'White History Month' Sign Stirs Up Flemington, NJ.

Glad you agree.
Dumb convict. False means he doesnt agree. :laugh:

He agreed that your claims are false. What I stated was fact and it can be seen in any African nation. Compare the USA, a much younger nation to that of any African nation and you tell me which one has excelled in wealth, technology, science etc.....It damn sure ain't the black nations.
wrong! intentional misinterpretation ( at least I hope so. the other choice is that lone star is more ignorant than I thought.)
your statement is incorrect as it does not take into account the wars and disasters natural or otherwise, plagues etc...
that Africa has experienced.
like all ancient cultures it's had it's golden ages and hard times.
we in the usa have no concept of that.
the us is just a touch over 200 years old until it grows up any comparisons we make are meaningless.
so fuck you...
Africas problem is that they are culturally inferior. Inferior cultures have always performed poorly and they always will.
that is a subjective and bias besides being a false assumption....
Nope, its spot on.
Cave chimps dont know how to link videos. Give him a break.
Hey nigge-r lighten up would ya its a img not a vid.
Hey monkey. Next time post a vid. That way I wont make fun of you......I think.
If only we put more basketball hoops in your community, maybe you wouldn't have fallen through the cracks to become a shitty internet poster.
I actually played ball. Thats how I met the first white girl to give me a BJ at the age of 16. Maybe if you werent dropped on the floor of the monkey enclosure and hit your head you would have become something other than a retarded cave chimp..
Poor confused girl, ruined for life. How much did you pay her ape?
She wasnt confused at all. She was a cheerleader for the school I was playing against. I was pretty shy then and for some reason that turned her on. She gave me a good one behind the bleachers for free.
Glad you agree.
Dumb convict. False means he doesnt agree. :laugh:

He agreed that your claims are false. What I stated was fact and it can be seen in any African nation. Compare the USA, a much younger nation to that of any African nation and you tell me which one has excelled in wealth, technology, science etc.....It damn sure ain't the black nations.
wrong! intentional misinterpretation ( at least I hope so. the other choice is that lone star is more ignorant than I thought.)
your statement is incorrect as it does not take into account the wars and disasters natural or otherwise, plagues etc...
that Africa has experienced.
like all ancient cultures it's had it's golden ages and hard times.
we in the usa have no concept of that.
the us is just a touch over 200 years old until it grows up any comparisons we make are meaningless.
so fuck you...
Africas problem is that they are culturally inferior. Inferior cultures have always performed poorly and they always will.
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
Dumb convict. False means he doesnt agree. :laugh:

He agreed that your claims are false. What I stated was fact and it can be seen in any African nation. Compare the USA, a much younger nation to that of any African nation and you tell me which one has excelled in wealth, technology, science etc.....It damn sure ain't the black nations.
wrong! intentional misinterpretation ( at least I hope so. the other choice is that lone star is more ignorant than I thought.)
your statement is incorrect as it does not take into account the wars and disasters natural or otherwise, plagues etc...
that Africa has experienced.
like all ancient cultures it's had it's golden ages and hard times.
we in the usa have no concept of that.
the us is just a touch over 200 years old until it grows up any comparisons we make are meaningless.
so fuck you...
Africas problem is that they are culturally inferior. Inferior cultures have always performed poorly and they always will.
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
You didnt discover america.
You didnt free any negros without negros particpating
You didnt give women the vote without women participating
You didnt start Civil Rights legislation without Blacks participating
Same with voting rights
If you think Christy Brinkley is something to celebrate I feel bad for you. I know white girls now that look way better than her.
As usual, you and those agreeing with you are wrong and your rebuttal is laughable especially women voting themselves the right to vote when they couldn't vote. And the othe points have been refuted multiple times. You just don't accept facts.

Finally, watch National Lampoon's Vacation sometime. The Kardashions and Beyonce's of today are skanks in comparison.
You didnt discover america.
You didnt free any negros without negros particpating
You didnt give women the vote without women participating
You didnt start Civil Rights legislation without Blacks participating
Same with voting rights
If you think Christy Brinkley is something to celebrate I feel bad for you. I know white girls now that look way better than her.
As usual, you and those agreeing with you are wrong and your rebuttal is laughable especially women voting themselves the right to vote when they couldn't vote. And the othe points have been refuted multiple times. You just don't accept facts.

Finally, watch National Lampoon's Vacation sometime. The Kardashions and Beyonce's of today are skanks in comparison.
Where is proof whites discovered America? If women were not fighting for their rights white males would have just kept things status quo. You are an idiot and anyone that agrees with you is too.

You havent refuted anything. Offering brainless arguments is not a refutation. Its just arguing.

Kardashian looks better than Brinkley but she is a skank. Beyonce looks a million times better than both of them.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sign. There is nothing wrong about having 'White Pride' and celebrating White History.

White History Month sign stirs up Flemington NJ.com

Ahh. He has an inferiority complex. The racist cave chimp.

"I shouldn't have to feel bad about being white."

Says the guy who says he is "from Africa" even though he wasnt born or raised there...or even lived there.
Why does the tree ape call everyone a cave chimp?
I'm not white so I cant be a tree ape. I call people like you a cave chimp.
I know you are not white, tree ape.
That sort of name calling is childish; your credibility diminishes when you resort to that.
You didnt discover america.
You didnt free any negros without negros particpating
You didnt give women the vote without women participating
You didnt start Civil Rights legislation without Blacks participating
Same with voting rights
If you think Christy Brinkley is something to celebrate I feel bad for you. I know white girls now that look way better than her.
As usual, you and those agreeing with you are wrong and your rebuttal is laughable especially women voting themselves the right to vote when they couldn't vote. And the othe points have been refuted multiple times. You just don't accept facts.

Finally, watch National Lampoon's Vacation sometime. The Kardashions and Beyonce's of today are skanks in comparison.
Where is proof whites discovered America? If women were not fighting for their rights white males would have just kept things status quo. You are an idiot and anyone that agrees with you is too.

You havent refuted anything. Offering brainless arguments is not a refutation. Its just arguing.

Kardashian looks better than Brinkley but she is a skank. Beyonce looks a million times better than both of them.
Columbus documented his discovery of the America's (what he thought was India.) Those aborigines you claim discovered America didnt document it. Besides, they were greeted by white, prehistoric Frenchmen who were here first.
Oh, are we talking about white
He agreed that your claims are false. What I stated was fact and it can be seen in any African nation. Compare the USA, a much younger nation to that of any African nation and you tell me which one has excelled in wealth, technology, science etc.....It damn sure ain't the black nations.
wrong! intentional misinterpretation ( at least I hope so. the other choice is that lone star is more ignorant than I thought.)
your statement is incorrect as it does not take into account the wars and disasters natural or otherwise, plagues etc...
that Africa has experienced.
like all ancient cultures it's had it's golden ages and hard times.
we in the usa have no concept of that.
the us is just a touch over 200 years old until it grows up any comparisons we make are meaningless.
so fuck you...
Africas problem is that they are culturally inferior. Inferior cultures have always performed poorly and they always will.
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
You didnt discover america.
You didnt free any negros without negros particpating
You didnt give women the vote without women participating
You didnt start Civil Rights legislation without Blacks participating
Same with voting rights
If you think Christy Brinkley is something to celebrate I feel bad for you. I know white girls now that look way better than her.
As usual, you and those agreeing with you are wrong and your rebuttal is laughable especially women voting themselves the right to vote when they couldn't vote. And the othe points have been refuted multiple times. You just don't accept facts.

Finally, watch National Lampoon's Vacation sometime. The Kardashions and Beyonce's of today are skanks in comparison.
Where is proof whites discovered America? If women were not fighting for their rights white males would have just kept things status quo. You are an idiot and anyone that agrees with you is too.

You havent refuted anything. Offering brainless arguments is not a refutation. Its just arguing.

Kardashian looks better than Brinkley but she is a skank. Beyonce looks a million times better than both of them.
Columbus documented his discovery of the America's (what he thought was India.) Those aborigines you claim discovered America didnt document it. Besides, they were greeted by white, prehistoric Frenchmen who were here first.
Who made up a rule you have to write a document in order to discover something? There were no white Frenchmen over here. That Soultrean theory was debunked a while ago.
Oh, are we talking about white
wrong! intentional misinterpretation ( at least I hope so. the other choice is that lone star is more ignorant than I thought.)
your statement is incorrect as it does not take into account the wars and disasters natural or otherwise, plagues etc...
that Africa has experienced.
like all ancient cultures it's had it's golden ages and hard times.
we in the usa have no concept of that.
the us is just a touch over 200 years old until it grows up any comparisons we make are meaningless.
so fuck you...
Africas problem is that they are culturally inferior. Inferior cultures have always performed poorly and they always will.
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
I know thats not the case in Africa. Since Africa was superior we didnt attack europe. We helped you not be afraid of water so you would take baths. Yes your violent jealous inferior culture remains so to this day. All you want to do is go to war.
Oh, are we talking about white
Africas problem is that they are culturally inferior. Inferior cultures have always performed poorly and they always will.
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
I know thats not the case in Africa. Since Africa was superior we didnt attack europe. We helped you not be afraid of water so you would take baths. Yes your violent jealous inferior culture remains so to this day. All you want to do is go to war.
If White people hadn't brought civilization to the Dark Continent you'd still be wiping you ass by dragging it on the ground like a dog.
Oh, are we talking about white
Africas problem is that they are culturally inferior. Inferior cultures have always performed poorly and they always will.
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
I know thats not the case in Africa. Since Africa was superior we didnt attack europe. We helped you not be afraid of water so you would take baths. Yes your violent jealous inferior culture remains so to this day. All you want to do is go to war.

Yeah. Congo and Somalia are far superior to England and Germany.
Oh, are we talking about white
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
I know thats not the case in Africa. Since Africa was superior we didnt attack europe. We helped you not be afraid of water so you would take baths. Yes your violent jealous inferior culture remains so to this day. All you want to do is go to war.
If White people hadn't brought civilization to the Dark Continent you'd still be wiping you ass by dragging it on the ground like a dog.
You have it backwards like most monkeys. If Africa had not saved Europe (twice) You still be living in caves, eating each other, and painting yourselves blue with chewed up berries. like the smurf and screaming braveheart.
Oh, are we talking about white
Africas problem is the invasion of europeans and the destroying of their culture. Theyve out performed european culture for thousands of years. White culture is already starting to fade.
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
I know thats not the case in Africa. Since Africa was superior we didnt attack europe. We helped you not be afraid of water so you would take baths. Yes your violent jealous inferior culture remains so to this day. All you want to do is go to war.

Yeah. Congo and Somalia are far superior to England and Germany.
Were. Were. They'll be back after your kind has been bred out.
It sure is Check out this Mensa member

Anala Beevers 4-Year-old With 145 IQ Becomes Mensa Member News One

your clip does not play
yep it's funny just not in the way you intended.
your mom's basement comfortable
Oh, are we talking about white
That is what happens to inferior cultures. This has been the case throughout history, but the culture in Africa now is the same as it was long before any superior culture came in and dominated them with pathetic ease.
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
I know thats not the case in Africa. Since Africa was superior we didnt attack europe. We helped you not be afraid of water so you would take baths. Yes your violent jealous inferior culture remains so to this day. All you want to do is go to war.

Yeah. Congo and Somalia are far superior to England and Germany.
Were. Were. They'll be back after your kind has been bred out.

Why wait? Why cant the African nations compete with European and Asian countries now?
Oh, are we talking about white
I agree. Inferior cultures invariably get jealous and attack superior ones. The superior ones value education while the inferior ones value war and aggression.
Well that isnt the case Africa, but it certainly IS the case in the US. Your violent, jealous and inferior black culture values violence, while white culture values education. Im glad we at least agree on that. Its nice to see you be honest for once in your life.
I know thats not the case in Africa. Since Africa was superior we didnt attack europe. We helped you not be afraid of water so you would take baths. Yes your violent jealous inferior culture remains so to this day. All you want to do is go to war.

Yeah. Congo and Somalia are far superior to England and Germany.
Were. Were. They'll be back after your kind has been bred out.

Why wait? Why cant the African nations compete with European and Asian countries now?

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