White House records torn up by the Former President.

It is not desperation, but it is a question as to what was in those documents before tump tore them up
and why he tore them up, yes? What nefarious activity was he trying to hide?
What are the chances he was hiding the same documents Hillary Clinton made disappear?
Call what you want in your pee-head little mind to avoid the fact, but what he destroyed was probably an effort to hide another of his illegal or immoral acts.
"pee-head little mind"??????

I thought you had to be an adult to use this forum. I'm going to tell your folks you're playing with their computer, little one.
What are the chances he was hiding the same documents Hillary Clinton made disappear?
The same documents? His daughters wedding, social events? Doubt very much that HRC's computer held the secrets of riots and vandalism of the Capitol Building.
"Uninformed sources told this reporter under the condition of anonymity..."
Trump tearing up government paperwork is actually an old story. The difference now is that the national archives was going through the boxes of white house documents, and found papers that hadn't been taped back together.
Trump tearing up government paperwork is actually an old story. The difference now is that the national archives was going through the boxes of white house documents, and found papers that hadn't been taped back together.
Do you really think Trump was the only president to tear up paperwork?...can you be this immature and one sided?...when will you TDSers come to your senses?...man o man.....
Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978 | National Archives

On Dec. 19, 1974, Congress passed the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (PRMPA), which asserted public control of Nixon's presidential records and mandated that government archivists screen these records for purposes of allowing eventual public access.
After passage of the presidential records act. YES.
So Trump....if this story isn't just more TDS bullshit ripped up paper from his desk....it could be a shopping list but you and the media think its some kind of a crime?....can't you see why no one takes either of you seriously anymore?...if he was trying to hide something he would have shredded it and no one would have witnessed it....come on...enough already....

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