physical.

It’s not an accident.
But that doesn't prove who made us and why we're here.
Intelligence made us. We are here to progress.
What was your experience with god?

Sorry, I couldn't just let this slide "God is more like a verb." :blowpop:
Yes. God is intangible.
In other words, you have no clue. So you've had NO experience with god. Got it. Yet you seem to think that you know so much about it. Hmmm.
You are the one without clue.

You have constructed the worst possible explanation for existence and falsely concluded there is no reason for it despite the evidence that exists that everything happened for a reason.
We're in a religion forum, I'm challenging people who have religion to prove the connection between their god and reality. All you have is homilies, or in this case hobelies. :lol:
No. You’re not. You are here to please yourself and play the fool.
Ah, the personal attack. Used by people who have no actual proof.
I'm trying to find tangible proof. All you have is a theory. You can't actually tie an invisible being to the universe.
You yourself are tangible proof.

There you go again not understanding the form of God. God isn’t an invisible being. God is existence itself. You are so wrapped up in ancient texts that you have suspended your reason and curiosity.
That's a philosophy, not proof. Usually used by people who have reached a dead end.
It is 100% proof.

Physical laws, biological laws and moral laws predestined beings that know and create and evolve beyond the physical.

It’s not an accident.
But that doesn't prove who made us and why we're here.
Intelligence made us. We are here to progress.
Now you're completely lost.
Yes. God is intangible.
In other words, you have no clue. So you've had NO experience with god. Got it. Yet you seem to think that you know so much about it. Hmmm.
You are the one without clue.

You have constructed the worst possible explanation for existence and falsely concluded there is no reason for it despite the evidence that exists that everything happened for a reason.
We're in a religion forum, I'm challenging people who have religion to prove the connection between their god and reality. All you have is homilies, or in this case hobelies. :lol:
No. You’re not. You are here to please yourself and play the fool.
Ah, the personal attack. Used by people who have no actual proof.
If that is how you wish to see it.

What else would you call someone who throws away knowledge that is specifically designed to help them progress?
You yourself are tangible proof.

There you go again not understanding the form of God. God isn’t an invisible being. God is existence itself. You are so wrapped up in ancient texts that you have suspended your reason and curiosity.
That's a philosophy, not proof. Usually used by people who have reached a dead end.
It is 100% proof.

Physical laws, biological laws and moral laws predestined beings that know and create and evolve beyond the physical.

It’s not an accident.
But that doesn't prove who made us and why we're here.
Intelligence made us. We are here to progress.
Now you're completely lost.
Not at all. I’ve explained it to you dozens of times.
In other words, you have no clue. So you've had NO experience with god. Got it. Yet you seem to think that you know so much about it. Hmmm.
You are the one without clue.

You have constructed the worst possible explanation for existence and falsely concluded there is no reason for it despite the evidence that exists that everything happened for a reason.
We're in a religion forum, I'm challenging people who have religion to prove the connection between their god and reality. All you have is homilies, or in this case hobelies. :lol:
No. You’re not. You are here to please yourself and play the fool.
Ah, the personal attack. Used by people who have no actual proof.
If that is how you wish to see it.

What else would you call someone who throws away knowledge that is specifically designed to help them progress?
You are the one without clue.

You have constructed the worst possible explanation for existence and falsely concluded there is no reason for it despite the evidence that exists that everything happened for a reason.
We're in a religion forum, I'm challenging people who have religion to prove the connection between their god and reality. All you have is homilies, or in this case hobelies. :lol:
No. You’re not. You are here to please yourself and play the fool.
Ah, the personal attack. Used by people who have no actual proof.
If that is how you wish to see it.

What else would you call someone who throws away knowledge that is specifically designed to help them progress?
I’m not the one who has no purpose.
We're in a religion forum, I'm challenging people who have religion to prove the connection between their god and reality. All you have is homilies, or in this case hobelies. :lol:
No. You’re not. You are here to please yourself and play the fool.
Ah, the personal attack. Used by people who have no actual proof.
If that is how you wish to see it.

What else would you call someone who throws away knowledge that is specifically designed to help them progress?
I’m not the one who has no purpose.
So now I have have no purpose? lol. How's that?
No. You’re not. You are here to please yourself and play the fool.
Ah, the personal attack. Used by people who have no actual proof.
If that is how you wish to see it.

What else would you call someone who throws away knowledge that is specifically designed to help them progress?
I’m not the one who has no purpose.
So now I have have no purpose? lol. How's that?
That is the logical conclusion of your worldview.
Ah, the personal attack. Used by people who have no actual proof.
If that is how you wish to see it.

What else would you call someone who throws away knowledge that is specifically designed to help them progress?
I’m not the one who has no purpose.
So now I have have no purpose? lol. How's that?
That is the logical conclusion of your worldview.
Dr. Henry Morris, states, "One question remains. Assuming Satan to be the real source of the evolutionary concept, how did it originate in his mind? . . . A possible answer to this mystery could be that Satan, the father of lies, has not only deceived the whole world and the angelic hosts who followed him--he has even deceived himself! The only way he could really know about creation (just as the only way we can know about creation) was for God to tell him! . . . . He refused to believe and accept the Word of God concerning his own creation and place in God's economy . . . He therefore deceived himself into supposing that all things, including himself and including God, had been evolved by natural processes out of the primordial stuff of the universe. . . ." (Morris, Troubled Waters of Evolution, 1974, pp 74-75)."

He is correct in stating that we know about creation through the Bible or God's Word. Evolution came afterward as we see during the times of Paul, the Epicureans and Stoics.


"The Theory of Biological Evolution is most often associated with Charles Darwin, because it was Charles Darwin that proposed the mechanism of natural selection and accompanied that proposition with a large volume of empirical data providing evidence for biological evolution.

Darwin was not, however, the first person to propose an evolutionary explanation for the diversity of life on earth. In fact, evolutionary concepts about life date far back into history and arose in many different cultures. The Greeks developed a concept of evolution over 2,300 years ago that was basically equivalent to that of Charles Darwin's, but the early Christians opposed the idea and destroyed all of the works that promoted it or any other naturalistic explanations for earthly phenomena."

Understanding Evolution: History, Theory, Evidence, and Implictions

ETA: Both of my sources are atheist, so they could be lying. Still, the first one brings up an interesting question. We find science backs up the Bible, but science doesn't back up evolution. Thus, the first one is the truth and not the myth.

First you have to understand the beginning: In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.
Here is what happened to the Earth: It was formless, and void. And a darkness was over the surface of the deep. <so there already existed a "deep" and it had a surface.

But the sentence referred to above is a poor translation of the original. If you create something it has form and is not void. Creating is the opposite of void and formless. So let's read it again in the original. Change "was" to" became", and replace "unnatural" in front of "darkness" Then read it.
There was war on this earth before there was anything to evolve. We know God shot Lucifer out of Heaven like a lightening bolt. And 1/3 of the angel population went with him. How many billions of years that war went on before the God's remodel, when God spoke and the Spirit moved is for science to determine. And they are determining that we are even older than they thought. As for evolution. A DNA code had to be created before life or there would have been no life. Information was necessary to create life.
Where did information come from?
God isn’t tangible. God is more like a verb.
Except the very first living thing had a complex DNA code. An amoeba still has never produced a code, let alone a complex one.

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