Which Came First Creation Or Evolution?

There is no logic when proof is not required to believe
Correct. That's why I will never understand this dog and pony show. For one, it is absurd to choose something to believe based on no evidence, and then furiously search for things to present as "evidence" for why you arrived at the belief without evidence.

Second, these religious people believe what they believe "because, Bible", and for literally no other reason. Instead of embarrassing themselves with false statements and specious reasoning, they should just say "because, Bible" and move on. If their faith is as strong as they claim, then why do they have no appetite for this? Either their faith is a bit of a ruse, or they know how silly they sound in serious company to declare "because, Bible" as a reason to declare something absolutely true. Or maybe it is a bit of both.
I believe what I believe because of reason and experience. You keep saying there is no evidence when in reality all of existence and everything that has unfolded since the creation of existence is the evidence you have been looking for. So it is you who has no evidence for your beliefs.
There's no evidence that an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen made the universe.
But there is evidence that Mosaic law, a light to the nations, which teaches people to differentiate between heaven and earth, clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was given around 1500 BC and is the subject of the story of the creation of heaven and earth by God in genesis.

Whether you can find any evidence or not that this law was divinely inspired as Moses said is another matter. Since you can't seem to get past talking serpents, the virgin birth, the resurrection of the dead and the deep mystery of the kangaroo it isn't very likely.....

Not to worry!

Instead of applying your mind to figure out what the stories are actually teaching you can always waste the rest of your time on earth wondering about cancer, deformed babies, the price of meat, and whether or not Jesus ever had sex or wore any underwear.
Where not talking about your book of fairy tales, we're talking about the lack of proof for an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen that supposedly made the universe.

lol.... you do know that no creationist on earth would be arguing that an invisible superbeing in another dimension poofed the universe into existence if they had not misunderstood the story of Genesis in my book of fairy tales, don't you?
So you are saying Adolph Hitler was made in the image of God, and not God in the image of Hitler.
Thank you.

More group lol. Darwin's evolutionary thinking led to Hitler. Darwin's cousin came up with eugenics and Hitler and his atheist scientists ate it up. Darwin was wanted over there.

Hitler was the Antichrist. Jesus is the real Christ. You have to understand this or else there is no hope for your wrongness.
Darwin was made in the image of God.

You finally got it right. However, Darwin rebelled against God like King Nimrod did.
I've had it right all along, you finally admitted it. Hitler and Darwin are the image of God.

We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.

No. Some people have been created in the image and likeness of penned in farm animals, wild animals, whales, sharks, guppies, bottom feeders, donkeys, monkeys, vultures, lions, bears, wolves, dogs, sheep, goats, rats, swine, worms, parasites, serpents, demons, devils, or the dead. Some people are like fruit bearing trees. Some people like shrubs that produce only thorns and thistles. Some are like wheat that can be kneaded into bread, some like tares that are tied up into bundles for burning.

This is the universe created when light was spoken into existence. This is the reality in which we live.

Eternal life is the promise for obedience to divine law.

Unless you conform to the will of God according to the instruction in Mosaic law as revealed by Jesus and become a living being, "like one of us" you have not been created in the image and likeness of a Holy God.
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So you are saying Adolph Hitler was made in the image of God, and not God in the image of Hitler.
Thank you.

More group lol. Darwin's evolutionary thinking led to Hitler. Darwin's cousin came up with eugenics and Hitler and his atheist scientists ate it up. Darwin was wanted over there.

Hitler was the Antichrist. Jesus is the real Christ. You have to understand this or else there is no hope for your wrongness.
Darwin was made in the image of God.

You finally got it right. However, Darwin rebelled against God like King Nimrod did.
I've had it right all along, you finally admitted it. Hitler and Darwin are the image of God.

We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.
That's right, all evil is an image of God.
There's no evidence that an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen made the universe.
But there is evidence that Mosaic law, a light to the nations, which teaches people to differentiate between heaven and earth, clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was given around 1500 BC and is the subject of the story of the creation of heaven and earth by God in genesis.

Whether you can find any evidence or not that this law was divinely inspired as Moses said is another matter. Since you can't seem to get past talking serpents, the virgin birth, the resurrection of the dead and the deep mystery of the kangaroo it isn't very likely.....

Not to worry!

Instead of applying your mind to figure out what the stories are actually teaching you can always waste the rest of your time on earth wondering about cancer, deformed babies, the price of meat, and whether or not Jesus ever had sex or wore any underwear.
Where not talking about your book of fairy tales, we're talking about the lack of proof for an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen that supposedly made the universe.

Why do you need proof when you've already been told there isn't any. That one needs to take a leap of faith to bring God into your worldview. Instead, it's easier to disprove evolution. Earth isn 4.5 billion years old. At one time it was 3.7 billion years old; It's supposedly gotten older and I predict will get older again. There's no evidence we came from fish which eventually became a monkey. You can get am universe from invisible particles leading to multiple universes which then you can travel back in time. It takes more of a leap of faith to believe this stuff. Even what Darwin (Darwinism) believed has been refuted.
Because some people here think that the invisible superhero is real, and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.

He's God, not an invisible superhero.

>>and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.<<

That's BS and you know it. You didn't need any proof to get your worldview.
Of course my worldview is based on real events. It's not based on imaginary events like your faith.
Correct. That's why I will never understand this dog and pony show. For one, it is absurd to choose something to believe based on no evidence, and then furiously search for things to present as "evidence" for why you arrived at the belief without evidence.

Second, these religious people believe what they believe "because, Bible", and for literally no other reason. Instead of embarrassing themselves with false statements and specious reasoning, they should just say "because, Bible" and move on. If their faith is as strong as they claim, then why do they have no appetite for this? Either their faith is a bit of a ruse, or they know how silly they sound in serious company to declare "because, Bible" as a reason to declare something absolutely true. Or maybe it is a bit of both.
I believe what I believe because of reason and experience. You keep saying there is no evidence when in reality all of existence and everything that has unfolded since the creation of existence is the evidence you have been looking for. So it is you who has no evidence for your beliefs.
There's no evidence that an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen made the universe.
But there is evidence that Mosaic law, a light to the nations, which teaches people to differentiate between heaven and earth, clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was given around 1500 BC and is the subject of the story of the creation of heaven and earth by God in genesis.

Whether you can find any evidence or not that this law was divinely inspired as Moses said is another matter. Since you can't seem to get past talking serpents, the virgin birth, the resurrection of the dead and the deep mystery of the kangaroo it isn't very likely.....

Not to worry!

Instead of applying your mind to figure out what the stories are actually teaching you can always waste the rest of your time on earth wondering about cancer, deformed babies, the price of meat, and whether or not Jesus ever had sex or wore any underwear.
Where not talking about your book of fairy tales, we're talking about the lack of proof for an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen that supposedly made the universe.

lol.... you do know that no creationist on earth would be arguing that an invisible superbeing in another dimension poofed the universe into existence if they had not misunderstood the story of Genesis in my book of fairy tales, don't you?
Seems like you're the one who has the Book of Fairy Tales wrong, because the whole book is about an invisible superhero in another dimension that poofed everything into being.
More group lol. Darwin's evolutionary thinking led to Hitler. Darwin's cousin came up with eugenics and Hitler and his atheist scientists ate it up. Darwin was wanted over there.

Hitler was the Antichrist. Jesus is the real Christ. You have to understand this or else there is no hope for your wrongness.
Darwin was made in the image of God.

You finally got it right. However, Darwin rebelled against God like King Nimrod did.
I've had it right all along, you finally admitted it. Hitler and Darwin are the image of God.

We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.

No. Some people have been created in the image and likeness of penned in farm animals, wild animals, whales, sharks, guppies, bottom feeders, donkeys, monkeys, vultures, lions, bears, wolves, dogs, sheep, goats, rats, swine, worms, parasites, serpents, demons, devils, or the dead. Some people are like fruit bearing trees. Some people like shrubs that produce only thorns and thistles. Some are like wheat that can be kneaded into bread, some like tares that are tied up into bundles for burning.

This is the universe created when light was spoken into existence. This is the reality in which we live.

Eternal life is the promise for obedience to divine law.

Unless you conform to the will of God according to the instruction in Mosaic law as revealed by Jesus and become a living being, "like one of us" you have not been created in the image and likeness of a Holy God.

Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law, so us Gentiles do not have to follow it. The blood and body sacrifice of Jesus was the greatest miracle in the universe. No human law or universal law can touch it. Thus, to the one who has faith and believes in Jesus, they will be saved and they will become the fruit bearing tree that will bear good fruit..
More group lol. Darwin's evolutionary thinking led to Hitler. Darwin's cousin came up with eugenics and Hitler and his atheist scientists ate it up. Darwin was wanted over there.

Hitler was the Antichrist. Jesus is the real Christ. You have to understand this or else there is no hope for your wrongness.
Darwin was made in the image of God.

You finally got it right. However, Darwin rebelled against God like King Nimrod did.
I've had it right all along, you finally admitted it. Hitler and Darwin are the image of God.

We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.
That's right, all evil is an image of God.

Again you miss the point, so won't bother repeating. You can take your beliefs up with Jesus.


Proverbs 14:12 refers to man’s propensity to rely on his own thoughts and ideas. They put what they think is best over what God tells us.
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But there is evidence that Mosaic law, a light to the nations, which teaches people to differentiate between heaven and earth, clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death, was given around 1500 BC and is the subject of the story of the creation of heaven and earth by God in genesis.

Whether you can find any evidence or not that this law was divinely inspired as Moses said is another matter. Since you can't seem to get past talking serpents, the virgin birth, the resurrection of the dead and the deep mystery of the kangaroo it isn't very likely.....

Not to worry!

Instead of applying your mind to figure out what the stories are actually teaching you can always waste the rest of your time on earth wondering about cancer, deformed babies, the price of meat, and whether or not Jesus ever had sex or wore any underwear.
Where not talking about your book of fairy tales, we're talking about the lack of proof for an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen that supposedly made the universe.

Why do you need proof when you've already been told there isn't any. That one needs to take a leap of faith to bring God into your worldview. Instead, it's easier to disprove evolution. Earth isn 4.5 billion years old. At one time it was 3.7 billion years old; It's supposedly gotten older and I predict will get older again. There's no evidence we came from fish which eventually became a monkey. You can get am universe from invisible particles leading to multiple universes which then you can travel back in time. It takes more of a leap of faith to believe this stuff. Even what Darwin (Darwinism) believed has been refuted.
Because some people here think that the invisible superhero is real, and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.

He's God, not an invisible superhero.

>>and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.<<

That's BS and you know it. You didn't need any proof to get your worldview.
Of course my worldview is based on real events. It's not based on imaginary events like your faith.

The aren't imaginary events or you could prove that it didn't happen such as the Resurrection.
Where not talking about your book of fairy tales, we're talking about the lack of proof for an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has ever seen that supposedly made the universe.

Why do you need proof when you've already been told there isn't any. That one needs to take a leap of faith to bring God into your worldview. Instead, it's easier to disprove evolution. Earth isn 4.5 billion years old. At one time it was 3.7 billion years old; It's supposedly gotten older and I predict will get older again. There's no evidence we came from fish which eventually became a monkey. You can get am universe from invisible particles leading to multiple universes which then you can travel back in time. It takes more of a leap of faith to believe this stuff. Even what Darwin (Darwinism) believed has been refuted.
Because some people here think that the invisible superhero is real, and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.

He's God, not an invisible superhero.

>>and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.<<

That's BS and you know it. You didn't need any proof to get your worldview.
Of course my worldview is based on real events. It's not based on imaginary events like your faith.

The aren't imaginary events or you could prove that it didn't happen such as the Resurrection.
The burden of proof is on the person making the claim that Jesus resurrected. Do you have anything? No? The take that as my proof that it didn't happen.
Why do you need proof when you've already been told there isn't any. That one needs to take a leap of faith to bring God into your worldview. Instead, it's easier to disprove evolution. Earth isn 4.5 billion years old. At one time it was 3.7 billion years old; It's supposedly gotten older and I predict will get older again. There's no evidence we came from fish which eventually became a monkey. You can get am universe from invisible particles leading to multiple universes which then you can travel back in time. It takes more of a leap of faith to believe this stuff. Even what Darwin (Darwinism) believed has been refuted.
Because some people here think that the invisible superhero is real, and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.

He's God, not an invisible superhero.

>>and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.<<

That's BS and you know it. You didn't need any proof to get your worldview.
Of course my worldview is based on real events. It's not based on imaginary events like your faith.

The aren't imaginary events or you could prove that it didn't happen such as the Resurrection.
The burden of proof is on the person making the claim that Jesus resurrected. Do you have anything? No? The take that as my proof that it didn't happen.

Ha ha. Typical internet atheist (lowest common denominator of atheists) palaver.

The Resurrection has many eyewitnesses to the event and seeing Jesus.
Because some people here think that the invisible superhero is real, and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.

He's God, not an invisible superhero.

>>and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.<<

That's BS and you know it. You didn't need any proof to get your worldview.
Of course my worldview is based on real events. It's not based on imaginary events like your faith.

The aren't imaginary events or you could prove that it didn't happen such as the Resurrection.
The burden of proof is on the person making the claim that Jesus resurrected. Do you have anything? No? The take that as my proof that it didn't happen.

Ha ha. Typical internet atheist (lowest common denominator of atheists) palaver.

The Resurrection has many eyewitnesses to the event and seeing Jesus.
Those accounts were written several generations after the facts. So no proof anyone witnessed it either.
Darwin was made in the image of God.

You finally got it right. However, Darwin rebelled against God like King Nimrod did.
I've had it right all along, you finally admitted it. Hitler and Darwin are the image of God.

We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.
That's right, all evil is an image of God.

Again you miss the point, so won't bother repeating. You can take your beliefs up with Jesus.


Proverbs 14:12 refers to man’s propensity to rely on his own thoughts and ideas. They put what they think is best over what God tells us.
it is you who miss the point! Your God created the evil we are free to choose.
He's God, not an invisible superhero.

>>and to me, saying "real" means you have proof.<<

That's BS and you know it. You didn't need any proof to get your worldview.
Of course my worldview is based on real events. It's not based on imaginary events like your faith.

The aren't imaginary events or you could prove that it didn't happen such as the Resurrection.
The burden of proof is on the person making the claim that Jesus resurrected. Do you have anything? No? The take that as my proof that it didn't happen.

Ha ha. Typical internet atheist (lowest common denominator of atheists) palaver.

The Resurrection has many eyewitnesses to the event and seeing Jesus.
Those accounts were written several generations after the facts. So no proof anyone witnessed it either.

More internet atheism of the lowest kind. You do not understand common sense, factual history, people dying as martyrs for Jesus, nor Biblical history. People reported Jesus being seen. This was reported in other writings beside the Bible. The circumstantial evidence is there, too. No body was ever found. His tomb could not have been disturbed.
You finally got it right. However, Darwin rebelled against God like King Nimrod did.
I've had it right all along, you finally admitted it. Hitler and Darwin are the image of God.

We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.
That's right, all evil is an image of God.

Again you miss the point, so won't bother repeating. You can take your beliefs up with Jesus.


Proverbs 14:12 refers to man’s propensity to rely on his own thoughts and ideas. They put what they think is best over what God tells us.
it is you who miss the point! Your God created the evil we are free to choose.

Free will just gives us the power to choose what is right for us and what fits our worldview. There isn't good nor evil associated with it. What about the existence of duality such as yin and yang, i.e. one can't have hot without cold, light without dark, love without hate, good without bad, etc. Isn't the latter the absence of the former?
I've had it right all along, you finally admitted it. Hitler and Darwin are the image of God.

We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.
That's right, all evil is an image of God.

Again you miss the point, so won't bother repeating. You can take your beliefs up with Jesus.


Proverbs 14:12 refers to man’s propensity to rely on his own thoughts and ideas. They put what they think is best over what God tells us.
it is you who miss the point! Your God created the evil we are free to choose.

Free will just gives us the power to choose what is right for us and what fits our worldview. There isn't good nor evil associated with it. What about the existence of duality such as yin and yang, i.e. one can't have hot without cold, light without dark, love without hate, good without bad, etc. Isn't the latter the absence of the former?
Evil must exist in order to be a choice, and your God claims to have created everything that exists including darkness and evil.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
We're all images of God, nimrod. However, he gave us free will to be evil or good. Yet, even if you are bad or stupid, you still have a sense of justice and what's true and right. Instead, most end up believing Satan and miss the boat.
That's right, all evil is an image of God.

Again you miss the point, so won't bother repeating. You can take your beliefs up with Jesus.


Proverbs 14:12 refers to man’s propensity to rely on his own thoughts and ideas. They put what they think is best over what God tells us.
it is you who miss the point! Your God created the evil we are free to choose.

Free will just gives us the power to choose what is right for us and what fits our worldview. There isn't good nor evil associated with it. What about the existence of duality such as yin and yang, i.e. one can't have hot without cold, light without dark, love without hate, good without bad, etc. Isn't the latter the absence of the former?
Evil must exist in order to be a choice, and your God claims to have created everything that exists including darkness and evil.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Well, evil is the absence of good, so you have to not choose good. Instead of God, you chose Satan. Your statement that my "God claims to have created everything that exists including darkness and evil" supports that very clearly.
Of course my worldview is based on real events. It's not based on imaginary events like your faith.

The aren't imaginary events or you could prove that it didn't happen such as the Resurrection.
The burden of proof is on the person making the claim that Jesus resurrected. Do you have anything? No? The take that as my proof that it didn't happen.

Ha ha. Typical internet atheist (lowest common denominator of atheists) palaver.

The Resurrection has many eyewitnesses to the event and seeing Jesus.
Those accounts were written several generations after the facts. So no proof anyone witnessed it either.

More internet atheism of the lowest kind. You do not understand common sense, factual history, people dying as martyrs for Jesus, nor Biblical history. People reported Jesus being seen. This was reported in other writings beside the Bible. The circumstantial evidence is there, too. No body was ever found. His tomb could not have been disturbed.
Do you understand the concept of the bible being written several generations after the facts? Nobody reported seeing Jesus, someone simply wrote that people saw him.You're way too gullible.
That's right, all evil is an image of God.

Again you miss the point, so won't bother repeating. You can take your beliefs up with Jesus.


Proverbs 14:12 refers to man’s propensity to rely on his own thoughts and ideas. They put what they think is best over what God tells us.
it is you who miss the point! Your God created the evil we are free to choose.

Free will just gives us the power to choose what is right for us and what fits our worldview. There isn't good nor evil associated with it. What about the existence of duality such as yin and yang, i.e. one can't have hot without cold, light without dark, love without hate, good without bad, etc. Isn't the latter the absence of the former?
Evil must exist in order to be a choice, and your God claims to have created everything that exists including darkness and evil.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Well, evil is the absence of good, so you have to not choose good. Instead of God, you chose Satan. Your statement that my "God claims to have created everything that exists including darkness and evil" supports that very clearly.
No it doesn't support your claim that evil is the absence of good, according to your own word of God, evil is a separate entity created by God. You are bearing false witness against your own bible. By your own "logic" you chose Satan.

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