While some Americans die in the freezing weather, Biden heads to a tropical vacation spot

anyone see a pattern here between bin biden and barry. they both seem to take off somewhere at the start or the middle of a crisis. well, referring to the time barry was in office.
Because he's part of a corrupt Texas Republican Party that takes money from special interests not to fix the Texas power grid.

Now, what blame does Biden get for snowstorms? 🤔
Dementia-Joe seems to think private airlines should be punished for snowstorms...Democrats blame everyone - except themselves - for everything...
And of course the same media that skewers any Republican for doing something like this, senile Joe will get a pass.

Biden heading to U.S. Virgin Islands for vacation​

his actions resulted in fewer people freezing and reduced the burden on the grid system,,

so whats your problem??
And of course the same media that skewers any Republican for doing something like this, senile Joe will get a pass.

Biden has already had something like 3X the vacations of Trump and more than any president in history. Maybe he needs a lot of rest from telling so many big lies. I hear reading cue cards can be exhausting.

But gee, St. Croix is down near his buddy in Venezuela isn't it, maybe they plan to hook up and compare notes! And St. Croix is only barely ten miles wide and right near Montserrat, maybe that volcano will erupt? BTW, I wonder if Putin knows where St. Croix is? I bet the Russians have nukes that could level that island making it disappear right into the sea in an instant. :smoke:

BTW, is Mitch going along for the trip too with him? Seems a shame to waste all that jet fuel just flying the Bidens down alone.

That would have some merrit IF the country was running along like a well oiled machine. It can easily and rightly be said that we have never been in worse condition since the Civil War.

I'm sure that in Biden's mind and that of most democrats, what little mind they have, that the country in their opinion is just getting along GREAT!
Our President had a great year, he deserves a vacation before he gets back to work
Record inflation, increased dependency on foreign oil, and a foreign policy replete with appeasement only merits a “job well done” from few Americans. A 40 percent approval rating tells you that.
Trump spent every weekend during the Winter at Mara Lago
Your utter desperation is duly noted. May I remind you, Mar A Lago is his HOME.

Your case of TDS is making you look like a fool.
Your utter desperation is duly noted. May I remind you, Mar A Lago is his HOME.

Your case of TDS is making you look like a fool.
And he flew “home” every weekend to play golf in the winter

About the same distance as the Virgin Islands
if it was just a regular winter his leaving would be no problem....but this is not a regular winter....thousands of people are stranded and cant get to were they wanted to get to because of all the cancelations,but biden takes off and gets to were he wants to be.....it dont look good.....im sure many stranded somewhere are saying his name with a nice expletive....

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